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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I know this is a dumb right-wing meme, but being unemployed for a couple of months made it kinda relatable, in a way. I'm just wondering how capitalism works. How do I into the economics in Marxism? You know, I just want to see how truly fucked I am. Is there any school of thought or material focused on this? I'm not really interested right now in the whole geopolitics and AES talk, Twitter is enough.
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>We are being oppressed by nature
This is literally true and anyone who denies or is even surprised by the truth of this claim is either a theist or a crypto-theist.


The comic ignores private property. If someone owns the river, you can't just fish because that's stealing. If someone owns the forest and animals then hunting would also be illegal. With private property you would be "oppressed" by the landlord and whatever security forces he has.

Interestingly the comic already assumes a primitive communism, meaning only nature has to be contended with and the need for food motivates you, not needing to make a profit for a capitalist.


lmao it's good


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damn natvre you scary

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ITT discuss one state solution, two state solution, zero state solution, etc. IMO gaddafi was on the right track with the plan for a federal Isratine, the idea for which actually predates the creation of Israel. Here's a sketch of how it might come to pass:
1) Hamas joins PLO
2) International sanctions on Israel
3) Capital flight from Israel, intensified tension between religious/secular Zionists, the settler project begins to crumble and implode
4) Israel forced to negotiate with PLO to end the occupation
5) Settlement building is halted, new elections are held, start of deradicalization campaign targeting fanatic settlers
6) Truth and reconciliation for war crimes
7) The federal state is phased in, refugees return in waves across a sustainable timespan
8) ???
9) Peace in the Middle East :)
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Yep, not suspicious at all


The two state 'solution' is just endless israeli apartheid dominated bantustans. The one state solution in which israeli apartheid is dismantled like in south africa and replaced by a secular plurinational republic is preferable for ameliorating the terrible sufferings and injustices piled on the palestinian people and smashing zionist fascism, but for the time being appears extremely unlikely and would at best produce south african results of a free palestine being reintegrated into world capital. Only the no state solution of the world communist revolution offers an actual solution to the palestine question.


>>They lived there, they were born there, they were only recently kicked off
Yes this is very unfortunate, but why should the international community respond to the form of violence over the Israelis? I could say the same for Israelis, who some among them are also victims of violence. The Israeli government should be resisted because it sucks and it treats its citizens like shit, and it should be abolished and replaced with a system that regards both the Israelis and Palestinians correctly, but it shouldn't be abolished just b/c some people lived there originally. Even the Palestinians had to kick out some other people before they lived there, why not reinstate them to the region?
>Whats next? You going to argue rape and slavery are okay because humans did it in the past? That if someone breaks into your house and steals your tv they get to keep it because they rightfully stole it?
Wut lol, how did you come to this conclusion? I don't support either Palestinian or Israeli violence. There's a difference between something being morally wrong as opposed to something that needs international actors who should have nothing to do with this region in the first place.


Israel learned from Apartheids collapse, its why they have hundreds of organizations doing PR for them, lobbying groups such as AIPAC buying up politicians, threatening those who don't tow the line, damage control groups like the ADL and many many more.


>Final Solution


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For the record the reason why I'm not putting this in the USApol general is because I feel like what's talked about here can be applied to any major city that thrives on gambling, nightlife, and the general idea of "vice".

Las Vegas, for those that are unfamiliar with it, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world or good reason. With larger than life resorts, oversized casinos, drinks and gambling all abound, and of course crippling poverty and gaudy stark concrete the moment you look off the Vegas Strip. Gambling aside, there's a ridiculous amount of live shows, concerts, oddball museums, overpriced clubs, and most of all constant grifters. As in "the moment you step outside the resort you're going to have at least three people aggressively panhandle you within five minutes" type not seen outside LA. Also there's a giant emoji ball which stares at you in a vaguely menacing manner if you walk close enough.

So yeah, it's pretty much a microcosm of all that is wrong with capitalism, with the added bonus of its night life existing because of actual mafiosos. But there's also quite a lot of shit there, and more importantly a lot of people. So my question is this: if America underwent a communist revolution, be it by ballot or bullet and by whatever flavor of radical leftism you want, what would happen to Vegas? Would it still exist largely as it is today? How heavily would it need to be modified to be reintegrated as part of socialist society? Do we demolish it entirely and replace it with something else? Do we leave it to rot, as a monument to the failures of capitalism?
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Poker, Baccarat, Craps, have the most favourable odds in a casino/gaming house… Stay tf away from slots, & roulette unless you're a complete degen.
t. son of a house man


Can anybody else hear that whistling sound?



