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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I think reading up about these guys should be mandatory because they are a perfect illustration of what not to do. They were without a doubt perhaps the most incompetent and embarrassing armed group that has ever existed. Everyone, White Working class union members, Black Panthers and feminists all made fun of them and thought they were embarrassing retards
All their members hailed from very privileged backgrounds and were university students, Not surprisingly, when they were apprehended, only a handful faced any consequences or retribution from the government. Their grand "revolution" against the United States turned out to be a decade-long spree of meaningless bombings and vandalism. Law enforcement dubbed them the "toilet bombers" due to their penchant for targeting government building bathrooms. The pinnacle of their incompetence was when they accidentally blew up one of their own safe houses. Some of their members managed to evade capture for years(cause no one was actually looking for them), only to be astounded by the lenient punishment they received upon surrendering. cause law enforcement simply didn't deem them worth prosecuting. the majority of them are still alive and continue to enjoy their wealth to this day and are college professors and social activists.
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don't be mad they had chicks in the group and got laid.


I guess the native americans just didn't believe in freedom hard enough then.


>accomplish nothing
>invite more government reaction and public support for antiterrorist surveillance measures
>get arrested and spend 90% of your time trying to rescue former members of your militant group
fuck the haters maaaan


Rightoid dog whistle, stopped reading


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Reminds me how modern activists are projecting Palestinians as their ideals

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Take the "Political Compass of the Revolution" test and find out who you would have been a hundred years ago - an anarchist, cadet, Bolshevik, right Socialist Revolutionary or Black Hundred
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I would be Kautsky of course, we must critically support the triplice multipolaristas against the anglo imperialists


not once in your copypasta did you prove that I was lying. It is interesting that you characterize me as "lying" right out of the gates and you aren't even remotely charitable enough to be open to the idea that I am simply mistaken about events over 100 years ago. But I am not mistaken. You are mistaken. In fact, you repeated exactly the historical events I recounted (along with the entire context of February to October 1917 leading up to them), but simply quoted Lenin's post hoc justification for Bolshevik actions.

Here is where your post literally agrees with mine:

<Third, the “Left” Communists have a great deal to say in praise of us Bolsheviks. One sometimes feels like telling them to praise us less and to try to get a better knowledge of the Bolsheviks’ tactics. We took part in the elections to the Constituent Assembly, the Russian bourgeois parliament in September–November 1917. Were our tactics correct or not? If not, then this should be clearly stated and proved, for it is necessary in evolving the correct tactics for international communism. If they were correct, then certain conclusions must be drawn. Of course, there can be no question of placing conditions in Russia on a par with conditions in Western Europe. But as regards the particular question of the meaning of the concept that “parliamentarianism has become politically obsolete”, due account should be taken of our experience, for unless concrete experience is taken into account such concepts very easily turn into empty phrases. In September–November 1917, did we, the Russian Bolsheviks, not have more right than any Western Communists to consider that parliamentarianism was politically obsolete in Russia? Of course we did, for the point is not whether bourgeois parliaments have existed for a long time or a short time, but how far the masses of the working people are prepared (ideologically, politically and practically) to accept the Soviet system and to dissolve the bourgeois-democratic parliament (or allow it to be dissolved). It is an absolutely incontestable and fully established historical fact that, in September–November 1917, the urban working class and the soldiers and peasants of Russia were, because of a number of special conditions, exceptionally well prepared to accept the Soviet system and to disband the most democratic of bourgeois parliaments. Nevertheless, the Bolsheviks did
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The Bolshevik party only participated in the elections as a protest to condemn and crush all institutions of the bourgeois state and put an end to the superstitions of the capitalist state in the consciousness of the masses. You confuse Marx's texts against the state as if it were a desire for petty-bourgeois decentralization instead of crushing the bourgeois state to install the proletarian state. Marx and Engels already realized that the bourgeoisie was already conservative and becoming more and more conservative as time went by, which is why they didn't even go through the liberal revolutions completely in fear of the workers, therefore the ones who should carry out these revolutions would be the proletarian class and not remain passive, supporting the bourgeoisie in the corner.

You don't notice the difference between the reformism of the Mensheviks and the revolutionary position that the Bolsheviks had from the beginning. Everything was intended to build the forces for the proletarian class to take power and lose its electoral prejudices of superstition of the state that Marx fought.

