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He seems to hate eastern religions and prefers Christianity since it was always politically oriented to begin with and advocates for it's followers to remain active in society while eastern religions are incredibly inward focused and resignation from life.
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Christinaoty has been a political creed since the 17th century


Zizek is Peterson twin brother, but with pink flavour, westoid exceptionalist, typical "garden" leftoid and nazoid enabler, and It was obvious for everyone outside angloworld since he becomes a thing, you dumb westoid fuckers.


Frankly, I don't see why such pathetic shill and clown should be afforded any attention here. You could openly discuss the ideas of some explicitly rightwing, liberal or generally non-socialist figure and I guess that shit would be even more interesting that this clown's theatrical rubbish.
If you want to make up your own mind about Buddhism, Christianity or whatever, there are plenty of resources available to do that and stop relying on wannabe pop philosophers.


The entire Ljubljana school is pure idealist mental illness.


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Deliberately, at that. The whole project is a box of half-chewed crayons

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TF2 players have more solidarity than the average American, people online are more willing to organize to save a video game than to unionize. Let that sink in
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i don't think historical materialism can explain german autism


>Whoa guys did you know that if you make a militant nation state made out of every Taylor Swift fan they'd be able to rival Russia as a superpower or something gay like that.
Anyone saying stuff like this is so retarded that it isn't even funny, it's the basic ass shower thoughts quotes shit of politics.


Are you capable of seeing events as a result of a cause and a source of effect, allowing them to chain into other events; or do you see events as chapters, containerized by some metaphysical mcguffin?


Probably because one of those things comes with risk of punishment?


Moved to >>>/games/35840.

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Samsung workers’ union announces first-ever strike for chipmaker
A major union representing tens of thousands of people at the South Korean tech giant Samsung Electronics said on Wednesday that workers will go on strike for the first time, potentially threatening key global semiconductor supply chains. A spokesperson said union members, around 20% of the company workforce, or 28,000 people, would use annual leave to strike for one day on 7 June, leaving the door open for a potential general strike down the road.

French Minister Says New Caledonia Capital 'Under Control'
French security forces have regained control throughout New Caledonia's capital Noumea, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said on Friday, two weeks after deadly riots broke out in the Pacific territory. Around 400 police had cleared 26 barricades and arrested 12 people in the Riviere-Salee district in the city's north, Darmanin wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

Sikh separatist contests India election from jail, a worry for government
A win for him in an election to parliament could give Singh some legitimacy and spark concerns of a revival of a militancy that killed tens of thousands of people in the 1970s and 1980s.

Red Sea tensions: Yemen’s Houthis ‘attack’ US carrier after deadly strikes
Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree announced the attack on the Eisenhower carrier on Friday; the group earlier claimed that at least 16 people were killed in US and UK assaults on the Hodeidah province, the highest publicly acknowledged death toPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


UC officials seek legal means to end student worker strike
The union's strike is in protest of UC's handling of encampments where police arrested hundreds of students and employees at UC San Diego, UCLA and UC Irvine. Those academic workers — ranging from academic researchers and graduate teaching assistants to post-doctoral scholars who hold office hours and grade assignments — are also facing university disciplinary measures.

Florida sheriff’s office fires deputy who fatally shot Black airman at home
A Florida sheriff on Friday fired a deputy who fatally shot a Black airman at his home while holding a handgun pointed to the ground, saying the deputy’s life was never in danger and he should not have fired his weapon.

Police break up pro-Palestinian campus protests in California and Detroit
Campus, local and state police swarmed the protesters, and video showed officers telling people to leave, then taking away signs and part of a barricade, local news stations reported. There appeared to be some pushing and shoving between police and protesters. Officers carried zip ties and appeared to detain a few people.

Pro-Palestinian protesters enter Brooklyn Museum, unfurl banner as police make arrests
A large pro-Palestinian rally marched on the Brooklyn Museum Friday afternoon, setting up tents in the lobby and unfurling a “Free Palestine” banner over the building. Social media posts show New York City police confronting, tackling and arresting some of the protesters. Other posts show supporters holding banners, waving Palestinian flags and chanting boisterously on the steps of the grand, Beaux Arts museum, which is the ciPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


836 - Pier One Imports feat. Derek Davison (5/28/24)(Chapo Trap House)
Chief Chapo foreign correspondent returns to take us around the wide world of conflict. We get an update on the war in Gaza including the bombing of Rafah, the failing floating Pier, and the Biden administration's attempts to broker some kind of deal between Israel, Palestine and Saudi Arabia without gaining any concessions or movement toward peace in the process. Plus, we discuss the death or Iranian president Raisi, the situation in Ukraine, and what the hell’s going on in French New Caledonia.

