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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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>U.S.S.A. edition

Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth

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Source me, please.

You say glowies are behind these calls for AGI, I say it's just shmoes trying to get on the basilisk's good side.

the virgin position of deport h1bs vs. the chad position of deport the employer of h1bs

I love imageboards with their hypocritcal denial of adapting reddit and discord

what did I say that was wrong?

Adults think youth is supposed to be spent in hper academia.
Look at how its normalised to spend your twenties in college and part time work.

>the world will permanently segregate into little multipolar fiefdoms and this will be the end of history (for real this time)

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The African union has set up another military to continue to stabilize Somalia.

For context, since the first intervention, there has been a visible decline in the country’s insecurity. Many of the volunteers for the AU were from well, Africa. Many of these were from Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Egypt, and some parts of Southern Africa.

Personally, I just want the union to get this mission over with. They have been in there since 2009. The Somalian government should be way more active in getting an issue resolved.


I’m hard

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The controlled opposition "Left" has once again shown its true colors by condemning the man alleged to be the shooter. Even here, they're telling us we should feel sorry for le poor heckin' rat that apparently got fired and got screwed out of their rat money.
>But here’s the thing: his defiance isn’t unique. He’s not some outlier. He’s just the latest to show what happens when despair collides with determination. This is bigger than one man. This is about the millions facing the same system, the same despair, the same crushing indifference. The regime can smear him, bury him, or even kill him, but they can’t stop the truth from spreading: this system is unsustainable, and those it’s destroying will not go quietly.
What the Lenin larpers miss is that the Bolsheviks were merely the culmination of decades of struggle. It didn't start with mass movements, it started with various Anarchists and Nihilists assassinating Tsarist officials. We're in that stage right now. I have absolutely no faith in the contemporary "Left" right now to do anything for the people; in fact, I consdier them to be an obstacle to revolution.
>The government doesn’t want that story out there. They fear what happens when people see this trial, hear the arguments, and understand the scale of the systemic rot. They fear the memes, the viral videos, the court exchanges that will shine a light on a system designed to chew people up and spit them out. They fear what happens when millions realize they’re one injury, one medical crisis away from being in his shoes. That’s why they’re scrambling, trying to smear him, dredging up tweets, pushing culture war nonsense to muddy the waters. But here’s the real question: can they afford to let him have his day in court?
I think they're already going to have him conveniently "commit suicide" so that he can't get the message out, assuming he's actually the shooter and not just some patsy that was stood up because the cops were looking like incompetent idiots.

Couch marxists expect the revolution to just happen exactly how they want it and usher them to utopia instantly

>The controlled opposition "Left" has once again shown its true colors by condemning the man alleged to be the shooter. Even here, they're telling us we should feel sorry for le poor heckin' rat that apparently got fired and got screwed out of their rat money
Here I have only seen memes supporting the shooter and condemning the rat, although I object to disparaging of the rat as an animal to be compared to the complete asshat who tried to earn a quick buck by selling out the shooter.

Also maybe I just need to lurk moar.

What the Lenin larpers miss is that the Bolsheviks were merely the culmination of decades of struggle. It didn't start with mass movements, it started with various Anarchists and Nihilists assassinating Tsarist officials. We're in that stage right now. I have absolutely no faith in the contemporary "Left" right now to do anything for the people; in fact, I consdier them to be an obstacle to revolution.

If by "Left" you mean "Liberals and Idpolers" yes, you are completely correct.
If by "Left" you mean "Leninists, Anarchists, so on" then my counterargument right now is that they simply do not have the numbers to do any impactful revolt.

Apart from that point, I agree completely. This was the first shot of the class war.

>I think they're already going to have him conveniently "commit suicide" so that he can't get the message out, assuming he's actually the shooter and not just some patsy that was stood up because the cops were looking like incompetent idiots.

