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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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when did this revisionism start that may 68 was some great revolutionary movement? cause it used to be that even the most petit bourgeois intellectual of leftists admitted it was pretty embarrassing and undisciplined. it's only recently i've seen leftists nostalgic for it

every french new wave filmmaker has at least one film from the 1970s pretty brutally ripping into may 68 as a movement. but the leftist consensus now seems to be that it was some high point of revolutionary nervous in the western world. that's definitely a new thing
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Would the whip of our domestic capitalists be any lighter than that of foreigners?


Well, are they?


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>Well, are they?
Why does this need to be asked? A whip is a whip.


No, the “why” is due to men willingly succumbing to their fallen nature, simple as that


>fallen nature

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The EU is banning software buttons for certain controls in automobiles. The best point of departure is the story of its use and transport in a hostile environment.


>the Working Man's Burden
I hope your wife fucks black men on the side


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I hate modern society.
Consumism is making us slave of things that we don't need and everyone is false to eachother.
I don't really know how to fix this situation, but I can't stand this shoit anymore.
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Since production is done indirectly over bourgeois, which is using labor as objects to produce objects. So imagine a system where production is direct. Computers can help with organizing directly. Like, for example, how free software is built.


>Consumism is making us slave of things that we don't need

You didn't need it before, but then it makes you need it as a dependency? I guess 'love' may have a such definition as well XD.


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>I hate modern society.
>Consumism is making us slave of things that we don't need and everyone is false to eachother.
>I don't really know how to fix this situation, but I can't stand this shoit anymore.


What's so modern about that?


Drop them in siberia and shoot them if they show their face. Plenty of arctic for you to colonize by yourself.


Once a revisionist narrative becomes hegemonic, it is nearly impossible to dislodge without a revolutionary change to society happening first. Your anti-revisionist narrative will ironically be seen as revisionist by most people. Because what they heard in school and on the history channel seems more authoritative than the random M-L they meet online. No amount of anti-revisionist record correcting from your Grover Furr types is going to overcome the capitalist glowie media apparatus. You are trying to correct a superstructural narrative with a non-hegemonic counter-narrative, without changing the economic base. You cannot advance proletarian historical counter-narratives when the economic base is still bourgeois. You cannot correct the record when the record is not yours to correct.

TL;DR Every bit of effort you spend on trying to save history from the bourgeoisie and the reactionaries by being a giga-nerd would be better spent educating, agitating, organizing, and touching grass. Why debate a reactionary when you can shoot them? Nobody asked you. They asked their libtard history professor. They asked Chat GPT. If Chat GPT tells them Taft Hartley was about establishing a "balance of power" so that "labor and capital could negotiate on an even playing field" because that's the boring bourgeois centrist narrative, then that's what most people are going to believe.
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that pic goes hard, god damn


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>TL;DR Every bit of effort you spend on trying to save history from the bourgeoisie and the reactionaries by being a giga-nerd would be better spent educating, agitating, organizing, and touching grass.


Glowing indeed. Stop trying to meme CIA talking points.


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>>1855365 (OP)
>Once a revisionist narrative becomes hegemonic, it is nearly impossible to dislodge without a revolutionary change to society happening first. Your anti-revisionist narrative will ironically be seen as revisionist by most people. Because what they heard in school and on the history channel seems more authoritative than the random M-L they meet online. No amount of anti-revisionist record correcting from your Grover Furr types is going to overcome the capitalist glowie media apparatus. You are trying to correct a superstructural narrative with a non-hegemonic counter-narrative, without changing the economic base. You cannot advance proletarian historical counter-narratives when the economic base is still bourgeois. You cannot correct the record when the record is not yours to correct.
An excellent example of this is the JFK assassination.
The CIA wants you to think Oswald was a glowie.


>The CIA wants you to think Oswald was a glowie.
It's all reverse psychology… ahhh.

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>idiot cant recognize how based alexandra elbakyan is


She is based and revolutionary. The "Jesus T-shirt" mentality is cringe tho



Sabine Hossenfelder had a good video about this. o


Peer review is essential in weeding out junk science.

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I mean it has been awful long time since Marx wrote Capital, how close are we to revolution comrades? Is it going to happen any days now? or are we in some sort of feudalism still? Will please someone explain it to me on what is happening and what is going to happen?
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Abomination, saved


Holy pareidolia


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Long live the burger Hitler who works in spite of himself to create the conditions of the proletarian world revolution


2025-2035 reactionary wave
2035-2045 counter reactionary push back
2040's decade of capitalism's defeat
2050 Communism
You may think this is a shitpost this is literally my reading on the future.


