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Lysenko chads stay winning. Turns out, nest sowing works, and Mendelians were proven to be clowns fighting against scientific progress out of ideological, not scientific, reasons once again

About Lysenko's nest method https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/full/10.5555/19500602955

>N. P. Anuchin. Letter to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU V. Polyakov[113].

>Acad. Sukachev, V. Ya. Koldanov and with them a significant group of specialists for 15 years wove intrigues and slander around the name of Lysenko in connection with the nesting method of creating a forest. Academician Lysenko was accused of allegedly bringing billions of dollars in losses to the country by the nest method.

>In 1962, on the instructions of the government, special zonal commissions examined protective forest plantations created by nesting and other methods. Up to 250 specialists participated in the commissions, and opponents of the nesting method of forest sowing were also involved in the work of the commission. Summarizing all the materials of the commission was entrusted to me, and I also acted as the main speaker at the All-Union meeting, which considered the results of the survey of protective plantings. At this meeting, as well as at the general meeting of the USSR Academy of Sciences, there were attacks, slanderous attacks and insults against Academician Lysenko. However, the advantages of the nest method based on the materials of the commission turned out to be so obvious that no tricks of the opponents of this method could change the point of view of the meeting.

APOLOGIZE to the greatest Soviet agrobiologist
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NTA but I understand what you were trying to say. Chromosome changes can splitt one genepool into two, which might lead to speceation. But this process still requires gradual change, before the members of these two genepools become distinct from each other and has nothing to do with Lysenkos theory of evolution. Speciation can also occure without such changes.
Compared to the bunkerchan era threads this one is tame.


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Dude mutation is not like the fucking X-Men. Over time, genes mutate little by little as they have errors in copying or get hit with cosmic rays or whatever else. This effect compounds over time, so there's little genetic drift over a few generations but a lot over hundreds.


You asked about species, then gradual change, then chromosome. The context of your question keeps changing. I only ever asked "if gradual change does not produce different species, then what does?" Because I wanted to see if you responded by denying species change at all. Instead of doing that you simply asked another question, which I answered separately, and now you're asking why the answer to the second question doesn't match the context of the first question. Which is weird. Stop it. Get some help.


we should have a lysenko banner


Species mostly change via genetic drift over very long time spans, usually because niches are heavily filled already so extreme behavioral or physical mutations are generally a cost to what would already be a successful life strategy rather than a benefit, for the most part you get a gradual accumulation of subtle mutations throughout the species’ population such that over very long stretches of time and genetic isolation a new speciation can occur.

More rarely either via the colonization of a new biome or a mass extinction event, niches are left broadly vacated such that novel life strategies can become beneficial rather than simply putting the organism in the position of competing to enter an already occupied niche

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To clarify I am pro-Palestine and have held this stance for quite some time now. I do believe that recent wave of palestine supporters have good intentions(and done a lot of genuine good) but I find certain aspects of their activism fascinating, cause they come directly from american twitter activism and its intersecting to see that deal with a real-life issue cause over the past decade this activism has campaigned and marched for causes like american bipoc struggles and queer activism
And while I believe that the majority mean well(and actually haven't done any harm) they are employing tactics and rhetoric that don't make sense outside twitter activism, For instance I came across popular posts stating, "You probably didn't know that x is actually was Invented by Palestinians" or discussing how Palestine is connected to the experiences of black or queer people
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Considering that we've seen more change in the last 5 years than in the 20 years before that combined I would say that we're reaching some level of tipping point.


I don't think you have to get weird about people doing stuff.


i don't really think americans making it about them is narcissism considering the objective fact that the US is the center of global world empire and is the main party actively supporting israel?


Their goal of being on the "right side of history" encourages using and discarding endless numbers of momentarily useful "allies". All will be denied and forgotten as the eternal revolution turns onwards.


Nah they are 'ideologizing' what is in fact a relatively simple issue of conscience. The abuse of Palestinians is so obviously morally wrong that Leftists can appropriate it as 'our cause', and thus use it 'for advancing our (true) causes'. Israel (and the wider Western capitalist super-structure) is more than happy for Leftists to do this: it helps them paint support for Palestinians as 'looney'.

