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Is it true that Iran did terrorism in sweden recently? If so, why? What would be the motive?

I always thought of Iran as being at least RELATIVELY smart with how they use their power but if its true that they did terrorism in sweden then all I gotta ask is why?
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It is relevant


yeah I know thats why I called the other guy out


but what about olof palme?


he deserved it
it'll happen again


Proof that just threatening to do something half-based will get you assassinated in that country. And now get back to listening some shitty schlager "music" or having a world record suicide rate without even something like Japanese aesthetics.

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I love how tankies support ultra-reactionary jihadists massacring their way through kibbutz (agricultural commune) murdering literal communists. At first I thought it was ironic, but on the other hand there are few dictators who ever killed as many communists as did Stalin lol.
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Lmao, the funniest thing is that someone actually thinks that way. Sorry, retard, history proves you wrong every day. Once you get tired of being wrong, read and become a historical materialist instead of being a libshit.
Zionist colonists who cannot exist without daddy US help (as admitted by the earliest zionists) are not communist, their existence on this land is reactionary. We can clearly see this by the constant slide into reaction Israel is experiencing. They can only double down on genocidal aspirations, and now is the time the people push back. The Palestinian resistance includes communists.
>muh stalin bad
A universal sign of libshit.
>The correct approach is to stand with the working class of each struggle, to stand with those fighting against imperialism and settler colonialism.
True, which is why the states that insist on genocides while being in fundamentally unsustainable positions that cost the workers their own lives should be dissolved. Neither of the conflicts are symmetrical, one side in each is clearly causing war and openly calling their enemies subhuman. Workers can only benefit from destruction of Israeli and Ukrainian states.


It's a term NATO dronies use



1 beta guy in front of 3 tanks.

Giant angry mob closing in on patrol car.

Apples to oranjes



Workers can also benefit from the destruction of Russia and Palestine as well.

Long live the United International Soviet Repulic!



I responded to your lie that Russia has lots of nazis fighting for it. It isn't even close to what Ukkkraine has

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what's leftypol's position on WEED?
would marijuana be legal in a socialist/communist society? Should leftists participate in movements to decriminalize and legalize marijuana? Would there be state owned marijuana farms? Or is smoking marijuana bourgeois?
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<Opium can be grown at home
Poppies can, and you can make an extremely low-potency tea with them, but there's a process to collecting and refining the flower's secretions before it's opium… Unlike cannabis which is literally
You disingenuous cunt


>As someone who knows for a fact, that the Chinese government pushes literal tons of research chemicals to the US, cheaply and legally, this only further illustrates the state's hypocrisy for its own further of its power and demonetization of its enemies for things it does fully knowing its harm.
That's not really true at all, you're being extremely disingenuous.
What you are referring to is that China ('s private sector) is used for production, logistics and distribution and what not are by traditional structures that operate in the americas, the 'pushing', you refer to.
These labs have existed for years, even small scale you can contact a grey lab, ask if they can synthesize what you reqire (only in large amounts) and often you'll find one who can and is willing to.
Most of PiHKAL and TIHKAL was brought in to public consumption this way, it is what explains the 2000's boom in 'research chemicals', or, RC's. I was in forums where this was actively happening.


I'm on them Belgorod Oblast tic tacs. I'm on that KGB CBD. I'm on that Cheka Cheech & Chong. I'm growin that Trofim Lysenko Skunk. Nutted on the bud and it grew into a Homunculus. I did a line of Tsar dust. I mean I really grinded up Nick's Bones and snorted that shit off my polished mahogany. Developed hemophilia and a thirst for blood.


Weed is cool and i like it


What if I eat edibles, no lung cancer for me.

Also weed withdrawal is not even as hard as coffee withdrawal.

But yes, I agree no coffee or tea for socialist nations!

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🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/6/6/israels-war-on-gaza-live-relentless-israeli-strikes-kill-102-palestinians

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)

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>Is this true news or false rumor that US troops participated in the civilian massacre Israel just carried out?
No media I have seen has said this and the resistance has not said this, Abu Obaida has spoken about the attack and didn't mention it.
>then stormed out massacring hundreds of people.
100's were mostly killed by bombings not shot by troops, just to be clear. Israel does 'fire wall's' when it does operations to give themselves security.
>Imagine if the resistance had ton of manpads and all the zionists heli evacs ended in balls of flames
A cool fact about their anti-air rockets is the piece of pipe you see on them. These things were brought cheap from the Libian stocks, they are old and the batteries didn't work in order for heat-seeking. What that piece of pipe is is a Gaza made chemical battery that immitates and replaces the degraded originals.