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Part I:

As a Mutualist I have been constantly criticized and attacked by planning-obsessed Marxists for my insistence that markets are more efficient. I don't just think they are more efficient, I think they are more liberating. On the other hand, I am the kind of Mutualist who is marginalist, meaning I rely on the Law of Marginal Utility and the subjective theory of value, because it is scientifically more correct than the labor theory of value of Marx and the classics. In fact, I firmly believe that the subjectivity of value justifies that workers should take ownership of companies, because it better satisfies the marginal utility of the worker. Furthermore, by demonstrating that value is subjective, that it resides in us, it is also demonstrated that the capitalist's profit (the obtaining of value) does not come only from exploiting the worker and that he does not necessarily need to exploit the worker to obtain value (if he exploits the worker it is because he wants more profit, not because he can only obtain it by taking it from him). This means that it is unjustified for a capitalist to keep all the property and the profit, and for the worker to only eat crumbs of the minimum wage.

I follow the subjective theory of value, and based on this the satisfaction of the worker's utility will be achieved when the worker obtains property and can grow proportionally with the company to satisfy himself, this is a powerful incentive and is psychologically correct, since in the search for profit based on the equal or fair share of property, the entire company will grow, since the worker will seek to satisfy his utility, that is, to grow his share and not depend on a salary that does not incentivize him to do anything. In fact, it is well known today in capitalism that when an employee is given shares, he is more motivated because he knows that if he works better, his shareholding will grow and therefore the company will grow, benefiting everyone, in other words, Mutualism. That's why I'm mostly a Mutualist, I divide the property among the employees and everyone works to make the whole grow based on the parts

Call me petty bourgeois or whatever you want, it doesn't matter to me, I'm working class and I come from a working class family, so I don't want planning, give me my corresponding share of property brrrr

Anyway, I was asked to provide evidence of why planning doesn't work, well here's why:

Do you know why countriePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>creator of Tetris left the USSR because he did not see his work rewarded
The creator of Tetris is a traitor for doing that.

I appreciate how your posts lay out why ideology is such a waste of time.

Yeah, and that's why I just tell central planners to go suck a dick and talk retarded to someone else.

Planning allow everyone things such as: if I want to work just 4 h/day, I tell that and it is included in the plan. Idk, may be I want to study or who knows what I need the free time for, it may require some inputs and I want to know how my decission will affect everything. I do not want to act and demand blindly.

Idk what usually is meant by central, I think it will be central anyway: given all econimic activity is linked. The private profit for example, is bullshit, it saying: I do not care what else is there and how it works.

Planning, it is communists thing, includes a goal, such as more free time and not just that, but it includes that for everyone. Single firms can't set such goals.

You do not need to reply to me, I'm just saying why I want communism and not market.

>subjective theory of value, because it is scientifically more correct than the labor theory of value
it's not.


Are the bourgoisie actually this retarded to let the entire planet go to shit just to stay wealthy and above everybody else?

There is climate change, continuous economic downturn, looming war with countries like China and Russia with nuclear implications, a rising Third World that will rid itself of the sheckles of Western imperialism, and in the face of all of this they STILL choose to drag the entire planet down to keep their wealth? Really? Are they THIS retarded? The bourgoisie can't be that retarded, right?

Why not simply choose to give up? Seriously. Lose your luxury in return for the entire planet not being destroyed. This whole hiding in bunkers idea is also retarded, because their resources are only going to last so long, it's a shitty lifestyle to reside in a bunker while the world experiences armageddon and your guards are probably going to kill you eventually.

They can not be THIS retarded, are they?
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funny juxta

This is also why many people with very little imagination imagine socialism as just being capitalism with one megabourg.

>Are the bourgoisie actually this retarded to let the entire planet go to shit just to stay wealthy and above everybody else?

Many genuinely do not care and expect to die too soon to care, many are honestly stupid and really think the propaganda they commisioned is the truth.

> There is climate change, continuous economic downturn, looming war with countries like China and Russia with nuclear implications, a rising Third World that will rid itself of the sheckles of Western imperialism, and in the face of all of this they STILL choose to drag the entire planet down to keep their wealth? Really? Are they THIS retarded? The bourgoisie can't be that retarded, right?

See above.

Some of these people are genuinely the most brainwashed with the dogmas they paid economists to come up with.

I.e.: Bill Gates literally said "I'm selfish" (With a resounding "Good!" by Warren Buffett) on camera when discussing Socialism.