Could Raisi's death be a turning point for Iran?
From 1989, when Khamenei ascended to the leadership, until 2021, when Ebrahim Raisi won the presidential election, no president had been fully aligned with Khamenei. As part of the unification strategy, all major moderate and reformist candidates were disqualified by the Guardian Council in 2021, leading to Raisi’s victory. He was the favoured candidate of the deep state. This vote also recorded the lowest turnout in presidential elections since the establishment of the Islamic Republic. This trend continued in the first round of parliamentary elections this past March, where voter participation was around 40 percent. This is particularly striking given that years earlier, Khamenei had described a 40 percent electoral participation rate in some countries as a “disgrace”. In Tehran, the epicentre of Iran’s political developments, participation dropped to 24 percent. The situation deteriorated further in the second round this month, with participation in Tehran plummeting to seven percent of eligible voters. The top candidate in Tehran secured a parliamentary seat with just 3.5 percent of the eligible vote. Is this precipitous decline in electoral participation important for the deep state? Prior to the March elections, Khamenei remarked: “The enemy is looking for an unprosperous election … It is paramount that the elections be prosperous and full of excitement.” By holding elections, the deep state seeks to project governmental legitimacy on the international stage. The dramatic reduction in participation subverts this objective.
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>the village of Herêma Şêxo

tybna btw fwiw


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News Anon

Thank you



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There are 3 primary factors why so many people are trans now.

>1) Social acceptance for being trans is at an all time high.

>2) Women have freed themselves from gender roles and now can opt to be "be a man" if they want. This is why many AFAB transpeople do things men shouldn't do, like wear make up, or continue being feminine.

>3) The gender roles for men are economically driven, and the economy aint so good. If you know your sole determining factor for being valued is your ability to provide and dominate, in a financial sense, perhaps you decide to opt out? Look at the man-o-sphere grind set videos, many man opt further into their roles as well.

Bottomline: transhumanistess is directly related to our economic conditions and, we will absolutely see a reduction in the numbers of MtF trans people once the economy improves, and being a male is considered more "worth it".(Idpol Derangement Sydrome)
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I know at least 6 trans construction workers


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>nothing created gender roles
they are the interplay of biology and early class society. The statistical strength of the male-presenting entity compared to female-presenting entity, and the necessity of the female-presenting entity to breastfeed the newborn child incentivized a clear division of labor in a society transitioning between a hunter gatherer mode of existence and an early agricultural mode of existence. People could and did diverge from their socially constructed roles, but they statistically were more likely not to, because it constituted swimming upstream in many ways.


>you can change gender retard, that's the whole point. if transness is tied to economic conditions, why would there be a centuries old monument about non-gender conforming mythological people in an island with relatively simple feudal-like economics?
the answer is because this idiot didnt read anything about the history of trans people. trans people are clearly just a modern nomenclature for a modern manifestation of a type of person that has been continually reborn for probably all of human history, trans people are a part of the human genome


just say men and women


a lot of men are already little bitches, so they might as well complete the transformation

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Hello. Firstly, please forgive me. I am 26, but I am not very knowledgeable about leftism…
A friend has helped me out of a very dark place in my life, and I wish to know more about what they believe in. They are communist, but again. I was raised on 4chan and that capitalism is amazing. I have lurked here for a little under an hour and I am trying to get to grips with what the general consensus of this place is, but I am not sure of your ideology and I feel like an idiot, I keep having to Google theory and acronyms you use…
This is a roundabout way to say, I am not one of you, but I am eager to see what you believe in, where do I begin?
I picked the stalin flag as I know who he is.
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>Do you just work normal jobs

>and not tell anyone you're a leftist?

no ? why would we do that ?


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> I want to ask, do you all dislike most of the west?
As a geopolitical sphere of influence, sure. Otherwise, it's whatever. I don't have any hatred for working people, all cultures have their strengths and faults.

>Can I ask something, what are you all like irl? Do you just work normal jobs and not tell anyone you're a leftist?

I'm a comp sci student and work in what we call "scientific initiation" (I get to help a professor in their research). I'm currently applying for internships as well. I'm also member of a communist organization, and I prefer not to throw this information around for a number of reasons, including safety. People do know I'm left leaning though: I describe myself as a Marxist pretty openly when prompted, and others see no issue with that since I'm regarded as intelligent, honest, and well-intentioned by my friends, peers and acquaintances; and it helps that I have pretty good rhetoric when provoked.
As for my social life, it's normal. I'm a huge nerd as is everyone in imageboards, but people see no issue with that either, I have good company.


