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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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It saddens me every time I see [supposedly] dirtbag left spaces so either irony-poisoned or simply reactionary-filled that many users just abandon class analysis and become chauvinist proletariat-blaming idiots, and are celebrated for this.

Complete the sentence: Workers of the ___ !
Yes, that's right! The correct answer was "Workers of the West, die ! "
I thought pic2rel was a joke when I first saw it, but no, I'm seeing scores of these idiots nested up in their nominally-Marxist circlejerk, yelling about how school shootings are BASED because Burgerreich children die and how random French citizens deserve their shit government.
There's a difference between edgy joking and parody, and moderation who are dumb enough to say racism and nationalism is aktchually leftist when it's not against a designated minority, left nazism is based.

It's the shit I expect from grifters, not left-wing communities. My only hope is that these people are eternally online and don't bother trying to join the struggle on the ground until they figure this shit out.
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nick fuentes isn't even mainstreal alt right, though


>The new flavour of american rightoid is a strange amalgam of anti-capitalist anti-imperialist white nationalist jew hater
That's just the new /pol/, I like it tbh
They're still incurable retards who say shit like "don't do my boy Goebbels dirty", but the board is actually usable now and even has some interesting memes.


much of it comes down to the ideal society on the chvd meta being something aproximated to the amish: collectivized land and means of production responding to a communal autority and pragmatic materialism mixed with ethno-nationalism which is supported by a society of voluntary and enforced traditionalism where value is derived from work and self-sufficient subsistence
their current obsession is more about autonomy from the financial world and the state, with the implied centralized authorities, than anything


I call it "skill issue".


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source on cute rigby image OP?

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you ever think about the neo-gaddafist group in libya thats run by the son of gaddafi? shit seems right up /leftypol/'s alley what the fuck are they up to right now?
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Im doing a important job in activism for tupi-guarani rights and preservation of the rainforests, cant leave Brasil


where the communists at in libya then ?


Like everywthre else in the world, probably in their little cults talking endlessly about history. More specific, waiting to be killed by islamist reactionary/socdem




never gonna forget being in 10th grade and seeing open air slave markets in Libya on youtube

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Because Palestine is too arabic/ethnocrat. I mean that what happening with the jews after the liberation of Palestine. They just got kicked out or what?
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>people with a strictly anti-science, "the environment is literally evil and must be slain" worldview that think their ghost king gave them a licence to wreck shit without conequences are almost guaranteed to see the consequences of bad logistics, despite hallucinating that their ghost king would shield them from it.
<this is a materialist board.
Non-sequitorial response.
>That's only because they didn't exploit resources on an industrial scale.
1) abrahamics were feeling the consequences of bad mangement way before industrialism
2) indiginous communities survived because the whole animism thing led them to a sort of proto-scientific method where they were careful in figuring out what the environment would "be okay with"


Vulgar materialsts don't count.


>Umayyad soldiers in Spain after they burned down their ships.

Never happened


>Palestine is too arabic


Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer


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too many times i've seen extreme left wing parties talk about rights, priviledges and morality, and for the longest of times i've thought it was a good idea too, but im starting to think i was wrong. The amount of moralism that is talked about in left wing circles oftentimes tends to saturate actual important talks, or even worse makes people question why they're doing it in the first place, you might think this is a good thing after all one is supposed to know the real core reason why he does something but it might just bet better for us to think about it in an egotistical way. The great majority of people benefit would from socialism, and that's what we need to push, the idea that maybe you dont deserve, maybe it's immoral but in the end it will benefit you. Extreme left wing parties need to drop the "rights" talk and start talking to people about what they care, which is their wellbeing, this is how it worked in the past and im pretty sure it can work again.
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So "organization" is all about owning units for you, is it


to these people we can talk rights sure, but we can also talk liberation and freedom, which arent necessarily moral in any way


It is fucking dumb to lose the last few people who supports us because someone thought we should larp egoism.


