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"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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A lot of people have the mistaken notion that all police personnel or civil servants are in some kind of big joint conspiracy, that they 'deceive' the other sections of the population or that they are 'fake' protectors of order, etc.

In a society based on capital, 'order' by default means nothing but the smooth running of business and the safety of property to ensure accumulation and investments proceed as is desired, which appears masked as being in the interests of the entire population. The function of law is guaranteeing the inviolability of this system, to aid the reproduction of existing social relations and ensure a stable atmosphere such that 'business as usual' can proceed 'peacefully'. This is what the police and civil service enforces.

The existence of 'unruly' elements, from criminals to beggars to striking proletarians, is a disruption of this same order, their subsequent repression being a restoration of the same. The policeman who beats a worker to drive him back to work does so not out of special malice or greed, but because they genuinely view it as their task to fend off such 'disruptive' acts, to restore 'order' and the 'rule of law'. The problem isn't them being 'fake' protectors of order, but the fact that this order is nothing but an order for capitalism.

As long as private property exists this will necessarily be the case, the police and civil services cannot be 'reformed' but only directly abolished because their very nature corresponds to the needs of capital. To say police brutality is 'undemocratic' etc is plainly wrong.


This goes for groups like the bourgeoisie as well.
>have the mistaken notion
Most of the time, they pretty much haven't. You can see the point where it switches modes if you watch closely.


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This thread is dedicated to our accomplishment of having broken the upper limit of sea surface temperature and the lower limit of antarctic sea ice amount charts this summer, hence ushering our species firmly into the capitalocene. Good job guys! Welcome to the future.

Here's an article about that:

As for the news, there is a drought blocking shipping at the Panama canal, bad wildfires in North America and Greece, persistent heatwaves in eastern Europe and northern Africa, and floods in central and eastern China.

Here's the latest report from the IPCC
<AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023

The website of NASA about climate is great for getting data and visualizing climate change

Last thread: >>1332129
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that's still quite a lot.



Nice discussion, the point is, the problems is not renewables, its that the profit motive is not working. Therefore you see China managing well while west slacking…


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Hello. Am fairly new posting here. Can someone help explain to me how bad climate change actually is? I hear alot of stuff thrown around but I have problems understanding it due to just how much information is thrown around.

There is a website here to model it:


But if you do not like links you can google "impact lab climate change map" to find the same thing. It has different scenarios based on some modelling. People say that the current most likely scenario is SSP2-4.5

I am modelling summer temperatures to get the most extreme result, as I imagine that is the biggest problem. And I also include the change in temperature as well.

I have two questions.

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Not on my pc so my comment will be prompt. It's very bad to extremely bad. That scenario could possibly be the most likely but you never know. We keep using more and more amounts of energy for useless stuff like cryptocoins or tourism.

The US has oil and gas. Europe hasnt. USA doesn't care about efficiency. Europe cares. Energy makes someone dependent. That's why Europe tries to push for alternative sources. They care about climate change but especially Europe cares also due to geopolitics.

And you see that everywhere. The US has huge cars europe has tiny cars. The US has shitty public transport europe has good public transport. Insulation is shitty in US while good in europe. That translates to higher emissions.

Btw, big oil really dictates policy in the US way more than in Europe.


Paging Anne Marie Slaughter and Amy Kloubuchar.

I was listening to this EXCELLENT "video essay" by the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin, and considering qualifying his interesting analysis of the pharmaceutical industry's effects on the treatment of mental issues, and was about to make a comment noting that even if ultimately with people the issue is with us, that we live in capitalism, not FULL COMMUNISM. When he mentioned you two, small world isn't it.

The Biden administration could bring Israel to heel in an instant. Genocide Joe, sorry I meant President Biden could with a short simple phone call to Netanyahu two sentences "Time to recognize Palestine or no more weapons for the GENOCIDE, he's still got it in him. Although he may not in a few years. Time will tell. At this rate the best chance for Biden to win this is to prove he can still be presidential.


The answer is simple. President Biden forces a ceasefire on Israel NOW. He forces a real settlement and Israeli recognition and withdrawal from the internationally, look it up stupid see how many members of the United Nations recognize Palestine. That's a lot of free positive press and social media activity for Biden especially on TikTok is it etc whatever? He could really do with that right now

I'm deciding whether I should consult for the Trump campaign however much it would make my skin crawl to have ever worked for the Republican party. This happens I will not and will never work for the Republicans, everybody wins.
We've worked together, you know what I can do. I could do with the money given this ECONOMY very important this election

This doesn't happen soon, and this can't be an October surprize the sooner the better. YOU are losing the grassroots activist party base, and you need them to get out the vote STUPID. I may throw the election for the money. Maybe I won't I'm still considering my options, and I'd really rather not.

