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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I'm studying guerrilla warfare for… fun. But I feel that the typical manuals made in the military dictatorships in Latam are "outdated" -
Do you know of any book that talks about what guerrilla fighting is like today and how Marxist armed struggle faces the 21st century?
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Study modern guerilla war like in Myanmar. Ukraine drone mass murder seems like the future of warfare until cheap anti-drone systems are in wider use.


ppw only applies in countries without a resolved national cuestion and high percentage of peasant population. STOP TRYING TO COPYPASTE IT INTO DEVELOPED CAPITALIST REGIMES


>ppw is the only possible doctrine of guerrilla warfare
Gonzaloids showing they're forbidden to think new thoughts


ok man knock yourself out. or get arrested or killed, i dont care
you could be helping in more relevant tasks instead but if you wanna larp as a cowboy then have a good time


I'm not calling anyone to action, only questioning the ideological knee-jerk to categorically refrain especially in light of Gothakritik.

Besides, we're going to need a way to keep the "most advanced section" honest so that they don't go developing
some permanent dictatorship of the technocrats.

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Why are most people scared of communism when It would benefict everybody but the 0.1% of mankind? Are we doing something wrong?
<inb4 burgeois propaganda
Lazy answer
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You’ve got it backwards, communism isn’t unpopular because most commies are weirdos, most commies are weirdos because communism is unpopular


Getting more ex-natsees and incels won’t help things, we need less freaks proportionally, not more


I'm white. I'd be executed.


Why, to win a bourgeois election?


Communism would materially benefit everyone, but there are lots of people that a) don't care about helping anyone but themselves and/or b) people that benefit from the status quo in other ways.

Like you've got the Chicago coal strike that failed in part because you had anti-black racism on the part of the unions, but then you had black ministers actively working against it because strong anti-racist social institutions like unions would actively undermine their social positions and community power.

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What’s your opinion on on Mikhail Gorbachev what do you think he was a bad guy or not? What do you think his motives ultimately were? Do you also think that he might be stupid or not?
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valery sablin, mutineer in the soviet navy, started mutiny on the soviet navy frigate Storozhevoy, but was stopped about half way or so on his attempt to sail to leningrad to address the soviet people
true hero of the soviet proletariat, but regretably only remembered because a CERTAIN hearts of iron mod that is more like a visual novel
fate worse than death tbh.


Thanks. Was he Stalinst or more Leninist?


not sure, have heard mixed ideas about what his views were, not sure if he was more hardline ML or more trot
from what i've heard he had pro-stalin leanings, but i've also seen trots sympathize with him
take the trot position with a grain of salt, they still consider the brezhnevite revisionist period to be "stalinist"


Apparently he was full on Leninist (based).
Pretty sure trots are just appropriating him.


All my boomer relatives like him they are survivers of the cold war. Reagan, fallen Berlin wall, USSR "collapse" the chamber of existence.

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I think I solved poverty

If you put only $20k into Apple or Microsoft and nothing more you would make the federal minimum wage every single year doing absolutely nothing.

Put $40k and you get $15 an hour minimum wage. For doing absolutely nothing

And it continues to grow more. By doing absolutely nothing. That $15 an hour become $20 an hour on it's own. Without adding anymore.

Pretty soon you will be making $30 an hour. Doing absolutely nothing..

Now think about doing this while you are already working a job making $15 an hour. Now you're making six figures working at a McDonalds.

Why isn't everyone doing this? Skip out on that Starbucks coffee. Cancel the Netflix subscription and you could have this
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Stick to what works my man. Guess what phone I will be buying in 10 years. Guess what phone your kids will be buying


You found the secret anon, just buy aapl and msft. Anon the market is musical chairs. You need to find undervalued assets before everyone else. If you are hearing about shot in the msm you are too laye. You meed to be a finsncial hipster, you need to invest before it's cool.


Or reslly just basic gambling, if you want to make money, you need long odds bets.


>I figured out how to make money, just take on a large amount of financial risk


Uhm if you dont have money, why not take your money and invest it??

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How's things going up there?

There seems to be a lot of shit going on in Canadian Communism in the last few years, with the rise and fall of the PCR-RCP, then the development of the IMT in Canada, and now the formation of New Communist Party of Canada.


They have a fairly detailed programme, that I would appreciate some people's thoughts on here.
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waayy. wasn't that the guy smoking crack and doing K?


the future of canadian communism looks grim considering the right wing turn young people in Canada are taking lately. The future of canada is like south korea with young right winged men who are libertarian edgelordz


that was his brother who died


That was Rob, Doug was the one who sold weed from a Tim Horton's parking lot.


He's the Mayor of Heaven now lol

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any anarcho-maoists here?
anyone situationists pilled?

Mass line tactics + hyper reality manipulation + autonomous guerilla tactics + cultural subversion

"When we all realized it was over, it was."

escape your psychic prison
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What level of autism do you need to have to do this unironically?


>"anarcho maoist"
>posts picture of japanese fascist from burgerreich yearly propaganda game


who's the last guy?


Chinese cultural revolution levels. It was born as a reaction against the MLs who became tailists if not counter revolutionary by this point, and honestly it was one of neatest and more interesting communist movements of may 68, it still influences the European and French far left to this day.


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It's Mao Zedong when he was young.