No one cares about moralism anymore.
I haven’t once seen a leftist appeal to morals within the last ten years other than maybe socdems and they don’t matter.


Other anon has a point. Why reinforce the liberal "sense of having" and permission-slip culture, and waste an opportunity to veer them away from the broken foundations on which "rights" rest: private property and the enabling myths thereof, the independence of distribution (Ricardo's mistake), valorizing historical debts, the now-hegemonic ascetic manners of the petit-bourgeoisie…

Rhetorically: what 'right' did anyone ever have to demand reproductive service from anyone? Isn't social reproduction exactly the service that conservatives are demanding?

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What do you think about commie-raptor?

He beats down the bourgeois and touches tiddys. I think he might be the left wing hero we need!


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this must be one of the most taboo opinions in historical materialism,
feminism, in the context of a transitional capitalist structure might be compatible with communism, if not a mean, to destroy the bourgueois reproductive aparathus to perpetuate their own image and property

however, in the surveillance society where all classes, kids and members of society can be reformed in the shape of whoever owns personal data and controls social media algorithims, feminism is not only incompatible with a revolution, but an active detractor.

the natural state of affairs for mammals is matriarchal, where the Male members of the species have to compete and use workforce in order to attain reproductive success, otherwise reaching neurosis and mental unstability; we observe how male bodies are despised, devaluated and meat-marketd, males are "a surplus"; a surplus of life used by the capitalist machinery to produce in excess, a surplus to produce, work and be exposed to violence.
the patriarchy was in fact a collectivization, a collectivization of sexual capital through social pressure and force, the male body is the proletarian biological unit,evolved to be exploited (taller, stronger, shorter lived) that overtook the means of re-production from the petit bourgeois vaginal entity as a security in payback for the work offered
the female, when equalized by a higher power or by inability of the male to use force, perpetuates the male as a proletarized surplus disposed for contractual exploitation and selection
the vagina becomes a petit financial speculation institution, and each woman a petit bourgeois.
females in the mammalian structures fulfill, from a biological perspective a Bourgueois role; not only they are to "pick" the males with the more power and anti-revolutionary traits as such are in fact the ones biological females are attracted to (assertion, agression, antisocial behaviour, liability of capital accumulation) while despising, openly, the males they deem unfit.

they are, also, accumulators, virginity is valued as a retention of capital whereas higher body counts in males are considered "the acquisition" of capital, depriving the female body from it;
the femme, retaining one of the most preciated biological assets, sexuality, leads to an accumulation of sexual capital has been understood as observed in language for centuries, the idea that female animals "chose" their mate and male animals "get" or "seekPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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no, from Leon


kek you just know janny killed this one because it was fire


Oh my god this
yaaas kweeen


This meme is literally me except the text is
>when he types "netflix" instead of "thepiratebay.org"


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Historic union recognition vote begins at Amazon
More than 3,000 staff will take part in the historic month-long ballot, whose outcome will be legally binding. Officials from the union visited the company’s Coventry site today after the GMB was granted the right to hold the ballot by the independent Central Arbitration Committee.

Giorgia Meloni accused of splitting Italy over law to let richer regions keep taxes
The “differentiated autonomy” bill, sought by the wealthy rightwing-led Lombardy and Veneto as well as the leftwing Emilia-Romagna, gives regions more power over how their tax revenues are collected and spent, and over public services such as health and education.

Files disappear from the phone of the former Spanish soldier who spied on Julian Assange for the CIA
The Spanish police did not deliver to Judge Santiago Pedraz the complete file of the Samsung S7 phone used by Morales to communicate with the alleged CIA agents to whom he provided the WikiLeaks founders’ defense strategy, according to documents of the judicial investigation to which EL PAÍS has had access. After repeated judicial requests, officers responded that “they do not know” the location of the complete file. Judge Pedraz has ordered its immediate recovery.

