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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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how did Maoists in the west react to the Nixon and Mao visits and later trade agreements
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both are retarded

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On the other Maoists, there was a maneuver in the 70s called the "industrial turn," which was basically American Maoists saying, we're a bunch of upper middle-class students who don't know what we're doing, so let's get factory jobs and actually become proletarian and merge with them and organize them.
There are really only two surviving groups of 70s American Maoism. One is a cult led by a guy named Bob Avakian, they're deranged:

There's also the FRSO. They're much more focused. Relatively small but, like, when there were strikes recently by the UAW and Teamsters, their channels would feature interviews with members of those unions who are (basically) FRSO members. Not, like, a lot. But they play a role in protest movements as well, they were involved in BLM, the Palestine protests going on now.
I saw a video on the news recently of the police breaking up a Palestine encampment in my city, and most of the people there were MENA youth, but then I saw the local FRSO people (I know who they are) there with bullhorns shouting instructions to people while they were being arrested about what to do. They might have set up some kind of organization to bail them out. They're not usually going at people with communist symbols or red flags and all that, more like a cell that exists within these other movements.

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>Coming from a lower-class background, Stalin was also willing to get his hands dirty in ways many Bolsheviks weren't but also had the intellect and cunning to become an actual leader instead of just a goon.
from loyle soldier to capo, a man after my own heart

Utopian Socialist revolutions (basically every revolution besides the US) failed because they're Utopian and not pragmatic. They're based philosophically in Rationalism which is the "retard fuel" for leftism. It's the belief of certainty of uncertain facts, basically a faith-based science where "proof" of your "theory" is not required. These are the whack-jobs of enlightenment who are philosophically the equivalent of a quack mad-scientist cutting up people's brains and hooking them up to machines for "purity" or some other make believe nonsense

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So, how do I get into anarchism, what the essential reading for a newbie on anarchism? What the main flaws of anarchism? I don't know much about it, but I do sympathize with the idea of no state or some form or "higher" power over people.
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How does a 'post-left' anarchist define 'left'? And what, in their view, distinguishes themselves from it?

For me, it's the Zapatistas.

any anarchist who claims to have authority to define "anarchism" is a loser authoritarin, im an anarshitss precistely becuase it means whatever i wahnt it to mean

I went to a squat for the first time in my life and honestly, I get it now.

How was it?


> Everyone hates Isn'treal
> A generation of young, normal burgers are finding kinship with their Chinese counterparts
> Dems universally loathed with no viable future
> Military recruitment crisis with no end in sight
> Soulsborne fatigue setting in

I can't say we're winning but it sure feels good to be right all the time
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i know this belongs in the hobby board but i had to do it

>hey did you guys know the rope seller is a capitalist?

Probably not if you mean American. I only know about him since my parents are Mexican and I've watched that show. They still regularly watch that show

ah yes because the american bourgeoisie definitely cares about whether or not american people like red note before starting an imperialist war

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rope seller, i am going into revolution and i need only your finest ropes


The thing that makes Japanese nation unique is that they were the only ones in our material reality to develop into a capitalist society independently* from Europe?

*Of course, Meiji restoration was prompted by USAmericans and actively used European capital and talent, but it's still a far cry even when comparing with a Chinese situation (where capitalism had come in the form of "century of humiliation" and Quings literally betraying their own people to the whites), let alone the rest of the world (where it was spread with a full-blown colonial conquest)
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Damn that's crazy. Don't usually think about the Taiwanese fighting for the Japs in WW2. 207k is a hell of a lot.

Suggested reading. The premise of this book is: why so many taiwanese, koreans and poor, rural Japanese supported the empire?

Interesting thanks.

>volunteer fever” across the island and even created a “blood-application culture,” so named because many individuals signed applications in their own blood to express their “pure loyalty.”

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Before I discuss my proposal, I want to talk about cities in general.