How much stock do you guys put in the idea that intelligence communities (particularly CIA, 5 Eyes ect) have been intentionally pushing pro-fascist sentiment across the internet in an attempt to gain broad support for the sort of genocidal border policies that will be needed to ensure the survival of western states (in their current form) in the face of mass immigration of climate refugees??
Obviously all this can on some level be explained by markets, engagement farming algorithms, the material interest of first world workers if you buy into the destinction articulated by Maoists and third worldists ect.
But I dont know it just feels like the almost cartoonish levels of racism, sexism, homophobia and anti-semitism we are seeing emerge now feel almost coordinated with the abusrd degrees of institutional support they now enjoy.
It feels like musk buying twitter could have been an intelligence op.
It feels like ALOT of the support far-right parties have gotten in europe (and America) is astro-turfed.
It feels like like we're all in the midst of a mass brainwashing event honestly.
Anyone have any thoughts on this???
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That's not very relevant. Nazis weren't terribly unique, all of the elements that constitute their ideology were created by imperialism at least decades before their party formed. Western imperialists are being humbled by the rest of the world very quickly, it's only natural that they will dig up every tool they had to put der untermenschen back in place.


>assume post is following the similar train of thought as the rest of the thread
>this is somehow "contrarianism"
What are you even trying to say?


Your post is typical meaningless third-worldist babble after you correctly assert nazis weren't special. Nazism arose against the backdrop of a defeated communist movement. Imperialism was a stage of capitalism as a whole, not tied to specific countries much less something countries do.


The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of CIA plots, apparently.

>voting is useless but it can be useful because… heighten the contradictions
If you're incapable of doing proper analysis just add buzzwords to fill in the gaps, works like a charm.

Saying the new narrative is admitting they're "fascists" is wild considering they still prop up the ghost of fascism exactly so idiots crawl back to the State to defend democracy against the evil nasty natsees. Believing liberalism is getting nastier today is also fucking ridiculous. They've assimilated the most oppressive features of fascism - corporatism, concentration of political power, integration of the proletariat into a national collective, etc. from day fucking 1 right after fascism lost.


Read Pavlov you pious fucking retard. That's in your little alt-history canon, isn't it?

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I know it. I know. It had already been discussed before. But hold up, just a darn minute. You're spamming the thread with nonsense, etc., but I really want to know what's the ultimate answer to the trolley problems. Please, enlighten me. Is it really just like the picrel? We can actually stop the lever without any risk at all?
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Why are you like this?
You have a whole ass board over at /siberia/ to do this nonsense 'fun'posting all you want.


Turning 360 degrees and walking away from the autistic asking you to pull the lever is an intuitve answer to a child. I really do not understand why this nonsense question is a big important thing for americans. it is utterly silly.


Of course you can refuse anything.
I guess there is two kinds of people. Those that think they are part of the "situation" and those that don't. In this way you can tell a lot about people.


>the question isn't about anything
>It's a made up question

It's about the moral weight of action vs inaction and whether those are the same thing you fucking retard, whether pushing the lever is or isn't difficult to do is completely irrelevant to the point of the question

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Istfg Fine Gael supporters are thick fucking skulled, it doesnt matter what you say to them or show them- they will repeatedly say that the Republican movement is inherently anti-immigration. Like for christs sake no it is NOT its Anti-Imperialist, its against the economic occupation of our land in the south and the military, administrative and economic occupation by Britain of the north of our land.

It also seems that much of this "Ireland is for the Irish!" crowd online comes from Irish Diaspora in AMERICA rather than from people actually on the fucking island - what could this mean?
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>supporting a smaller bourgeois state against a bigger one in 2024
You guys never lean, do you?


I read all of this thread with an overexaggerated Irish accent in my head


For some fucking reason today's MLs are moronic enough to these days just reproduce the anarchist idea of anti-imperialism (that anarchists themselves took from marxism but without the actual analysis that led to the idea in the first place so they always come to the most pants-on-head retarded conclusions like supporting the fucking Israel government. None of this has anything to do with communism whatsoever, especially not in a world that is fully capitalist. Actually fucking read Lenin if you're going to brainlessly spout his ideas and not just quote-mine without any context.


>anarchists took the idea of antiimperialism
>it was also a marxist idea
>ignores the fact the world has changed at all since marx wrote his works


also we dont support the irish bourgeois collaborationist state lmao, we support the irish republicans, not the irish divisionist government.

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As Summer arrives and we are beset by another season of shrill, pointless bourgeois elections, let us remind /leftypol/ of the importance of being grillpilled. The grillpill is not 'defeatism' or 'doomerism.' It is a recognition that bourgeois politics is a strategic dead-end. It is a turn inwards to strengthen the mind, body and heart, to avoid the temptations of opportunism or reactionary thought and to be ready for future movements of the class struggle.

Suggested activities include the following:
>Disengaging as much as possible from mainstream news and social media
>Severing parasocial relationships with falsifying 'political' streamers and video essayists
>Read Marx, read well-sourced academic Marxists, read well-sourced texts on history and political economy
>Supplement your reading with classic literary fiction of various genres
>Take up hobbies that encourage mastery of specific skills or knowledge
>Engage in physical exercise and interactions with nature
>Participate in local charity/volunteering work, while affirming that such work is not revolutionary or 'socialist' in character
>Arrange IRL get-togethers with friends and acquaintances, encourage community and group activities
>Above all, enjoy outdoor grilling - the most humble form of food preparation, used by human laborers for millennia

In time, the grillpilled anon will have strengthened their mind and body, reaffirmed their principles and commitment to revolutionary socialism, and be prepared for the inevitable reemergence of capitalist crisis and proletarian struggle.
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Collectivism and equality are liberal, enbrace modernism and accelerationism


Literally all those things are liberalism you fucking retard



Only politics that causes me stress is Ukraine war. Besides that im grillpilled and shitpost here because I enjoy discussing leftist politics.


>Also, as I have said drone striking is the worst thing the state could possibly do. If the government started dropping bombs on its own country it would radicalise so many people. I think your post is a little ridiculous.
<Tulsa 1921
<Battle of Blair Mountain 1921
<MOVE 1985
if you think the US gov. wouldn't drone strike guerilla positions in a protracted people's war, then "I think your post is a little ridiculous."

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