'Unprecedented': Why Hezbollah threatened to attack Cyprus
"Opening Cypriot aiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Leaked emails reveal Newsom's office will not negotiate crime bills, unless DAs pull 2024 ballot measure to amend Prop. 47
An email chain obtained by CBS News California Investigates reveals that the Governor's Chief of Staff would not negotiate to strengthen a Democratic package of crime bills unless a coalition of crime victims, retailers, and law enforcement leaders would agree to postpone thier ballot measure until 2026.

Families of Boeing 737 MAX crash victims ask US to seek $24 billion fine
The families said the Justice Department could potentially suspend $14 billion to $22 billion of the fine "on the condition that Boeing devote those suspended funds to an independent corporate monitor and related improvements in compliance and safety." The Justice Department said in May it determined Boeing violated a 2021 deferred prosecution agreement that shielded the company from a criminal charge of conspiracy to commit fraud arising from fatal crashes in 2018 and 2019 that killed 346 people.

Revealed: NYPD complaints surge under Adams to reach highest level since 2012
Disciplinary records and interviews with sources also reveal a persistent problem with instances of NYPD officers wearing morale patches on their bulletproof vests containing possible white supremacist imagery. This is an uncomfortable echo of four years ago, when the NYPD’s riot squad pummeled protesters and cops openly wore pro-Trump imagery, flashed white supremacist symbols while on duty and were discovered in membership lists of extremist militias.

RFK Jr faces midnight dePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Episode 384: Epoch End Times(TrueAnon )
We take a walk down memory lane and revisit some of our least favorite characters: newly indicted CFO of the Epoch Times Bill Guan, the Falun Gong’s relationship with the media organization, and just why Brandon’s DOJ might be cutting ties to the erstwhile propaganda frenemy. ALSO: why are we doing GAMESTOP fun pumps again???

Starmer’s manifesto: A Tory programme in Labour colours
“We are the party of wealth creation,” declared Sir Keir Starmer, as he launched Labour’s manifesto last Thursday.‘You’re speaking our language!’ cheered Britain’s bankers and bosses, who like to style themselves as ‘wealth creators’. No doubt they got the message: that the Labour Party under Starmer is now a safe pair of hands for British capitalism. After 14 years of crisis and decline, the Tories have never been more hated. But despite naming his manifesto ‘Change’, Starmer’s programme in fact offers a continuity of the broken status quo; more of the same austerity, inequality, and war that Sunak and his predecessors have presided over for the last decade-or-more. Starmer makes lots of noise about “Conservative chaos”, the collapse of the NHS, and the cost-of-living crisis. But instead of taking aim at the source of these ills – the dead-end of capitalism – he simply blames the Tories, for putting their “own interests” above those of “the nation”. After all of Starmers’ huffing and puffing about ‘serving the interests of working people’, therefore, we’re simply offered a Tory manifesto in Labour colours. The Labour leader has promised “a return to the foundations of good government: national security, secure borders, and economic stability”. This will involve no less than increasing ‘defence’ spending to 2.5 percent of GDP, cracking down on migrants, strengthening the police, and taking “hard choices” with the economy. With this, Starmer is singing straight from the Tories’ hymn sheet. This is no accident. The aim of Labour’s manifesto isn’t to connect with the burning desire of workers and young people to transform society. Its real target is the big-business bosses, the bankers, and the billionaires. With this manifesto – and his entire conduct over years – Starmer is effectively saying to the establishment: “ForgPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Why do Rightoids hate Confucianism but worship Hegel when their philosophies are the exact same in practice?
> The state must enforce a strict moral code or else society will collapse
> True freedom and happiness is achieved through serving society with an ethical lifestyle.
> The human spirit is developed through strict adherence to social virtues
> The world is connected as one greater spiritual existence therefore happiness is achieved through social harmony
> Traditional family values are the foundation of society
> Moral education must be enforced on the people to develop a functioning of mutual respect
> Passive Dialectical Rectification of traditions is the only way to advance society

Is it really just Orientalism or is something greater at play here?
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I don't think I've ever seen right-wingers online ever talk in depth about Confucius. In fact, the only time I've seen him explicitly mentioned by a right-wing eceleb was a video Keith Woods made about top 25 right-wing thinkers, where he included Confucius.