>Why not simply choose to give up? Seriously. Lose your luxury in return for the entire planet not being destroyed. This whole hiding in bunkers idea is also retarded, because their resources are only going to last so long, it's a shitty lifestyle to reside in a bunker while the world experiences armageddon and your guards are probably going to kill you eventually.

The whole point of Capitalist ideology is that they deserve their luxury and right to destroy the world because [VERY RETARDED REASON GOES HERE]. If they lacked that, the Cold War would not have happened, most countries would have variations of Liberal Socialist Democracy, and everything would be fine because we would all be working together without any Capitalist grade-AAA+ bullshit.

Nobody is steering the ship, that’s part of the fundamental crisis, I am begging people in this shit board to read Marx, fuck, FUCK

Read Marx? Uh…
dice 1d100 = 52
Sorry, best I got for you is watching Haz al Din clips.


All their leaders have been killed, as well as their replacements and the replacements of their replacements. A headless organization that's only a shadow of its former self. Getting rekt by Israel as we speak.
A nation humilated by Israel. Fighting hyper inflation as of right now. Population increasingly frustrated with the gov and may overthrow it if given the opportunity. Losing influence every day.
Had to go. Living in a cuckshed in Moscow, probably under house arrest. Only alive because Putin allows it.
Thought he could invade Ukraine effortlessly, got rekt by his foolishness. Rubels are becoming worthless. Has to beg Kim Jong un for weapons and soldiers.
Most leadership killed, vast majority of troops killed, so cucked they’re allowing Israel to keep occupation troops in northern Gaza as part of a ceasefire deal, lost hard because Sinwar honestly believed Iran would come to his aid during the Oct 7th attack but got stood up and evetually clout martyred by a 19-year old IOF cadet.
Doesn’t give a shit. At all.

“Axis of Resistance” = Axis of Failure
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You don't understand politics. Politicians pander to certain identity groups, like religous or non-religous people is to build a support base from themselves. This isn't a superflous or pointless aspect of politics. These identity groups will have different economic positions in society. This allows people to vote for different economic policies, as politicians will be incentivized to benefit the groups they get support. It would be better if politics were tied to actually existing classes, strata and institutions like in communist countries, but the real underlying political dynamics of a society tend to change very slowly and definitely can't be changed at the will of a single politician or an outside power.

The question isn't if it's technically possible to enact a law like that. The question is whether it's beneficial for anti-imperialist forces within Iran or not. The reason why so many people oppose religious laws in Iran isn't because Western leftists on /leftypol/ convinced them of it. It's because they have a strong educated urban middle-class who are very disadvanteged because of the sanctions (along with lot of the big capitalists btw). They have an interest in capitulating to the US and secularism is a good avenue express that wish as Iran had a pro-Western urban elite for at least a century and they supported secular dictatorships that were much more brutal than the current regime that even had women beaten for wearing a hijab (not for not wearing it).

If Iran's top leaders just dissolved the Islamic Republic and handed over power to secularists for some inexplicable reason, Iran would become dominated by US interests and normalize relationships with Israel. That would probably never go through because no matter how much you avoid the issue, many people do suppport the religious laws and they would instantly rally around Islamist politicians and campaign for the restoration/preservation of the Islamic Republic. This means that the secular side would only achieve total victory if they established a dictatorship similar to the one exercised by Mohammad Reza Shah, maybe by performing a coup somehow and than killing all the protestors. Anyhow, the Iranian state losing its religious character means that a perPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

youre either deliberately misunderstanding me or you have a cartoon view of the world

Seems inevitable that the Islamic Republic will fall then. It’s way too unstable to keep going.

By their own admission they are /building/ Socialism because their economy did not go through a Capitalist phase, so the whole point is that is they are building Capitalism as a pathway to Socialism. Considering that within the 2030s China is set to surpass the USA economically, that checks out.

We shall see what they do after.
And he lost, actually. It was when he teamed up with Castro that he won, but his Bolivia adventure literally ended in his death.

