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Ah, I randomly stumbled upon a proof that in 1933, there was no drop in fertility rates in USSR

Taken from this https://istmat.org/files/uploads/40054/rgae_1562.41.65_statisticheskie_dinamicheskie_ryady_1913-1951.pdf page 237 (213) for RSFSR. Ukraine has the same dynamics This is how many schools there were in RSFSP at this or that year, second row how many kids were in schools at this or that year total. Third row is kids at 5-10th grades.

So, in 1932-33 there supposed to be a big hunger that killed a lot of people and dropped fertility rates, but in 1940 we can see that there's no real drop in the number of schoolchildren (at 7-8 years old they go to school). Meanwhile, the fertility rate drop during the war RESULTED in the drop of the number of schoolkids (1940 + 7-8 - we can see low numbers of schoolkids). Second pic is fertility rates, the country with the highest drop is USSR, obviously

As we can see, secret documents from the archives DO NOT SUPPORT the reconstructions of fertility rates that show a sharp drop in fertility rates in 1932-33, meaning there was no noticeable hunger in 1932-1933


the Soviets obviously falsified attendance records and/or forced millions of Soviet children back several grades


Yeah anyone that actually knows their shit knows the origin of that myth was from some actual nazi trying to sell a story. There's nothing proving its real besides random claims, which exposed me to the anarchkiddy (relevant because this is one of their prime arguments against "tankies") tendency to just believe feels over reals.

The soviets kept records of everything and people… visited Ukraine during the time it allegedly happened and didn't notice anything. The story only came out decades later.

Not going to find the timestamp but this podcast goes over it for a while. Remember, trying to centrist it and say "it did happen, but it wasn't on purpose" is still playing into liberal hands.


I accidentally timestamped it in the middle but I noticed there's chapters with one on the """famine""" so you can just skip there.


Don't care. Neither does literally any other normal or mentally well human.
Don't you get bored of these little history based hyper-fixations?


>noooooooo stop debunking anti-communist myths

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Remember!!: I don't care who you are, I'm not voting for NATO!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1867900


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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That’s pretty good when the enemy is taking three months and 100,000 casualties to move the frontline 1 km


watch a WW2 time lapse map and stop in Jan 1943 if you want to know how over it is for Russia


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gee lemme think


It's so over.
Ruzzia will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever win.
Multipolarity…has fallen…..


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If America was really this turn-key Republic of Gilead like they say it is, then they would preparing to fight for their lives because it would be too late for le vooting to solve anything. And are the same people that helped get America to where it is today really going to get it out? It's not like Joe Biden isn't (More than any other politician alive today) responsible for the Neoliberal hellscape that is America today or that Kamala Harris wasn't one of the thousands of Little Eichmanns that enforced the Clinton Administration's austerity policies. The Open Society is very brutal and authoritarian towards the poor, alternating between condescension at best and outright hostility at worst. What they really fear is that the carceral state created by the compromises they supported in the 1990s-2010s will be turned onto rich liberals like them.
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Well yeah, that's my point. Their opposition will come from the strongest institutions, so those are the ones they will seek to purge first.


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You guys don't get it. Its not just firing the EPA workers which can be reversed with the next administration hiring them back. Its permanently limiting the scope of government regulations by stopping agencies from passing any regulation not explicitly written down in law. So basically instead of EPA scientists making regulations it has to be written down by marjorie taylor greene. This also applies to labor regulations, so basically companies can be free to find all kinds of hacks and loopholes to get around existing regulations but instead of an agency that can keep up with that shit it would have its hands tied behind its back and can only enforce current regulations.


So why are you treating these dried-up Republican cunts as if they were gods instead of meat bags whose lives and dreams could be destroyed by direct action.
<uh, actually I'm paid to prevent that


>NOOOOOOO you’re supposed to wield force against the right!!!!
>how could this happen to us libs!!!!

Oh so it doesn’t feel so good when you get a taste of your own medicine

Gang. Weed.


Don't really know where you got that from. I just explained what they will do if they are serious and understand the system they are trying to capture. If they are not serious or don't know what they're doing then they won't do those things.
>direct action
That's why I predict they will want to capture law enforcement early, to crack down on direct action. If they fail to do this then there are all sorts of things that could be done, but this isn't the site to discuss them.

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What does the word ‘politics’ (in most forms of English, it means “the activities managing the decisions made by groups of people”) mean in your language? Many adults can’t answer that question; many more can’t even write a complete sentence in their own language. I’m bringing up this problem, because I want you to understand why people around the world seemingly all fail to understand politics while seemingly all having the same views on it.