Lenin had already published the text State and Revolution in September 1917, many social democrats accused Lenin of having a semi-anarchist theory that was neither anarchist abstentionism nor the reformism that Marx fought that came to dominate the social democrats with the conciliation of classes in a neutral state without a classist character.

You should read State and Revolution here: https://www.marxists.org/ebooks/lenin/state-and-revolution.pdf

Now let's see what Marx and Engels said about how to participate in these elections, but not recognize the current order:

<Complete abstention from political action is impossible. The abstentionist press participates in politics every day. It is only a question of how one does it, and of what politics one engages in. For the rest, to us abstention is impossible. The working-class party functions as a political party in most countries by now, and it is not for us to ruin it by preaching abstention. Living experience, the political oppression of the existing governments compels the workers to occupy themselves with politics whether they lik
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i got left SRs a few years ago
makes sense ig
not the biggest fan of the bolsheviks, but not an anarchist either
youre a fucking psycho if you unintentionally get the black hundreds btw

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Theories are simplifications/approximations of reality. Frameworks. They do not fully describe reality. They can't. A system cannot contain a full description of itself. In order for a full description to be created, one most go outside the system. But once you are outside the system, there is an external system, with its own nodes and relationships that need to be described, and which influence the subsystem. So a full description is still impossible. Since theories are simplifications/approximations of reality, slogans are oversimplifications of reality, as they are simplifications/approximations of theories, which are themselves simplifications/approximations. Since it is impossible to fully accurately describe reality, one must give up on the theoretician's vain task and fight to change reality. Fighting, action, etc. can take on unwise forms like adventurism, however. Also, it requires the above theory, however much it may be a simplification/approximation of reality, to convey this sense of urgency and need for action, and even once you convey it, people are still not sufficiently motivated to do anything, even if it is in their material interests. This is because they are tired, beaten down, sometimes on the brink of death itself.

How does the proletariat resolve this need to balance theory which is always somewhat incomplete with action which is always somewhat uninformed?
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>Why must a model (or resulting theories) fully describe reality?
Nobody said they "must" do this. However it's worth noting that the long term ability of a model to predict future outcomes is greatly diminished to the degree that it does not fully conform to reality. However since it is physically impossible for a model to fully describe the system that it itself is a part of, we have a contradiction that needs to be resolved if we are to ever predict and react to all potential future crises.


You don't need to know the motion of every atom to develop a functional law of entropy. In fact if you look at the motions of every atom you quickly find that this "law" is only, on average, true, and that violations are constantly happening.


>this "law" is only, on average, true, and that violations are constantly happening.
This does not contradict what OP is saying:
<Theories are simplifications/approximations of reality. Frameworks. They do not fully describe reality.

>You don't need to know the motion of every atom to develop a functional law of entropy.

Functional? Yes. But if a "law" or "theory" is merely functional, it will lack predictive power when it is most needed. If you run a simulation, that simulation will get more inaccurate with each stepwise iteration, even if it starts off pretty accurate.


Science has learned to work with probabilities. You should too.


>Theories are simplifications/approximations of reality. Frameworks. They do not fully describe reality. They can't. A system cannot contain a full description of itself.
I think the fallacy of your point is confusing the theory that describes something as describing the instance of something, and subsequently trying to describe the instance of everything that currently exists. They are not the same and your argumentation related only to the latter. Also, realistically speaking we are only interested in subsections of reality and not reality as a whole at all times, so storage to describe a specific system would theoretically be available externally.

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Im non white and im pro capitalist in white countries and pro communist in my native country. the reason for that is pretty simple, with globalization and the pursuit of cheaper labor, many industries have shifted operations overseas. this has disproportionately affected working-class white communities in regions dependent on manufacturing jobs, leading to economic decline and social instability.

A push for a globalized economy under capitalism in white countries undermines local and national cultures, which can include the traditional values and identities of white communities, companies push diversity hires and quotas, who gets left out? white applicants.

the corporations will portray white scums as oppressors and beneficiaries of an unjust system, fueling a narrative that undermines white identity.

