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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Chubais detailing the main motivation of privatization was to create barriers to the return of socialism. Nothing to do whether it is more efficient or "cost effective."

It appears Chubais has internalized the thesis that capitalism can not be reformed into socialism.
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worse yet, The Cuck was his most loyal lieutenant and handpicked to rule by him.

Id like to see a thread of Russia in the 90s. It's weird how we barely discuss the era of the "blackest reaction"

Agreed. I have a passionate hatred of putin but also something tells me he is successful because is is a westfag. If an actual russian patriot came to power, he would get assassinated. Maybe this is all God's plan. Idk anymore. But if I was God, i would spank putin the cuck so hard he will remember the kolbasa sandwich he had in 1965.

Because it was a national embarrassment. 90s russia was a NEET + gooner + cuckold + bankrupt nihilist.
Right now it has a job, a girlfriend, (still a cuck tho) and has some money.

>ITT: Westoids discover 20 years old Russian videotapes


Question: isn’t everything Trump and his cronies are doing EXACTLY what accelerationists wanted?

The attacks on trans and autistic people are supposed to radicalize the masses, right? Chipping away at government services is supposed to open the door for mutual aid and community care, right? Getting rid of DEI is supposed to prevent marginalized peoples from assimilating into capitalism thus keeping them radical, right? ICE raids are supposed to militarize communities into fighting back, right? And the extremist genocidal plans for Palestine are supposed to trigger a mass uprising now that any humanistic mask has been lifted, right?

Why are you guys complaining? It seems like you were all pushing for this under Biden on the basis Biden and Harris were putting a human face on the horrors inherent to the status quo. You insisted there was no difference between Trump and Biden and in some ways Trump was better because he would cause the system to collapse. Well, the American system is being forcefully dismantled as it collapses and yet we haven’t seen any dual power or alternative institutions emerge from it. You wished for the apocalypse and you got it. Again, why are you complaining?
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Pull your self up by the bootstraps. Maybe you too will no longer by a loser doom scrolling on an image board that think themselves as revolutionaries with inter-ethnic empathy despite having hatred for Indians and Brasilians

Maybe one day if you work hard enough you could own a pizza shop making enough money to get you some honeys

Accelerationism is not about
>worsen conditions
>proletariat gains class conscience

Acceleration states that
<the worsening conditions of capital will not stop until everything is decoded (meaning everything is broken down to things can be consumed or understood by symbols)
<once everything is decoded
<everything can be digitized or modified and ultimately the next stage of humans can begin
<Humanity enters into a new era where the superintellegence takes over because it can understand the decoded everything.
<humans are no longer needed and die away.

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I just like autocracy and multipolarism
Im not even a leftie im just here to talk about BRICS

Accelerationism is bullshit.

If the right-wing didn’t mass revolt under eight years of Obama why would the left mass revolt under four years of Trump?

Accelerationism is bullshit

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Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
<Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

If your original content is good enough, it would most likely be shared on the /leftypol/ twitter account!
Make sure to follow us and feel free to leave suggestions on this thread~

previous thread: >>1762168
>>>/leftypol_archive/1762168 (if it gets archived by mods)

New Booru:

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Taiwan changing to the Chinese flag went hard fr.

Well it already got tweeted so I guess it's done lol

I'll render a higher bitrate version for better quality and upload it to youtube without the watermark in a bit.

I'm not in the scene but it's always nice when an "8-bit" remix is authentic and not just retro-themed.
>A cover of Andrew WK's "Get Ready to Die", recorded from an original Gameboy with LSDJ version 4.something or other.

link xcancel for people who don't have shitter accounts

>anon took my ideas to heart
nice. also this is great! I like cuck island fading from ROC to PRC colors


I'm a local union activist and am having some fairly specific issues reaching workers, relating to stupid word games.

The common understanding of words like business, risk, profit carry implicit values that are deeply entrenched. But at the same time it's imperative that I speak on the simplest possible terms.

