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Palestinian and Israeli Communists meet to coordinate struggle against war and occupation
The meeting stressed the urgent issues and tasks, prioritizing collective efforts and intensifying the joint struggle to stop Israel’s aggressive war and the genocide it is committing. Lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip, opening its crossings and securing the food, health, and housing needs of its people was identified as an immediate necessity. The return of the displaced, the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Strip, and the curbing of all its crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories rounded out the list.

Palestinian Resistance Forces Injure Three Zionist Soldiers in West Bank Shooting Operation
The Zionist occupation forces have closed off the entrances to the city of Qalqilya in the northern West Bank and sent in military reinforcements following a shooting incident that left several Zionist soldiers injured.

'Gambling With Hostages' Lives': Senior Israeli Negotiator Says Netanyahu Knowingly Creating Crisis in Cease-fire Talks
"Netanyahu is knowingly trying to put the negotiations in crisis because he thinks he can improve positions. He has hinted to that effect in recent conversations. That's taking an uncalculated risk with the hostages' lives," one senior negotiator told Haaretz.
https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-07-26/ty-article/.premium/senior-israeli-negotiator-says-netanyahu-knowingly-creating-crisis-in-cease-fire-talks/00000190-ef5c-dda7-a9f7-ef7f7b2100Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1 post omitted.

Episode 395: House Of Tards (TrueAnon)
We’re back with our 2024 Election coverage discussing the fall of the House of Biden, the rise of Kamala, the near-assassination of Donald Trump, JD Vance’s extremely online issues, and everything else we missed during an absurdly eventful couple weeks in American politics.

Bye Bye Biden and the Kamala Sutra
Trying to make sense of President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race and deification of Vice President Kamala Harris into the pantheon of great Democratic leaders, I reached out to someone on the inside and got back the following email. … “What went wrong with this Oval Office confidence game is that the Democratic rentier class began to get the feeling that their pit manager (Biden) was losing track of the chips, the house odds on the slots, or the combination to the office safe. “I doubt that the irony was lost on the casino owners (Barack Obama, the Clintons, Madame Speaker) that they gave the hatchet job to Danny Ocean (aka George Clooney) to tell Biden that his security badge was expiring and that his last candidate salary would be waiting for him at the window. “On the talk shows, the Democrats are all about ‘the will of the people’ and ‘inclusivity,’ but in the back rooms votes are counted like pieces of eight, and Biden was coming up short. “Mind you, the same crowd now giving him the bum’s rush were a month ago ‘ridin with Biden’, but party politics are little more than mob rule, the reason the U.S. Constitution makes no room for them. “I am guessing that the party hierarchs figured that they could beat the serially- indicted Trump with Biden or even one of those inflatable dolls people used to blow up and put next to them in the front seat, when driving through a rough section of town. “Then at the debate, even when Trump held a long conversation with himself (“sharks…shower heads…and the late, great Hannibal Lecter”), he still seemed more with it than Joe (no small achievement on Biden’s part). “Biden wasn’t relieved of his command for political reasons akin to some argument in The Federalist Papers; he was run out of town for putting the Democratic capital account at risk, much the way auto execs with sluggish sales numbers are given thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon

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Bros whats going on in Venezuela?


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What is your opinion on the relatively unknown Silvio Gesell

He was against Marxism and would probably more categorized today as a market socialist or more in line is mutualism.

His main critique of capitalism was primarily in the monetary system and not in the means of production, he posited that money holds a contradictory role as both a means of exchange and a store of value hence he suggested money have a demurrage or be subject to a decaying cost similar to other styles of goods.

He also suggested free land (nationalizing all the land and all usage must be leased, a left wing version of georgism ) and free trade creating what he called the free economy

He is somewhat relevant to the socialist movement because of his very brief involvement in the bavarian soviet republic (for only 7 days til he got arrested)

I think his ideas are intriguing, certainly the more orthdox marxists on here will criticize this for preserving market logic and wage labor but what do you guys think overall of this generally forgotten figure.

Further reading can be found in his magnum opus: The Natural Economic Order
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So petty booj?

Just finished skimming through it.
Worthy of further study, although I found the claim that gold is found not produced to be dubious given the historical and current cases of mercury poisoning among workers in gold mines.

That's not even mentioning how gold has gone from mostly a value store to an industrial metal in the age of computers

Georgism is physiocratic socialism. The physiocrats held that all economic value came from the land, rather than from labor power.