Tell me why you think we should liberate them from capitalism? personally we should let them be victims of their “superior” economic system.(One of these threads...)
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The point is that the union soldiers have nothing to cry about… since they won the war. You must have really debilitating autism if you struggle to read the facial expression of wojaks. Especially since your first instinct was to leap into some sort of idiotic ramble about abolitionism.


I don't even want to imagine how gay the prompt for these AI images had to be.
"African warrior holding the severed head of an Aryan male, chiseled jaw, young, beautiful hair"
You're fucking GAY dude


Don’t know why you had to insert your interracial homosexual fantasias but its okay we don’t discriminate against /pol/ faggots here. 😁


except youre not the one benefitting from imperialism. you are a wagecuck working a shitty service job that will probably be replaced by ai in the next decade.


"black gigachad holds kkkrakkka head" would do just fine as a prompt probably

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A few weeks ago, the Congolese army reported the arrest of a little over fifty armed men; many of which were from the United States, France and other North Atlantic countries. These men have been put into custody, and some of them have been executed (censored video footage has been published to the public by Aljazeera).

This series of events has had me thinking about the dramatic rise in military expenditures most African countries have had in recent months. Where exactly is the African union and the organizations it governs headed as more domestic security measures get implemented, and as anti imperialist sentiment grows? Will Congo fully cut off resource exports with the world outside of Africa? Have the recent conflicts Chinese migrants had with treating indigenous Africans lead to worse diplomatic relations—for those of you wondering, recently some shops and schools opened by Chinese and Indian migrants have been closed or shut down permanently in Kenya, Congo, and Nigeria over alleged or proven discrimination against indigenous Africans (CTV news Nigeria, Africanews, Reuters, 2024).

Feel free to discuss your ideas.
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the perpetrators are on trial now


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Africans will liberate Africa, not subhuman Europeans, they've interfered in enough shit, it's about time they step aside.




The Republic of Congo has a bigger socialist presence than the DRC. Zaire still has the legacy of Mobutu's anti-communism that was set up after Lumumba. The CIA wants another Mobutu in charge that would keep DRC undeveloped.

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Is Platonism and Marxism/leftism compatible or is Plato just a proto fash? What about related ideas like Spinozism and neoplatonism?

>Neo-platonism (or Neoplatonism) is a modern term used to designate the period of Platonic philosophy beginning with the work of Plotinus and ending with the closing of the Platonic Academy by the Emperor Justinian in 529 C.E. This brand of Platonism, which is often described as ‘mystical’ or religious in nature, developed outside the mainstream of Academic Platonism. The origins of Neoplatonism can be traced back to the era of Hellenistic syncretism which spawned such movements and schools of thought as Gnosticism and the Hermetic tradition. A major factor in this syncretism, and one which had an immense influence on the development of Platonic thought, was the introduction of the Jewish Scriptures into Greek intellectual circles via the translation known as the Septuagint. The encounter between the creation narrative of Genesis and the cosmology of Plato’s Timaeus set in motion a long tradition of cosmological theorizing that finally culminated in the grand schema of Plotinus’ Enneads. Plotinus’ two major successors, Porphyry and Iamblichus, each developed, in their own way, certain isolated aspects of Plotinus’ thought, but neither of them developed a rigorous philosophy to match that of their master. It was Proclus who, shortly before the closing of the Academy, bequeathed a systematic Platonic philosophy upon the world that in certain ways approached the sophistication of Plotinus.
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It’s actually in other places too.

John 1:1-3, 14: This passage portrays Jesus (the Word) as co-existent and equal with God.
John 8:58: Jesus uses a name for God (YHWH - "I am") to describe himself, hinting at his divine nature.
John 10:30: Jesus directly claims oneness with the Father.
Philippians 2:5-6: This suggests Jesus was divine but chose not to flaunt it.
Colossians 1:15-17: Describes Jesus as pre-eminent and instrumental in creation, qualities often ascribed to God.
Isaiah 40:3: Here, the coming Messiah is referred to as God.
Psalm 110:1: This can be seen as prophesying the Messiah's dual nature as human and divine.
Proverbs 30:4: This verse, though some debate its interpretation, suggests the Son's closeness and equality with God the Father.
Matthew 28:19: The Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit are mentioned together in a baptismal formula.
Mark 1:9-11: This portrays the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all present at Jesus' baptism.
2 Corinthians 13:14: Another instance where all three are mentioned together in a blessing.
Acts 5:3-4: Equates lying to the Holy Spirit with lying to God, implying their oneness.
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>Love is the Law, Love under Will.
First time I've seen this part even after reading plenty of popular sources on Crowley and his many, many associates. It does change things somewhat.
<t. focus on the power politics, not the mysticism, occultism or religions