I believe that the lack of functional literacy skills present in many adults today combined with the similarities in societal norms and practices present in urbanized/urbanizing countries creates an effect where most people have the same ideas of politics. This effect cripples many people’s ability to understand just how vast the principles, laws, political theories, ideologies, legacies, and physical resources are available in the contemporary era, and what that can do to influence how their countries develop overtime.

How many times have you heard of someone in a North Atlantic or Central Asian country think of politics as either being on a linear spectrum or existing as exclusively in Islamic and non Islamic types? How many times have you seen reactionaries in public display their passion for politics and change, but fail to actually come up with any new ideas that weren’t already tried, tested, and abondoned decades or centuries ago? These phenomena are numerous in their examples, and they’re mind numbing, but they aren't unavoidable.

I believe that addressing the global public’s failures in providing a guaranteed knowledge base for everyone to have and be able to apply functional literacy, geography, and basic philosophy—that exists in types relative to the language being taught in each country—to adults (because they’re the majority and have the highest capacity to change the world) would bring an end to reactionary thought, and finally produce the changes necessary to prevent crises from happening cyclically. Additionally, I believe that the rise in global urbanization and the decline in barriers of entry to politics for a growing portion of humanity can facilitate the acceleration of such beneficial changes.


Political education is a big topic. One of the lines I remember from "The West Wing" is "education is the silver bullet".
Of course the capitalist won't supply you the silver bullet to shot him with.


Back in the day Tsars of Russia banned education for peasants so that they stop learning about socialism and liberalism and stopped revolting against the Tsars. We are seeing the same kind of attack on education today from the equally reactionary liberal overlords


> I believe that addressing the global public’s failures in providing a guaranteed knowledge base
OP the problem with this situation is that education is not a simple resource. It's not like a well of knowledge that you can give people access to. Sure, wikipedia, scihub, gutenberg, and others exist, but that's not a replacement for education. Education is a process and a relationship between student and teacher, between young and old, between present and past. No textbook, encyclopedia, or pre-recorded lecture series can adequately replace the function of a master who can show the apprentice how to put something into practice and correct their hand when they err. This crucial service must be provided, and the solution has to be systemic.

Even in "traditional" public education programs, the student:teacher ratio is really unfair to everyone. One person trying to adequately teach 20, 30, 40, or more students just isn't good. We need something closer to teaching as a civil service in terms of ideal numbers. We need nothing less than a revolution in education: how it is done and its role in society as a whole. Another big deal is that education as such should never stop but continue throughout life, so that even the elderly can keep up with developments in the world.

Have a couple short books.


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>One of the lines I remember from "The West Wing" is


Allow me to defend myself: I was young and dumb. The purpose of the statement was precisely to point out that the value of education is known by the "prototypical" liberal.


‘All of the rats in the Knesset’: Mass antiwar protest in Israel
Antigovernment protest organisation Hofshi Israel estimated more than 150,000 people attended the rally, calling it the biggest since Israel’s war on Gaza. Some demonstrators lay on the ground covered in red paint in the city’s Democracy Square to protest what they say is the death of the country’s democracy under Netanyahu.

Israeli tanks likely killed Palestinian child Hind Rajab, investigation concludes
The audio analysis also concluded it was likely Israeli used weaponry, such as the M4 assault rifle or a FN Mag machine gun, used in a Merkava Tank, that fired the shots. This was concluded after determining the fire rate of the weapons. The combined analysis, along with Hamada's account that an Israeli tank was next to them, allowed investigators to map the likely position of an Israeli tank at the time of the shooting.

Balkans hit by blackouts as heatwave persists
Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro and large areas of the Croatian coast were hit by the afternoon blackouts, brought on by surging demand for power after households switched on air-conditioning to combat the high temperatures. In Bosnia and Croatia, traffic lights were knocked out, causing transport chaos in Sarajevo, Split and other big cities.

SNP and Tories unite to block housing standards enforcement for migrant farmworkers
Socialist MSP Richard Leonard introduced an amendment to the Agriculture and Rural Commuities (Scotland) Bill calling for the Scottish Agricultural Wages Board, which sets wages by rates for tied accommodation, to enforce housing standards.
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>Starbucks workers in West Hempstead narrowly vote to unionize

Good for them. They're going to need even more support now that the supreme court has legalized retaliation against unionizers.