What would your synopsis be?
Something useful out of it?

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Sme parts of the Western left are misguided in their view on violence as it results to Israel Palestine, especially as they themselves are beneficiaries of imperialism.

There is a current of thought that says 'all Israelis are legitimate targets of decolonisation' and that there is 'no such thing as a "good" Israeli' I believe this thought to be hypocritical and reactionary when it comes from the western left.

Just to clarify, I am a supporter of Palestine and have marched dozens of time and participated in direct action in my country in support of the cause. I am against the Israeli state and want to see a ONE STATE Solution.

However I do not believe that all Israeli's are uniquely evil or complicit. Because I (and a lot of you reading this) are part of the Imperial world order and a labour aristocracy that has benefitted from crimes against humanity. IF YOU LIVE IN THE WEST, YOU ARE EQUALLY AS COMPLICIT.

Yet as firm believer in dialectical and historical materialism, I see the possibility for change, even in the heart of the imperial core. The left in the west is pathetic and complicit, but I don't think that makes them irredeemable either. If we don't believe in transformation that why do we fight?

So, for that reason, I don't see ALL Israelis as targets either, nor do I dismiss the fact that there are good people in that country, who like leftists in the west, have been smothered by a fascist regime.
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Yes it does

>>People in London were directly responsible for genocide of the native Americans in 1800 by the Americans because their governments did trade
Coincidentally did you know Britain outlawed slavery except in their colonies? Really makes you think:
>Class analysis, on the other hand, is economicist rage porn
if I go outside and ask anyone on the street "what's low class/high class?", they're going to talk about art and culture and other non-economics things that signify bourgeois or proletarian class character

Everything is economics. That is where the "materialism" part of historical materialism comes from

>if I go outside and ask anyone on the street

I would hope for something like postwar Czechoslovakia where those Germans who participated in anti-Nazi activities were given citizenship after the war(as opposed to the Germans who were settled there by the Nazis and who saw nothing wrong with this, they got the boot).

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Labour drops challenge over Netanyahu arrest warrant
CAMPAIGNERS welcomed Labour’s decision to finally drop a legal objection to an arrest warrant for war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu today. But pressure continued to mount for a full arms embargo, as rumours circulate that Labour is considering arms restrictions on Israel.

Resistance Confronts Occupation in Khan Younis, Attacks Commence on American Forces in West Asia
Reports state that the eastern part of Khan Younis was witnessing intense confrontations between Resistance fighters and occupation forces besieging dozens of families in the Bani Suhaila area. The Resistance was attempting to break the Zionist battle lines and provide safe passage for the families to escape the military siege.

Turkey and KDP gave citizens 9 hours to evacuate 4 villages in South Kurdistan
Social Peace Building Teams (CPT) member Kameran Osman explained that KDP officials in the Amêdiyê region put pressure on citizens in the villages of Mijê, Kevne Mijê, Spîndarê and Gîrgaşê in the Ber Garê region to go to their villages between 08:00 and 17:00, and then to completely evacuate their villages and go to the places specified to them.

Top pilots’ union sounds alarm as regulators consider smaller crew sizes
EASA is looking at the safety of extended minimum crew operations (eMCO), where one pilot would leave the flight deck to rest during long flights, leaving one pilot at the helm. While many long-haul flights currently staff three pilots on the flight deck, so thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

>South Kurdistan
*North Iraq :^)

US: Lieutenant criticises police report on clearing UCLA pro-Palestine encampment
The report said that officers encountered “assaultive resistance” from students who threw “frozen water bottles, bottles containing urine and other unknown fluids, full 12 oz soda cans, pieces of plywood, wooden poles, and various sized fire extinguishers (full and emptied)".

Apple has reached its first-ever union contract with store employees in Maryland
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers’ Coalition of Organized Retail Employees, which represents the employees at a retail location in Maryland, announced Friday evening that it struck a three-year deal with the company that will increase pay by an average of 10% and offer other benefits to workers.

Kamala Harris' campaign chief signals she would keep Biden's border crackdown if elected
"I think at this point, you know, the policies that are, you know, having a real impact on ensuring that we have security and order at our border are policies that will continue," Chávez Rodríguez responded.

