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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I hope it gets fucking banned from the internet



>want people to read manifesto
>writing style not engaging enough
>need marketing gimmick
>people read manifesto
>everybody flips out
>get out of hospital after the revolution
>sent to gulag for doing blackface


I can't upload reaction images. Top laff comrade


>want to protest trump going to court
>drive a truck of fertilizer into the court and blow up Donald Trump

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Emphasis on red. Haven’t seen one of these on here and need a solid leftist redpill thread. Keep the neat infographics to yourself, and post poorly scanned classified documents, images that look like they were made in gimp, or based excerpts. The purpose of this is to have propaganda to send to normalfags and dumbshits. They need easily digestible content.
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Hmm I guess red fascists can go mask off here nowadays


There's ONE FUCKING POST with retarded race science, and 20 posts mocking, disproving, or arguing against. Obviously the original image was posted by a right winger or by you.

Your post is straight out wrecker behavior, claiming the anon poster is a leftist, and that there's some kind of tolerance towards this.

FUCK OFF CIA. It's a Saturday, and you do this for free? Or do they force you to work on Saturdays??


That's interesting. I wonder about non-European + MENA (is there a name for this historically integrated region?) race theories. Pre-hispanic Mexico was ethnically diverse and had feudal relations, imperial colonialism, etc if I remember correctly. I wonder what moral justifications were used by the Mexicas/Aztecs to dominate brutally the surrounding nations.


chinletcels be posting


You glow


Marxists and other leftists are ultimately idealists because they have unrealistic aspirations that contradict how this world works on a material basis. Marxists like to believe that their predictions are founded on dispassionate analysis that foretells how history is inevitably going to unfold, that capitalism's contradictions will bring about a revolution for worker's to seize the means of production, but in actuality Marxism at its root is founded on wishful thinking. The origin of your analysis is your dislike of your circumstances, not a desire for truth. You then formulated a prophecy to ameliorate your distress. Your analysis is merely a post-hoc rationalization (cope) for an endresult that you've selected beforehand. Your conclusions are strongly biased by that.
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>Marxists and other leftists are ultimately idealists because they have unrealistic aspirations that contradict how this world works on a material basis. Marxists like to believe that their predictions are founded on dispassionate analysis that foretells how history is inevitably going to unfold
holy fuck this bait is retarded


>people still bumping my old ass bait
By the way, when you say it‘s bad bait but reply then you still took it.


We do not tolerate intolerance


This is leftypol so of course taking the bait is a given.

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If your political ideology doesn't provide benefits to those with children or try to be of appeal to those with families and children, don't be surprised if your politics fail to haul in much popularity. Parenthood mandates that the parents must believe in the future, and that they must make the world sufficiently decent for those who come after. Is this group not the natural ally of the progressive revolutionary Communists? And what does it say about your ideology's goals, if people abandon it once they have families and people that they must provide for? The revolution always requires the consent of the masses, so don't delude your thoughts into the foolish idea that needed are only small numbers of fanatical fascists and anarchists, because the movies are very often fictional and idealistly, and the history bears out the constant failure of isolated lone wolf tools.
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they hated TORposter anon because he told everyone the truth
>ou wouldn’t let a serial rapist into the Kingdom of God in heaven, so why would you grant access to the rapists of the periphery into the Kingdom of God on earth? What right do you have to tell communists the world over that we should cater to the very people who want them annihilated?
based based based based based
kill all westoids


>If your political ideology doesn't provide benefits to those with children or try to be of appeal to those with families and children
how about giving people houses? i love houses, you can have babies in a house. hey what's that, y do all these commies have high homeownership rates


If you want me to elaborate, I will.

Seeing things in terms of the good, right-thinking Chinese and Russians versus the evil Western scum is a very reductive, and I'd argue un-Marxist, way of looking at things. The people living under neoliberal capitalism are born into it, and conditioned from birth to think that it is not only the best system possible but the only viable one. I've had multiple people tell me to my face that the Soviet Union fell because nobody did any work and everyone lived off of government handouts. Saying that these people don't "deserve" socialism because they have a false worldview informed by a bad system that they were unlucky enough to be a part of is frankly ludicrous.


