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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Over 40% of the top 2000 companies in the US are unprofitable, the most since the pandemic. At the same time, interest expense as a % of total debt of these firms hit 7.1%, the highest since 2003. US company bankruptcies in 2024 surpassed 2020 pandemic levels. Gross leverage—the ratio of debt to assets (and earnings) —of all US publicly traded nonfinancial firms remains high and hedge fund leverage is at or near the highest level in the past decade. So the risk of a financial crash is rising.

As Ruchir Sharma of the Rockefeller Foundation put it: “Awe of “American exceptionalism” in markets has now gone too far….Talk of bubbles in tech or AI, or in investment strategies focused on growth and momentum, obscures the mother of all bubbles in US markets. Thoroughly dominating the mind space of global investors, America is over-owned, overvalued and overhyped to a degree never seen before. As with all bubbles, it is hard to know when this one will deflate, or what will trigger its decline.” And there are signs. The US stock market index, the S&P, 500 fell 1.6% in December, with 6 or more sectors down 5% or worse.

previous thread

This thread officially endorses eggplants over tomatoes.
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>they likely meant material conditions and typed "materialism" out of habit
More likely: due to lack of understanding and confusion, but ok i guess

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You need to learn 2 read faggot!

>the most uncharitable interpretation of someone's words is always correct because it allows me to feel the most superior
two can play at that game

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I still wouldnt recommend shitcoins.


A so-called 'white bone squad' has emerged to take the lead in stopping the arrest of President Yoon..
Baekgoldan refers to a police unit dedicated to arresting protesters in plain clothes at rallies and demonstrations in the 1980s and 1990s. They were mostly martial arts fighters, special forces soldiers, and Marines, and they rushed to the protesters at the time, beat them mercilessly, and arrested them, making them a target of fear not only for the protesters but also for ordinary citizens.

Wife of China’s fallen minister used shadow firms to wash dirty money, big data shows
The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) – China’s top anti-corruption and political disciplinary body – has accused Tang and his wife of using multiple proxies to control these shadow companies, which had made the investigation “extremely challenging”, the episode aired on Tuesday night said.

US needs to keep troops in Syria, says Defence Secretary Austin
THE United States needs to keep troops deployed in Syria to prevent Islamic State from reconstituting as a major threat following the ousting of Bashar al-Assad’s government, Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Wednesday.

Israel Blocks UN Probe of Alleged Hamas Sex Crimes During October 7 Attack
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>Los Angeles Democrats Cut Fire Department Funding
>UnitedHealth Calls in Middle of Cancer Surgery to Question Necessity

The bourgeoisie one day will face reality.

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Thanks News Anon


>'white bone squad'
welcome back white army


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The American bourgeoisie are entering a new epoch, the preparation for the consolidation of power on the American continent in light of emerging powers is here. The quickness with which the Biden admin, prominent bourgeois such as Zuck, and the media dropped the facade of Trump being Hitler, a felon, is proof.

Americans and Europeans deserve what they'll get for being willing collaborators, enthusiastic supporters for imperialism and their disregard for its consequences. Couldn't happen to better people.

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Norway is mixed socialist and socialism is amazing. I am guaranteed everything I need while I work to be great. Capitalism sucks because it implies my home will become an open marketplace with mass replacement immigration. I also don’t like working for others and stuff. I like working for my own dreams and my community.

Have a happy new year :-)
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You should read Marx anon

I know and I have but you just never know to what extent marx could diss people

I love how "socialism is welfare!" retards like you are allowed to post, but I get banned because I say bad things about migration

norway is socialist and their stance on migration makes it clear

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<13 days until funni(nauguration) edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth™

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

Previous thread:
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Are rightoids proclaiming this to be an act of God punishing woke California ahead of the ascension of God Emperor Blumpf?

mrs crowley what went on in her head? did she talk to the dead?

Not that we expected anything different

honkoid status?

>Are rightoids proclaiming this to be an act of God punishing woke California ahead of the ascension of God Emperor Blumpf?
More or less. Some of the less hip rightoids are still stuck on the "antifa arsonists" conspiracy theory. But of course when the Deep South gets its shit rocked by hurricanes (e.g. Helene), it's not an act of a vengeful God or climate change, just the Demonrats button mashing the hurricane machine.


When did you realize you were being lied to about North Korea? I just finished the third season of blowback about the Korean war and it was quite shocking just how distorted the narratives are.

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It's not even just propaganda.
Depending on the size of your country, there will be areas that haven't been explored or studied very well

>Hell, it's incredibly unlikely that you even know the full truth of your own country.
I'm desperate to know the full truth and I want to peek into every dark corner to know the full truth picrel
>there will be areas that haven't been explored or studied very well
Yeah academia has its biases and researchers who ask really tough uncomfortable questions are usually maligned and isolated within academia.

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North Korea is awesome because they are very nationalist, have mandatory military service, and don’t recognize gay marriage

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What's the LeftyPol CONSENSUS on antinatalism? Do you think is a correct moral instance to have? Have you ever wonder if it's alright to put a child into the world without their consent? I think is morally questionable to put a child into the world so he becomes another wagie slaved under capitalism
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I frankly don't understand what you're trying to say with this post.

>children's children's children
<3 generations from now
heat death is projected to be trillions of years in the future based on the predictions of 21st century physics. not 3 generations.


Hate to tell you this but there literally is a human imperative to reproduce. It's evolution baybaaaaaah

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>thread 1

>thread 2
>thread 3
>thread 4
>thread 5
>thread 6
>thread 7
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I didn’t say imperialist. My point was even a particular natty boug who had complete control over a particular industry (monopoly by normal usage) doesn’t have international monopoly and due to the threat of the Western hegemon they can support international competition they wouldn’t tolerate at home.

a national program only after you have gotten rid of your national bourgeoisie, and not one moment before

You are describing socialist nationalism, in opposition to bourgeois nationalism. As I said
>nationalism of a socialist type,
and Marx
>national, though not in the bourgeois sense of the word.
the point that Lenin is also making when he says a Marxist national program that is distinct from that of any "advanced" or "refined" bourgeois national program.
>after you have gotten rid of your national bourgeoisie
The question of whether the national program is socialist is whether it is dictated by the proletariat, and is a separate question from the continued existence or lack of a national bourgeoisie.

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Too much text. Do one but the woman has Rojava and KKE and the man has Russia and Iran

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This guy led protests that went on for months against the Frelimo party, got exiled and then came back just to continue fucking with the liberation party out of spite. I respect the confidence of this man. I will live to see all autocracies, charismatic leaders, and despots perish.
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>Literally cheering on a CIA puppet

>I will live to see all autocracies, charismatic leaders, and despots perish.

Worship your pedophilic nazi collaborator called Stalin somewhere else fucking pig.

Everything and nothing is Reddit. Reddit is everywhere and nowhere. Reddit is a floating signifier for the bullshit you disavow in yourself.

True, this is a proud anarchist space, we stand with real anarchist figures like Louis XIV.

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1. We somehow counter global warming and there's no mass migration (early social revolution)

2. Everyone (billions) goes live to the habitable zones and somehow manage to share resources (late social revolution)

3. Billions of refugees murdered at the borders by armies (most likely scenario)

If socialism doesn't triumph this time, hell will be a walk in the park compared to what will be unleashed on Earth. Better dead than alive.
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And yet, it moves

nooo not namecalling noo please be civil to the literal shills itt

I shall help climate refugees, railroad style.

"The same frauds" being every climatologist in the world.

Obviously climatology is pseudoscience and you’re a neo colonizer

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