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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What’s your opinion on? Mao Zedong Do you think he was a great leader or not?
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what are some good books to read about daddy mao and the cpc

>What’s your opinion on?
My opinion on what?
>Mao Zedong Do you think he was a great leader or not?
I'm not Mao Zedong and who are you asking about?

Another day, another shitty interview thread.

Warrior and a poet, the 21st century's Simon Bolivar, if he rode a horse he would've also been called Iron Ass

a great bourgeois revolutionary to be sure, he really fucked feudalism up!


Fascism is the ideology of palingenetic masculinity, the rebirth of hegemonic masculinity (the Männerbund) through war. Manu recreates the world by killing his hermaphroditic younger brother Yemno. Yemno is punished for the crime of being erghi, sissy, and the world is birthed from her penetration. The world is recreated through the domination of hegemonic masculinity over subordinate masculinity.

This does not mean subordinate masculinities are necessarily killed under patriarchy. Sometimes subordinate masculinities are idealized, and sometimes they are taboo. But subordinate masculinities are mystified and othered.

The first god was a woman. But the world of which the earth mother and the sky father are two parts of one whole, is the corpse of a shemale. So the gyn/ecology (mother earth) is founded on the death of anecology, the absence of an ecology. So fascism is founded on biofetishism, on sacrificing the hermaphrodite who is identified with death and life. Mother earth and sky father are made out of dominating the grave of the rectum.

Chaoskampf continues the founding of the world. Trito the third and youngest brother is gifted cattle by the gods. But Trito is weak, and his herd is abducted by Angus, the multiheaded serpent of the outsiders, a horde of big black bull dicks. Trito is gifted an intoxicating drink from the Storm-God, and is initiated into hegemonic masculinity. Trito is then able to defeat the assault of Angus on his masculinity, and retrieve his cattle. In thanks, Trito sacrifices a cow, and renews the world.

The intoxicating drink, the killing of Angus, and the ritual sacrifice of the cow are identified with the initiation and creation of hegemonic masculinity, and the ritual sacrifice of Yemno, a sissy. Angus is the absence, the negation, the plural, the hermaphroditic and deathly Other, a horde of castrated cow dick. Angus is then a phallic revenge against Trito the castrator. Once Angus is slain, clear and sweet not salty water is released. In thanks to the Storm-God, Trito does a very strange thing, Trito sacrifices a milkbearer, not a heifer or a steer.
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You write like Nietzsche and that's not a compliment

Thx for the cancer 🙏😊

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I’m not reading this.

is it really THAT hard to do class analysis FOR ONCE?


French vote gives leftists most seats over far right, but leaves hung parliament and deadlock
The results showed just over 180 seats for the New Popular Front leftist coalition, which placed first, ahead of Macron’s centrist alliance, with more than 160 seats. Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally and its allies were restricted to third place, although their more than 140 seats were still way ahead of the party’s previous best showing — 89 seats in 2022.

Two spectres from New Labour era appointed junior ministers
Ms Smith will enter the House of Lords to become an education minister and Mr Alexander, back as an MP after losing his seat in 2015, is now a business minister. Former Blair-era health secretary Alan Milburn, a longstanding advocate of greater private-sector involvement in the NHS, has also been tipped for a role in government relating to healthcare.

Media Orgs Condemn UP Police (first information report )FIR Against 2 Journalists for Posts on Muslim Man’s Alleged Lynching in Shamli
The cases have been lodged under the new criminal law, Bharat Nyaya Sanhita or BNS, invoking Sections 196 (promoting enmity between different groups) and 353 (making statements conducive to public mischief).

Two Indian soldiers, six rebels killed in Kashmir gun battles
Two Indian soldiers have been killed alongside six rebels in two separate gun battles in the Indian-administered Kashmir, according to the police, raising concerns about the security situation in tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I usually start by checking the Morningstar, People's dispatch, Abolition and Solidnet. Then i go to a few news aggregators and lastly regular news sites like the Guardian and MEE. If i don't have 10 or more news articles after that then i go to sites that occasionally have good articles but have grown bias or sectarian on many subjects like WSWS, Venezuelanalysis and Telesur.

JEsus spoiler this.

>Then i go to a few news aggregators
which ones?

Mostly just news now and google news. News now is better on non-mainstream english language news.

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Guns are fun and necessary for the revolution.

Why not have a gun?
Reactionaries are armed to the teeth, why should leftist remain unarmed? Better to have a gun and not need it, than to need it and not have it. If you have kids at home keep the bullets locked up (or even at another address) and the gun unloaded.