I shut down two businesses last year, my crew claims ten and a thousand workers divested so we're not fooling around. We're just not very achedemic.
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Brother, you could just tell them the bosses could pay them so much more because they earn so much money thanks to their work, but they just wont because they do not want to. Tomatoes, pizza, that is just nonsense. Go straight to the point, not the terms or the ideas. I could tell you your bank does interest deductions on your account on a periodical basis according to terms determined at will so the bank is evil (and attempt at explaining it using tomatoes and pizza), or I could tell you the bank takes money from your account whenever they feel like it; which one do you think people understand?

You start telling them this whole tomato story they wont understand a thing. The boss gives them pizza, they see the boss as good and they will see you as a strange fellow who is trying to tell them something they dont know what it is. If you just told them "You see, the boss makes so much money he could pay us so much more without breaking a sweat" you would have them slowly destroying that enterprise from inside in until the boss gives into their demands, no matter how much pizza he gives to them because they would see it as "he gives us pizza so he has an excuse not to raise our wages!"

>What's the English word for proletariat? Because it's not worker. The boss picks up a hammer can't he's a worker.
>What's the English word for borgoise? Is not rich prick. An electrician is a rich prick. Someone who won the lotto is a rich prick.
>What's the English word for deliberately causing division among workers? For union breaking? Bear in mind I can't self identify as a unionist or as running a union. The legal protections unions get are so weak that being a union is just a liability now and you just get the most toxic workers clinging to the union for status. Nothing on paper, nothing in Russian, nothing in secret. That's how we did it

Brother, I am sure marxism fried your brain. Literally the only thing here is "If I get fired I am screwed, he does not get fired because he owns the place and even if the company goes down he still has lots of money"; literally that is the only thing you need to say to make people gPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

engels in the preface to capital vol. 3 says that a vulgar economist can grasp marx's writings in simple terms by just acknowledging the concept of surplus value. that is also an implicit understanding of the working class, it just needs to be put into words.

>people are stupid so we need to change all our words to trick them
Honestly? They need to feel stupid. Too many people nowadays buy into the "all opinions are equally valid because muh free speech" meme. It shuts down their self-criticism and growth. We need to make them realize "wait, maybe I'm being dumb and this is all bullshit, I need to reexamine my beliefs", not humor their delusions and try to compromise around them.
Yes I'm being edgy and sitting in my armchair but I genuinely think we need to stop coddling ignorant people. It's a failed strategy. Not a once-failed but a many-failed, language policing and coddling is always brought up as a hot new strategy that will REALLY convince the lumpen this time, and it never works.
ALSO I think this strategy is a form of surrender and the average ignorant normie can sense your weakness.

OP is doing real things in the world
you are indeed smelling farts from your armchair

>real things in the world
OP is doing what a lot of people have already tried and failed to do - make up new words that are designed to trick people into supporting leftism. All it ends up doing is adding further confusion while making yourself appear like a schemer (weak and untrustworthy).
You have to pierce the bubble, not try to build around it.


>The US's support for Israel IS because of a Jewish lobby. The ruling class in America won't directly benefit from an ethnic cleansing of Palestinians!
>Looks inside.
>Biggest support base for Israel in America is a bunch of schizo evangelicals who think creating Greater Israel will make Jesus come back.
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For Marxists, political practice is about changing material conditions and changing the material world and challenging oppressive structures is what really matters. Okay now you named the Jew, congratulations, you've developed a strategy solely based on naming or framing things in some "discourse" without engaging in actual change that disrupts economic and social structures that keeps the U.S. alliance with Israel intact – stronger than ever in fact. I'm sure people are going to "wake up" any day now!

People who describe it as "Jewish influence" tend to be essentialists who think that because x group of Jews acts a certain way, it means that all Jews act a certain way, and that that behavior is inherent to Jews and the way they are, which is the kind of logic that can and has been used to justify various ethnic cleansings throughout history, not just of Jews. Mind you, I'm not saying you're one of them, I'd be a hypocrite to make such an assumption. But it's an idealistic line of thought that needs to be brought to attention either way.

>inb4 most Jews support Israel

I don't doubt that they do. But "most Jews" is not "the Jews". It's a subtle difference, but a significant one that concerns praxis.