>If your political ideology doesn't provide benefits to those with children or try to be of appeal to those with families and children, don't be surprised if your politics fail to haul in much popularity.
So you're saying breeders are reactionaries who demand special treatment (bribes)…
Communism will abolish the family and the idea that having children confers any special status. Child rearing will be a community matter.


>>1770527 (OP)
>If your political ideology doesn't provide benefits to those with children or try to be of appeal to those with families and children, don't be surprised if your politics fail to haul in much popularity.
Trump proposes comprehensive Communist societal planning, with stimulus directly given to parents so they can raise their children. Biden and the democrats are infinitely more shortsighted than Trump, as They only think of immediate cash stimulus for the bourgeoisie, Israel, Ukraine, and ice cream, not the People's future.


The argument of the video goes:
>mayor of Brussels bans fascist rally
>fascists whine about it
>the victim narrative attracts people
>they do the same thing to the left using this logic
Like, I'm just not convinced that this is what would happen in real life. It certainly makes for a compelling Christian tale, but if there is one thing to take from the post-WW2 history of the Left, it's that political suppression makes you more likely to be (surprise) politically suppressed. They're not wrong that there needs to be a solution to the problems leading people towards fascism, but one of those problems is the fact that fascists are allowed to run rampant without being repressed or humiliated.

Historically, when fascism has taken root in countries like Italy or Germany, it was in large part because the political institutions of those countries were unwilling to beat them up and make them fuck off or supported fascism. I'm no Stalinist, but if you punish fascists, take away their media platforms and break up their gatherings, you can probably keep them from power. Antifa had the right idea during the pre-pandemic time when they would go to protests and show resistance. The Left should be making noise about fascists being allowed to go out in public in the first place and advocating for the state to be used against them if we already know that in the nearest conceivable future there probably won't be a huge revolution sweeping across Europe. Would it keep fascism from sprouting? It would probably still exist. But suppressing it and keeping it away from power is a good idea. Victim narratives don't actually give you a power-up, if your guys get chased away and go home, they won't magically rise up and throw away everything they have. Make them feel unwelcome, make fascism feel repulsive to the average person, and keep people away from it with the threat of state violence. It's not a pretty or long-lasting solution, but it is what our institutions and communities should do and what the Left should advocate for.
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Came across this absolutely retarded video of a speech by Stalin which has obviously been edited to portray the german invaders as victims and Stalin as saying to 'exterminate all germans'.
Audio changes after 1:30, no reverb after Stalin talks.
Choppy voice, can't even make out what he's saying at 1:39
meanwhile subtitles:
>our task will be to exterminate all the Germans, to the last one.
Most comments don't even notice this, rather some use it for more anti-soviet circlejerk.


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>Most comments don't even notice this
Lmao, insane levels of autism coming from nazi sympathizers. They don't even know what year the war ended.


what does sending the coppers out to protect the fascists from getting skull fractures do?


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Alright, but fascism should be suppressed because fascists' speech annoys me personally


I’d say the flaw with anti fascism pre WW2 was that they were never willing to just kill the leaders of fascist parties. But that aside, in my studies on Fascism I’d say the argument (“if you repress fascists you’ll make them martyrs”) is complex. Not an entirely either or deal.

Mosley and the BUF experienced some moderate levels of repression—being banned from speaking at venues, for example, and he would often utilize that in his propaganda. One of his better rhetorical twists was almost Trumpian; he would talk about how the media was against them, how they couldn’t get a public meeting in most places, and then would point to the fact he could still draw massive rallies at shit like the Earl’s Court Peace Rally. It’s a pretty powerful bit of propaganda
>”The media won’t report on us because they said we aren’t relevant to people but we filled a whole stadium just to hear me speak!”
I think there’s more to suppression driving support than just a Christian narrative. I also think Western Communists are way to quick to blame their failures on being “suppressed” well past the point of reason
>”How did PLO/other Leftist movements fall so far from their peak?”
<“Well they were suppressed!”
It puts the ball of historical agency in the Bourgeoisie’s court and implies a movement can’t succeed if you attempt to suppress it.

What matters is analyzing the movement being suppressed and who are doing the suppression. We’ve been very privileged to not have to deal with a fascist of the old style who can present their ideas as reasonable. We’ve had skinheads and other antisocial freaks for the most part, their “politics” almost always devolving down to “we want to harass X group and intimidate them!” While they can maybe get limited gains from claiming their ideas are so true they’re being censored, those gains only come from people already paranoid that some nebulous “they” is lying to them. Among normal people it’s like—“well no shit!”