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In Africa, Latin America, and much of SEA, many people can be expected to voice their opinion and actively participate in organized movements or programs aimed at acknowledging and removing the damages that were brought about from colonialism. Many domestic Indians contrast this, because the level of elitism, self hatred, colourism, and infighting there is so strong to the point where there are cases of minority groups with a millennia-old history within the country facing systemic prejudice and risks of deportation or persecution. Parts of these problems trace back to the caste system, but many were the result of British colonialism’s violent promotion of elitism and division between peoples throughout the country. With the current elections coming up in the same period where many candidates (like Modi)—much like in Nigeria and Pakistan—are relying on hubris, jailing opposition, chauvinism, and ethnonationalism, the future of that country’s federal-level plans are bleak to any citizen of India today. It’s understandable as to why so many are fleeing to any country willing to accept them.

What can be done to promote a sense of cohesion, patriotism, and understanding between everyone there?


rise up

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There is an enduring myth that the USSR "occupied" or "annexed" the states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, when what really happened was no different to 1917 in Russia: the workers and peasants overthrew the power of capitalists. Soviet power was already established there in 1917-1919 before being temporarily defeated by the intervention of German and British capitalists. In the interwar period, the bourgeoisie failed to develop industry in those countries, unemployment was rife, and the states were all fascist dictatorships. In 1940, they crumbled under the combined pressure of the working class internally and the presence of the USSR.




The Soviet Union invented the concept of color revolutions and successfully applied these methods in Latvija. The people of Latvija cannot and must not suffer under Soviet social-imperialism. Long live the Latvijan's people's protected war against the bourgeoisie, the fascist bourgeois and the imperialist bourgeoisie!


Damn, color revolution sounds awesome then


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Third link comments are really depressing. I hate baltoids so fucking bad because they are such dumbasses.

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Someone will still have to work to produce stuff that will get redistributed by UBI through money, coupons, vouchers, whatever. UBI takes money away from the workers and gives it to lumpen, or worse, to intelligentsia that produces crap like the concept of UBI itself (they have personal interest in this)
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Universal basic income is a neoliberal proposal to accelerate the commodification of the economy, privatize public services such as education and health, make the state subsidize low-skill companies that will offer less than the minimum for their workers and transfer taxes to the rest of workers to take class consciousness away from the masses by feeding reactionary ideologies with the resentment that this will create because the biggest capitalists will not pay for it.

The Marxist position is the guaranteed right to public employment, decommodification of health, education, housing, food, etc. for the use of workers' needs instead of the market.
We cannot forget the reduction in working hours, separating retirement from the financial market, nationalization and socialization of all means of production, all banks together with institutions that serve to speculate, natural resources, machines and land for social planning.

There is no ubi in socialism or low-stage communism:

<“Let us take, first of all, the words "proceeds of labor" in the sense of the product of labor; then the co-operative proceeds of labor are the total social product.

<From this must now be deducted: First, cover for replacement of the means of production used up. Second, additional portion for expansion of production. Third, reserve or insurance funds to provide against accidents, dislocations caused by natural calamities, etc.

<These deductions from the "undiminished" proceeds of labor are an economic necessity, and their magnitude is to be determined according to available means and forces, and partly by computation of probabilities, but they are in no way calculable by equity.

<There remains the other part of the total product, intended to serve as means of consumption.

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>There is no ubi in socialism or low-stage communism
<just as it emerges from capitalist society
Which means a time we haven't yet seen, not 1875. Do you control whether porky hands out UBIs or not? Answer carefully; it goes on your psychiatric record.


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Actually, SocDems didn't cook this one up, for once. UBI was first thought of by Libertarian and AnCap type of people, as a form of "negative tax", by the likes of Hayek and Rothbart.

But yeah, it would lead to the undercutting of wages and a steep increase in rents. At best it would lift pressure from the unemployment but the inflation and price hike that would come with it would make up for it.

Not every unemployed person is a lumpen by the way.


If you continue reading you will understand the difference in thinking only about the issue of distribution rather than production of the means of production.