I will only play Poker, (and probably waste a few bucks on slots/roulette just for the sake of it. But really like 10 dollars max total on these). I dont know anything about the rest.

Maybe, but I am personally really going next week. I am not even burger, I will roadtrip from LA to Dallas and hopefully manage to watch the eclipse.


i've literally never heard anyone say that until you just did, are you perchance this "majority of people on leftypol"?


Maybe creating a hypothetical bookie that has no juice for itself lmao

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 No.1815771[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

From what I can tell, they've actually fixed many of their cringe tendencies after the 2004 merger. I know Mao didn't like them and criticized Majumdar for the "China's president is our president" line, but he is long dead and Ganapathy isn't really a Chinaboo. They have actually defended marginalized communities from landlord militias and fascists. And given the horrible conditions of minority communities in India and many neighbouring countries who got caught off guard is, is it really a bad thing that they picked up arms? Look at the Lhotsampa, Rohingya, Tamilian, Balochi, Kashmiri and many others peoples. They all got whacked for not organizing within time. Chip in your thoughts.
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I'm not a Maoist. I don't agree with most of what they say, but I do critically support them.


How does this excuse supporting Pigochet?


>China takes practical steps to make sure it can stay the headquarters of the revolution
Brother what alternate timeline are you transmitting from?


>They're hostile to China
Do you have anything to say about their stated reasons WHY they've taken this position on modern China or do you just sperg out the moment you hear China not being worshipped?
>take their ideology from Abimael Guzman
While they do view the Peruvian Revolution as important to the historical formation of Maoism, the CPI(Maoist) is not part of the modern Gonzaloist trend within Maoism (expressed mainly in the ICL). You saying this indicates you've never actually read anything from the Maoists in India, as they have a long history of criticizing key parts of Gonzalo thought (Jefatura, concentric construction of the party, etc.)


>the most powerful communist parties in the world
Lmao you mean this KPRF?

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 No.1828924[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Just Google. Start with China’s Dr. Evil moment, I.e, how cheap it was to jump start the solar industry. Information on batteries is harder to find, but batteries aren’t exactly there.

Byddf for BYD, the automaker, CATL is another good bet. Chinese solar, on the other hand, is not investible as they’ve hit the nasty part of the M-curve (overcapacity, smaller makers going under)


Correction, I meant to say subjugated, not eradicated. The relations between China and the Islamic world are basically a function of how much they bleat “Israel bad”, and they’re basically the best partner for Muslim states getting beaten up by the United States but not yet slaughtered, so Sino-Muslim relations are on a sound basis.



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i'm so proud that japan is have a positive inference on the world

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 No.1826255[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/3/8/israels-war-on-gaza-live-60000-pregnant-women-face-malnutrition-in-gaza

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-09-2024/ (trigger warning)

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Buried explosives, you can see dirt being kicked up.


how would they know where they were going to be? or perhaps there were multiple charges?


They knew someone was going to try and pick up the flag.



shitslamist won't do shit except virtue signal

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What's your assessment of Eurocommunism, and of other Communist parties such as the Japanese Communist Party that largely share similar positions to Eurocommunism?
Obviously Eurocommies themselves support it… but it seems overwhelmingly leftists, at least in the spaces I've frequented, dislike it with some intensity.

According to ML-ists that I've read discussing it, it's revisionary, because it encourages coalition with the bourgeois parties and also supports peaceful coexistence with the bourgeois capitalist world outside the borders of the Socialist state.
Hoxha himself famously quoted "Eurocommunism is anti-Communism".

According to Trotskyist theory, it's bad because it's a "national movement", in that it wants to install socialism in one state, and like Soviet Communism abandons the idea of encouraging revolution beyond one's national borders.

If I had to defend Eurocommunism? Well, those who look favourably about it seem to often point out how it is progressive on so many social issues and environmental issues - supporting legalisation of homosexuality, broader LGBT rights, and environment protections and so on.
Although it seems Eurocommie enjoyers forget that Cuba and a large number of ML-ist parties today are also cool with gays, the CPC and KKE becoming more and more outliers.