National Resistance Brigades (Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces) spokesman Abu Khaled:
Our fighters destroyed one of the enemy's bulldozers and continue to bombard their positions with mortars.
Commander Abu Khaled, spokesperson for Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces (the military wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine), issued a military statement, confirming that the fighters of Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces destroyed one of the "israeli" enemy's armored bulldozers and continued to bombard their vehicles on the advancement fronts with mortars. Here are the details:
First: A group from Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces successfully ambushed one of the enemy's fortified bulldozers and struck it with anti-tank shells, resulting in the disabling of the D9 bulldozer, and the killing of its driver, in the area of Al-Abd Jabr in Yabna camp, west of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip.
Second: Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces bombarded the "israeli" enemy forces that had infiltrated east of Al-Bureij camp, in the central Gaza Strip, with a number of heavy mortar shells, which hit their targets.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces – Military Wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Military Media

The UKMTO reports that ship was attacked in the Gulf of Aden, 80 nautical miles southeast of Aden, Yemen.


Hezbollah operations 06/08/2024:
11:25 PM on Friday, 7/06/2024: targeted a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Tayhat Triangle" with rocket weapons.
Launched an aerial attack with an attack drone on a newly established artillery position in the “Sin’im” area in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms, targeting the positions and locations of enemy officers and soldiers, hitting its targets accurately.
01:10: a group of "israeli" enemy soldiers was targeted with artillery shells as they moved inside the "Rahib" site.
10:45: targeted the "Zar'it" barracks with artillery shells, hitting it directly.
Targeted the “Malikiyah” settlement with a Katyusha rocket salvo, in response to the “israeli” enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe houses, and the targeting of civilians, especially in the town of Aitaroun, which led to the martyrdom of citizens and the injury of others.
14:00: targeted the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly.
Targeted a building used by "israeli" enemy soldiers in the "Kfar Yuval" settlement with rocket weapons, in response to the "israeli" enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, particularly in the town of Khiam.
Targeted the headquarters of the Sahel battalion in the “Beit Hillel” barracks with Falaq-2 missiles, in response to the "israeli" enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, recently in the towns Markaba and Aitaroun.
Targeted a building belonging to military intelligence in the settlement of "Misgav Am" with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly. This led to its destruction, the outbreak of fire, and the killing and wounding of those inside, in response to the "isareli" enemy's attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes and the targeting of civilians, particularly in the town of Aitaroun, which led to the martyrdom of citizens and the wounding of others.
Targeted a building used by enemy "israeli" soldiers in the settlement of "Metulla" with appropriate weapons, hitting it directly, in response to the "israeli" enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe homes, particularly in the town of Khiam.
22:35: targeted a group of "israeli" enemy soldiers who were attacking with phosphorus shells and setting fires in the brushes opposite the town of Ramia with rocket weapons, achieving direct hits.


wheres the new thread


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A thread related to Baltic states on life support from EU and only valuable for NATO because of them being close to Russia.

Any topic related to Baltics.
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I thought everyone there is drunk 24\7 and, thus, having fun 24\7


The former Lavtian PM (Karins) is an American


If they were born in Latvia or have lived there there for decades they are Latvian regardless of whether the nazi emigre descended freaks in Riga consider them to be.



I still can't unsee the batlic chicken

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Palestinian commander thought to be dead resurfaces in West Bank funeral
"Our message is that we defied the [Israeli] occupation and we are still alive, and we are still walking on the path of the martyrs, no matter how much they assassinate us. This situation will not end until [we claim] victory," Abu Shuja is seen saying in one video posted online.

Villages in Manbij under attack
Manbij Military Council reported that the attacks caused damage to crops and green areas, but did not result in any casualties. The starting point of the attacks was a Turkish army base in the occupied town of Tokhar al-Kabir (Greater Tokhar).

Berlin police ban Irish protesters from speaking or singing in Irish at pro-Palestine ‘ciorcal comhrá’ near Reichstag
German authorities have been increasingly restricting pro-Palestine protests against the government’s support for Israel amid its war in Gaza. The ban on languages other than English and German, in Berlin without a designated translator present to interpret for police is seen as mainly targeting Arabic speakers, and therefore Palestine supporters.