Let's continue reading then:

<”Here, obviously, the same principle prevails as that which regulates the exchange of commodities, as far as this is exchange of equal values. Content and form are changed, because under the altered circumstances no one can give anything except his labor, and because, on the other hand, nothing can pass to the ownership of individuals, except individual means of consumption. But as far as the distribution of the latter among the individual producers is concerned, the same principle prevails as in the exchange of commodity equivalents: a given amount of labor in one form is exchanged for an equal amount of labor in another form.

<Hence, equal right here is still in principle – bourgeois right, although principle and practice are no longer at loggerheads, while the exchange of equivalents in commodity exchange exists only on the average and not in the individual case.

<In spite of this advance, this equal right is still constantly stigmatized by a bourgeois limitation. The right of the producers is proportional to the labor they supply; the equality consists in the fact that measurement is made with an equal standard, labor.

<But one man is superior to another physically, or mentally, and supplies more labor in the same time, or can labor for a longer time; and labor, to serve as a measure, must be defined by its duration or intensity, otherwise it ceases to be a standard of measurement. This equal right is an unequal right for unequal labor. It recognizes no class differences, because everyone is only a worker like everyone else; but it tacitly recognizes unequal individual endowment, and thus productive capacity, as a natural privilege. It is, therefore, a right of inequality, in its content, like every right. Right, by its very nature, can consist only in the application of an equal standard; but unequal individuals (and they would not be different individuals if they were not unequal) are measurable only by an equal standard insofar as they are brought under an equal point of vie
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What are the tiniest forms of praxis?
tiniest as in the forms of praxis that take less commitment and time, does creating propaganda memes or some shit count as microscopic praxis?

pic unrelated btw
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Those lego box-sets are expensive man.


Lego has a very stable value and can be sold anywhere. Same reason people steal tidepods.


They are, and the kids love them! I could loot some lego given a chance.


Tiniest would be agitpropping already made, but if you wanna make art that'd be more useful.


>Marx: communism is the real movement of proletarian organization
>bored middle-classer online: erm guys can I do le heccin praxis with my unfunny maymays????
The leftoid mental disease of "at least I'm doing SOMETHING".

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>In Marxist theory, the Lumpenproletariat (German: [ˈlʊmpn̩pʁoletaˌʁi̯aːt] ; /ˌlʌmpənproʊlJˈtɛəriət/) is the underclass devoid of class consciousness. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels coined the word in the 1840s and used it to refer to the unthinking lower strata of society exploited by reactionary and counter-revolutionary forces, particularly in the context of the revolutions of 1848. They dismissed the revolutionary potential of the Lumpenproletariat and contrasted it with the proletariat. Among other groups, criminals, vagabonds, and prostitutes are usually included in this category

>The Social Democratic Party of Germany made wide use of the term by the turn of the century. Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky followed Marx's arguments and dismissed the revolutionary potential of the group, while Mao Zedong argued that proper leadership could utilize it. The word Lumpenproletariat, popularized in the West by Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth in the 1960s, has been adopted as a sociological term. However, what some consider to be its vagueness and its history as a term of abuse has led to some criticism. Some revolutionary groups, most notably the Black Panther Party and the Young Lords, have sought to mobilize the Lumpenproletariat
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No, I will keep looking for groups to mobilise.


Fascists recruit their soldiers from the lumpen but lumpen are not essentially fascist.
Still, communists should endeavor to shift lumpen to the working class, so reducing the size of the lumpen class, and increasing the power of the working class.
The lumpen want to have a steady job, and not be precariously employed.
Basically, we need to do a basic amount of idpol for neurospicies, queers and PoC because when lumpen they may have little choice but to turn against us.


Also stuff like Communist collectively organized apprenticeships, trades training and upskilling sounds good to me.


Hot take! Historically, many (white) women were lumpenbourg. So you get reactionary feminism like recounted in "Why Would Feminists Trust the Police". It's not that women are essentially bourg. But lumpenbourg was the class position of many women at the time.


Also Karl Marx was lumpen.
Lumpen are both the most radical and reactionary elements of society.

