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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I've been thinking about this for years: what if we gave homeless people money / food / clothing / etc and political literature with the deal that if they study it, don't sell off the books (at least until they're done with them) and answer correctly when tested on the material that they should receive more money and goods than they would get by simply selling off the books. Could we get homeless people to read the likes of Hegel, Marx, Kant, Kropotkin, Gramsci, Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg, Emma Goldman, Mao among other authors in their spare time by simply rewarding them for it? Has anyone tried it here?

We've seen that it works with christian reactionaries, why not try it ourselves? Are there any organizations that do? As far as I'm aware I've only heard of the anarchists from Food Not Bombs doing it (1st picrel) as well as general assemblies of squatters.

Why not try the same with migrants and refugees? They're in a desperate situation too. The migrants from the middle east mostly speak arabic, so the language barrier is a bit problematic, yet there exist many translated works. Even Stirner has been translated into arabic (2nd picrel). Rightoids hate refugees and refuse to work with them, this seems like a great situation for us to work with them instead and help them.
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In this video titled "9th of May, we lost the war, but didn't capitulate" he talks in front of the now demolished memorial of the red army where he influenced people to protest to have it demolished and popularize anticommunism. The entirety of the capital of Sofia and even the whole of Bulgaria has nazi symbols as graffiti and stickers on walls in every public place. In Sofia - Vitoshka street it is filled with "DECOMMUNIZATION" stickers from the Bulgarian National Alliance's website.

*Small correction, it would be BNA not BNU, its translated as Alliance not Union.


Anticommunism, homophobia, anti-Romani sentiment, Russophobia, liberalism and hate of refugees among other positions are more common than ever before in Bulgaria now. It is true that it also applies to other countries like Poland and most of the liberal world, but in the West with the liberal-progressive narrative a lot of this goes neglected and they pretend that it does not exist or happen. This is normalized here, if an American were to come and see the amount of swastikas on every street corner in Bulgaria they would think they are in Nazi Germany. The education system also blatantly promotes nationalist propaganda and historical revisionism.


So make whatever you want of this info, but I think that it is extremely important to appeal to the poorest people in the system.


>In this video titled "9th of May, we lost the war, but didn't capitulate"
Forgot to attach.


CHAZ kind of did that but they just gave them needles and had them sit in the park so nobody could take it, which is exploitative.

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Rule based world order strikes again

In what world does a moral govt not only sponsor genocide but has presidential candidates go sign of shells with finish them off


Kilelú Haley?


>moral govt
Are you 12?


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>hmm today i will make a thread
<it's a twitter screenshot and two short sentences with chilidish content.
I hope you are banned.


Jannies will allow this.
Kill yourself OP. faggot.



The more and more I study capitalism the more I come around to the idea that the ruling class wants to defend itself by defining what it means to be ruling class through including non economic and more widespread forms of privilege.

The reason "social conservatism" goes with capitalism is because a ruling class usually can't rule on its own. It needs a middle strata of people who have some amount of power, not enough to rule, but enough to be invested in the system continuing. Absolute monarchs had the aristocracy/nobles. And in capitalist society you have the petit bourgeoisie, labor aristocrats i.e. high level tradesmen, high paid white collar workers and managers, etc.

Similarly you can define the ruling class as simply all white men (jacksonian populism, us southern ideology), or the nation, religion, or certain ethnic supremacy, etc. The whole point of conservatism is to sublet some of the privileges of the ruling class to middlemen who, on account of their position often being more precarious, will fight to defend the system even more ferociously as they fear their status slipping from the middle to the low. An example of this in the US would be small business owners/petit bourgeois being right wing populist as they fear being re-proletarianized and slipping back into the class status of being a wage worker.

There are two ways people can react to domination, either by rejecting hierarchies, or by desperately looking for some way to not be on the bottom of the hierarchy, usually by trying to puff oneself up by putting other people/groups down and trying to drag them down on the social ladder. Liberals usually explain this as reproducing trauma or something but it is true.

For the same reason a kid who's being beaten at home by his dad doesn't stand up to his dad (often because he really can't) ends up taking it out by becoming a bully at school i.e."i'm gonna hit you harder than my dad hits me".