NYC mayor issues emergency order suspending parts of new solitary confinement law
Mayor Eric Adams declared a state of emergency and signed an order that suspended parts of the law that set a four-hour time limit on holding prisoners who pose safety concerns in “de-escalation confinement” and limit the use of restraints on prisoners while they are transported to courts or within jails. The four-hour limit could only be exceeded only in “exceptional circumstances.”
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

On the 71st Anniversary of the Attack on the Moncada Barracks and the Launch of the July 26 Movement
On the 71st anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks and the launch of the July 26 Movement in Cuba, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Samidoun both released commemoration statements. They’re published below in their entirety.
PFLP: On the 71st anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks and the launch of the July 26 Movement: A shared struggle and destiny unite us against American imperialism and its tools. On the 71st anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks and the launch of the July 26 Movement led by the international leader Fidel Castro and his comrades Che Guevara, Raúl Castro, Camilo Cienfuegos, and a group of Cuban fighters and revolutionaries who rose against American imperial arrogance through its tools in Cuba represented by the repressive Batista regime, we salute their souls and those who continued their path. The Cuban Revolution has always been considered the most important turning point in Latin America, serving as a pillar and inspiration for other revolutions worldwide and particularly in Latin America, providing financial, military, political, and moral support to all peoples yearning to break American imperialist domination in their countries.

Searching for a Kamala Harris Middle East policy beyond her pro-Israel record
While questions remain about what approach Harris will take to the US-Israel relationship and the approach to the plight of Palestinians, even less is understood about what her personal views are regarding other issues in the Middle East. When most Democrats were growing more critical of Saudi Arabia in the wake of the killing of columnist and US resident Jamal Khashoggi, Harris joined in the demands for questions from the administration of Donald Trump. She also became a reliable Senate vote on resolutions aimed at ending US support for the war in Yemen led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. However, in the time that the Biden administratioPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Thank you Based News Anon

>The state government plans to amend the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961, which currently caps work hours at 10 per day, including overtime. The proposed law would allow IT, ITes (Information Technology Enabled Services) and BPO companies to extend work hours beyond 12 per day, with additional hours not exceeding 125 in three consecutive months.
India will overtake China's economy any minute now

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Are there any works (books, articles) that elaborately debunk the framing that capitalism = freedom and socialism = tyranny? Specifically honing in on believing capitalism is the epitome of freedom. Or what arguments can you come up against that yourself?

It appears to me that when it comes to so called freedom under capitalism there is
>meaningless choice (red cereal #26 or blue cereal #13)
>theoretical freedom („you can switch jobs if you don‘t like it!“ labor market is bad and you face the same fundamental problems at another job)
>I am unfree regarding anything that is at the core of capitalism (can‘t decide over what happens to my surplus labor value, I am not actually free to protest my boss cause he will try to get rid of me)
>decrease in existing freedom (capitalists perpetually seek to squeeze workers to their last drop, forcing them to work more just to have less than before)
>the withholding of basic needs forces me to work more, when otherwise I could have done more if my needs were guaranteed
>more freedom is attained with more money, making some people freer than others merely by being born privileged

What else is there?
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read "what is property" by proudhon


Regarding labor issues, you could add that at least in the US, general strikes are illegal, or that it’s illegal for union leadership to be communist. You could also note violent strikebreaking actions, like the Battle of Blair Mountain, or Margaret Thatcher vs. the striking miners.

Then there are things like mass incarceration, especially with its use of slave labor, and related phenomena such as the “school-to-prison” pipelines in some places, and mass surveillance.

There is also a long history of assassinations of activists, backing of coups, and funding of death squads and far right extremists worldwide, all of which is done to preserve corporate profits and protect capitalism.

I don’t know how effective this line of argumentation will be however, as most burgers at least actually believe that freedom consists of having a wide variety of products available for purchase, including automatic rifles, being able to say slurs and spread racist or homophobic propaganda, being able to employ child labor in places like coal mines, and nothing else.

Trying to rationalize the lolbertarian horseshit is missing the point. It operates entirely on indoctrinating word association through repetition, basically hypnotic programming. If these people leave the chamber that reinforces the programming, they realize they're hopelessly lost and incapable, but they are brought back into the echo chamber and receive their dose of validation. It works on a certain type of person, or people who are dishonest and know a good grift when they see one. The grifters will laugh at how easy this is, and will just say they don't give a fuck about "freedom", that humans are natural slaves unless they're the masters. It's all internalized and plays on repeat, and it's detached from anything capitalism or socialism actually meant. The lie relies on association capitalism with "freedom" and then reinforcing that hypnotically, to refer to things that have nothing to do with capital, and associate "freedom" with expression of violent force, and violent force with "capitalism", and that obedience to violent force means you are closer to power, while socialism is associated with weakness. It's pure master-slave dialectic stuff and that is all that passes through any of their minds.