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>But before we go down this rabbit hole, we first need to agree what trinity is and is not.
Why did you ignore this condition and immediately begin dishing out scriptures? We must first understand what kind of "trinity" we are talking about.
If trinity is a flimsy concept that can be molded to anything you want, it is meaningless.
<Look at shield of trinity
Let us look at the logic of this:
>Father = God, Son = God, Holy Spirit = God
>Father =/= Son, Father =/= Holy Spirit, Son =/= Holy Spirit
Now, let us put them on one line each and remove commas:
>Father = Son = Holy Spirit = God
>Father =/= Son =/= Holy Spirit =/= God
In other words, it's nonsense. The only way to resolve this, is to add a relationship hierarchy, where an abstraction is higher than an instance (such as vehicles and trains, cars and planes)
But if one were to do that, then the concept of "God" loses meaning and can safely be restructured to mean "Supernatural" which is meaningless (and a priori true since satan is also described as "god")
You can also double down and then say that infact Father = Son = Holy Spirit = God and then play around with it when it suits the rhetoric (like supply and demand curves)
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>Marx's positivism and crude atheism
what illiterate leftypol shitposting does to a MFer.


it's kind of funny that so called "neo" platonism is over 2000 years old and helped form Christianity through its syncretism with 2nd temple Judaism.

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Kardelj pretends that «the one-party system» in a socialist country is a specific transformation of the bourgeois political system, and the role of the one party (here he implies the Bolshevik Par- ty) is the same as that of «the multi-party sys- tem», of bourgeois political pluralism with one «minor» difference, that in the one-party State its leaders only remain at the head, whereas in the multi-party State the leaders change. This doubledealer puts the bourgeois parties on a par with the Bolshevik Party founded by the Russian revolutionaries with Lenin at the head. To him, the leadership of the State and society by the genuine party of the communists is no different from the rule of the bourgeoisie through the mul- ti-party system. This proves once again that the Titoites, like the bourgeoisie, consider political parties and the State as institutions that allegedly stand above classes.

-Yugoslav self administration, a capitalist theory and practice P. 69
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homosuck detected


dengism is just the highest stage of maoism


Homestucks will not survive the Revolution.


I don't get it.


He was a retard and I feel sorry for Albanians that they had to endure his rule.

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Guatemala lawyer who defended rural and Indigenous people killed in attack
José Domingo was with two members of the United Farmworkers Committee when they were shot by a group of men Wednesday south of the capital, said Daniel Pascual, a leader of that organization.

Top prosecutor charged for allegedly intimidating son of Colombia’s president
The disciplinary commission of Colombia’s judicial branch announced charges against the prosecutor who is investigating the son of President Gustavo Petro. According to the National Commission for Judicial Discipline, prosecutor Mario Burgos allegedly leaked evidence to the media and tried to intimidate the president’s son, Nicolas Petro. If found guilty of the charges, Burgos may be removed from the Prosecutor General’s Office.

Colombia to Ban Coal Sales to Israel to Seek an End to Gaza War
The ministers of foreign affairs, finance, energy and trade decided to halt sales of the fuel to the Jewish state, according to a draft decree published Friday on Colombia’s trade ministry’s website. The Andean nation is Israel’s biggest supplier of the fossil fuel.

Israeli army says four captives rescued amid heavy strikes on Gaza
The announcement about the raid in Nuseirat on Saturday came as Palestinian health officials said at least 210 people were killed and wounded in Israeli attacks on central Gaza. Local residents said Nuseirat had come under heavy Israeli drone and air raids, with children amoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Thousands gather at White House for pro-Palestinian protest
Thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered outside the White House on Saturday to protest Joe Biden’s response to Israel’s ongoing military strikes on Gaza. Footage posted to social media showed police using pepper spray on protesters, who faced arrest at the mass demonstration. At least one demonstrator also held a canister that released green and white smoke near the southern side of the White House.