Peter Hain calls for inquiry into MoD’s alleged role in Saudi bribes scandal
In a letter to the head of the NAO, Gareth Jenkins, Lord Hain said the revelations raised “extremely serious questions about the MoD’s alleged involvement in corruption”. Hain also backed calls from Spotlight on Corruption and Transparency InterPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Katyn Massacre Revisited: Declassified archival evidence disputes the “Soviets did it” narrative
but but but leninhat said the soviets did it AND it was based


a bunch of dead pollock reactionaries is pretty based


OP here
I'm trans btw


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>>OP here
>>I'm trans btw


Nice to see you around TYBNA!


<this job is more difficult than others
>why should i take it?
<because it pays more
>why should i care about that?
<because you'll have more money
>why should i care about having more money?
<because then you won't have to work as much to remain alive
>ok, then i'll take this difficult job, burn myself out, and then live off my savings for a while after getting laid off
<sorry, a gap in your resume looks suspicious. you'll need to work constantly until retirement if you ever want to get a job again
What's the point? Why even bother trying?
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Ah, the joys of proletariat having no other means to survive other than to sell their labor. Imagine if there was a different system


This. I have a 6month gap where I got laid off and I just tailor the projects I allegedly freelanced to the job I'm applying to.

Suicide rate is the only QoL metric I believe in.


Unfortunately most of LeftPol is jist gibsmedat.
Alot of these "proles" fell for the college degree and are allergic to trades

Yall wanna whine about Protestant work ethic but then talk about revolution?


>Yall wanna whine about Protestant work ethic but then talk about revolution?
I do. And I'm tired of pretending it's somehow contradictory.


Yeah, no one cares unless the job you're applying for requires specialised knowledge that requires years of study or practice.

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Samsung Union Goes on First-Ever Strike Over Pay Dispute
The largest union at Samsung Electronics Co. went on a strike for the first time in the company’s 55-year history, with the standoff over pay so entrenched that the two sides have stopped all discussions. The National Samsung Electronics Union, the largest of the tech giant’s several unions with some 28,400 workers, encouraged members to take a single day off on Friday, which falls between a Thursday public holiday and the weekend. They plan to resume normal work hours next week.

South Korea to freeze key military deal with Pyongyang amid balloon spat
The council said that continued compliance with the deal would present “considerable problems in our military’s readiness posture”. Suspending the agreement would allow the country to conduct training near the military border and take unspecified “immediate measures” if necessary, it added.

Chinese local official dies in alleged stabbing after housing dispute
The obituary said Guo was responsible for dealing with the illegal occupation of state-owned housing and that the suspect was an illegal occupant. It did not elaborate on details of the dispute. However, mainland legal outlet Fadulaw, quoting an anonymous source, said on its WeChat account that the incident was believed to be related to a housing dispute stemming from Guo’s term as a township leader.
https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3265606/chinese-local-official-dies-alleged-stabbingPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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America’s Biggest Tax Scam May Finally End
Is the TurboTax era over? Recently, the IRS announced they plan to roll out a free program that will let Americans directly file their taxes online without using expensive tax-assistance programs. The move could have happened more than two decades ago, if not for corporate lobbyists. Today on Lever Time, we look at the 20-year war waged by tax-prep companies like Intuit and H&R Block to stop the government from letting people file online for free. In the early 2000s, alarmed by calls from the George W. Bush White House to create a public tax filing platform, Intuit, the parent company of TurboTax, went on a lobbying blitz. The government agreed to back down, but only if tax-prep companies allowed low-income taxpayers to file for free. On paper, the tax-prep firms agreed — but in reality, they used deceptive tactics to manipulate taxpayers into paying for their software.

NDFP: Zelensky Visit Part Of US Aim to Portray Marcos Jr As Poster Boy For War Versus China
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s recent visit to Malacañang is part of US imperialist war designs to portray Marcos Jr. as the new poster boy for its proxy war versus China. The -Marcos Jr. media stunt exposes US imperialism’s use of puppet regimes such as the Philippines and Ukraine to advance its geopolitical ambitions. By aligning Marcos Jr as a parallel of Zelensky, the US is positioning the Philippines as a key player in its broader strategy to counter its imperialist rival–China.