It’s also why the Right has so much trouble mimicking leftist protests. It almost always revolves around “let us torture this one group of people!” And so when it’s suppressed it doesn’t come across like beating down on someone already beaten down. Jared Taylor is a notable exception, I think, mostly because he lets the vicious repression necessary to build a white ethnostate hang as an implicatiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Looking for resources on squatting, i.e. websites or pamphlets or books, in the United States. I've been navigating through the squat.net website, but didn't find much resources there except for a couple pop-up shops in Seattle. Curious if anyone online had a reason for this. Are these squatting efforts in the states just not-existent, or are they more localized to private chats and local groups? Thanks.
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>Ever asked yourself why homeless people never squat?

Because the cops will violently assault them.


I wasn't sure what to call that mindset but ironically enough I think that's "idealist" assuming everyone does everything for ideological reasons, thus a homeless person must be some anarkiddie flexing his lifestylism.


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squatters rights duuuuuuuude *hits bong*


You typically don't end up as an >on the street< homeless person until every support structure in your life falls away


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> Ever asked yourself why homeless people never squat?
This is like saying why don't starving people not eat?
Squatting is a method of obtaining housing. Less than ideal, but if you can squat somewhere you aren't going to be "unhoused" in the most basic sense. And people like you aren't going to see those people because they are in their squat not on the street.

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Music is the biggest lie ever told. Every day, it suckers people out of millions of dollars and untold hours of time. It springs from an infantile desire to be comforted by a mother's lullaby. Music keeps the masses enslaved.
Why do you listen to music? Is it a crutch to get you through the day? When you go to a concert, what on earth do you get out of it? Do you feel "warm fuzzies" when you are walking out of the building? Maybe it makes you feel all happy inside. Well, the real world isn't like that. Music has no answer to the problem of evil. As long as you are a listener, you have no chance of fully participating in a rational discussion.
Ask a professional musician (professional shamster, more like) why he plays his kind of music instead of another and you'll never get a straight answer. What makes a clarinet better than a Japanese koto? Why play jazz instead of classical? "I like it more." "I'm more familiar with it." Non-answers. "They're about the same." Then why play music at all?
Musicians tell you they love their fans… then they sell the T-shirts and CDs at the door. Some even take donations– as long as they can separate the marks from their money, their gig is a success. Music is nothing but an organized scam.
From the beginning of a child's life, her parents indoctrinate her to believe in a myth called "music". They force her to believe that certain arrangements of sounds is somehow more important than other ones. Never in the history of humankind has a more insidious waste of time and money been conspired. Start her on Baby Mozart; buy her "children's music" (the very name betraying the unethical, Orwellian scheme); raise her on piano and jazz, and buy her a Beatles CD on her 16th birthday. The most popular songs lie to you: "All you need is love." Others are simply nonsense: "Bye, bye Miss American Pie." Some songs have no lyrics at all! They do not even make an attempt at meaning. The veil is lifted; the stupidity of the whole exercise is transparent before everyone, and yet they continue listening as if brainwashed.
When I point this out to the thoughtless listeners, they tell me not to argue with something so "beautiful". Can't they see that they are wasting their time on mere noise, that rarely says anything akin to common sense? "Well, Shakespeare, he's in the alley / With his pointed shoes and his bells, / Speaking to some French girl, / Who says she knows me well." What on earth is that supposed to meaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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In other words, utilitarian ideas encourage actions that ensure the greatest good for the greatest number.

Although different varieties of utilitarianism admit different characterizations, the basic idea behind all of them is, in some sense, to maximize utility, which is often defined in terms of well-being or related concepts

The principle of utility does not mean that any given pleasure, as music, for instance, or any given exemption from pain, as for example health, are to be looked upon as means to a collective something termed happiness, and to be desired on that account. They are desired and desirable in and for themselves; besides being means, they are a part of the end. Virtue, according to the utilitarian doctrine, is not naturally and originally part of the end, but it is capable of becoming so; and in those who love it disinterestedly it has become so, and is desired and cherished, not as a means to happiness, but as a part of their happiness

involves our saying, for instance, that a world in which absolutely nothing except pleasure existed—no knowledge, no love, no enjoyment of beauty, no moral qualities—must yet be intrinsically better—better worth creating—provided only the total quantity of pleasure in it were the least bit greater, than one in which all these things existed as well as pleasure. It involves our saying that, even if the total quantity of pleasure in each was exactly equal, yet the fact that all the beings in the one possessed, in addition knowledge of many different kinds and a full appreciation of all that was beautiful or worthy of love in their world, whereas none of the beings in the other possessed any of these things, would give us no reason whatever for preferring the former to the latter.