Los Angeles leader outraged after footage shows officers 'dump' alleged homeless man in front of office
Councilman Paul Krekorian released the video that showed the two uniformed officers pull up to the street in North Hollywood on June 6, get the unidentified man out of their marked vehicle in handcuffs, uncuffing him and then driving off as he appeared to get on the ground on all fours.

New York City police officer arrested in New Jersey road rage shooting, authorities say
Officers from the Voorhees Township Police Department were at the scene of a multicar crash on Route 73 when they saw that one of the drivers in the pileup had been shot before the crash, the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement.

Judge rather than jury will render verdict in upcoming antitrust trial
The decision Friday by U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema was a defeat for the Justice Department, which sought a jury trial when it filed the case last year in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. But the government’s right to a jury trial was based largely on the fact that it sought monetary damages to compensate federal agencies that purcPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Communique Amid the Electoral Farce, The Capitalist War Against the Peoples
With the arrival of the “Fourth Transformation,” his government policy increased militarization toward indigenous peoples and communities, especially in Zapatista territory. Paramilitary groups and organized crime operate with complete impunity as guarantors of the imposition not only of deadly megaprojects such as the Maya Train, the Interoceanic Corridor and the Morelos Integral Project; they are at the service of the State and big capital to carry out the dispossession of land, Mother Earth and life. In the midst of their “ELECTORAL FARCE”, we see that, in recent weeks, nothing matters except their votes, their polls, their debates, their figures and their electoral preferences; but, above all, their strategy to attack and disqualify their enemies, as a campaign strategy. On June 2, a “democracy” is not in dispute, much less a leftist one. What is really at stake is an economic and political power that seeks to sustain itself through militarization, impunity, and the accumulation of wealth in the hands of a few at the service of the big transnational corporations. Their plan is to sustain this “Fourth Transformation,” with a CAPITALIST WAR against indigenous peoples and communities. Faced with the impunity and violence imposed on our territories, from the National Assembly for Water and Life. . .

Why the Center Holds
The mainstream press is obsessed with Trump’s inner circle. In March, James Politi of the Financial Times wrote, “narrowly ahead in the polls against Joe Biden, Trump now has the backing of a small group of seasoned campaign operatives and a tightly knit entourage of former officials eager to apply his ideas.” In another article titled, “How MAGA Republicans plan to make Donald Trump’s second term count,” the Economist observes that “a professional corps of America First populists are dedicating themselves to ensuring that Trump Two will be disciplined.” Rather than allow the GOP intelligentsia (who, according to this narrative, constrained Trump’s America First agenda) to infiltrate the White HPost too long. Click here to view the full text.




Didn't they rehabilitate Arbenz recently? They just made new ones.

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I think the US government should raise taxes and use the revenue to pay for a larger welfare state.
1. The income tax should be higher for all brackets except for the lowest, but the increases should be much higher in the higher brackets. The federal top marginal tax rate should be doubled from 37% to 70% (not counting other income taxes). This would not only massively raise the amount of revenue available for public goods but also reduce inequality.
2. There should be a 10% VAT on all goods and services. This will reduce consumption of consumer goods but it will raise large amounts of revenue, with much more of it coming from the rich than the poor.
3. A progressive wealth tax should be levied on assets, beginning with a 1% tax on wealth valued over a million dollars, and increasing until it becomes impossible in any practical sense to hold onto a billion dollars or more. This won't raise a lot of money and it will have distortionary effects on investment but it will totally get rid of the most annoying group of people on Earth, billionaires, so it will be well worth it.
4. The property tax should be replaced with a land value tax. Rent is theft so even from a randian/marxist desertist standpoint it belongs to the public. This will raise large amounts of money, all of it from the property-owning class, and will have basically no negative effects because the amount of land on Earth is constant, so taxing it can't affect the supply. It's an extremely progressive revenue-raising tax that also has positive knock-on effects because it incentivizes productive land usage.
5. There should be a 3% additional income tax on college graduates. Maybe split it into two brackets to make it more progressive.