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Please keep posting

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Countries like Canada and Australia are notorious for being resource economies, because their businesses are violently uncompetitive. Corporatism is so bad particularly in Canada to the point where the FG here can’t record how many registered businesses here exist.
In contrast the USA has around thirty-one million businesses, and china has fifty-eight. The ratio of people to businesses in those two countries alone keep many from being genuinely enslaved to super corps like in South Korea. Even if you hate libertarians, ‘classical liberals’, and globalists, you have to admit the idea; that keeping economies free and competitive does help ordinary people and keep them from poverty and unemployment. Making it easier for these owners to have small pieces of land and access to trade in domestic and foreign markets only helps both the capitalists and their workers find opportunities for success.
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Class nature of the state. Why would porkies limit their wealth when they are hostile to each other (but more hostile still to proletariat)?



Bro America is a dystopian shithole, clearly having a bunch of corporations doesn't lead to good outcomes


>can't we just fix a logical development of capitalism by reforming it???????????????????????


>mega corps have millions of subsidiaries and fake self employed people like uber and delivery services
>Wow so egalitarian and opportunity

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>wait until your enemy's bourgeois-inflicted demographic crisis causes you to have more active soldiers than they have people under 60
what is this strategy called?
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fuck you, chicano 4 life


She turned herself into an unsightly, ungodly haggard completely ruined by bad taste plastic surgery and she's barely thirty. Aside from that, she's a pathological liar, a psychopath, someone who is hated even among NK defectors circles yet they are afraid to speak up against her because she's connected and privileged and they think they can suffer consequences if they do.


>plastic asf
>recessed chin
>fat face
>shit hairstyle
objectively he deserves better


go back


You can tell she's done alot of cosmetic surgery and is a chronic liar for clout, mentally she is damaged goods even if she is physically 'fuckable'.

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So I have this fascination with neo-nazis and I need to understand this.

Why the fuck are all neo-nazis like this meme?
It literally makes no sense whatsoever.
So neo-nazis are hardcore into holocaust denial I have yet to see a neo-nazis who does not shit and piss himself if someone mentions the holocaust.

So according to neo-nazis
<1) Hitlers Germany is the perfect government
<2) Hitler is the smartest man alive
<3)Hitler hated the jews
<4)Jews are responsible for everything evil in the world
And here comes the comedy part
<5)Hitler did not want to exterminate the jews
<6)The holocaust did not happen
<7)Hitler did not want to exterminate the jews
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Neonazis are weird autists and so are democrat supporting tankies. God bless America #MAGA


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Its part of the right-wing personality to victimise, then act like a victim. This is also common in the personalities of criminals, who act like hot shit until theyre apprehended; then they fall into infantile pleading for mercy.
Ive noticed on the right very generally though a sort of repression, where as you say, they *want* to be racist, but when asked, they firmly deny it (and say the left are the real racists or whatever). I think it has to with phallus vs castration in the unconscious, where a right winger will always be defensive by wearing sunglasses, smoking a cigar, holding a gun, or whatever - where this phallic armory ironically reveals their insecurity. In this relation, we see phallus revealed by repression; namely, the repression of the ego (which must conform to the superego). So in the case of racism; they want to be racist, but they can never annunciate it, since this would break the phallus and induct them into castration (where the right internalise social norms of morality too much to be able to affirmatively violate them). This is why ironically, the evil nazi edgelord internalises society's moral orientation toward nazism, yet chooses to identify it. So see here in the first case how the right is transcemdentally invested in society - but this is why phallus is always CONSERVATIVE (especially with le gigachad and patrick bateman memes - where again, bateman is an idol of repressive cosmopolitan fantasy; and coded homosexuality…)
Castration on the other end is giving ourselves over to the superego in the first case to then orient our ego - this is why for example the castrated subject can admit they are racist (whether they want to change this fact or not). This is also the place of the honest fascist - "yes i am a fascist, but have you read mussolini, and so on..?" - this would be like our resident patsoc.
So right-wing = phallus
Left-wing = castration


what about zionists and circumscision


What about it?


what about […] circumcision
Cutting off bits is a blood sacrifice. We haven't moved on from the days of old where people tried to buy favors from god. It's just buried underneath a thin veneer of "rationality".

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The notion that 'classical Marxists' thought it was necessary for large-scale production to completely dominate in all branches of the economy before a given society could be considered ripe for communism is a complete misconception. Not only did they never make such a claim because no country in the world then would fit these criteria, but there in fact are a number of cases where this position was explicitly argued against - Luxemburg writing against Bernstein and Trotsky in his polemic against Rozhkov both dismiss the idea entirely.

Even the German 'left-communists' (their other erroneous views aside) correctly noted that an economy could become mature for communism only taken as a whole and not in terms of individual enterprises, and that in agriculture, small-holding had as yet not been demolished at all.



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>>1901152 (cont'd)

Bukharin explains how Russia's backwardness lay not in the fact that it had no large industry (Russian industry was more concentrated than Germany) but that this sector was relatively minute compared to the vast mass of small-scale scattered proprietors, hence drowned out.