The funny thing is if these people describe capitalism, they describe some ridiculous unicorn system of what the world should be. This is intended as part of BigLie for the rubes. The grifters just smile because this is all about power and getting suckers into it. They like getting people who are young - teenaged males are their favorite because they're willing to believe anything and respond to ultraviolence in this society - and people who are afraid (rightly) of losing their home and will believe a huckster telling them they can keep their stuff if they just kick down someone else… and do it again, and again. The older people are out of that circle by now. Trump got the last of them, shafted them, and now they're either dead or know it's over for them.

Probably the best reason why this works though is because socialism is off-putting on its own terms, and was made so by it's own decisions. For the Boomer generation, they lived through socialists betraying them and mocking them, throwing them and their chlidren away unless they were the people who "made it". This isn't the first time socialism had that taint, but in the past, there was enough of an education that reasonable people were aware of what capitalism and socialism referrPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

You don't "debunk" things like that, as if you are a turbo lib skeptic earning brownie points. That sort of thinking is exactly why this hypnotic programming works on people - the constant hectoring and bullbaiting. All of the arguments of capitalist "freedom" from neoliberals are deliberately insulting to make it clear "you will own nothing ever again and we will always lie to you and laugh to you". For the liar, this requires lockstep enforcement and never once accepting any position of the slave. Again, they are dominated by the master-slave dialectic in their thinking, and anyone who doesn't play their game will be attacked on sight. It works the same no matter what the issue is, no matter what rational arguments are made either way. That's what happens when you build a philosophy based on pure and glorified irrationality. It's criminal that this nonsense was ever allowed to be proclaimed.

The way it works is "get them young" and to bombard them with so much fear, mass drugging, and terror, that they will latch on to anything, while anything that requires effort on their part is weird and scary and associated with humiliation and shame, which they must avoid at all costs. There's a reason they like to go after Ritalin-addled failsons with this ideology. There are a lot of marks - the people who grift and lie love doing this to fuck with people - but the drug-addled youth of American schools were primed for this because they were being funneled to become Nazis. Become Einsatzgruppen - that was the only way to interpret what they did to us in the 1990s.

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Do you know Salah Jadid?
He was a Ba'athist Arab nationalist turned far-left socialist who ruled Syria for a relatively short period before being overthrown by Assad senior in a coup.
Unlike his Ba'athist contemporaries Jadid believed in class struggle, implemented radical leftist policies, assigned communists to high positions in his government, pursued close relations with the CPSU, shifted the party line from Arab nationalism to explicitly revolutionary anti-capitalist stand treating pan-Arabism as merely a means to an end (that is socialism) rather than an end itself.
After his overthrow Assad started reversing many of his policies, liberalizing the country while cracking down on leftist opposition.

Assad Senior was an absolute buffon who wasn't committed to the Palestinian cause or socialism as he criticised Jadid for his support of Palestinians during their revolt against the Jordanian monarchy, gave the Golan on a silver platter to Israelis, funded counter revolutionaries in the Lebanese civil war, supported an expansionist theocracy in his sectarian scuffles, made a deal with the US to occupy Lebanon in exchange of supporting the Gulf War, started neoliberalizing Syria's economy in the 90s.

The only other head of state that was to the left of secular pan-Arabism is Iraq's Qasim, he to was overthrown by nationalists. As a leftist MENAoid I believe Arab nationalism has been a net negative for our region. It is a revisionist (historically and ideologically), colonial, reactionary ideology that had been used primarily to suppress class consciousness and recuperate socialism and revolution to serve bourgeois interests.
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>westfag calling anyone a fag

Petit-bourgeois socialism is the loss of the revolution

> In fact, Islamists have been partly supported by the West from time to time (although that's an oversimplification).

