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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1811959[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So the vast majority of people who died under the stalin's reign of terror were common people?
What the fuck is the point of witch hunting common people?
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>The entirety of the East German officer corps until the 70s was ex-Wehrmacht and like half of the functionaries of the SED


>The Soviet army committed atrocities
Sure, but not on a mass-scale, or by government decree or approval. Despite ideological enemity, the Polish officers were more useful alive to the USSR, than dead, and while yes, the Nazi and anti-communist push for the narrative on its own is not a great argument, it is very much a good reason to question their narrative and check its validity, and certainly provides motive to falsify evidence and manufacture a narrative, as has been done before about the USSR with things like the Holodomor meme (pdf rel)


Why do these threads always devolve into Katyn discussions? Who gives a fuck about retarded dead Polish officers? The only purges any communist should give a shit about are the Moscow Trials. Im not interested in getting into a debate about who was right or wrong there but im pointing out that if you care about anything other than those you have the wrong priorities on talking about purges under Stalin.



>I'm sorry, but I don't see any references to Katyn anywhere in that judgement

It literally talks about the indictment, which contains Katyn. Even if you go the retard road and start claiming that Goring wasn't responsible, here's the fucking fact that rulings and proceedings of the Nuremberg Trials were carried against ORGANIZATIONS with one PRIMARY defendant defending in each case. Even in this case, Katyn is still Nazis' doing, because it's in THERE

>Did Goering admit to doing the Katyn? I don't think so.

Whose defendant was Stahmer, you idiot? How do you fucking explain why Goering's defendant was the defendant at Katyn case?

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The Antisocial Network: Memes to Mayhem

From the rise of QAnon to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, this documentary film explains how a group of bored teenagers built an online community out of their shared loneliness but accidentally shattered consensus reality in the process.

>"We never wanted it to end up this way."

<"It started to shift towards people trolling in real life"
>"If something drew the ire of anonymous, it suffered"
<"What drives user numbers? In revenue, it's anger"
>"As internet gets 4chan-ified, it's easier to make really dark, disgusting or screwed up things"
<"We all participated in undermining reality, but we never wanted things to turn into a living cartoon" while juxtaposed with Trump imagery.
>"It's all happening because of the internet"

Link to watch -→
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The 4chinlets actually did shill effectively. They even got the pope to denounce pizzagate.


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consensus reality lmao


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>The Antisocial Network
simpsons did it

i can't find the other parody poster but i somehow found pic2 when image-searching all the slurs written on it

9000 penises and they're all raping children


decent doc, but didn’t really contain anything I didn’t already know about the lore surrounding the chans, Q, etc. that HBO docuseries about Q Anon from 2021 was much better, IMHO.

thanks for the link, OP, it worked perfectly.


I tried watching this but it was such a bummer I had to stop. Might try it again tho.

That documentary about Pepe and his creator is amazing, I think it’s just called Feels Good, Man; highly recommend.

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Israel's Justice Ministry hacked, documents leaked by hacktivist group over Gaza war
A group called Anonymous for Justice claimed responsibility for the breach, which it said included the retrieval of nearly 300 gigabytes of data. On its website, the group said it would continue attacking Israel "until the war in Gaza stops".

Israeli fire ‘most likely’ killed woman taken captive on October 7: Army
The helicopter “fired at a vehicle that had terrorists in it, and which, in retrospect, based on the testimonies, also had hostages in it,” the army said in a statement. “As a result of the fire, most of the terrorists manning the vehicle were killed, and most likely, Efrat Katz … was killed as well.”

Syria: Top Iraqi militant leader killed in Islamic State attack in Syria, says HTS
"Abu Maria al-Qahtani was martyred after a treacherous attack by an Islamic State group member using an explosive belt," said Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a former affiliate of al-Qaeda, on its Amjad media outlet.

SPC chairman arrested over anti-labor allegations
Hur Young-in, the chairman of South Korean bakery giant SPC Group, was arrested on Friday for allegedly forcing workers to quit their labor union. The Seoul Central District Court on Friday issued an arrest warrant for the 74-year-old chairman on suspicion of violating the Trade Union Act, citing concerns that Hur may try to destroy evidence.
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==Israeli fire ‘most likely’ killed woman taken captive on October 7: Army=


'Time for Justice in Alabama': Supermajority of Mercedes-Benz Workers File for UAW Vote
The union announced Friday that more than 5,000 workers at the company's nonunion plant have filed a petition with the NLRB in favor of an election, with the workers aiming for a vote by early May.

L.A. tests program to send unarmed civilians instead of cops to people in crisis
Modeled after a heralded program out of Oregon, city officials said the so-called Unarmed Model of Crisis Response has two teams of mental health practitioners available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for situations that would typically fall to police, such as conducting welfare checks and responding to calls for public intoxication and indecent exposure.

Kristi Noem, South Dakota governor, banned from second reservation in state
“This person has made a lot of accusations about the tribes, about the cartel, council representatives being in bed with the cartel, stuff like that,” Robert Walters, a Cheyenne River Sioux representative, told a tribal council meeting this week, presenting a motion to ban Noem from tribal lands over allegations about crime linked to Mexican drugs gangs.