People tend to think of cities as being flat. There’s the ground, and everything that people use is built on top. That’s not true. Cities are becoming increasingly subterranean. Whether for military reason or just to compensate for land shortages, for park area, or what other reason, cities are providing a greater amount of subterranean space. A city is both what people see on the surface and what people see underground.

I think that leaving the poor underground is actually one of the nicest and most practical things we can do for them. Poor people are protected against the weather, wild animals, and other people when underground. If this wasn’t true, homeless people wouldn’t be seen frequently in basements and sewage systems. Dedicating formal space underground both prevents the poor from facing harassment from others and prevents the poor from harassing others. Coincidentally, city leaders would face less flak over the presence of poverty on the surface. It’s not even an impractical approach either.

Building downwards is objectively less environmentally damaging than building outwards. Coincidentally, building down is easier (in most cases) than building up.

What do you guys think?
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Anon yearn for the mines.
Honestly while i think pushing poors underground makes no sense I think making buildings and homes both underground and under the sea and other unhabitable places neat

Mf watched Arcane

Yes! Poor people deserve radon-induced cancer, mental problems due to lack of light, and poor air quality-induced illnesses.

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>libs will think of increasingly fantastical schemes so that they both get to keep their housing assets high and never have to see a homeless person
Not sure if better or worse than shipping conrainers
I hope you get banned.

god, that sounds s o fucking based

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canada thread continuing from >>1878602

gonna try and make a cool OP for this involving a few party sites and news outlets (note it's not complete if theres other shit that should be added in the next thread post it)


Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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How do you figure? You realize they'll take away your civil law system and language protections right? Also no publicly funded Catholic schools, no French language residency requirements for immigrants, etc. If you think the burgers will give a shit about accommodating you you're dead wrong.

>As a Quebecois is a good thing that the US is going to dismantle our 100% narionalized and green energy sector and get rid off our Europeanish style welfare system that includes such things as extremely affordable college and rent control.

The City of Pickering is antifa now

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Here's a major question nobody's asking about annexation. What happens to Romana Didulo after that? She won't be able to be the Queen of Canada anymore!

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The swooning over Mark Carney is annoying the hell out of me. "He's an economist!!" as if the country isn't already run by them


Tell Congress, House of Representatives and/or the Supreme Court to completely reverse the results for the 2024 Elections. Tell them all about both Project 2025 and Agenda 47. Realizing the Authoritarianism and Unconstitutionalness of Trump's Second Term, they will definitely (Or at least Probably) reverse the recent elections results (Or at least partially reverse elections results) and Harris will be US President. I know Harris is a Zionist Liberal, but she is a far better option than Trump.
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>Muh sacred liberal separation of powers!
>The genocidal shitlib is better than the other pro-genocide less shitlib but still a lib oligarch!
I hope Trump bans the democratic party, goes full Saddam on congress and invades Canada
2/10 bait

Imagine the live show trial
>Trump sits in the speaker seat in the capital
>Trump speaks
>"Nancy Pelosi"
>"For your years of treason against the constitution"
>"Your fired"
>*Nancy dragged out for execution
>"Mike Pence"
>*Trump sips Diet Coke
>"For your personal treason against the Commander in Chief you will be sent out for a bigly execution"
>"Mike your fired"
>*Mike looks down as he is dragged
>"I must commend you for your years of Resistance and I like that spark that you have it was wasted with the loser party"
>"You will be the next apprentice"

Embarrassing libshit post OP.

