Part I:
As a Mutualist I have been constantly criticized and attacked by planning-obsessed Marxists for my insistence that markets are more efficient. I don't just think they are more efficient, I think they are more liberating. On the other hand, I am the kind of Mutualist who is marginalist, meaning I rely on the Law of Marginal Utility and the subjective theory of value, because it is scientifically more correct than the labor theory of value of Marx and the classics. In fact, I firmly believe that the subjectivity of value justifies that workers should take ownership of companies, because it better satisfies the marginal utility of the worker. Furthermore, by demonstrating that value is subjective, that it resides in us, it is also demonstrated that the capitalist's profit (the obtaining of value) does not come only from exploiting the worker and that he does not necessarily need to exploit the worker to obtain value (if he exploits the worker it is because he wants more profit, not because he can only obtain it by taking it from him). This means that it is unjustified for a capitalist to keep all the property and the profit, and for the worker to only eat crumbs of the minimum wage.
I follow the subjective theory of value, and based on this the satisfaction of the worker's utility will be achieved when the worker obtains property and can grow proportionally with the company to satisfy himself, this is a powerful incentive and is psychologically correct, since in the search for profit based on the equal or fair share of property, the entire company will grow, since the worker will seek to satisfy his utility, that is, to grow his share and not depend on a salary that does not incentivize him to do anything. In fact, it is well known today in capitalism that when an employee is given shares, he is more motivated because he knows that if he works better, his shareholding will grow and therefore the company will grow, benefiting everyone, in other words, Mutualism. That's why I'm mostly a Mutualist, I divide the property among the employees and everyone works to make the whole grow based on the parts
Call me petty bourgeois or whatever you want, it doesn't matter to me, I'm working class and I come from a working class family, so I don't want planning, give me my corresponding share of property brrrr
Anyway, I was asked to provide evidence of why planning doesn't work, well here's why:
Do you know why countrie
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