The money from the first three taxes should be used to pay for:
1. Universal healthcare. The fact that the US has not implemented universal healthcare is basically equivalent to a moral atrocity. Enormous amounts of suffering could be prevented through a universal healthcare system, ideally one on the Beveridge model, but Sanders's proposed single-payer insurance system works fine too. As long as it's free at the point of surface and paid for by the government. This will reduce the amount of expenditures paid by Americans for healthcare over time as they are more easily able to access preventions rather than waiting for catastrophes before seeking care. All other OECD countries have universal healthcare and much lower healthcare cosPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I’m a massive advocate for UBI, as I personally prefer the UBI/Multipolar/4th Industrial Revolution Shining Path to Communism (the less desirable alternative is the Nuclear War Shining Path to Communism, which is more likely due to the fact that if Trump wins the 2024 election and proceeds to initiate Project 2025 to create a Fascist Theocracy and intern everyone who isn’t an Evangelical, MAGAtard, or Zionist, while starting World War III with China, Iran, and Mexico, then a World Maoist PPW in the aftermath of Nuclear War collapsing the Global Imperialist-Capitalist System will be the only viable Shining Path to Communism), in which Imperial Core Communists critically supporting Left-Liberals/Social Democrats (ie. Leftist Democrats like AOC) in order for them to win elections and implement a UBI (alongside Single-Payer Healthcare and Free College), that will divorce Income from Employment as the 4th Industrial Revolution Automates most of the workforce, along with Legalizing all Victimless Crimes (ie. Abortion, Birth Control, LGBTQIA+, Drug use, Sex Work, etc.) in order to Hyper-Rationalize the Superstructure, along with a Non-Interventionist foreign policy (closing down all Overseas U$ Military Bases) that will create a Multipolar world, which combined with the 4th Industrial Revolution automating all Supply chains will they can be re-shored to the Imperial Core will allow for Maoist PPWs to sweep the Periphery/Semi-Periphery of all Reactionary Periphery Comprador and Semi-Periphery Imperialist Bourgeois Capitalist regimes, which will peacefully merge with the Left-Liberal/Social Democratic Imperial Core in order to create a Global USSR that will place the Workers and Oppressed Nations of the World on the Shining Path to Communism, ✊😜!

My preferred UBI plan is to turn Social Security into a nontaxable 1500$ monthly UBI for all adult U$ citizens (Social Security for All) that would be funded by replacing payroll taxes with a 25% VAT on all non-essential goods and services (everything but food, clothing, housing, healthcare, and education), replacing the Progressive Income Tax code with a 25% Flat Income Tax on all individual and corporate income with no deductions, along with replacing all “Means Tested” Social Safety net programs. This would lead to a Balanced Federal Budget due to the VAT and Flat Income Tax together generatingPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>progressive income tax
no taxes on wages until porky is taxed out of existence
>wealth tax
ok but porky will resist
regressive tax
>with much more of it coming from the rich than the poor
lolno. well-off people bill their consumption to their company, VAT free
>twilight sprinkle


In any given year 95-99% of elections are won by whoever spends the most money. Spending on advertise correlates with winning stronger than grassroots actions like canvasing. In fact, no correlation between grassroots activism and election outcomes has ever been found. Money will always win, you cannot do anything through elections.


The top tax bracket only reached one single person and it was a political stunt. VAT is also almost entirely designed to keep poor people poor. Poor people have to buy more stuff because they can't afford "quality" so they're constantly replacing shit. VAT is disproportionately harmful to lower income groups and you can see it because red states love increasing sales taxes. I remember my state, Oklahoma, adding a sales tax to used car sales but not for luxury cars. That increases inequality. Same with credit. Poorer people have to put more shit on their credit cards.

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It has been 20 years since Reagan’s death. S

Could make a list of all the evil he has done?
Just off the top of my head:
-war on drugs
-invading Grenada
-bombing Libya
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Holy shit, he lived to 93 and for a good twentyfive years of that he was Alzheimering! Good cartoon, tho!



he let everyone's cum trickle down nancy's throat


>>1880010 (me)
I forgot to mention surviving the assassination attempt by John Hinckley Jr. Mr Hinckley seems to be a very nice man and, despite his evident psychological issues, I'm glad he's been a free man again for a few years now.

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