Took the bait award

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one of the biggest problems faced by the western left is trying to simply copy the forms and methods of building socialism that have been used in other countries, without recognizing that the material conditions present in america are radically different.

to wit, the two revolutions usually cited as examples, the Russian revolution and Chinese revolution, were carried out in backwards, underdeveloped semi-feudal countries. in the case of china, the country was invaded and occupied by foreign powers, and so the struggle could take on the form of a war of resistance.

america is a rich country with the most highly developed economy the world has yet seen. there are no peasant masses here to wage a people's war like was seen in china.

in fact, i would argue that the class interests of the average american are actually hostile to socialism, and this contradiction cannot be mended in a settler-colony.

this is why, i believe, america must be destroyed. i don't mean the american people, but rather the american government. the primary goal of a communist party in america should be to weaken the government by any and all means necessary. we should at every point attack it both physically and philosophically. we should support anything that harms the US government and helps break it's legitimacy.

even gandhi recognized that there has never been a revolution in a country that maintained control of it's army, and this is still the case. in russia and china the state collapsed from some great external calamity. in vietnam the colonial forces were forced to withdraw by an external invasion.

we need to come up with our own form of marxism which matches the material conditions of the United States, rather than trying to simply copy peasant socialism in a country that has no peasantry.

also the ACP can lick my dick and balls they are strasserites at best.
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>most americans, even if they don't like the particular individuals who make it up, like the system and think it's the best thing ever designed.

this is absolutely untrue. and no i dont think americans are all secretly communists or whatever, but there is absolutely widespread dissatisfaction and loss of faith in the US political system

czechia, greece, and russia are periphery but mexico and south africa are only semi-periphery? whats the methodology for this map?

The problem is they don’t connect the dissatisfaction with the political system with the economic system. As far as most Americans are concerned politics and economics are separate spheres.


<Fuck NAFTA edition
>Bosses broke south for new flesh and a factory floor
>The remains left chained to the powder war

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread: >>2110894
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I mean, both cities are ugly.

>Wu wei (traditional Chinese: 無為; simplified Chinese: 无为; pinyin: wúwéi) is a polymorphic, ancient Chinese concept expressing an ideal practice of "inaction", "inexertion" or "effortless action", as a state of personal harmony and free-flowing, spontaneous creative manifestation. Connected with the idea of the Heart or Spirit (Shen 神) in Traditional Chinese medicine, it often relates to the behavior of the emperor, most commonly referring to an ideal form of governance or government.

yeah so if an old person wants me to be a marxist they should just try to talk about why marx is good instead of trying to relate

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President-elect Donald Trump invited Chinese President Xi Jinping and conservative world leaders such as Argentine President Javier Milei and Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni to the inauguration. Xi is sending his vice president as his representative. Chinese President Xi Jinping was the first foreign leader whose invitation to the inauguration became public in December.

Xi will not attend but is sending Vice President Han Zheng.

Taiwan sent legislative speaker Han Kuo-yu and seven others to Washington for Trump’s inauguration, but Taiwan’s foreign ministry said its delegates would not attend the ceremony now that it has been moved indoors because of cold weather.

(I needed a VPN to access the article, thank about a border firewall)

German liberals voted for the Enabling Act.

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Seriously, almost every Marxist I encounter is anti-AI/AGI, anti-automation, anti-robotics, anti-Internet, refuse to put agitprop on social media unless they’re tailing liberals or fascists, seemingly go out of their way to ignore technological developments, openly moralize over technologies rather than wanting to seize them, and generally clear the ground as much as possible for capitalists and reactionaries to retain full control over emergent technologies.

Why do Marxists typically take the worst fucking strategy to advance our position they could possibly take in almost every situation?
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Honestly can’t even write a meme on this one, it speaks for itself

shut up, imperialist.
>The people's republics of Australia, Germany, Canada and France
15% wage growth maximum. look at the pitiful flaccidity and depressions of the lines of the imperialist nations
Capitalist property is abolished in Communist China. You are confused. There are no capitalists in Communist China; those are proletarians, managers of vast means of productions.
> That's Annabel Yao, the youngest daughter of Huawei's CEO, doing totally average working class things like attending the people's debutante ball.
She attends to spite the capitalists. To flex the power of Communism, showing that capitalist elite are nothing compared to Communism's proletarian elite. Do you even realize Huawei is owned by the workers?

Come, ultras. Explain how marxism has failed

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