At least buy a pellet gun and learn to shoot straight, handle the gun so familiarity can wash away the liberal anti-gun propaganda.

The more left leaning people with guns who learn couple things or two about guns the better. Objective fact!
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does this really work?

Another breadtube lawyer has a sad

It's a bit dated on the devices you can get much more effective fuzes by using modern small electronics.
The actual production of the explosive that you need to make any of this work is, as you said, useless for most at best and recklessly dangerous for someone who has no experience but the means to do so.

oops meant for this


When you hear “sound money”

Please think “blind ideology”
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>Question: am i allowed to criticise the status quo without being accused of being some idiotic reactionary as though this is reddit? I already said a million times im against sound money, so what more do i need to prove? Should i salute the american flag and praise novus ordo seclorum?

Ignore the retards or just laff them off.

>I never said i was a marxist
Then what gave you the idea that you'd be welcome here?

lole so non-marxists are unwelcome?
most "marxists" have never even read marx. you worship an idol.
>In 1882, Engels claimed that Marx had criticised self-proclaimed Marxist Paul Lafargue by saying that if Lafargue's views were considered Marxist, then "one thing is certain and that is that I am not a Marxist."

Deprogramites didn't get the memo this was a non sectarian board, also Lafargue is giga based

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Some days I slip and use the term generously, in the extremely broad sense of one subscribing to the aim of abolishing (not uplifting) class, money, and the state in favor of a free association of producers, with more or less fidelity to the methods Marx used and taught as time and experience have upheld them. There are admittedly plenty of soi-disant "Marxists" who have complex ideologies, almost all based on a recuperation of Marx's critique and a desire to salvage capitalism, who do reject those aims.

>Lafargue is giga based
"The Right to be Lazy" was a tour de force, to be sure, but in politics wasn't he selling the same canned spam and fruit loops as Herr Dühring?

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The revolution from the development of steam power never happened, but that doesn’t mean that humanity never experienced an industrial boom. Simple tools and machines like lathes, mills, shapers, moulds, furnaces, hammers, screws, axes, wrenches, pickaxes, ropes, wheels, axles, wedges, and pulleys are all technologies that are thousands of years old, but they are the most commonly used tools in manufacturing and construction today. The revolution of industry was never found through the development of mechanization of industry, but through the mass participation of a greater share of humanity in industrial labour due to the rise of urbanism, liberalism, globalism, and socialism. Most people today work harder than they ever have, and they will only work harder as life expectancies and competition increases. The real Industrial revolution will occur through the development and implementation of automated machinery that only requires human administration than direct human labour.
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>Most of the global workforce is only now getting to be apart of industry,

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Well shit. That’s just another argument in favour of the idea that civilizations technological advancement is stagnating considering the state of the post colonial global economy.

>dprk producing luxury watches
ongod fr fr


What is the correct stance to take on the Eritrean war of independence? This seems like a conflict that requires a lot of nuance, although maybe it doesn't, so I want to learn more about it from /leftypol/. Who was in the right here?(Low-effort, one post IP)
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<visit leftypol
<oh the daily top low-effort op has a warn/ban message, that's encouraging
that's me done. topkek jannies.

example of bad posts

you didn't see that

>Furthermore we denounce the tigrayan rebels as a CIA front
I saw PSL types (and Rania Khalek and Eugene Puryear) side with Abiy but that is still confusing to me because he's a fairly straightforward pro-west leader.


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Also this is an interesting topic despite low-effort, shame it was anchored

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How is the global socialist movement going to maintain communication without the global internet? The bourgeoisie is ready to clamp down on it and are preparing for a potential decoupling. What the fuck is the worthless online left doing to prepare? We needed a bunkerchan to survive the fall of 8chan. What do we have when tech conglomerates and the NSA conspire against all alternative media websites in the future? Is the online left saying or doing anything about it at all? Or are they just wasting their time reading twitter as usual?
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>attack sea cables
>attack satellites and create space debris that will destroy everything orbiting earth
Now what?

At worst we have to resort to mail. At best we will have local internet.

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dark age endingfag detected

You should kill yourself for thinking the Web is the Internet.


What proves the Marxist assumption of there being a linear stages of development besides just projecting Western development onto everyone else?

Alternatively, development could be rather idiosyncratic whereby differnt potential paths exist that lead to different societal arrangements. Not due to idealism but differing material circumstances and dialectical developments that unfolded unlike in the West due to differing aspects. The Western world acquired a way of being and then imposed itself onto everyone else. The egocentric assumption to take the West as the absolute standard to measure things against is common in Western thought and Marx as a European simply reflected the same fallacious presumption. The success of this imposition is then later on erronously taken as evidence of a linear development that must proceed like in the West.