For example males who's cultures have been victims of enslavement, colonialism etc. often react to these humiliations by adopting ultra masculine or macho chauvinist attitudes over women and LGBT of their same race/group.

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>masses of nearly millionaire petit porkies hold the system up for a tiny minority of very fat porkies
I have read about this somewhere.


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bruh is that last one her as daria? i dont remember that in the show


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it is. there's a halloween party in one episode


>Poor people don’t vote. OK. The rate at which people vote is heavily correlated with their income to the point that somebody who is a member of the upper middle class is just dramatically more likely to vote than somebody who’s a member of the bottom 20 percent of earners. In the 2016 election, there was a narrative that Trump was elected by laid-off iron workers from the Milwaukee suburbs or something. But if you look at the exit polling, I think the median Trump voter in 2016 made like $89,000. The people who are powering the conservative movement in this country are guys who own John Deere dealerships, you know what I’m saying? There’s a whole class of people who we don’t generally think of as being part of the upper class of the United States. I think a plurality of American millionaires are small business owners who own things like car dealerships, or HVAC businesses. Those guys are the face of the enemy and in fact, those are the kind of guys that oftentimes will get into state politics and become state legislators.
-Freddie deBoer


Fellow burgers what's the plan for when the US just decides to give up the ghost and bring cold war anticommunist death squads back home, we don't really have a vanguard yet and most communist organizations are usually based out of major cities so comrades in mid level cities and rural areas can't really meet, granted communist groups developed out of worse off countries but there feels a difference between the NDF in Marcos' Phillipines or the insurgencies against Pinochet and THE imperialist power


The answer is to GTFO of Amerikkka and let Amerikkans kill themselves. You don't owe America anything and no revolution is going to happen for the foreseeable future. There certainly isn't going to be a socialist paramilitary standing by to bail out your ass when things get rough.

The Amerikkkans are going to go hyper fascist anyways so you might as well escape to an actual socialist nation or a neutral country to ride out whatever schizo and retarded shit the Amerikkkans will try to pull as they die.

Or you can stay and get rounded up by the FBI to go into the death camps if that's your fetish.


>Fellow burgers what's the plan for when the US just decides to give up the ghost and bring cold war anticommunist death squads back home
Haven’t you been paying attention? They’ve had those for a while now, they go by “Antifa”
Anyways >>1869000 is correct, let the New Sodom that is America reap what it has sown, it’ll make for less work for future JDPON occupation forces


Antifa isn't a death squad lol they're the lumpenproles directed by Democratic Party operatives to burn down small businesses so the petite bourgeois get scared and vote Republican. It's crazy how smart the duopoly is in creating false opposition and funneling supporters to each other but it's also instructive because you eventually understand that every Color Revolution technique America uses on its enemies was first tested domestically before they exported it overseas.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


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Accurate. Both parties have a youth detachment for civic terror production (and to attack any non-duopoly power centers that might try to be born). Their customs of symbolic abuse are known collectively as charivari or "rough music". Radical socialist historian E.P. Thompson researched the old customs extensively and their use in enforcing community norms, and modern public protest retains much of that spirit, albeit with more restraint due to advancing thresholds of shame typical of commercial societies.


Too early for this. We don't even have a plan to Kickstart a PPW and the current Vanguard party is explicitly against armed revolution (PSL)

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>it was reported that early on in his imprisonment Kaczynski had befriended Ramzi Yousef and Timothy McVeigh, the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing, respectively. The trio discussed religion and politics and formed a friendship which lasted until McVeigh's execution in 2001.
so a white nationalist, a pakistani islamist, a practicing anarcho primitivist and a cuban american gang leader were all sharing a single cell block together and apparently got along well together, how would their ideologies have clashed and what conversations they could have had?
also what are some examples of unlikely political friendships in history?
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Why would a bunch of fascists and lumpen clash?