Legendary-tier Obvious Bait Spotted


You used to get tarred and feathered for being a scab, for crossing the picket line. We aren't debating this shit. I'm sick of the fucking debate culture, man. Let's do violence. Violence is the solution. You cross the picket line, you get tarred and feathered like it was, like it's 19-fucking-19 again, brother. That's what we need. That's the energy we need. Because otherwise we're just gonna be spending our circles fucking dealing with dumb motherfuckers like Destiny for the rest of our fucking days, instead of actually doing things that make a fucking difference.
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Won't happen, men today can't even get a girlfriend let alone a revolution. People in the 20th century were organizing strikes in their teens, now 25 is still childhood, and living with parents at 30 is normal.

Pointless video made by euro liberal philosophy undergrad defending Agent Kochinskiites attempts at "maintaining ethical axiomatic consistency".
Not worth a view.

'kay, but only on the condition that we do not kill working class people and instead kill billionaires and more CEOs.

Scabs might just be brainwashed, we can free them. CEOs and billionaires had an infinite amount of chances to do good and chose to demonstrate that Capitalists prefer le numbers over people. They have it coming.

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<Unionised industries in the West are closed shops and full of labour aristocrats. People crossing those picket lines are desperate. They are not part of the same class as the picketers.

wonder who's behind this post

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>Democratic Kampuchea was le meme anprim and wanted to destroy productive forces for no reason
That's false
DK planned and made concerted efforts to develop industry and grow the proletarian class. Their coat of arms featured a factory ffs. The ruralism was a temporary forced measure dictated by current material realities, i.e. Phnom Pehn being mostly dominated by colonial and comprador bourgeois enterprises, and being under imperialist attack. It's like calling Lenin an "anprim" because he moved the capital from Saint-Petersburg to less developed Moscow because the former was encircled by reactionary forces. Khmer Rouge was a totally regular M-L revolutionary movement seeking a DotP

>DK killed 100 gorillions

Half made up with no evidence, half inflicted by American bombings. There are claims like this about every socialist state (Stalin killed 20 million! Mao killed 50 million!) and modern leftists tend to disbelieve all of them, except this one for some reason. I remember how my high school history teacher scared us with a tale about how Cambodian schoolchildren would be taken out and slaughtered with hoes if they got bad grades, obviously a hilarious fanciful fabrication from him, but some self-proclaimed communists today would believe it

>DK invaded Vietnam

I would agree it was a terrible and retarded decision, also I'm not even a Maoist. However, at the same time, can you truly say every socialist state had a spotless foreign affairs record? Consider the Sino-Soviet split, Stalin dismantling the Comintern, Mao meeting Nixon etc. Most communists today would say they like Mao although perhaps disagreeing with some of his later international policies, but at the same time they would condemn and demonize Pol Pot wholesale.
DK didn't "skip straight to communism by abolishing everything" as some trolls say and indeed they made fatal mistakes, but neither was it a "reactionary anprim movement with no redeeming qualities that has nothing to do with communism". It was a ML movement that succeeded at some things, failed at others, from which we should learn. I think modern leftists just see it as a "convenient pawn" that they can "sacrifice" in debates with political opponents, iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I thought priests were killed because they actively collaborated with monarchists and fascists.

what book

If Pol Pot killed those who collaborated with monarchists, he'd have killed himself.

akshully i cited the people who stopped the cambodian genocide, the brave soldiers of vietnam and their cambodian comrades: >>2092454

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What can be done about this phenomenon?
I think one of the greatest crises caused by the rise of American unipolar hegemony is the export of extreme anti-intellectualism, illiteracy, conspiracism, and sensationalism on the world stage
Hollywood and the American Music industry, US social media, vidya and interwebs have all combined to make an extremely stupid and vile global population that thinks communism is when infinite grave

Just call them seppo cunts and everyone will understand.

I recently realized that America colonized minds to historically unprecedented extents. Was listening to a schizoid fellow prole and he went lengths about alien races and nazi moon bases and whatnot. I asked for his sources and they were even below History Channel alyums guy. Like even below ancient pyramids. Not even a David Icke kinda people. Just random facebook boomers who do alien documentaries.