We can't know if there couldn't have been other developmental pathways because Europeans colonized the world and forced their system upon everyone else. During colonialism the colonized population was essentially reduced to slavedom and after colonialism many formerly colonized societys were willing to transition to socialism Clandestine Western operations or open military interventions subverted these third world countries who attempted socialism and forced them to adopt capitalism as well.

I just don't see what feudalism must and can only proceed with the private ownership of the means of production whereby people sell their labor for commodity production.
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Oh, that pretty much answers the question of my thread. Thank you. But the video didn't state that Marx wasn't a determinist but that he wasn't an economic determinist.

I think a more charitable read is that Marx was working from a limited historiography, and he revised his ideas as more became available. His later introduction of the "Asiatic mode of production" resulted from accessing histories of the far east.

>I just don't see what feudalism must and can only proceed with the private ownership of the means of production

Indeed. Caliban & The Witch is a good, recent critique of Marx's analysis of Feudalism which is likewise based in newer research. The author of that one contends that Feudal Britain really was on the brink of some new mode of production, but that the enclosure of the commons sabotaged this evolution and turned it into capitalism instead.

Marx implicitly rejected the theory of linear stages of development in his letter to Vera Zasulich:
>In analysing the genesis of capitalist production, I said:
<At the heart of the capitalist system is a complete separation of … the producer from the means of production … the expropriation of the agricultural producer is the basis of the whole process. Only in England has it been accomplished in a radical manner. … But all the other countries of Western Europe are following the same course. (Capital, French edition, p. 315.)

>The ‘historical inevitability’ of this course is therefore expressly restricted to the countries of Western Europe. The reason for this restriction is indicated in Ch. XXXII: ‘Private property, founded upon personal labour … is supplanted by capitalist private property, which rests on exploitation of the labour of others, on wage­labour.’ (loc. cit., p. 340).

>In the Western case, then, one form of private property is transformed into another form of private property. In the case of the Russian peasants, however, their communal property would have to be transformed into private property.

Also, if you think the theory of linear stages of development is right, and you also assert that "actually existing socialism" was a genuine form of socialism and not state capitalism for example, then you would be forced to admit Bakunin was right to say socialism would develop from underdeveloped nations with a majority of peasants and uneducated workers, and not from advanced capitalist nations with educated workers like Marx believed.

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I'm sorry but how is saying "an intelligence agency is responsible for it" to any world event not merely great man theory by another name. That for example any problems run into by the USSR or China were cuz muh CIA. IF great man theory is wrong, why does it suddenly become right if that "great" man is an intelligence agent?

Isn't this unmarxist? Obsession with intrigues can only lead down a path from the lofty heights of institutional and historical analysis to conspiracism, paranoia, and ultimately right wing schizo-ism and antisemitism.
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This is only a problem when leftoids use CIA conspiracies as an excuse to avoid self-criticism. Which to be fair happens all the time, even in this very thread.

>people are literally slaves to their economic position and can't act against it
>waaaa why are the people voting against my party which is totally in their economic interest
Vulgar materialism is a mental illness. Stop posting and read Engels until you get it.
<According to the Materialist Conception of History, the factor which is in the last instance decisive in history is the production and reproduction of actual life. More than this neither Marx nor myself ever claimed. If now someone has distorted the meaning in such a way that the economic factor is the only decisive one, this man has changed the above proposition into an abstract, absurd phrase which says nothing. The economic situation is the base, but the different parts of the structure-the political forms of the class struggle and its results, the constitutions established by the victorious class after the battle is won, forms of law and even the reflections of all these real struggles in the brains of the participants, political theories, juridical, philosophical, religious opinions, and their further development into dogmatic systems-all this exercises also its influence on the development of the historical struggles and in cases determines their form. It is under the mutual influence of all these factors that, rejecting the infinitesimal number of accidental occurrences (that is, things and happenings whose intimate sense is so far removed and of so little probability that we can consider them non-existent, and can ignore them), that the economical movement is ultimately carried out. Otherwise the application of the theory to any period of history would be easier than the solution of any simple equation.

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i see, so the real explanation for pic related is not american propaganda, but that french people stopped being proletarian

>when leftoids use CIA conspiracies as an excuse to avoid self-criticism. Which to be fair happens all the time, even in this very thread.
provide examples

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