The power of friendship transcends ideology.




and hating jews


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Machiavelli believed everyone who is born into a governing stratum automatically takes on the characteristics of a realist because that's how they're educated and what they're exposed to. But I think communists and socialists too when they win would end up becoming realists anyways even if it's wrapped in ideology. The U.S. is often like that too where presidents talk about spreading freedom and democracy but that's a mystique to justify what is in reality a realist policy. Soviet leaders during the Cold War were arch realists in a way. Stalin was too much of a realistic
Machiavelli's goal was to persuade those "not in the know" to accept the limitations of morality as part his goal to unify the Italian nation in his own day. I think some communist intellectuals like Marx and Lenin were trying to do that but in an updated and radical labor movement direction


At least 40 killed in Rafah after Israeli missiles hit camp for displaced
“The massacre committed by the Israeli occupation army in the refugee tents northwest of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip has left 40 martyrs and 65 wounded,” Mohammad al-Mughayyir, a senior official at the civil defence agency, told AFP news agency.

New settlement in occupied Afrin
The so-called "Al-Watan Engineering Construction" Company published on its virtual communication website that it was nearing the completion of putting the final touches on the project to construct 2 buildings in the city of Janders in the occupied Afrin countryside, for the benefit of the so-called "Sun of Hope Organization."

Argentina's 300% inflation and propped-up peso spawn Paraguay border ghost town
Between January and March 2024, arrivals from neighbor Uruguay - who spent $1.3 billion in Argentina last year - fell 25% versus a year ago, Uruguayan outbound tourism figures show.Border towns in Paraguay, Chile and elsewhere have seen lower local demand for Argentina imports, but others have cheered the shifting trend, which has also meant fewer locals making day trips to Argentina to look for bargains.

Protests shut streets in Armenia's capital, roads in other parts to demand the prime minister resign
The demonstrations are spearheaded by Bagrat Galstanyan, a high-ranking cleric in the Armenian Apostolic Church and archbishop of the Tavush diocese in Armenia’s northeast, where the returned villages are located. AlthoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Argentina's 300% inflation
Have they finally reached that point?


The only road to peace is an unconditional mass execution of all current and former IOF soldiers.


Aren't they a conscription force?





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What does /leftypol/ think of the riots in New Caledonia? Quick rundown for those not in the known:

>New Caledonia is an island in the South Pacific near Australia, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands

>It was colonized in the 19th century by France
>Typical colonial shenanigans. Enslavement, forced labor, French settlers moved in that still control most of the land and economy
>Violent independentist movement in the 20th century resulted in the Noumea Accords which called for three referendums on Independence
>Voting in the referendums and other local matters was restricted to long-term New Caledonia residents who were living there in 1998
>BUT at this time the white settler population, as well as other outsiders who got there by also being part of the French colonial empire (Polynesias from Tahiti, Walis and Futuna, Cambodians, Vietnamese) were already the majority of the population
>Unsurprisingly, all the non-locals voted to stay with France and each referendum failed
>France is now unilaterally breaking the Accords and letting over 10,000 people be added to the voting rolls (who will all vote for pro-France politicians ofc)
>young Kanaks (the name of the Indigenous people of the island) are revolting now over this, some police killed, Micron seething and sending in more police/military, TikTok shut down
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>K-N-C gov
The French government? They should probably hurry up with this shit.


no, the local gov


Oh so not the mainland French government?


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What would you do if you saw a guy with nazi symbolism on the street?
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become mr krabs


Ignore him and let some migrant beat him up. There is a reason why you see nazis only online.


Based shoe shitter.
I mean I hope you can outrun the guy but based.



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ayo I'm your resident Maoist lumpen and I'm here to teach you how to do cybercrime


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Is there any merit whatsoever to other possible elements that might factor into one's political bias other than [material conditions] +[ideology]? For example, the claim that people low in openness-to-experience and high in conscientiousness skew conservative? Or that other claim that conservatives have larger amygdalas (in relation to liberals,), and therefore are more prone to outrage baiting?
Is there any merit? Is it all dog? Or is it true but negligible in impact? True but a posteriori instead of prescriptive etc.
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So we can assume that Bolshevik Bulls are high T while Kautskyite Kucks are low T.


Undeniably more liberal.


read picrel


Very good post. Thank you.
>Politics itself is a cognitive disorder tho.


damn they wrote a book about my dad?

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