It's just so fascinating that we can't even have our own schizos anymore, everything has to be americanized, to the point where people are involved with arcane cultural shits not even mainstream burgers know about. I remember this culture shock hit me back in the 90's when some people started being afraid of "666 bar code" nonsense which was a fucking burger televangelist conspiracy about big gubermend putting le devil numbers onto the products you consume. It felt so alien back then, like a "forced meme IRL…."

But I guess I shouldn't be surprised of anything, considering my previous boss was a scientologist, a fucking imported new age cult from the u s of a

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11,000 people. Do you know how many Bolsheviks there were in 1916? I mean, I don't have a full fact check on this, but I heard there was about 20K. So you got 11K PSL voters in Florida, one state. 20K Bolsheviks in the USSR, or I guess Russia before it became the USSR. Doesn't sound to me like the left is dead in the West at all. Sounds to me like we're in the middle of those fucking weeks, if anything. Because here's the thing, I didn't vote for PSO, and a lot of other communists I know didn't vote for PSO. But they still got 11K votes. So maybe there's 15,000 of us in Florida. Maybe there's 20,000 of us in Texas. Maybe there's 30,000 of us in California, or everywhere. And those are just the people who know, concretely, that they're a communist enough to vote for it. A lot of communists don't vote. I didn't. A lot of communists don't even know that they're communists yet, because we haven't reached them. The left in the West isn't dead. It's seeing a revival greater than we've seen in many, many decades.
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japan was america's ally in a war against china in 1900. To make it worse, that war began the direct imperialization of China.

if that doesn't tell you what you need to know i am not sure what else will.

i suspect you have some ulterior motive here, are you trying to defend your precious anime smiths or are you trying to exempt yourself from settlerdom?

???? Is imperial interest calculated out of racial solidarity now? Was France aligning with the Indians against British settlers done out of racial solidarity?? Was Italian colonization of Albania done because of a lack of whiteness?
Good lord. With your logic, you trying to say the Chinese Americans aren't considered a model minority just as the Japanese Americans are is just you trying to "exempt yourself from settlerdom". Both have a very similar history of demonization before WWII to being model minorities after. The only real difference is that Japan was in the western bloc while China isn't, so people in the US consume more Japanese goods and media. That doesn't change the economic position of people with those ancestry.


The only real difference is that Japan has ALWAYS been with the western bloc, while China has been one of their primary victims.

It's a pretty big difference.

Now, why do you have so much invested in this argument? Why are you able to pop up all these documents, as if you had them all waiting and ready to go? Why all the apologia for Japanese-Americans on a random internet forum?

You've put so much effort into this, and WHY? Are you guilty? Are you looking for a loophole?

Should I be asking what your grandfather was doing from say, 1920-1945?

> PSL has absolutely no vision for actually carrying out revolution in the US.
and I suppose you do?
also, this is simply not true. see the following links, which are accessible to every single burger with an internet connection.
you can disagree, but you can't say that they don't have a vision when it is on their websites. liberals criticize things that they have not engaged with. communists criticize things that they have first investigated, explored, researched, considered, etc. You jump toward condemnation about things you clearly know nothing about.

>Castro had 82 men on the Granma.
It is true that Castro had 82 men on the Granma. It is also true that this number dwindled considerably after the fateful beach landing. It is incorrect, however, to assert from this isolated statistic that this was the sum total of all the revolutionary forces in Cuba. This would be categorically false. While there had been a decicive guerilla movement, it could not have been sustained without the participation of the urban workers and students who lent aid, as well as the agricultural peasants who hide the guerillas. The revolutionary movement was always much, much larger than the band of guerillas. Che Guevara, in his great work "Guerilla Warfare" emphasizes the efficacy of the guerilla movement is necessarily contingent upon the mobilization and the organization of the masses in the cities, the towns, and in the countryside. That in order for the people to recognize the guerillas as fighting for them and not merely as terrorists like the government propaganda organs say, the masses first have to have exhausted all the legal options available to them for struggle. In Cuba, that was necessarily what had happened. Before Fidel Castro had taken up arms, he was a LAWYER. People forget this basic fact because they prefer to remember him in the green military fatigues. Castro emphasized that the revolutionaries are not the ones who initiate the violence, it is rather the forces of capital that do, that they take up arms in self-defense only in a certain stage of struggle.

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