Basically, capitalism was useful for getting out of feudalism, but it has overstayed its usefulness and now we have people deliberately restricting growth in the interest of serving their own private profit interests and they can do this because they own the means of production, giving them all the power. This is why the wealthiest country on Earth can have people going hungry or enslaving people to debt as the tech bros, CEOs and bankers get bailout after bailout and parachutes and ect ect ect.

Communism is a steady process and is the name of the idealistic outcome and considered by Marx & Engels as the next stage of human development that's focused on growth, production, technological advancement and so on. An example of why Capitalism fails at this is America forgetting how to make boats or their total failure in the green energy sector because they're busy funneling money into Musk so he can make bad cars for rich people. Some socialist countries will have elements of capitalism in it, like the USSR did under Lenin, because it's a process. There is no communist country, they are BUILDING communism. The most important method for this is the dictatorship of the proletariate, where the proletariate class get the power to rip industry from the interests of private profits and then can focus on production, production, production. Like how China basically produces the entire world's steel.

Read Principles of Communism first and then go from there. Eventually read the State and Revolution to understand the USSR better.

One last thing, most of your anti-communist thoughts most likely come from "it's always failed" but that's propaganda. If you look at the economic development, socialism uplifted 10s of millions of people in an extremely short amount of time. The USSR took 30 years to become the second largest superpower in the world. It took America 200. There have been mistakes, this is a dumb argument because every country makes mistakes, but objectively speaking, it's successful and it's just restrained under the threat of bombings and sanctions from liberal countries.

Also Anarchists are not Communists so don't use them as an example. This is because they're "utopian" meaning they don't care about material conditions, aka reality, and just exist to wave their finger at socialists. Marxists are stringent mPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>I want to ask, do you all dislike most of the west?
The West as in the national governments and the corporations and the culture, yeah. The people are mostly fine, just very misled. There are a lot of fascist types and so on but they're a minority. Western chauvinism is pretty ubiquitous but it can be unlearned since it's so easily debunked.


>>anarchist telling people to go read Principles of Communism
Nothing in that post references anarchism. Which mod is this?

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There are three political tendencies of most importance: the capitalists (conservatives, liberals, …), the biophiliac workers (socialists), and the necrophiliacs. (fascists, class traitors, PMC, cops, soldiers, organized crime, incels, …)

By cultural hegemony, libidinal repression, the authoritarian family unit and so on the capitalists indoctrinate the workers into necrophilia, self-hatred, and working against their best interests.

But the capitalists must perform a careful balancing act, because fascism emerges when the self-hating workers organize, or the capitalists start to believe their own propaganda.

In other words, capitalism is founded upon a conflict between socialism and fascism, and between biophilia and necrophilia.

But fascism is an artificial construct of the capitalists which emerges when capitalist indoctrination goes out of control. Fascism is not purely the result of a necrophiliac psychology, fascism is a set of socioeconomic conditions which tends to lead the necrophiliac into fascist groups. In a sense, fascism is a kind of ableism which pushes men who hate themselves into prisons and extremist groups.

This is not to say we should compromise with fascism, but that we should deconstruct the biophilia which creates the divide between socialism and fascism. Conservative and fascist groups can recruit necrophiliac workers, because we let fascism recruit workers who hate themselves. If we want to destroy the party of the madmen then we need to destroy madness, that is to say we must destroy psychiatry. And we must destroy all such other biophilias.

To fight capitalism we must organize the workers, to organize the workers we must fight fascism, and to fight fascism, we must fight biophilia. We must fight psychiatry, prison, ableism and ecology. To fight capitalism, we must fight eudaimonia.(Third-Positionism)
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Now, that's an argument I can get behind.