More like an understatement, every super reactionary in the middle east is on CIA payroll. With free Toyota helixs and enough guns to be a a threat to any natural seculariztion. IMO as a burger I won't give anymore opinions on the internal politics of the middle east. I think the line the western left needs is to support ending imperialism in the middle east. Who knows maybe an Islamic communist states start to emerge. I doubt it but I have no say in the internal politics of a communist Iranian party. What's important is stopping wars. Otherwise the region will never recover.

Religion is so funny, the Muslim hypercube is owned by some dipshit failson that wants to turn the country into a militarized theme park.

>communist Iranian party
Does he know?

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If you want to make revolution, just buy the guns illegally.
>But what if you get caught?
I have nothing to lose. I can get caught for any other reason.

Communists gave nothing to lose. We are willing to fight and die for what we believe. Rightoids need guns to be legal so they can form Klan cells without losing their jobs as boat dealership owners..
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TBH, what's likely going to happen is that you're going to get drowned in literal robo-cops with bullet resistant armor that cost less than the price of a new car.

This whole armed revolution thing is silly and stupid. Get a job, preferably in robotics.

>in america Brazil, USA, Peru and mexico are fertile ground for revolution
Nah, they are fertile ground for lone-wolf terrorism. Which is different. Without a strong political movement, any violence is useless and even counter-productive.

>cannons well predate explosive weapons.

are you immune to bullets?
if you are teach comrades your powers.
if you are not then you probably should care about gun control

Middle-class counterrevolutionary fuckholes like you really should be shot

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original thread: >>>/siberia/548766

I'm trying to understand how Egypt got where it is, and what should've been done before, during, and after the 2011 revolt. I'm looking for a deep leftist analysis on the topic, not from an outsider's POV hopefully.

I'd say failure in six day war, followed by Sadat being a cuck.

Egypt was a state capitalist ethnonationalist shithole that murdered commies then it transferred into a neoliberal comprador military shithole after Sadat

It never even began

fuck I didn't know I was on /blackpill/

Nasser was based

You're a cringy orientalist

I'm an oriental like the ones Nasser murdered, dumbfuck.

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Give me a single fucking reason why in the year of 2024 it‘s acceptable that people are still braindead drones with no class consciousness and no understanding of Western imperialism when the internet has made access to all books incredibly easy and free. Go on and tell me how this isn‘t an indictment in how hopelessly retarded a majority of people in the West are.
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>still talking about respect
that's not the fucking point retard, not everybody who dosent know Burundian history is a tard. you dont have to be savvy on burundiam history, they dont need it and clearly the only one who'd be happy if they did would be you. you cant force people into shit they dont care
>but muuh importance
it's not important to them, they can all their life avoiding it and thid dosent make them an inch stupidier.
>it explains everything about our situation
never in the history of the world has that not been true, people always prefer thinking first about themselves. the thing is, what helps yourself the most, is working with other people.

>what helps yourself the most, is working with other people.
Until the state and the Pinkertons come knocking and making threats, or the job just leaves because they don't wanna deal with a union contract or an NLRB case. That's why proles just silently look for other jobs or pursue self employment on the side, working more hurts their bodies and minds but in a slower way that doesn't get them harassed by the government or business owners.

>not everybody who dosent know Burundian history
Nice strawman. I repeatedly explicitly spoke of subjects that have concrete relevance for understanding the systemic issues that they are themselves affected by and not some obscure bullshit only homosexuals read.

>it's not important to them, they can all their life avoiding it and thid dosent make them an inch stupidier.

It does. It also makes them undeserving of empathy.

>never in the history of the world has that not been true, people always prefer thinking first about themselves.

1) Something having been always the case thus far doesn't mean it's good and should continue.
2) They can think about themselves and then think further, which is still of relevance to themselves given the scope of the issue.

>is working with other people.

Well, according to you guys working class people are dumb animals who don't give a shit about anything past the narrow scope of the most imminent issues, so doesn't look like that will happen to any meaningful degree.

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>concrete relevance
burundian history has concrete relevance dont you think? it's anti imperialist…
>something having been always the case thurs far dosent mean it's good
we had socialist revolutions with this
>according to you guys working class people are dumb
i dont think people who dont know socialism are dumb, that'd be you
>it makes them undeserving of empathy

that's kind of the point, we need to *prove* to the workers that despite all of the harassment it's worth doing.

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Is this the British version of the Kenyan antigovernment protests? Are British people standing up to their federal government to demand less corruption and economic reforms that favour productivity and social security over austerity and cronyism?

Ask /britpol/ → >>1906455

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