Netanyahu’s Massacres in Gaza and the West Bank Will Not Cover up His Failure: DFLP
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued a statement stating that Netanyahu’s roaming massacres between Gaza and the West Bank will not cover up his failure to achieve his alleged victory in Rafah, nor will they exempt his crumbling army from paying a heavy price for its crimes against citizens across the Strip, from north to south. The Democratic Front stated: It is no longer hidden that the “israeli” enemy failed miserably in Rafah to forcefully retrieve its captives and eliminate the resistance, as its officers and spokespersons had pledged before the media, now admitting their failure in disjointed statements that confirm a sharp decline in the morale of the occupation army and a decline in its combat capabilities, after the resistance inflicted severe losses on it in terms of personnel, soldiers, officers, and equipment, especially those that the “israeli” army claims are the pride of its war industries.

Milei’s Anti-protest Bill Moves Forward and Class Struggle Heats Up in Argentina
Argentina’s far-right president, Javier Milei, has struck a blow to millions of already struggling working-class and poor people with the approval of his Ley de Bases (Framework Law) plan in the country’s Senate. Among other measures, the bill allows for the firing of workers who take part in union activity (strikes, picket lines, unionization campaigns, etc.). It also grants extraordinary powers — powers usually reserved for the legislative branch — to the president for one year and grants major new tax benefits to corporations. Companies can now more easily outsource or use gig labor or casual labor. In short, the law would force workers to shoulder the burden of the country’s economic crisis while creating new avenues for the accumulation of wealth for the richest Argentinians and foreign multinationals. Final passage of the bill still rests on agreement in both houses of the National Congress. And it received the Senate’s approval only after dramatic changes from its original versioPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


are the jews protesting the war because of how the palestinians have been treated or because they think netanyahu is a rat who may or may not have let it happen on purpose so he could stay in power and they don't want more jews to go into gaza and risk their lives for him?


40% the former 60% the latter


The Jews are protesting because they think Nutty is not killing enough Palestinian babies for their demon God Moloch

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It's once again time to play /leftypol/ bingo. Because we're collectivists, we all play on one card, so just cite a post number as evidence: >>18##### , add a mark to our card and repost it. Yes, even (((phoneposters))) can edit pictures, it doesn't count until you attach an image on this imageboard.

HARD MODE: no using posts made before this one. rigging is for porkies!
HET MODE: take a shot for every square someone else finds
CIA MODE: have no sense of humor and cry over a thread
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>the booru has a new URL
neato. I guess it's self-hosted now?


>>the booru
Isn't that site just for the getchan neets to share their aime porn or did I misunderstand the concept all these years?


stalin's strongest soldier gonna raid the nursing home to gulag all the old folks playing bingo to pass the time


Yep, it's self-hosted on my server now. booru.org is outdated and dying, details in >>>/meta/33218

Most of it is /leftypol/ stuff, the anime porn is pretty rare these days and easily avoided using tags.


>"Read Zizek/Stirner/Adorno/Rousseau/Nietzche/Foucault/Dr. Seuss/[some other obscure writer no one has ever heard of]"
One day I intend to write a book. I will then do this with my own book. Instead of answering people I will tell them to read my book.


< you were going to spoil your ballot paper, why not check this list to see whether there's a candidate in your constituency:
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Fortunately, Edinburgh North and Leith is one of the rare UK constituencies with a currently operating tram system, which was recently completed. (Though it's modern light-rail, not old style streetcars.)

The boring answer is that monorails aren't really better than regular trains for 95% of use-cases.
The fun answer is yes. The longest and busiest monorail system in the world is in Chongqing, China. (Since it's hilly, and one of the things monorails are better than regular trains at doing is handling changes in elevation.)


Dog she is a rabid zionist.


She has endorsed their anti-trans policy in the past, but this is what motivated her this time.


>Every Commie party in this country either supports putting me in a death camp/ shooting me, or is a Trotskyist party consisting only of 18 year old upper middle class uni students.

<he still supports stalinists even when they openly want to murder him


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how big of a problem is population decline for capitalism?

I know people have been desensitized to the issue of population decline due to right wingers panicking about the white birth rates or china doomers proclaiming the end of China or whatever, but in all seriousness -

If human activity i.e. labor is the ultimate source of value doesn't it imply that for capitalism to increase its profits, either 1) per-worker productivity/skill has to increase or 2) the population has to increase.