What this means is that the conclusion that the ICP arrived for Europe and America in the 'Fundamentals' in 1957 is today applicable for the majority of countries in the world. Their economic development has already outgrown the fettering relations of bourgeois production. Or to put it more bluntly - the majority of nations in the world today have a fully developed capitalist mode of production that is already ripe for communist society, irrespective of them being poor. Poverty exists because of capitalist accumulation, not due to a lack of it.

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This is NOT a drill.

Chomsky appears to be on death's door. He's 95 and just had a stroke.

At the very least, give him your prayers, say psalms for a full and speedy recovery (he's Jewish so it makes sense to do the Jewish tradition), give him your positive energy, and all that.

Use this thread to keep everyone updated.

I can't believe he may finally go. I truly believed he would live to be 100 or never die.
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magacoms are not fascists. Chomsky is a faggot for celebrating the dissolution of the USSR.
>picrel "how the world works - 2010"


Ultra based if Lysenkoists are adopting creationism.


good im planning on raping his adult children and dissecting his corpse. libshits deserve this


I hate Chomsky more for all the leftoid idiots he's spawned than for his own stupid radlib politics.


JVP made a cringepost on Insta the other day referring to Stonewall as an "intifada". https://www.instagram.com/p/C8wecjWOxOo/

Basically JVP wants an independent Palestine in name only. Their conception of a free Palestine seems to be the western hegemonic liberalism Israel represents just with Palestinians performing it. Like Cuba or Sweden with Palestinians.
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>retarded idpol thread
go back to reddit


It might over the long term but religions can change and transform. If you modern Islam as an intellectual formation or a modern reconstruction of a certain human past, it becomes more interesting. But I think OP will be disappointed at looking at the Muslim world as something that will ever completely break from hegemonic/modernity/the West/ because part of the modern Muslim ethos is "we too…" can

(a) love Jesus (albeit as a particular prophet before Muhammad pbuh)
(b) love books (they have one)
(c) struggle for social justice (Islam is a religion of social justice)
(d) be nationalists/communists/fascists (and there we go with Arab nationalism which adopted tricolor flags and eagles)
(e) eat sushi (yum)
(f) become hip-hop stars (hands up don't shoot)
(g) practice sustainable development (kingdom 2030)
(h) empower women (he's changing the face of Saudi Arabia)
(i) build gleaming skyscrapers (tallest in the world)
(j) hate the Jews and know their evil ways (erm…)

We all do this. For most Muslims, they are are a *too* including a bunch of stuff OP doesn't like about his own society. They *too* can / do / want to be that. Because they're humans too.


>Not being homophobic is western hegemonic liberalism
kys retard
If your 'leftism' isn't rooted in liberation and the fight against injustice then you're just a chvddie with a dictatorship fetish


They're clearly using the anniversary of Stonewall to reaffirm support for the intifada - the purpose of the comparison here is not to take the commonly used "stonewall" and make it sound better by calling it an intifada, but to take the rarely used (in english) "intifada" and go "you know this thing you like? yeah, that was an intifada. it's not some scary inscrutable arab word for terrorism.", implied message: if you support stonewall you ought to support Palestine.
> Like Cuba or Sweden with Palestinians.
God forbid that Palestine should be a normal country - like Cuba or Sweden - where settlers don't regularly bomb the fuck out of the native population. Yeah, anon, the real evil is that someone's making presumptions about what the domestic policy of that country ought to be.
also Cuba doesn't really have "western style" pride parades, but why split hairs.

>For exactly 265 days, the US-backed Israeli military has waged a genocidal campaign in Gaza leading to the deaths of more than 38,000 Palestinians, including 60 people killed in the past 24 hours, and over 21,000 children missing. Israeli forces have bombed the entirety of Gaza, displacing millions, destroyed Gaza’s hospital system, operated torture centers, and blocked the entrance of humanitarian aid ensuring mass starvation in Gaza. People of Gaza of all genders and sexualities are being massacred indiscriminately. SILENCE EQUALS DEATH! We stand in solidarity not only with our Queer and Trans Palestinian siblings this Pride season, but all Palestinians.

>As Queers, as Jews, we refuse to allow our identities to be weaponized, we refuse to be complicit in pinkwashing, and we refuse to allow Biden to co-opt our liberation movements as he continues to enable the genocide of Palestinians.

Stupid retard. They're fighting to preserve their lives, not their way of life: their way of life was destroyed in 1947. their way of life, fucking hell anon, there are literally parts of HPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


mfw radlibs can only conceive of palestinian proles stop being genocided with bullshit like natlib


Look I get it, Biden is old. However do you really want Trump back? Biden has actually done a pretty damn good job with the economy/border etc. I know you little socialists think he isn't good enough but it's time to grow up & do the right thing.

Biden 2024(USApol)
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I still trust them more than anyone in Congress, they're all used car salesmen, the furry drone pilot has more to lose and is touching more grass than any congressman



You make me laugh anon, have a (you)


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sorry sweetie but i’m with the national salvation council


>do you really want Trump back?
yes. Trump's domestic policies will be terrible and I want to see yanks suffer
>whats 2025


Shut the fuck up
Didn’t ask
+ /usapold/

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