As an aside, to address people who say "look how many Jews are in power!", it's extremely common for small groups to feature disproportionate representation, simply because each individual member accounts for a large percentage of the group. As an example, if we had a group of ten people and one of them was gay, gay people would be vastly overrepresented in that group; this isn't because the group is full of gays, but because there's only ten fucking people in it. This isn't to say that this is the only reason Jews are overrepresented in, Hollywood, because it definitely isn't, but it plays a much larger part in it than you'd think.

Having an unsinkable aircraft carrier that routinely resets development in oil rich nations and is conveniently placed right next to the Suez Canal is not in the interest of a state whos global power project relies on petroleum monopolies?

Both are abrahamics tho

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>Implying the schizo evangelical Zionists are anything more than useful idiots for Israel and organized Jewry

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Does anyone else hate the idea of suburbs and car dependent society? What do you think of it?
It's the most oppressive form of living imaginable

Until you can drive a car, you can't visit friends, family, community buildings like stores, religious buildings, gyms, nature, etc. You're basically in house arrest until it's legal for you to own a car, if your family can even afford them (they'll likely even go into debt slavery when they can't assuming they already aren't). You can basically never get any natural exercise in a fully car dependent lifestyle. Above all of this, you can't ever possibly protest anything, this is why all protests can only really happen in cities if the country itself is car dependent (america). You can't realistically ever protest if you can't even enjoy the simple things like connection with friends or family.

In my opinion, this structure of life is the biggest factor of the mental and physical degradation of americans. Their only real form of connection is digital and their only source of fitness is stumbling around the job or at home (hence the obesity epidemic). It's a complete dystopia, no culture has ever lived this isolated and dependent. Even hermits had nature or things to keep them occupied, americans have nothing.
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the working class cant afford a car these days

Nah. I have lived in apartments before and they are way worse.

>successful working class people
Take a 500k home, at current mortgage rates (~7%). interest over 30 year mortgage is more than the actual price you paid for it. Nothing successful about being a slave to a bank.

to an ancap, "success" means being a slave to the bank lol

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I'm in the worst of both worlds: a small town that has experienced recent rapid growth. So there is a downtown with a few blocks of walkable neighborhood around it, and then the other 90% is "stroads" and little atomized suburban housing developments accessible only by highways. The developments themselves are laid out along nonsense amoeba patterns, all the houses look the same, overly manicured like a golf course, disgusting and soulless. I thought I'd be able to buy a place with a couple of acres for gardening and native plants here but I'm on a postage stamp in a HOA covered in pine straw. I don't even have access to the consoomer bullshit of a suburb or the proximity of a city either. It fucking sucks.


<vidrel: The SDF released footage of an incapacitated TFSA fighter getting run over by a Turkish-provided M113 APC in the recent fighting southeast of Manbij.
Recent news:
First statement by Bashar al-Assad ever since his ouster. Israel takes more land, this time south of the Golan. More sectarian incidents. US-mediated temporary truce between the SDF and Turkey + SNA, with an impending offensive on Ayn Isa, Sirrin and Kobani.

t.me/Medmannews - Well known channel (Egyptian owner). Posts frequently about MENA
t.me/Slavyangrad - Also posting a lot of news about Syria recently
t.me/Middle_East_Spectator - Iranian owner
t.me/Suriyak_maps - Posts maps/latest news. Less prone to hype/hysteria but slower.
t.me/rybar - Russian channel. Posts a lot about Syria too
https://nitter.poast.org/SAMSyria0 - Local Syrian army soldier. Used to post in Arabic. (Account deleted. RIP)
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Violent clashes between SDF forces and Turkish-backed terrorists in northern Tishreen Dam front continue, amid advance of SDF in several areas.

SDF carries out a series of operations against the bases of occupation forces east of Manbij
The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continue their legitimate response operations against the attacks of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries on multiple fronts.