This is simple common sense. There could be some deus ex machina coming from outside the system i.e. general ai and robots becoming a perfect substitute for labor or full ectogensis allowing porky to simply clone workers for themselves, but outside the more outlandish predictions of scifi, this will be a problem.

bottom line, the rate of population growth is the determinant of the long-run rate of profit, and this ultimately means capitalism will decline after the world population peaks sometime in the 2080s if estimates hold (if not even earlier).
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Socdems just laying back and taking it


Shit is fucked and it's over, the time to solve this issue was 20-30 years ago.


theres still time to partially solve climate change anon. Or at least to make it LESS bad, however bad climate change is now it would be even worse if nothing was done to curb carbon emissions now.


>solving climqte change by NOT DOING
This is such a stupid meme. The way to solve climate change is DOING something to alter the atmospheric composition actively


>If human activity i.e. labor is the ultimate source of value
It isn't.
>robots becoming a perfect substitute for labor
The very fact you can replace labour with technology to any degree refutes the labour theory of value and vindicates Georgism.
>capitalism will decline after the world population peaks sometime in the 2080s if estimates hold (if not even earlier)
Earlier. Labour supply is not determined by the total population, but by the working age population, which is projected to peak in the 2040s.
Good for the climate, but also for working conditions. Labour always has more bargaining power during labour shortages.
Feudalism arose under conditions of high birth rates. The bubonic plague forced many feudal contracts to be renegotiated, because land was plentiful while farm labour was scarce.

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Sme parts of the Western left are misguided in their view on violence as it results to Israel Palestine, especially as they themselves are beneficiaries of imperialism.

There is a current of thought that says 'all Israelis are legitimate targets of decolonisation' and that there is 'no such thing as a "good" Israeli' I believe this thought to be hypocritical and reactionary when it comes from the western left.

Just to clarify, I am a supporter of Palestine and have marched dozens of time and participated in direct action in my country in support of the cause. I am against the Israeli state and want to see a ONE STATE Solution.

However I do not believe that all Israeli's are uniquely evil or complicit. Because I (and a lot of you reading this) are part of the Imperial world order and a labour aristocracy that has benefitted from crimes against humanity. IF YOU LIVE IN THE WEST, YOU ARE EQUALLY AS COMPLICIT.

Yet as firm believer in dialectical and historical materialism, I see the possibility for change, even in the heart of the imperial core. The left in the west is pathetic and complicit, but I don't think that makes them irredeemable either. If we don't believe in transformation that why do we fight?

So, for that reason, I don't see ALL Israelis as targets either, nor do I dismiss the fact that there are good people in that country, who like leftists in the west, have been smothered by a fascist regime.
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Anyway, Israel knows what it is, and every Israeli has had a triple dose of that ideology, being placed where their existence depends on ruthless exploitative behavior towards enemy and "ally" alike. But, if you think there's such a thing as "just war", you've already lost the farm. There is no way you can make war just or right - only things that will win the war, and whatever moral sense you have independent of war. War is not a spectator sport or a narrative in that way, unless you are sufficiently removed from it.

The people in Israel who can get out, who are the people most culpable in promoting the worst of Israel's existence, are getting out in swarms. There's your "illegal aliens". I get the sense Trump was there to deport the Mexicans to make living space for Israelis who will take all the stuff Trump's cronies stole from the native, "true blooded" Americans.


Since the Israelis are already coming and making themselves as obnoxious as possible, I'm already resigned to seeing this faggotry go on for decades. When they speak of "the empire coming home", this must be what they were really referring to. So, the idea that killing all Israelis will give some visceral thrill is not particularly comforting to me.

It's also a farcical narrative, because the Muslim opposition hasn't committed grand atrocities for the sake of committing them. War, you may be surprised to learn, does not benefit from atrocities for the sake of performance. Slavery does. Managerialism does. War, not being really an economic or political matter, has to contend with something real to be war, and the conduct of war, even at a low level, is always with that in mind. When you see things like strategic bombing in WW2, at the time and after, it was admitted that strategic bombing was worthless in changing the outcome of the war against the Germans. Strategic bombing had impact on the Japanese, because an island nation's industry remained intact, but by war's end, Japan lost resources that would feed its industry. Terror bombing of civilians had no effect, and was mostly done to please the race-faggots in America. Enough of those people were carrying out the mission Hitler dreamed of - to turn against Japan and wage an eternal race-war in Asia. Even then, after the war, the Americans didn't act like this was a glorious act, always made efforts to downplay what they did, let the Japanese keep their emperor and many of the wartime government officials. Only the fags thought any of that was good or glorious. Sadly, fags rule now and steadily rewrite history to justify atrocities.