Great, that means i will see communism in my lifetime before i die and pass away! Yay

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>With the politic design of preventing intestine broils by employment abroad, and in the hope that when rich as well as poor, plebeians and patricians, should be mingled again in the same army and in the same camp, and engage in one common service for the public, it would mutually dispose them to reconciliation and friendship. - Plutarch

What is /leftypol/'s position on "national service"? The general idea is that young people serve for a few years after completing secondary education, will either serve in a nations military OR "complete other works of service" such as working on civilian projects such as teaching in low-income areas, helping care for the elderly, or maintaining infrastructure, among other ideas. One could imagine a civilian service which gave young people training in the trades and had them work on construction projects or other such things of national importance.

Would there be national service in socialism or communism? Would such a concept even be relevant?
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>"we can end history!"
- an unserious thinker
Embrace the contradiction, already.


>Trade schools exist, if you're into the whole centralism thing.
and after that training they can get some practical experience working on shit for the socialist nation, oh wait that almost sounds exactly like the construction cadres mentioned by OP


<World history has not always existed; history as world history a result.
Marx wrote that world history had a beginning, and (like any process) we can end it any time we like. Who is making Canaanite history, for example?

That's fine, exactly insofar as superstructural content like "manners" will no longer be part of the package.
You still don't seem to understand the critique, perhaps because you have adopted the neoliberal idea that "there is no society" into your economic determinism. Consider self-crit.


Yes, History had a beginning, but my feeling is that it has no end. It is like how life had a beginning but endlessly evolves.


it's stupid and wasteful, its use in peacetime with no hostile states indicates that you've totally fucked up the allocation of labour. in a capitalist country this is particularly acute: "we don't want to pay nurses enough, so let's bolster health-service staff numbers by forcing unpaid or underpaid teenagers to do a bit of their job"
even there it is a bad idea: before people can conduct such service they have to actually be trained, which means taking professionals away from actually doing those tasks so that they can speedrun the essentials into a disinterested teenager. then when the national service period ends (say a year, two years) those teenagers go away and do a job they actually want, so you're back where you started! would you like to drive your car across a bridge built by teenagers on their bridge-building apprenticeship?

if you want practical training, put it in the school curriculum. if you want people to do labour, recognize that they're workers instead of using nationalist spooks to force them to work below-value.

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I remember this video I can’t get out of my head from about 2017 that portrays YPJ fighters in Rojava with the iCarly theme (Leave It All To Me) playing. I cannot find this video any longer! Does anyone know where it is or if it is archived?
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>tfw youtube consistently took a lot of his videos down
>tfw they took down his blue mondays video


I can't find any articles about it. Though there are articles that write about him being tortured in prison.


Thanks. Might've been an edgy deepfake


Guy has been completely isolated from even his lawyer and family calls or letters for 3 years. :(
What will the turks do when he dies? Will they announce it? I do not understand why they have not simply executed him.


they stopped executing because that was one of the prerequisites of their integration with the european union with the eventual chance of joining the eu, the european court of human rights right now has turkey as a member state.

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I swear to God almighty I fucking hate it here. This country is good for nothing and I wish it burns in the eternal flames of hell where it belongs yet somehow escaped it.
Like 95% of the people here are brainwashed by a population-wide CIA psyop operation eating up the most liberal bullshit propaganda like it's served to them from a kebab stall after a long day at work.
It feels nigh impossible to be a leftist here, not even mentioning being further left than fascism (also known as social democracy). Poland is literally a mix of the worst traits of the west and east with nothing good added at all (except grandma, love you.)
The class consciousness is non-existent, and historical knowledge is biased more than that Cuba society from Florida. Even when I provide actual sources that disprove any most common misconception I am met with accusations of being a paid Russian bot or posting falsified commie research (from famous commie institutions like Yale or Harvard)
If I see one more resident of this god forsaken country tell me that "Hitler's occupation was way better than the Soviet one" I will actually summon the spirit of Tukhachevsky and tell him to this time do it fucking right.

So how are you doing?
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The current theme of >>/roulette/ is speaking in any language but English, but there are still no flags


I do too


>Pilsudski little Reich at home was ruined by best friend Adolf((((
Fuck off


Are you sure, the nation that killed Jews was victimized by Hitler?


Would be kinda nice in theory but imagine the bullshit arguments and insults over people's nationalities


(No idea where to post this but maybe this is the best place since its the most active board EVEN DOE there is games but probably noone goes there idk i dont use leftypol…)

I have been posting my progress around a couple websites and i'd want to add getchan, ponychan leftypol and lupchan into the mod but i need help with 3-6 national ideas for each nation and perhaps leaders.

Ive noticed the wiki had a lot of care put into it so maybe someone wants to help out with the mod, we will see if this thread gets any traction.



MOOODS please put this thread there


Or maybe
is better, but thats also a dead board


Moved to >>>/games/35697.

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