Fascism is the ideology of palingenetic masculinity, the rebirth of hegemonic masculinity (the Männerbund) through war. Manu recreates the world by killing his hermaphroditic younger brother Yemno. Yemno is punished for the crime of being erghi, sissy, and the world is birthed from her penetration. The world is recreated through the domination of hegemonic masculinity over subordinate masculinity.
This does not mean subordinate masculinities are necessarily killed under patriarchy. Sometimes subordinate masculinities are idealized, and sometimes they are taboo. But subordinate masculinities are mystified and othered.
The first god was a woman. But the world of which the earth mother and the sky father are two parts of one whole, is the corpse of a shemale. So the gyn/ecology (mother earth) is founded on the death of anecology, the absence of an ecology. So fascism is founded on biofetishism, on sacrificing the hermaphrodite who is identified with death and life. Mother earth and sky father are made out of dominating the grave of the rectum.
Chaoskampf continues the founding of the world. Trito the third and youngest brother is gifted cattle by the gods. But Trito is weak, and his herd is abducted by Angus, the multiheaded serpent of the outsiders, a horde of big black bull dicks. Trito is gifted an intoxicating drink from the Storm-God, and is initiated into hegemonic masculinity. Trito is then able to defeat the assault of Angus on his masculinity, and retrieve his cattle. In thanks, Trito sacrifices a cow, and renews the world.
The intoxicating drink, the killing of Angus, and the ritual sacrifice of the cow are identified with the initiation and creation of hegemonic masculinity, and the ritual sacrifice of Yemno, a sissy. Angus is the absence, the negation, the plural, the hermaphroditic and deathly Other, a horde of castrated cow dick. Angus is then a phallic revenge against Trito the castrator. Once Angus is slain, clear and sweet not salty water is released. In thanks to the Storm-God, Trito does a very strange thing, Trito sacrifices a milkbearer, not a heifer or a steer.
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