Anyway I'm a dumb zoomer, that's just what I've heard so far.
Do you agree with my understanding? What do you think about Eurocommunism?
Can you educate us in this thread as to why you believe it is bad, or good, for the general leftist cause?


>Eurocommunism is anti-Communism


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>What's your assessment of Eurocommunism
Its important to understand and not just disregard it as 'anti-Communism' because it highlights a major problem that Marxism needs to fix, which is that of tactics & strategy. Marxism has a philosophy that is light-years ahead anything else, it has a excellent political economy, but what it doesnt have and desperately need to develop is advanced strategy & tactics capable of bringing Marxist-Leninists to power anywhere in the world and defeating our enemy. Eurocommunism was essentially the Communist parties falling back to SocDem tactics rather than go through the hard and difficult work of developing new ones capable bringing Communists into the position of power in the first world and keeping them there. As for Hoxha himself he was just a sectarian who offered no solution to the problems they were facing.

As far as judgement of the major figures in Eurocommunism the best was Georges Marchais who recognised that it wasnt going to work, he then reopened links between the French Communist Party and the CPSU/Brezhnev. He also travelled to Italy to warn Enrico Berlinguer about Eurocommunism and not to turn his back on the Soviet Union, but he wasnt listened to sadly.


It's easy to say that Eurocommies are bad because they weren't pro-soviet enough, but we have to remember that from like 1920 to 1970(?) almost all western communist parties were just M-L shill parties that took their marching orders directly from Moscow even when it was incredibly detrimental to their own country's movements


it's spicy social-democracy
basically stalinist parties after ww2 started becoming class collaborationist nationalists and toning down their economic demands



 No.1829237[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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I hope it gets fucking banned from the internet



>want people to read manifesto
>writing style not engaging enough
>need marketing gimmick
>people read manifesto
>everybody flips out
>get out of hospital after the revolution
>sent to gulag for doing blackface


I can't upload reaction images. Top laff comrade


>want to protest trump going to court
>drive a truck of fertilizer into the court and blow up Donald Trump

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Emphasis on red. Haven’t seen one of these on here and need a solid leftist redpill thread. Keep the neat infographics to yourself, and post poorly scanned classified documents, images that look like they were made in gimp, or based excerpts. The purpose of this is to have propaganda to send to normalfags and dumbshits. They need easily digestible content.
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Hmm I guess red fascists can go mask off here nowadays


There's ONE FUCKING POST with retarded race science, and 20 posts mocking, disproving, or arguing against. Obviously the original image was posted by a right winger or by you.

Your post is straight out wrecker behavior, claiming the anon poster is a leftist, and that there's some kind of tolerance towards this.

FUCK OFF CIA. It's a Saturday, and you do this for free? Or do they force you to work on Saturdays??


That's interesting. I wonder about non-European + MENA (is there a name for this historically integrated region?) race theories. Pre-hispanic Mexico was ethnically diverse and had feudal relations, imperial colonialism, etc if I remember correctly. I wonder what moral justifications were used by the Mexicas/Aztecs to dominate brutally the surrounding nations.


chinletcels be posting


You glow


Marxists and other leftists are ultimately idealists because they have unrealistic aspirations that contradict how this world works on a material basis. Marxists like to believe that their predictions are founded on dispassionate analysis that foretells how history is inevitably going to unfold, that capitalism's contradictions will bring about a revolution for worker's to seize the means of production, but in actuality Marxism at its root is founded on wishful thinking. The origin of your analysis is your dislike of your circumstances, not a desire for truth. You then formulated a prophecy to ameliorate your distress. Your analysis is merely a post-hoc rationalization (cope) for an endresult that you've selected beforehand. Your conclusions are strongly biased by that.
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>Marxists and other leftists are ultimately idealists because they have unrealistic aspirations that contradict how this world works on a material basis. Marxists like to believe that their predictions are founded on dispassionate analysis that foretells how history is inevitably going to unfold
holy fuck this bait is retarded


>people still bumping my old ass bait
By the way, when you say it‘s bad bait but reply then you still took it.


We do not tolerate intolerance


This is leftypol so of course taking the bait is a given.

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