Act utilitarianism:
Act utilitarianism is a utilitarian theory of ethics that states that a person's act is morally right if and only if it produces the best possible results in that specific situation
To understand how act utilitarianism works, compare the consequences of watching television all day tomorrow to the consequences of doing charity work tomorrow. One could produce more overall happiness in the world by doing charity work tomorrow than by watching television all day tomorrow. According to act utilitarianism, then, the right thing to do tomorrow iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>obvious bait, download soulseek


>>touhou user doesn't understand music
? the biggest reason touhou got big was the music retard


>You WILL live your life on the assembly line and you WILL be happy


No, the combination of crudely drawn anime girls and trashy OST is proto-ai content. You are drawn to the full package, the retarded community, soon people will be talking about how it became popular from racist fumo diskkkord gifs. I see you out there stacking as many retardcore special interests as you can. It's like blackface for autism. I can't wait for you all to rope

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Let's talk about boba liberals. That name is so funny to me it sounds just like boba tea. Boba liberals, drinking boba tea, and being stupid ignorant liberals just as they always are.

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Boba liberals are basically cops. They serve the bourgeoisie


the author is a literal child.


Oh shit you weren't kidding.
I actually didn't read the article. I have no motivation for it.


>Makes sense you like an even shittier version of soy horchata


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I only know about boba due to Amphibia


From what I've seen in most places in Europe the parties are revisionist, disorganized, irrelevant and engaged in the politics of liberal democracy.
The ones who are not revisionist are also barely relevant (perhaps even nonexistent outside the internet) and practically hidden from the public.
Are there any parties from former Eastern Bloc states worth joining today?

I'm peculiarly curious about countries like Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia and Germany. Most of what I can find on the internet shows that whatever 'communist' parties have been left have begun collaboration with nationalist christians and liberal socdems among other bourgeoisie filth in the hopes of gaining relevance once again.
Is there no party left unaffected by the likes of eurocommunism and religious liberalism? Solidnet has a lot of parties listed, but which are worth joining? http://www.solidnet.org/home/
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>I have two choices:
>A party that is allied with far-right parties.
>A party that is socdems in disguise.
Skill issue, just organize bro.


Can't I just shit myself and yell 'authoritarian' to get in a social club without the bureaucracy?


>Where will you hide when the Bordigist revolution comes?
My armchair, you fool!


even if you organize in a group that dosent completely incorporate your ideas you can influence it by joining it
being vocal about your opinion your ideas and your methods in it so they may be agreed upon
maybe you yourself realise that all along real militancy was something else and the people inside the org made you realise that
point is join even if you dont fully agree, do it just for the expirience of, it is worth it


>Reactoid orgs offer camaraderie too and much more – thanks to bourgeois funding.
I honestly can't think of any 'orgs" besides maybe ultras and military veteran groups.

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Why are Communism and Marxism as "ideologies" borderline synonymous? Why is it that Marx's economic analysis of 1800s capitalism is treated as an essential building block for how we overthrow capitalism in the 21st century, as though to dispense with his analysis is to dispense with the end-goal of communism as such?
I feel like I often see a trend of reasoning that runs, simplified, that only Marx's analysis renders the collapse of capitalism from internal contradictions and the arrival of communism historically inevitable. But that seems like pretty weak reasoning: If he's wrong and it's not historically inevitable, why give up on it!? Why not try to work towards it instead of waiting for history to do all the work?
Maybe it's just because I've been a frustrated social engineer all my life, but it doesn't seem in any way intuitive to me that one should abandon the notion of a classless, stateless, and moneyless society just because one also accepts Keynes' view that fiscal policy can mitigate capialist downturns, or rejects the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, or indeed, even if one accepts neoliberal doctorines, any more than one should abandon the notion of flying on the grounds that the theory of gravity says earth will try to pull you down again. Theory only tells you how the world works, it's then on you to deploy it to make the world work the way you want it to. Why is there no major branch of leftist ideology which operates around this seemingly obvious principle?