At least 11 Minneapolis officers disciplined amid unrest after George Floyd’s murder, reports show
At least 11 Minneapolis police officers were disciplined for alleged policy violations amid the unrest that followed the murder of George Floyd, with penalties ranging from firings to reprimands, newly released documents show.
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Turkey local elections: How Erdogan's Israel policy backfired
When Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was campaigning earlier this year for local elections in the conservative stronghold of Sakarya, addressing thousands of people at a rally, the mood was cheerful. But then a banner appeared in the crowd, and the mood shifted: “End the shame of trade with Israel.” As cameras focused on the banner, officers at the event quickly had it removed, escorting out the demonstrators who held it. Erdogan didn’t comment on the banner, and it isn’t clear whether he even saw it. A month later, Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) won the mayoral race in Sakarya, but its vote share dropped by 18 percentage points compared with the 2019 municipal elections. It lost three districts to a new Islamist party that campaigned heavily on cutting ties with Israel over its war on Gaza: the New Welfare Party (YRP).

The New War Over Generic Drugs
As the price of prescription medications rises, generic drugs offer a way for consumers to save money. Although generics have the same active ingredients as brand-name drugs and result in the same clinical effect, they typically cost up to 85 percent less. But now, the generic drug industry is pushing back against a government effort to lower the cost of lifesaving medications, even though the plan is built around letting them make more generic drugs. In government filings reviewed by The Lever, generic drugmakers insist the initiative threatens their own monopoly rights — which allow them to inflate their profits and keep even generic drug prices artificially high.

War against war is starting? The grapes of wrath in Ukraine
A little more than a month that has passed since the release of the “Assembly” winter interview fully confirms its thesis about the approaching revolutionary situation in the country. The Ukrainian parliament is on the verge of a crisis: few deputies want to take political responPost too long. Click here to view the full text.





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Are there any sites, news-outlets, blogs, etc. which can be considered any reliable in terms of what happens inside DPRK? I found that when trying to follow the happenings in the DPRK or study its society, I either encounter highly Westernised "North Korea bad" anticommunisms, or unreflective, completely-oblivious-to-reality ML autisms.

Are there any sources/sites which at least come close to being realistic, good-faith and consistent on news from the DPRK?
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come to think of it, why isn't corea del norte reaching out more on the Internet


I don't think lefty Paul is a good, DPRK news source news on mostly reposts, reliable stories, but still from the western press, or from Al Jazeera.


*newsanon sry for the dictation meme again lel


Their own news, dog.
Anyway what news are you expecting? You can only say "the United States is still harassing us for no reason" so many times.


I usually watch North Korea Now
For news articles

I can't seem to access the actual Korean sites. My guess it has to do with sanctions or DPRK blocking most connections from out of DPRK for security reasons.

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What do you make of Richard Spencer and his attempted alt-right movement? What do you think he did wrong? Bad luck and timing? And do you think he has the capacity to learn from this failure, or other potential “Führers” to learn from him and make something of another attempt at a cohesive racialist pseudo fascist organization?
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Did you attend Unite the Right? And what turned you away from the movement?


You don‘t know?? We‘ve been waiting on you for giving us the answer all this time!


I think he is a narcist who enjoys being an elitist, he despises the proles most of all. The state buck broke him so hard he became a libtard.


>Did you attend Unite the Right? And what turned you away from the movement?
I'd like to second this question just out of curiosity and without any political judgement involved. Like mostly on just what the experience of being with a bunch of alt-right people while there's fist fights breaking out. Just seems like a bizarre situation.


mental illness. Is that really Spencer? Embarrasing.


Bread for the discission of the bord flu and a doomposter containment thread.
In the past few days it jumped to goats, then to cows and now to a human from a cow, this is the second case in the US, the situation may be worse in the global south.
This is a skeleton thread and i hope a good baker bakes good bread when it collapses

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that was H4N1. bird flu is worse


My hunter-gatherer homies are so excited.


Live by the ham, die by the ham.


Get past the American politics links and there is news about h5n1. Apparently pasteurization isn't enough to sterilize all viruses in cow milk.



>The good thing about very lethal viruses is the hosts dont survive long enough to spread it far and wide

There's no anime girl disparaging enough for this.

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I have heard many contradictory statements about the country, such as it's lowering inflation while also it's increasing poverty levels. Yet most people seem to like Milei there still. I presume it is only a matter time the state fucks up against tbh, but i still can't get a read on it. How is the vibe down there
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hes right, and im no petty bourgeois
unless we build a socialist alternative capitalism will africanize this country



skip to 1:09:57

Michael Hudson every now and then will talk about capitalism's dynamic in Argentina and Brazil and how our nations are ran as giant rent extraction , financial ponzi schemes by our own oligarchs.


One fun yet irrelevant fact related to OP's image: the meme is quite real. At least for Argentinians I came across around Europe. They often insert the "Argentina is white" subject in conversations. Very often out of nowhere, unprovoked, unprompted and unrequested.