>This still buys into naturalism and individualism
Read the German Ideology.
<Communism is quite incomprehensible to our saint because the communists do not oppose egoism to selflessness or selflessness to egoism, nor do they express this contradiction theoretically either in its sentimental or ‘it its high-flown ideological form; they rather demonstrate its material source, with which it disappears of itself. The communists do not preach morality at all, as Stirner does so extensively. They do not put to people the moral demand: love one another, do not be egoists, etc.; on the contrary, they are very well aware that egoism, just as much as selflessness, is in definite circumstances a necessary form of the self-assertion of individuals. Hence, the communists by no means want, as Saint Max believes, and as his loyal Dottore Graziano (Arnold Ruge) repeats after him (for which Saint Max calls him “an unusually cunning and politic mind”, Wigand, p. 192), to do away with the “private individual” for the sake of the “general”, selfless man. That is a figment of the imagination concerning which both of them could already have found the necessary explanation in the Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher. Communist theoreticians, the only communists who have time to devote to the study of history, are distinguished precisely by the fact that they alone have discovered that throughout history the “general interest” is created by individuals who are defined as “private persons”. They know that this contradiction is only a seeming one because one side of it, what is called the “general interest”, is constantly being produced by the other side, private interest, and in relation to the latter it is by no means an independent force with an independent history — so that this contradiction is in practice constantly destroyed and reproduced. Hence it is not a question of the Hegelian “negative unity” of two sides of a contradiction, but of the materially determined destruction of the preceding materially determined mode of life of individuals, with the disappearance of which this contradiction together with its unity also disappears.


>We can fix society
Only if society lets you live. Zealots will not see the end of the revolution.
>All desires are artificial
Actually, yes
>because language is artificial
According to the mimetic theory, as long as there is enough language to convey positive or negative affect while demonstrating a desirable or undesirable action, you have the necessary rudiments to create desire in others.


>what is national syndicalism?


You don't think we should take action against the root issues which recruit people to fascism? Doesn't that seem much more effective, and less genocidal than killing all the fascists.

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This is a report from Bruno Drweski, a french marxist, which I found interesting and fed through deepL to share it here.

>I was invited to Korea (South) by the People's Democracy Party (PDP) for the demonstration and celebrations marking the anniversary of the 1980 “Gwangju Commune” and for a conference organized by their party on the international situation, anti-imperialism and the dangers of war.

>On the day I arrived, I took part in a demonstration in honor of the 1980 insurgents. The PDP mobilized over a thousand demonstrators in Gwangju, but the total number of demonstrators was much higher, as other organizations also called to celebrate the anniversary. We then moved on to the Gwangju cemetery (over 2,000 dead according to historians), where hour after hour I saw successive groups arrive to pay tribute to the martyrs. There is the “official” cemetery for the victims of the savage killings perpetrated by the forces of repression, and a museum that recounts the event and the mobilizations of the Korean people against Japanese occupation and for democracy. Of course, because of the anti-Communist and anti-North Korean law, there is nothing in this museum about the anti-Japanese Communist resistance, which was by far the most important resistance movement against the occupying forces.
>Rather, the museum is designed to legitimize the current regime in South Korea, based on the idea that the country may have experienced several savage dictatorships after 1945, with no link to the U.S. occupation forces, but that the people who revolted are now supposed to have freedom and democracy in South Korea. For other Koreans, however, such as PDP activists, 1980-88 was only a half-victory, since the capitalist system of overexploitation of workers is still in place, Korea remains divided and the South is still under US military occupation. Next to the victims' cemetery is another cemetery. It is more discreet and concentrates the graves of political activists and resistance fighters who were repressed and murdered before, during and after 1980, and who fought for the complete victory of people's democracy.

>The following day saw an all-day PDP conference on the international situation, with nine foreign guests (see detailed summary below).

>The following day: a meeting with activists from a Post too long. Click here to view the full text.





<no link
This was a good post but provide source to such posts.


you're absolutely right, I usually do it but I forgot (although you have at least the name of the guy)
there was also another article from him about his visit in korea last year, more focused on korea itself and its history


Thank you anon, much appreciated!

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I don’t get why, patriarchy is a pretty pernicious and violent hierarchical structure that negatively effects both men and women, makes female workers more easily exploitable and easier to disrupt in organizing, makes men more likely to act as class collaborators with more powerful men against women from their own class and as a whole, is consistently used as a means to establish buy-in for many men into capitalism, with many reactionary bourgeois ideologies targeting young men playing heavily on patriarchal beliefs and norms, and of course, like it or not, but part of the issue with SA and less serious but still harmful forms of gendered and intimate abuse in some socialist parties and anarchist groups like it or not likely come down to patriarchal attitudes not sufficiently critiqued and deprogrammed out of male members

I’d also say there’s no problem discussing it either unless you’re more concerned with alienating potential male chauvinist allies over basically all women that might possibly be interested in radical politics
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>If I assert something…that makes it true!
White MLoids ain’t ever beating the chauvinist allegations


Kys neolib


>patriarchy affects cis white males too
>no I will not discuss or organize around these issues
Call this what it is. A thought terminating cliche for bourgeois feminists jockeying to elevate their position in society via misandry.