The SDF Press Center released a statement announcing the details of their latest operations and attacks by the Turkish army and allied mercenaries:

“On Sunday night into Monday, Turkish occupation and its mercenaries continued targeting the vicinity of the Tishreen (Tishrin) Dam with heavy weaponry, including artillery and tanks, causing material damage.

On the Qereqozax Bridge front, our fighters conducted a series of operations targeting Turkish occupation bases and positions. These included attacks on the Qereqozax hill and the Turkish base in the village of “Al-Hawshariya,” resulting in seven confirmed injuries among the mercenaries. Meanwhile, Turkish occupation warplanes launched multiple airstrikes on the villages of “Al-Tineh” and “Ghasaq,” causing material damage to civilian property. Simultaneously, indiscriminate artillery, tank, rocket, and mortar fire struck the villages of “Al-Tineh, Ja’ada, Bir Hisso, Ghasaq, Dekan, Melha, and Al-San’a,” as well as the Saifi hill and Qereqozax hill and the Serrin town, with more than 110 shells fired. The shelling resulted in significant damage to civilian homes and properties.
At 3:49 PM on Monday, from its base in the village of “Al-Hawshariya,” the Turkish occupation launched intense artillery shelling on the town of “Shekhler / Al-Shuyoukh.” The bombardment also targeted the “Medana” hill, the village of “Turman,” and the area between the villages of “Qana” and “Beleng” west of Kobani, causing further destruction to civilian property. Additionally, Turkish occupation UCAVs conducted reconnaissance fights over the region.

On the Deir Hafer front, Turkish occupation and its mercenaries targeted the village of “Al-Imam” with three suicide drones, accompanied by heavy artillery shelling, which resulted in damage to civilian homes and properties. Our fighters retaliated, inflicting casualties on the mercenaries, though the exact number remains unknown.

At 3:00 PM on Monday, the mercenaries attacked with a suicide drone the village of “Koberlak” in the Ain Issa countryside, causing destruction and damage to civilian homes and properties. Additionally, Turkish occupation and Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

><muh Kurds
Nobody cares, dude

In the eyes of the Empire, you've outlived your importance(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)

>Nobody cares, dude
Okay. You're welcome to fuck off back to your hugbox on twitter.com. faggot.

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Syrian president stresses ‘strong strategic ties’ in call with Russia’s Putin
>February 12, 2025
We did it reddit!

>Sharaa emphasized “the strong strategic ties between the two countries and Syria’s openness to all parties” in a way that serves “the interests of the Syrian people and strengthens Syria’s stability and security,” the presidency statement said.

>It also said Putin extended “an official invitation to Foreign Minister Asaad Al-Shaibani to visit Russia.”
>The Kremlin, in a readout of the call, said Putin wished Sharaa “success… in solving the tasks facing the new leadership of the country for the benefit of the Syrian people.”
>“The Russian side emphasized its principled position in support of the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian state,” it added.
>The Syrian presidency also said the two leaders exchanged “views on the current situation in Syria and the political roadmap for building a new Syria.”
>Last month, Syria’s new leadership urged Moscow to “address past mistakes” during talks in Damascus with Russian officials that touched on “the brutal war waged by the Assad regime.”
>Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said he and his delegation had met for three hours with Sharaa and Shaibani.
>Russia’s foreign ministry said that visit came at a “crunch point” in Russia-Syria relations, with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov calling it an “important trip.”
>Peskov at the time declined to comment on reports that Syria’s new rulers had requested Assad’s extradition and to be paid compensation by Moscow.
>Sharaa in an interview in December with Al-Arabiya TV channel noted the “deep strategic interests between Russia and Syria.”
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In my opinion, cyber-communism still has the same problems as Soviet planning, i.e. problems in relation to prices, due to the idea of ​​currency based on time worked, or money given based on this, which reminds me a lot of the energy accounting of 20th century technocrats.

There would be two possible failures:

The first is that if the state sets prices for acquiring products based on supposedly objective costs, this can again cause prices not to adjust to scarcity, and added to the fact that wages are fixed to work, the fact that this is totally arbitrary based on time, can cause it not to reflect the exact quantity of what is produced. I know that linear programming and other mathematical methods can be used, however, we still do not guarantee the dilemma of scarcity, since prices are information mechanisms. This would only work in an economy that pays in kind.