I believe you lol


So how long until their Dollar reserves run out? They can't possibly keep going at this rate for very long

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Can someone explain to me what the difference between Strasserism and National Socialism is? Apparently, the distinction was great enough for Hitler to murk one of the brothers but what was it?
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All in all if the NAZIs had won WW2 the world would not be that much different aside from having no brown people, jews and slavs in Europe.


To win Hitler would have to not be retarded and stop before invading Russia. He probably could've taken Britain. Better yet would be to stop before war with Britain. That would be the real alt-history what uf the nazis won.


>To win Hitler would have to not be retarded and stop before invading Russia
The supermajority of german of the time had such an irrational hatred for the slavs that it would have been impossible. And Hitler also hated communists on top of it, there was no way for it to happen.
The slavic-communist was just an existential danger by it's mere existence, which is why NAZIS even went around doing massacres on non-aligned/potential allies in conquered territories.


It's funny the Strasser brothers became a widely used shorthand for nazbols when their version of corporatist guild socialism was even more idiosyncratic and bizarre even by the standards of fringe nazbols. If anything, the nazbols who do exist nowadays should be called Bismarckists, or people who were expelled from the KAPD at the time for arguing that Germany was a "proletarian nation" and should ally with the militarists for a war against the Entente.


strasser wanted to kill the jews but also the capitalists, they are seen as crypto commies by right wingers, and crypto facists by left wingers. Basically no one likes them. And their proponents got killed off during the night of the long knives. Strasser once said that hitler only did half a revolution, as he killed the jews but didnt kill the capitlists

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>The International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust was a two-day conference in Tehran, Iran that opened on December 11, 2006. Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki said the conference sought "neither to deny nor prove the Holocaust… [but] to provide an appropriate scientific atmosphere for scholars to offer their opinions in freedom about a historical issue".
>Participants included American David Duke, a former Louisiana State Representative and ex-Ku Klux Klan leader, attended the conference.[11] Politician Georges Theil, a member of the French National Front who was convicted under France's Holocaust denial laws, attended,[11] as did the German-Australian Fredrick Töben, founder and head of the Adelaide Institute who had been imprisoned in Germany for three months in 1999 for Holocaust denial.[10][12] Robert Faurisson, a convicted Holocaust denier from France also attended,[13] as well as Ahmed Rami, a Swedish-Moroccan Holocaust denier who was imprisoned in Sweden for inciting racial hatred.[14] Psychologist Bendikt Frings, a leading member of the German National Democratic Party (NPD), was invited by Iranian Deputy Minister of Islamic Guidance Mohammad-Ali Ramin; Frings said that he had waited for such a conference "all my childhood".[15][16] The NPD is often considered the most significant Neo-Nazi party in Germany.[17][18]

what the fuck did Iran mean by this?
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the bro handshake meme


What the hell is that from? The 1800s, early 1900s? That comical cartoon bomb has a long history if so.


>Despite that, it’s sad he’s a bourgeois revolutionary
So true! I hate the commodity and money form!


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The world is heading for an era of greatness.


wait until you find out they were real and used in warfare

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what does leftypol think about Peronism?

it was a good alternative in relation to the leftist failures of the time? i know that now it has been misinterpreted and is being misapplied in latin america (i did not see this perpetuation of ideals and personalism so marked in other democratic countries).
I would like to know what anon thinks, not only of Peron but also of justicialism as such
Justicialism achieved a productive populism but on the other hand its democratic legitimacy is much discussed (it was said that in schools they made children swear by Peron and Evita)
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>Kronstadt was OG Color Revolution. Newspapers announcing it were published before the rebellion even took place as acknowledged by Anarchists at the time. Soldarity was a CIA funded trade union. Cultural Revolution was a complete clusterfuck that defies categorization where students were gunning each other down and being retarded.

I mean if you want to be anal about it, the later uprising against the RSI was supported by the monarchy and bourgeoisie with Communist assistance.

>Fascism is always
>1. Anti-Communist
>2. Anti-Liberal
>3. In service to the bourgeoisie

Peron repressed communists, had a political machine run entirely by grift, and ultimately benefited the bourgeoisie by promoting class collaboration over class struggle.

>If you want to claim Peron as Fascist you have to answer why Peron himself was overthrown by conservative elements in the military backed by the bourgeoisie and his party banned from participating in elections for years before he came back. The Fascist reaction was against Peron for performing basic socdem measures which enraged Argentina's bourgeoisie.

Hitler had attempts on his life by the German aristocracy. ᴉuᴉlossnW was partially overthrown by conservative elements in his own nation. By your own definition then, both of these guys were in fact not fascist.


anda a militar a massa cabeza de tacho



OG social fascism.


Just /pol/tards trying to "recruit", as always. Peddling reaction in the guise of revolution is the norm.

But what the fuck am I reading on Glowiepedia? Did Peron seriously try to do "third way", instead of just paying lip service, and ended up antagonizing everyone?
>get elected
>try to resolve contradictions peacefully
>get a coup d'etat, instead

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