You might say it's because Marx's analysis is so obvious that everyone who reads it agrees - and maybe that's true - but most self-identified communists don't actually read him beyond the manifesto, so that cannot be the explanation.
You might say "oh you mean Ancoms?" but a lot of Ancoms seem to run with Marx's analysis of capitalism - just not with Marxism-Leninism as an overall ideology.

I'm not saying Marx is wrong, don't waste time arguing he's not wrong. His rightness and wrongness -indeed the rightnes and wrongness of any theory - is irrelevant to this thread.
This thread is about the relative absence of a certain kind of person and analysis. If you want the dilemma clearly: "Why does the marketplace of ideology not have any non-Marxist communists in stock?" If you want the dilemma in pretentious economic terms: Why is "Normative" Marxism ("what we should do") so dependent oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Religious communists are the most prominent non-Marxist communists I can think of, especially Christian communists if you find any may take some inspiration from Marx/Engels but are likely going to diverge from them significantly.


I cannot see why a classless, stateless, moneyless society is restricted to Marxists rather than something that people imagine they can build from another approach. Again: if you reject the TPRF, reject the LTV, and reject that capitalism must eventually collapse from its own internal contradictions, why does that mean you must reject the notion of nevertheless building a movement to overthrow it, of building an aeroplane rather than waiting for gravity to invert itself so you can fly?

if you can think of a better word for "stop selling newspapers, stop arguing about gorbachev, stop arguing about whether we'll have anime under communism, and actually analyse how the fuck you rebuild working class power without simply falling back on what worked in 1917" then i'd be glad to hear it. "pragmatism" has been devalued by a thousand traitors, but everything else has been destroyed by a thousand loyalists.

that the broad strokes remain the same doesn't preclude him being wrong in the details or the details having changed. it would be deeply, deeply surprising if they hadn't given the broader development of capitalist economies and indeed of basically every field of study.

a point of trivia: in the 1930s in Germany the SPD rejected Keynesian economic stimulus on the ground that, if it worked, it would run counter to their interpretation of Marx. If you can spend your way out of a recession, the thinking went, the whole edifice crumbles. Now, if Marx is right about everything this was the correct course of action - but if this is a misinterpretation of Marx, or if Marx was wrong, or indeed, if Marx simply hadn't detailed the precise scenario of "yeah it'll work for about 30-40 years then the political pressures of full employment will cause capital to react by destroying it, t. Michal Kalecki" then this was a utterly suicidal move in their present context.
this point of trivia should not be considered any general expression of reformism, or notion that socialists - let alone communists - should be concerned with managing the capitalist economy per-se. hPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>"yeah it'll work for about 30-40 years then the political pressures of full employment will cause capital to react by destroying it, t. Michal Kalecki"
where did he say that?


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"Political Aspects of Full Employment" is what i'm referencing, though he didn't put it in much like those terms. What I've done is say what happened, then clump his name on the end because it's a result you could derive from what he set out. He was fairly optimistic that either capitalism would adapt to the increase in working class power that full employment provided, or be replaced.

>In the slump, either under the pressure of the masses, or even without it, public investment financed by borrowing will be undertaken to prevent large-scale unemployment. But if attempts are made to apply this method in order to maintain the high level of employment reached in the subsequent boom, strong opposition by business leaders is likely to be encountered. As has already been argued, lasting full employment is not at all to their liking. The workers would 'get out of hand' and the 'captains of industry' would be anxious to 'teach them a lesson'. Moreover, the price increase in the upswing is to the disadvantage of small and big rentiers, and makes them 'boom-tired'. In this situation a powerful alliance is likely to be formed between big business and rentier interests, and they would probably find more than one economist to declare that the situation was manifestly unsound. The pressure of all these forces, and in particular of big business—as a rule influential in government departments—would most probably induce the government to return to the orthodox policy of cutting down the budget deficit. A slump would follow in which government spending policy would again come into its own.


You somehow managed to beat OP in the posting retarded shit competition. Congratulations.

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