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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Why do socialists who live in the third world tend to be the least third worldist nowadays? I'm an Iraqi and I have never met any communist in my life who supported, say China or Russia and definitely not Axis of "resistance" militas (personal guards of the bourgeoisie and ex-US cumrags)

The most active leftist party in Iraq, the WCPI (non-trot) goes as far as condemning Stalinism for its deviation from Marxism with stuff like socialist commodity production. Though the ICP is socdem now it too suffered from repression due to Soviet policy of supporting our national bourgeoisie.

I posit that because we experience the contradictions firsthand, we have a better grasp of our material conditions, so we pursue the only anti-imperialism we see viable, that is non other than unabashed anti-capitalism. Unlike a lot of our comrades in the west who have very little at stake in regards to our struggle, they tend to caricaturize it in the process, getting lost in geopol scuffles, dying on the front lines of reddit for their favorite petty bourgeois leader, advocating for collaborationism, reaction, etc. It would be the equivalent of us painting Biden as the vanguard of American revolution, blasting it everywhere, and shutting down any opposition in the name of lesser evilism.
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sounds like succdems begging for imperialist scraps. how exactly are you supposed to defend social gains when conditions change if you dont have some sort of industrial developmentalist policy? where are the resources going to come from?

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Some Third Worldist westerners genuinely do not even believe that class struggle exists in the so-called Global South. They straight up think that the sole primary contradiction in our societies is the pernicious influence of "The West", and that the job of communists in the third world isn't to agitate for the revolution of the working class, but to support local nationalist bourgeois forces if those forces have an anti-western character.
Beneath the facade of being so concerned for our exploitation and behind all this performance of western guilt that they put on, what is actually concealed is pure chauvinism: do not fight for your class interests, third world worker, fight so that I western third worldist can find fulfillment in seeing my government lose, because I surely will never carry out the fight against my government myself.

An assembly.

succdem on deez nuts

Some of it is modern russian propaganda

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Many houses belonging once to Jews, stayed in Poland, for some reason. Should Poles pay reparations to Jews?

Verify this website as well:
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Are Israelis reactionary anticommunists? They yap about their reparations from PRL so much.

>Israelis reactionary
These things are interchangeable

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what happened in the Polish zone? we dont hear so much about what they did in Iraq

Takiego Irakijczyka trzeba kochać całym sercem.

Wow seriously?

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Leftypol memes and other undesirables:

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yeah the lack of a built in text outline in GIMP is annoying af but at least doing it manually with layers you have more control. You can do unique brush outlines, unique fill outlines, gradient outlines, multiple outlines, nested outlines etc, you just have to get creative

Meme made by someone who has never done anything hard in his life. If you had any clue how hard it is to climb Everest you wouldn't think about the miniscule amount of waste it causes in places no-one would ever see anyway if they weren't trying to climb it. There's a million places that are polluted and filled with junk by lazy wastes of space who don't think of anything but themselves, however climbing Everest takes years of training your body. I do agree there are a lot of rich scumbags who don't have the right to be climbing it endangering the locals as well as the search and rescue though. Thankfully a lot of those pieces of shit can be immortalized in rainbow valley for their hubris.

I don't see how these things connect.
Yes, the problem with stupid people doing dangerous things is precisely that others get endangered. Mountaineering being a prime example.

if GIMP had some kind of automatic macro thing it'd be OK. like if you could tell it "hey do these sequences of operations every time something changes in this layer group"

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Lmao, out of 4 primary sources of 700 thousands dead due to communism in 1937-38, 1 is obvious fake signed by a person who didn't exist, 1 was (supposedly) made by a person shot in 1938, and 2 start Great Terror in 1936 i.e. in accordance to Nazi propaganda (while in 1936 the number of executed was actually the lowest)

Believers in 1937-38 Great Terror and mass murders are in shambles. All their proofs are either forgery or Nazi propaganda made by rabid anticommunists. But let's see idiots in this thread defend Nazi anticommunist lies while calling themselves communists who just want to admit to actually happened mistakes

There are only four documents indicating the number of BT victims: Zubkin's certificate, Pavlov's certificate, Rudenko's letter, Pospelov's report.

All these documents bear traces of falsification, namely:

- Pavlov's certificate was signed by a non-existent official;

- Rudenko's letter (both copies) contains an error in Khrushchev's position and numerous traces of erasure, including in the figures given;

- Zubkin's reference and Pavlov's report contain an error in the dating of the beginning of the BT, characteristic of Nazi propaganda literature.

Stalinist copers and their low quality threads, name a better duo.

It didn't happen but it should have.

Yeah yeah and Bukharin lives on the moon with Janis Joplin

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>Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 (A/H5N1) is a subtype of the influenza A virus, which causes influenza (flu), predominantly in birds. It is enzootic (maintained in the population) in many bird populations, and also panzootic (affecting animals of many species over a wide area). A/H5N1 virus can also infect mammals (including humans) that have been exposed to infected birds; in these cases, symptoms are frequently severe or fatal.