Corporate Media Push Conspiracy Theories to Discredit Student Protesters
Across corporate media, journalists and pundits introduced conspiracy theories to discredit the pro-Palestine student protest movement, particularly that they are funded by foreign countries or “outside agitators.” MSNBC‘s Joe Scarborough (5/9/24) went on a rant about the colPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Why do people even need to file taxes? In civilised countries they just take them out of your paycheck before you get it, infinitely easier for everyone.


It's psychological, mainly. The more novel "crimes" they generate, the more the panopticon feels real, and the more they can replace wage labor with penal labor.


To create space for middle men like turbotax.


>Guo was responsible for dealing with the illegal occupation of state-owned housing and that the suspect was an illegal occupant
>the incident was believed to be related to a housing dispute stemming from Guo’s term as a township leader
Based "illegal" occupant. Housing is a human right.


I think Murry Bookchin was totally right the classical struggle between militant proletarians and the bourgeoisie at least in the developed world where as in places like Indonesia where repression still exists. And from this we need to find a new way of organizing that fits in with the modern world.

<But the CNT-FAI also revealed the limitations of that type of classical struggle — and it is fair to say that the Spanish Revolution marked the end of a century-long era of so-called “proletarian revolutions” which began with the June uprising of the Parisian workers in 1848. The era has passed into history and, in my view, will never again be revived. It was marked by bitter often uncompromising struggles between the proletariat and bourgeoisie, an era in which the working class had not been admitted into its “share” of economic life and virtually denied the right to form its own protective institutions. Industrial capitalism in Spain was still a relatively new phenomenon, neither affluent enough to mitigate working class unrest nor sure of its place in political life — yet still asserting an unqualified right to ruthlessly exploit its “hired hands.”
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This guy still believes in the left-unity meme lol


So what organization do you propose will lead us to socialism instead of these, oh wise man


Not him but: the best i can imagine is some kind of liason between trade unions, tenants unions, and purpose-specific local groups, each run with a specific purpose, with a primary view not towards building socialism but towards rebuilding class consciousness given how comprehensively it has been crushed in the first world.
I'm happy to concede this is a weak and vague suggestion, but if it all fails horribly it will at least be a novel kind of failure. One more first world Vanguard LARP party isn't going to succeed where all the hundreds of others have failed - even if it was going to succeed it would depend, first and foremost, on the kind of practical, boring activity that a party is horribly suited to because it will always be tempting to discard the boring bit in favor of LARPing as the CPSU.

Every organization should identify a practical immediate need and then try to meet that need. Unions, however poorly, meet this test. Tenants unions, also good. Hell, even many charities and book clubs manage this. LARP parties, however, only ever meet the need of their central committees to feel powerful, to draft arrogant, grandiose statements of "demands" purportedly from the working class but ultimately on behalf of a rug merchant or sex-pest with no working class following to speak of and no serious expectation those demands will be met. The fetish for the party form is one of the worst diseases of the contemporary left - if the alternatives are underdeveloped, that just makes the case more strongly: a thousand dead vanguards, a thousand more waiting in the wings, and so little idea of what else we could try…



Why not though? The only reason it's not happening is because communists are retarded.

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So we know the right wing has their dogwhistles, i.e. "Christ is King" and "It's Okay to be White."
How about a Socialist dogwhistle? Something that will trigger rightoids, something that really hurts: reminding them that the soul does not exist, and that consciousness is an illusion. They HATE this, it threatens everything about right wing ideology much more than they are willing to admit. This is why they fought it fiercely in the 20th Century, making sure to appeal to the "godlessness" of communism. Ultimately I believe there is too much idealism around these days. You see it in things like psychedelic culture, wellness culture, tech culture (and their idiotic quest for "immortality") and surprise! they are all becoming very reactionary!

Trigger the idealists. "Matter is the fundamental substance in nature." It's the perfect combination of disarming and bewildering that gave "its okay to be white" and the AOK hand their power. "Matter is the fundamental substance in nature. Make it a meme. Marx would be proud. That's where it all began, after all. Before his ingenious theory of Dialectical Materialism, before Scientific Socialism, before the Communist Manifesto, there was Materialism.
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>matter is a component of substance it is not a substance in and of itself faggot
The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell it is not a cell in and of itself faggot


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>just be normal.


Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life…


Imagine disagreeing with matter existing.

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