>>2095205I think the point is that some conspiracy theories reflect real conspiracies and some don't, and, because we're materialists, we're (theoretically) equipped with the tools to tell the two apart.
Like: microwave weapons are real. The have been in development for some time, with well-known effects from well-understood properties of microwaves (discovered in 1888), while the U.S. conspiracy theory about long-range precision-targeted microwave weapons is false, and further exploits paranoia driven through poor understanding by previous conspiracy theorists of what microwave weapons can and can't do and what studies of microwaves do and do not demonstrate to be true.
I'm using this example to stress that conspiracy theories are not just an alternative media thing. A lot of conspiracy theorizing is extremely cynical, different from the way that ideology is often believed, or at least more than half-believed, by the bourgeoisie that benefits from it. At the height of Trump-Russia conspiracy theories among Democrats in the U.S, I think a surprisingly large amount of people didn't really believe in the absurd assertions they were making (that the U.S. was somehow being puppeteered by the Russian government). They didn't act like they believed it, after all. It's more like, *if* this is true, then Trump will be brought down, so it's IMPERATIVE people believe it. Because that would mean Trump ain't so patriotic now is he? He's taking Russian rubles (scary money) from people who speak RUSSIAN (enemy tongue) and you gormless rednecks aren't supposed to like that!!!
And what they share with people on the left and anti-imperialist ziggaroids who play with this stuff, is being swept up in a thrill "for a good cause." People like Jackson Hinkle know they're lying, and they're proud of themselves for lying to themselves as directed, just like the big boys, and that they're swaying some presumed audience of gullible "Middle America" spiritual-flyover-country suckers to whom none of the self-aware mini-propagandists relate, but with whom they believe they are in constant one-sided communication with … and who they believe MUST be fooled, it's IMPERATIVE they be fooled, or else the enemy will win. This hypothetical group serves as the theoretical ultimate audience for these self-conscious deceptions.
I fee
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