>In mammals, including humans, A/H5N1 influenza (whether LPAI or HPAI) is rare. Symptoms of infection vary from mild to severe, including fever, diarrhoea, and cough. Human infections with A/H5N1 virus have been reported in 23 countries since 1997, resulting in severe pneumonia and death in about 50% of cases. As of May 2024, 889 human cases had been identified worldwide, with 463 fatalities, giving a case fatality rate of around 50%; however, it is likely that this may be an overestimate given that mild infections can go undetected and under-reported.

>Since 2020, global outbreaks of avian influenza subtype H5N1 have been occurring, with cases reported from every continent as of May 2024. In late 2023, H5N1 was discovered in the Antarctic for the first time, raising fears of imminent spread throughout the region, potentially leading to a "catastrophic breeding failure" among animals that had not previously been exposed to avian influenza viruses.

A pandemic of avian flu among farm animals could be catastrophic; an inevitable consequence of the meat industry. And also there is he potencial of Human to Human transmission. Thoughts? Will the visible symptoms of avian flu (bleeding eyes) make it more difficult to ignore, unlike Covid 2019?
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Calling it now, it's going to be your average influenza, in fact the vaccines for it are already made it's not an unknown virus like Covid was

Comrade Michał was likely hit by it

they're calling it the sharingan disease

It hasn't been even a bit severe yet, many people have become infected but it's just barely less annoying than actual influenza it seems, which all I'm all is the best case scenario

Depending on where you lived it was one or the other
in Georgia we had both

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Anons, things are screwed in my country, Venezuela. Even though the counts show that the opposition won in a brutal way, the government doesn't want to admit it.

But that is not the worst part. Apart from the fact that in many voting centers people who are not pro-Maduro are not allowed to enter, the Colectivos (armed Chavista groups) are shooting and intimidating people.

There are injuries and one person is dead.
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“But it’s Twitter…”

My brother in Christ, these are videos of the official vote count taken from the CNE of the number of votes received by Edmundo and Maduro. If there is something to deny, at least say it.

Twitter aside, you have nothing else to say against it? It's literally the official vote count, nothing more.

>cherry-picked videos of a handful of voting centers among the many thousands across the country by some literally who liberaloid girl on Twitter
By the way, you almost sound like you want the opposition to win and whore your country out to the US.

Kill yourselves lol

Go bomb some more children burger fucker

Womp womp

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>Why so many Gen Zers and millennials have 'money dysmorphia' — even if they are financially better off than they realize

>We deserve better than neoliberal solutions to mental health problems caused by capitalism

>Scholars have recently taken to exploring neoliberal capitalism and its relationship to psychology and psychotherapy. Neoliberalism is defined by the authors as “a political and economic system in which capital goods are controlled for profit by corporations and private owners rather than by the state.” They write that it can be traced to the mid-1970s reorganization of capitalism in response to the economic crisis following the Great Depression, “specifically the crisis of capital and wealth accumulation.”

>“We begin by examining neoliberal governmentality and critiquing depoliticized and Individually-focused accounts of people’ s experience and ways of working with clients, prevalent within psychology and psychotherapy,” they write. “Second, we discuss the role therapy practice has had and could have in neoliberal capitalism.”

>“The neoliberal emphasis on individual choice may obscure the reality of institutional racism and sexism and reinforce the notion that something is wrong with clients rather than with the economic-political system itself,” they write. “The complicity of psychotherapy in the project of neoliberalism is reflected in therapy’s propensity to advance and legitimize some forms of knowledge over others.”

"Pathologize to depoliticize" seems to be the biggest part of this strategy. It seems like young people have been taught to psychologize their Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Don't blame tha Playa, blame dah gæm

Evolutionary psychology has done so much damage to psychology as a science.

foucault warned us all

Foucault's analysis is a prison

me on the left

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What I’ve noticed while browsing the net, is that for the most part “dedollarization” as an event doesn’t matter.
What apparently matters more is the fact that people talk about dedollarization. I’ve seen many times how whenever you mention the word “dedollarization” you’re instantly attacked by multiple bots who claim that dollar has never been stronger, economy under Biden is the best it’s ever been and other crap trying to essentially shut down the conversation.

Is this because mentioning dedollarization can cause a snowball effect of some sort?
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Glowies, please refrain from whispering sweet nothings, it's not going to work.

It doesn't have to be bourgeois to be part of the institutions we're supposed to be abolishing (not upraising).

the dedollarization is extremely limited and was already happening

Good as in nations strengthen their spending power on their own citizens, raising the living standard for poor countries.

do u want some soy beans with that take

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the only privilege that meaningfully exists is class privilege. other marginalisations exist compared to class, but not other "privileges". punishing deviation from a group is not the same thing as actively rewarding said group.

may sound like nitpicking semantics but i think if you wish to call yourself socialist you should use precise terminology over wishy-washy liberal concepts. being a trans woman objectively makes my life harder, but a cis male proletarian isn't less exploited in return or anything.