And for Hegel, yes he is right-wing but he isn't super right-wing either. Online rightists will pick countless other right-wing intellectuals before choosing Hegel. I think part of the reason for this is that Hegel got coopted by the left and part of why that was easy for leftists to do is that both them and Hegel subscribe to Whig history. To them society is still reaching its ultimate stage (Marxists' end of class struggle as the driving force of human history aka communism) but Hegel believed in a form of Whig history too. For Hegel, society was crappy and kept improving until reaching the apex of civilization which for him was 19th century Germany. And that civilization is not bad by any stretch at all, I'll take that over 21st century anywhere but it's still progressive and influenced heavily by the Enlightenment. To me human civilization peaked in 13th century France or Western Europe if I'm being more generous.


Progress to hegel is more ambiguous. To hegel history is contingency until the enlightenment/modernity, where Reason gives meaning to history in the same instance that it reaches its end. Reason is the secret to History that succeeds by accident, but now that it has come alive, it seeks self-consciousness.
Here Reason to marx and engels is the characreristic motif of the bourgeois revolution, which is paired with capitalist production.
So Reason is Capital in its ability to reproduce its conditions of civilisation.
The limit of hegel is not being able to peer beyond the bourgeois veil, where to him the leaders of the world are an enlightened elite, while to marx it is the "real movement" of the majority which comes into self-consciousness.
progress to hegel is progress toward the same dialectical structure of the Absolute Idea by sublation. History is the repetition of ignorance until the world-spirit arrives - which marx also identifies with the global character of capital, beginning in the british and dutch mercantile empires that eventually developed into liberalism. So hegel's limit is his own historicity, since he could not see another possibility


Hey anon my cock is getting all floppy without that stimulation you promised


I would never promise anything good

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<Why do Americans choose to move to Russia? To find the answer, independent journalist Tofurious Maximus Crane meets with three emigrant families to get a glimpse into their new lives. Jay Close was born in New York, grew up in California, and has lived in France, Australia, and even Papua New Guinea. He worked as a chef for the Rolling Stones and later managed several restaurants in Moscow. Now, Jay raises goats and makes cheese in the countryside near Moscow, where he has built his home for over 30 years. Another emigrant is Chad Hower, who was granted political asylum in Russia after being persecuted by the CIA in his home country. Finally, Tofurious meets Jozef and Ann, who recently moved to Russia with their six children. Tune in to our premiere to discover the various reasons why some Americans seek a new beginning in Russia. Have these families found a sense of home far from their native land?
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You make it sound so easy lol. What if I was interested in doing PhD in earth science faculty? But I also got legitimate experience and degree, is it easy? Can I get away with not having my Chinese quiet at the academic level yet?


Dude what? It’s a fluff piece about how great Russia is lol. Get over your victim complex slavshitter


>quiet at the academic level yet
I'd be more worried about your English at this point tbh famalam


You don't need to know Chinese.

As to your other questions only you can do the research into it. First step if you need some unnecessary but helpful guidance is have a friend in a Chinese university. Do you have any former classmates who are Chinese? Maybe they know some colleagues in China.

It is definitely doable, probably easier than getting an entry level job without experience.


>Nothing wrong with living according to your principles
Yah but their principles suck. These people left not to flee genuine persecution but because the social values of the people around them were not 100% aligned with theirs.
RT and the russian gov could promote immigration to people who are threatened by US empire but instead it's trying to court conservative burgers and white south africans with high incomes and a collective persecution complex.


Is it worth reading liberal anti communists like Anne Applebaum or Andrea Chalupa?

That last person who wrote this movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Jones_(2019_film)



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