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Person 1”porn is le bad and anti-Christ”
Person 2 “let free market decide and I disagree but let’s work together since our political motive similar”
Person 1 “Porn is le bad”
Person 2 “how dare you saying such a problematic opinion you fucking white male! Sex work is work!!!!!!!!” *splits the party*
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Maybe I'm just a simple guy with salt-of-the-earth ways but I swear the only time people argue about porn is on the internet. Nobody asks my opinion about it. Well, one time that happened and she turned out to be one of those LaRouchies. "What do you think about OnlyFans?" Uhh, I don't have an account so…. I think we should table this and leave it to a popularly elected women's committee to decide.


Who cares, have you ever seen a "sex worker" in real life?


> Single post IP



Not op, but i did, multiple times. They are just like you and me, nothing very special about them, except their poverty.


>posting trigglypuff in 2024
OK grandpa

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>in the 1963 Salad Oil Scandal, Allied Crude Vegetable Oil company artificially inflated their inventory to twice the amount of salad oil that existed in the entirety of the United States.

>Ships supposedly full of salad oil for Allied would dock and inspectors would certify the cargo, allowing Allied to post the oil as collateral and obtain millions of dollars in bank loans. In reality, the ships' tanks contained only water, with a few feet of salad oil floating on top to trick inspectors.

>When inspectors audited Allied's facilities, the company would transfer the same oil stock from tank to tank to fool the inspectors while entertaining them during lunch.

>In all, Allied posted 1.8 billion pounds of salad oil as collateral to fraudulently obtain $180 million in loans, when the actual stock was a mere 110 million pounds.

>The scam went on for years before being discovered.

This kind of scam would have been discovered immediately under socialism. A socialist government inspecting reproduction schemas and national input-output tables would immediately have noticed the impossibility of the inventory size. This kind of fraud would be impossible to carry out for so long, unpunished. Those responsible would have been tried, found guilty, shot, fed to vultures, and forgotten.
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Well for those who think they were socialist, China and the USSR had party bureaucrats lying on production figures to the point of killing millions of people like in the great leap forward.


Socialist governments also had this problem. The Cotton affair and the Ryazan livestock butchery. They could figure out who was living above their means (kgb surveillance of adolf tolkachev and a couple other spies) but no guarantee to check the whole economy. Unless you are talking about a hypothetical where we still have USSR in 2024 and cockshott is the economics minister there.
Based china. You don't know just how many ameritard landlord-wannabe fags were pissed that they could not be slumlord fags in china. Ameritards hate the concept of "housing is a human right" Fuck them. I hope russia nukes ameritards. Calling ameritards cockroaches would be an insult to cockroaches.
Can't say anything about great leap forward, but USSR had a tendency to punish bureaucrats for failures at least in stalin era. Also, besides the 1930's famine, since when have lies about production figures led to millions of deaths?


>Gentlemen, today we will begin our most diabolical scheme, exagurating our salad oil stocks HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA


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<Oh well, uh, gee, I'm not sure that's all that diabolical….


>Unless you are talking about a hypothetical where we still have USSR in 2024 and cockshott is the economics minister there.


The left today is all about consent, but what could be a bigger violation of consent than slicing the foreskin off an infant who can't consent? It seems like leftists are only willing to curb "religious freedom" when it comes to Christians, but will actively enable Muslims, and become evasive when it comes to Jews. And in the US, the only western country to regularly practice circumcision, its roots like in Harvey Kellogg's anti-masturbation campaigns which are directly tied into the bourgeois morality leftists claim to be against.(Le Armchair)
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>When a district court in Germany found that, 'uhm hey our current laws prohibt circumcision, whoops!' There was a broad coalition of the Muslim, Jewish communities and the major Christian churches to pass a specific law to legalize it explicitly (in complete violation of all the constitutional protections of bodily integrity and religous freedom (of the child))
>Meanwhile in the US the anti-FGM laws have been getting overturned.
link articles on this



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what part of "the penis is evil" do you not understand, OP?


>circumcision is local to many cultures in africa. it doesn't come from america
There are other cultural practices in Africa that already existed, but the US is actively pushing circumcision as a measure to "combat" HIV/AIDS. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the big groups doing this.

>link articles on this


Reason #99999999999 I'm a communist and not a leftist.

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