The simplified theory that makes sense to me is that class exists on a somewhat different level. Main thing, class conflict is not the only form of conflict that exists. Within the working class there can be splits of different kinds. Let's say in this example, transphobia, has various negative effects, like relegating trans people to dead-end, low-wage night shift jobs, which I've noticed is quite common. They're devalued to the point of becoming second-class workers, but devaluating workers on a basis of some particular characteristic is ultimately harmful to workers in general. I think some historians have said this about white workers in the American south for a long time. They were "privileged" in comparison to the black workers in the same state but they'd have been much better off if there wasn't so much racism that kept the black people as second-class citizens.

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>other marginalisations exist compared to class, but not other "privileges". punishing deviation from a group is not the same thing as actively rewarding said group.
on a long enough timeline the absence of marginalization is the presence of privilege insofar as the absence of punishment is its own reward. There are so many potential forms of marginalization in a given society. To name just a few: sex, gender identity, sexuality, ethnicity, race, language, nationality, religion, height, weight, musculature, physical ability, mental ability, developmental speed. There are many others. Most people are at least "deviant" in one category and "normality" is simply a statistical mean that almost nobody meets perfectly but most people hover around at a small distance due to their standard deviation from the mean. The few who do manage to tick all the boxes, or at least maintain the appearance of doing so, will be rewarded by the absence of social marginalization that would cripple them further. When most of society is getting punished for standard deviation as well as nonstandard deviation it will always be a minority who experience the privilege of the absence of marginalization. This is made more compelling by the fact that many of these forms of deviation are nonvoluntary. One of the most obvious forms of non-voluntary marginalization: The patriarchal marginalization of cis women, has always happened to precisely half of society, meaning it is not even necessarily a "punishment for deviation" but just a marginalization in the absence of deviation. This marginalization is easy to maintain due to their vulnerability during pregnancy and child rearing and unpaid domestic labor, their statistical smaller size and musculature in addition making them statistically easier to physically coerce and commit violence against.

What makes class primary in Marxism isn't the (perhaps false) dichotomy of "privilege" (as reward) versus "marginalization" (as punishment for deviation) but the fact that class transcends these other marginalizations. Marginalized groups can find themselves in any class. Class is part of the economic base. Marginalization is part of the cultural superstructure. Base and superstructure are the precise terminology we use. The "wish-washy" liberal concepts that fail to produce a coherent analysis are analyses based in privilege and margiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

One more caveat: I say "privilege of the absence of marginalization" only to the extent that such an absence of marginalization confers a head start in a competitive society.

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is it just me or didn’t seem like you have to be atheist to be a communist what’s your stance on atheism and and what’s your opinion on Abraham religion?
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Alright I'll get married so he can jack me off.

It can be easy for me to live in a secular state in a secular environment but the entire thing about christianity and magical beings living in the sky seems a little bit silly.

That's why I will help you my dude. I feel for you, I hope a good person will come your way.

It is anti-intellectual to take an established area of philosophy and claim its all worthless bullshit and delusional fantasies while being unable to provide a good argument for why anyone should think that. And if your a part of a movement that upholds atheism as a creed then yeah I'd say the existence and non-existence of a higher power is important.

>us as leftist should not care if God exists or not, God may even exist but it dosent change the material reality of the world

Political and legal concepts are often secularized theological concepts. You can't understand most theories of sovereignty without reference to theology. Even atheist leftism has a repressed theological core. Even if your agnostic on the philosophical question of God's existence, you can't understand the Western worldview without understanding religious movements like Christianity, Gnosticism or Platonism.

Go read Engels. Marx and Engels believed they'd transcended philosophy through science and they were positivists in their approach. Both Marx and Engels saw religion and philosophy as failed attempts to understand the world that were pre-scientific and conditioned by the relations of production. Religion evolved into philosophy which destroyed religion and philosophy evolved into science. Scientific socialism was meant to transcend philosophical socialism and replace it with allegedly objective and scientific worldview. Prior to Marx, most communists were religious. What Marx did was kill the speculative element of socialism.

This is really what I mean by anti-intellectualism. Religion is obviously wrong and a waste of time but why? Because it just is. Discussing it is masturbation. This is an anti-intellectual position and about as bad as saying literature or math are just masturbation and talking about them is a waste of time.

Leftism is like medieval scholasticism. To enter the club you have to agree with materialist epistemology and metaphysics, positivist approaches to science, and Kantian ethics, and classical economics. If you disagree then you are out of the club. LiberPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

All abrahamic religions hate women. Period. No matter whether it's Judaism, Christianity or Islam. Not being allowed to criticize those religions under the threat of jail is actually one of the most anti-libertarian things ever. And libs love yapping about muh liberty!

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