Demand, although it would be democratically determined by the people, generating real demand data, there being again no dynamic price system, there could be shortages, because regardless of demand, the famous objective costs based on labor time, or objective costs of production, are not really based on the flexibility of market prices, and it is quite limiting. Who assures us that such a supposedly objective cost is not flawed or does not cover the complexity of a flexible system?

I am absolutely skeptical that a calculation based on objective costs that is derived from the currency of labor time can coordinate the dilemma of scarcity and determine prices reliably. All this would be nothing more than another elaborate way of setting prices, which would cause the problems I point out throughout the essay.

Example: If a critical resource like lithium for batteries becomes scarcer, the time-based target cost or supposed objective costs may fail to set the price, since it is likely that it will not adjust to the scarcity, unlike the supply and demand curve, where a good when its inputs increase in price occurs due to scarcity, and its price tends to offset the production costs of those same inputs, for example, labor, capital inputs, land, etc. That is to say that when a good or raw material becomes scarce for whatever reason, then producers raise prices, because they cannot sell the same quantity of goods at the previous price, since that would generate scarcity in the consumer, and there is nothing left but to raise prices to recover the investment, it isPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Marxism is when no numbers
>the less numbers the more marxism it is
you sir are confirmed insane

>having an algorithm decide how to ration to humans, disregarding their wants or needs
you sure destroyed that idiotic position of your own making

you must feel so accomplished

>The whole point of Marx's work is human emancipation
This is pure liberal humanism projected onto Marx. The point is proletarian emancipation, kiddo.

>This absolutely shitlib implying the bourgeois are human in the first place


and isn't one of the first steps of that making everyone a proletarian?

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With how openly right-wing a lot of big platforms on the internet are now like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and young people in general being less progressive, it's clear that this era of online politics did not work out the way it was intended to. Why is this? Was it too divisive? Simply not appealing?
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Imageboard users really have a serious case of passive aggressiveness.
Maybe the international authorities should crack down on imageboards instead of TikTok.

>it was?
If it's Sillicon Valley paying, deciding what content is allowed and which is supressed, designing the algorithmic means by which the "attention economy" is arbitrated and all of the above but for all of the rest of the media environment, including the audience's experience of the content and all other content (including opposition) on the platforms… Then who do you think is responsible for this, if not the platform oligarchy with the collaboration of the USAno government which grants them the monopoly?

You're giving them way too much credit.
In reality they just designed the algorithm to be biased in favor of engagement, and right-wing content gets the best engagement because it either makes you a dedicated cult member or very angry. Of course the social media companies were well aware of this and let it happen instead of taking meaningful steps to fix it, because they think it will help them in the long term. Better to support a fascist who gives them tax cuts, deregulation, and lucrative contracts, than a social democrat who will tax and regulate them.

Who was even in charge of saying who was in breadtube or not? Like most people I've seen described as breadtubers didn't consider themselves breadtube.

>You're giving them way too much credit.
Some of them got state department funding for deradicalization of "extremists on both sides" from some anti-cult NGO. Lots of the 1M+ sub channels that acted as democrat/labor party funnels are in this category.

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Remember!!: This war is single-handedly proving Third-Worldism correct.
Previous thread: >>2137593


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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Orban is just a stumbling block for Atlanticists trying to hold the unipolar line. The local opposition (at least the elite of it) don’t give a shit about Muh human rights or the interest of the country, just in making their paymasters happy.

And Orban isn’t even much of a stumbling block. He just gives backtalk compared to the good boys who sell their countries out without a whimper.

The idiot liberals I argue with believe that Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Union by annexing all of Ukraine and then exterminating all Ukrainians before conquering Europe, so there's definitely a section of morons that will believe that Russia accomplishing all its stated goals will be a defeat.

Our cucked chancellor agreed to stationing a bunch of these here starting in 2026, so most likely the burgers have working hypersonics at this point.


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