>Call this what it is. A thought terminating cliche for bourgeois feminists jockeying to elevate their position in society via misandry.
Imagine thinking your fake and gay Roman idealism has any business existing in the modern industrial world. Emotional faggot


Moved to >>>/meta/33505.

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Egypt tight-lipped over Israeli takeover of Gaza buffer zone
Israel said on Wednesday that its forces had gained “operational” control over the Philadelphi corridor – the Israeli military’s code name for the 9-mile-long (14km) strip of land along the Gaza-Egypt border. Under the terms of the 1979 peace accord between Egypt and Israel, each side is allowed to deploy only a small number of troops or border guards in a demilitarised zone that stretches along the entire Israel-Egypt border and encompasses the corridor.

Egypt: Sisi government raises price of 'bread of the poor' by 300 percent
Egypt will raise the price of subsidised bread by 300 percent from June, Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly said on Wednesday, announcing a change that will affect tens of millions of the impoverished population.

MK Party overtakes EFF nationally with 34% of votes counted
With just over 34% of the national votes counted, former President Jacob Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party has overtaken the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and is now in third place nationally with 9.38% of the vote counted. The African National Congress (ANC) is still ahead of the pack, with just 42.31% of the votes. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is in second position with almost 25% of the votes nationally.

Turkish state and its mercenaries bomb villages of Manbij and burn more cultivated land
Manbij Military Council Press Contact Center said that the Turkish state and its mercenaries set fire to the agricultural areas in the villages of Kirêdiyê, Boxaz and Buwêhic in Manbij, and burned approximately 20Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>praxis is when cuck protests


Day of the tiles when?


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Thanks News Anon


>refer some migrants for resettlement
"Refer for resettlement", naisu, yet another euphemism for deportation.
Viruses don't do sexual procreation, comrade. But yes, it can mutate and do a number on us.



>Researchers have witnessed two viruses – influenza A and respiratory syncytial virus – fuse together to form a single, hybrid virus.

>While competition between viruses has been researched in some detail, this new finding provides researchers with an unusual example of one virus coopting another for its own benefits.


>Recombination is a pervasive process generating diversity in most viruses. It joins variants that arise independently within the same molecule, creating new opportunities for viruses to overcome selective pressures and to adapt to new environments and hosts. Consequently, the analysis of viral recombination attracts the interest of clinicians, epidemiologists, molecular biologists and evolutionary biologists. In this review we present an overview of three major areas related to viral recombination: (i) the molecular mechanisms that underlie recombination in model viruses, including DNA-viruses (Herpesvirus) and RNA-viruses (Human Influenza Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus), (ii) the analytical procedures to detect recombination in viral sequences and to determine the recombination breakpoints, along with the conceptual and methodological tools currently used and a brief overview of the impact of new sequencing technologies on the detection of recombination, and (iii) the major areas in the evolutionary analysis of viral populations on which recombination has an impact. These include the evaluation of selective pressures acting on viral populations, the application of evolutionary reconstructions in the characterization of centralized genes for vaccine design, and the evaluation of linkage disequilibrium and population structure.

Don't ever talk to me or my son ever again.

 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why does it seem like the crux of the liberal/idpol Left is an obsession with pity and being pitied?

Look at social media, for instance, and you’ll notice how everyone uses their identity labels or difficulties surviving in end-stage capitalism as a means of competing for pity. Autistic people demand pity. Trans people demand pity. Diaspora Palestinians and Zionists compete against each other for pity. And so on.

For what reason has there become such a fixation on pity rather than, say, empowerment? Real revolutionaries don’t allow themselves to fall into pity because all it does is demoralize them in the long-run. People who truly believe they have a cause to fight for and sacrifice for don’t hyperfixate on themselves but seek to transcend and push back against whatever hardships they have.

What cultural forces would you pinpoint as the reason for why demand for pity has become such an obsession?
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The whole trans thing is pretty interesting, because at the same time many of them live in poverty, but at the same time the US elite is trying to court them hard. Seems to be another instance of using vulnerable minorities as middle men.


It's the relatively small size of the trans demo that makes it so valuable to the democrats.


Trans people and their rights are being cynically used by the bourgeoisie. All the "progress" they've allegedly made is going to immediately evaporate when they're no longer useful as a cultural wedge to pretend-right over in congress.


All of the things you said are eugenics which is why it shouldn't be regarded as a dirty word.


Queer identites are useful for capital because they have less kids so the costs of workers is lower if the cost of labor does not include the costs of childbearing. Obv. this contradicts with capital's desire to increase labor supply.

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