I wouldn't weep is the Zionist Entity were utterly annihilated, its people destroyed or carted off to slavery. What goes around comes around. That won't happen, and I wouldn't think it was a necessary thing if the Entity dissolved. But, the Entity isn't going away without taking as much of the world with them as they can. There isn't going to be an easy solution that you can make as a policy, after all of the fuckery Israel has done to bring the world to comply with its program. My expectation is that someone in imperial HQ is getting sick of the tit for tat games and wants to do away with all of the imperial satellites - including the United States, which is already defunct for all intents and purposes. You're all going to find how facile the "America is thePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>You're all going to find how facile the "America is the ultimate evil" narrative was when you see what comes after.

I can't wait!


>her grandmother was raped with a bayonet by Russian soldiers
didn’t happen


I agree that all westerners are complicit, I just also believe that makes everyone fair game, and openly invite any and all nuclear-capable powers to destroy any and all states with nuclear weapons at any time.

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In the imperial core the concept of freedom is used very effectively to suppress class consciousness, particularly owing to its deliberate lack of specificity. In the imperial core proletarians are only are "free" (haha) to project their own inner desires on onto the word "freedom" whenever the bourgeois politicians use it to wax rhetorical. What kinds of freedom are there? In my mind there are multiple dimensions.

The first dimension is the To/From dimension of "freedom"

>There is freedom TO do things. Freedom TO become bourgeois. Freedom TO own a business. Freedom TO bomb the savages. Freedom TO genocide the undesirables.

<Then there is freedom FROM having things done to you. Namely bad things. This is the type of freedom the people in the imperial core are trained to ignore. The type of freedom that is more abstract, and comes up less often, but is possibly even more important on a society wide scale than the other type of freedom.

Then there is the General/Specific dimension of "freedom"

>Freedom for people in society to GO FISHING is GENERAL.


Then there is the Spatial/Temporal dimension of "freedom"

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So to say, freedom is our ability to be disgusted by pleasure, rather than to be embraced by it. This liberal notion is oppressive - the same way pleasure can quickly turn to pain, like tickling, or orgasm.


Freedom to not die of sickness. Freedom to pursue your life ambitions. Freedom to travel around the world. Freedom to not die of hunger.


Child molestation and rape can also be seen as the power of a forced pleasure, which is obviously traumatic. Freedom does not exist here, where force operates as a sort of constriction; a tension of the will. Its like how in martial arts you lose your ability the more aggressive you become - ping-pong is like that too.


Freedom entails agency to act. It does not refer to a purely passive condition that is "given". It may be treated as a passive condition if agency is ascribed to subjects, but subjects are not presumed to possess any agency. Every way Americans are treated is how a slave population is treated. Free people are not humiliated and raped every day and told "this is what you are".


If you are in a situation where you have to debate whether torturing other people is a "right", yet the right to exist at all is considered laughable, you don't have any rights, and you have no freedom to speak of.

Traditionally the liberal state's purview was limited. It promoted the rights of men to engage in business and association, the rights of a free press - all of which were never "absolute or unlimited" freedoms, but were understood to be rights that existed prior to declaring that they existed in constitutions. All of those were presumed to be regulated by the people's own judgement and deliberation, rather than purely individual rights where you squeal "me wantee" like a faggot. That is to say, it is perfectly reasonable for a liberal state to defend itself so that these conditions may continue, and reasonable for members of the electorate to see the state of their conditions and the world they live in. Those freedoms don't exist as ideals handed down from heaven. They exist, so far as they did, because the alternative was already one humanity was familiar with. They did not exist as a reward or ulterior motive for technocratic purposes. They can't really be defended by rationalizing them and saying this is what a state should be. For the liberal state, this was an assertion of what they were at the time and what they were doing, which is why the idea that the rights were codified and relitigated was shunned. If the conception of freedom had to be questioned, that ultimately was a political matter rather than a matter of procedure. The moment those freedoms are held by a technocrat who has no reason to ever allow an iota of freedom, any concept of freedom in the law is gone. There remain only excuses.

There is no freedom whatsoever in humanity during the past century. There is only laxity when enforcing the edicts that now rule over us, and permission granted to continue existing if you are harmless to the ruling order. If freedom is an abstraction, you've already lost.

The word you're looking for is one that is denied to you - security. You are not free unless there is a level of personal security to exercise anything meaningfully. This is why freedom was a watchword for the order of property more than it was an ideal of philosophy. Philosophers abhor freedom, except for their impunity. If the government did anything to foster those conditions, it did so for its motives. Usually this was because armies of the time conPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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