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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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A thread focused on discussing the parasocial relationships cultivated by the Almighty Algorithm to generate profit off of our atomization and society's commodification of petty internet drama.
Brace through the hyper-real lacanian void together with the Leftypol Twitter account:

Reminder That None of This Is Real!
ɢʀᴀʙ ᴀ ᴘᴀɪʀ ᴏꜰ sᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴄʟᴇs


>The Society of the Spectacle (1967) by Guy Debord
📖 • https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm
📺 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blWjssVoUQ

<The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (1936) by Walter Benjamin

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Ehh… shouldn't have cooked up the gun-running thing imo. Haz is retarded enough to cause fractures within the party on his own. Now he will get to absolve himself and play victim like he always does.

Gimme a qrd on fedscare pls. Never listened to them because they seemed repulsive.

down with debord


>ACP now dragging Ben Norton and involving Max Blumenthal

>Norton, who runs YouTube channel where respected Chinese and Indian Marxist scholars appear on the regular
Seriously, anything the ACP touches at thís point is motherfucking nuclear.

>I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if this guy turns out to be a fed
Danny Shaw? Everything I've seen from this guy is that he is just an extremly dumb and probably mentally ill person. No idea how he got that professorship

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Poo in the pokies

Also, let's decide a new OP image because the ones the mods gave us is imperialist colonialist fucking garbage.

got bored, watching friendlyjordies mining leak video. there's lib shit but overall it's alright. also lmao at this part at 26 minutes
<'gina Rinefart: As I have repeatedly stated, we need to cut government tape. […] We need a USA-style Dee-Oh-Gee-E, DOGE, that delivers action.
>FJ: Elon Musk's ideology seems to be centred entirely around reading Anne Frank when he was 15. So, first off, it's the same thing that all those [air quote] 'Libertarian'-types in the US have of "yes, yes, I will counter Das Kapital with Fountainhead". Which is like… [laughter] it's a fantasy book! It's like saying, "Here's my view of the world; have you read Harry Potter 4?"
lmfao "Anne Frank" instead of Ayn Rand.

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Happy Australia Day /auspol/!

Feels like the Indigenous movement has been set back a few years and there's a general lurch to the right on indigenous affairs post voice. Rallies definitely smaller this year

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The local Socialist Alternative group (a Cliffite group, which split off from ISO) in Adelaide, South Australia, is ran by the sons and daughter of Mr Gilchrist, an Industrial Relations Judge. His job is to preside over the working proletariat, stripping away their aims and their social consciousness. Gilchrist upholds nationalist frameworks by squashing any possibility of independent working-class action.
These cretins and lackeys (spawn of a revisionist split from the Trotskyist movement) seek to funnel the efforts of student foment into nationalist organs of neoliberalism. This was paved by the Australian Labor Party, a violent social-fascist party. The ALP's legacy include the White Australia Policy, support for Blairite imperialism, anti-Chinese sentiment, support for . The job of Socialist Alternative, and Victorian Socialists, is to repress workers and a grassroots movement. This has been, and continues to be, the tendency of various social layers of privileged sections of the ruling elite and academia.
FYI: "Honorable" Gilchrist also has a nice black Volvo; a premium car insurance at AAMI is due soon – paid at the expense of the working poor, who his gavel hangs over like a haunting spectre.

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>Servant of the Goyim edition.

Remember: It's a big club and you ain't in it.

Previous thread: >>2117199


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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The middle position is somehow more retarded than the right wing position

I too think that Putin is too soft on the west, even taking into account diplomacy, and the fact russia needs it more due to not having media/geopolitical hegemony of the US, and considering that bickering won't bring results. But considering how cucked even the late USSR was under gorbashit, making one concession after another, and how it became a US colony in the 90s, it's a miracle it could stand up against the west at all. Despite the criticism, Putin has been a good leader as far as the economy goes : https://tadviser.com/index.php/Article:Russia%60s_GDP Russia has been growing above soviet average since 2018, while diversifying its economy, especially after 2022.

>economic development

What are some good substacks to follow beyond simplicius, events in Ukraine, and big serge?

Given former Ukraine's population collapse, Russia will need to resettle remaining villages into cities, and rebuild them, it could have a real estate boom after the war, agriculture will have to be heavily mechanized though.
This isn't substack, but is one of the best writers about the conflict in Ukraine, it doesn't focus on military equipment. New article just published .
https://english.almayadeen.net/articles/features/servility-and-political-mimicry-by-ukraine-s-pro-western-eli 🎉


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This is interesting.
As a perennial desert-dweller, the north-western side of China always struck me as the coolest desert location there is.

I wonder if emigrating to CHYNA would be made easier for me if I wanted to inhabit the western side of the country instead of one of the overpopulated cities.

"tear the system down" is not an inherent leftist characteristic and hasn't been since the Soviet union. unless you like color revolutions.
>Weimingzi believes that they harbor hatred towards society.
fair assessment

>didn't 未明子 have a meltdown
He has always been this kind of person with that temper.

>I've been getting more and more interested in researching western "anti-imperialism"-imperialism, anti-colonial colonialism, anti-campist campism, etc etc, commonly called "western leftism/Marxism" etc.

It's called opportunism, and before that it was called trotskyism



🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨
Sites that have active live-blogs:
• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)

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I can't even imagine what the 2028 election would look like

that probably means they were captures.

Sure m8, because the US backing Israel's crimes against humanity is totally unrealistic and would never happen.

She did oversee a holocaust, though.

Why are you speaking as if that is not already happening? Where do you think those bombs are going to land?

Time to hang yourself buddy. Hop to it.

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Hello, anons, I'm creating this topic because is something of a personal matter involved. I was wandering if it is possible to a person radically change their personalities, to a person becoming more intelligent _after childhood_, you see I read plenty of behavioral genetics books that pretty much says that we are who we are because of our genes, fair enough I don't fully deny that genes do nods us to certain behavior or capacity, but at the same time I think the implications of behavioral genetics are very powerful in a bad way, like we are fated to be who we are without much choice. Anyway, does anyone knows books or people that argues for the contrarian side? That argue that it's possible to change and that we are not set in stone, maybe I'm being delusional I don't know.

you become more low inhib when youre drunk sorry i didnt read the whole thing + im drunk

The brain is plastic, I'm more physically fit, more social and less intelligent than I was when I was a teenager. If I can get myself figured out more I should be able to be as intelligent again by my 30s hopefully. As a teenager though I didn't exercise or socialize much I read incessantly and slept well.
Push yourself in every way you can without reaching the true breaking point, give yourself rest when needed not just wanted, you can grow capacity for a lot of different traits if you genuinely want to.

Yes, just be in better material conditions. Growing up in worse conditions can set you back a bit, but you can always keep going up from where you currently are as long as you don't have alzheimers or something.

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Search of genes of behavior its like search a atoms of price in gold. Maybe, you finded a gene of schizophrenia, for example, but your found based in correlations. Correlations its not a causations, they dont prove anything. Behavior genetics its just only correlations, even not a semi-normal theory, lol.

If you want to know a human behavior, you must learn psychology, not a biology.

Ah, ya, from the above it follows, behavior genetics isnt science.

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Voyeurism and sensationalist garbage plastered all over news is infuriating. I fucking hate courts and trials. I don’t want murderers and fraudsters to be allowed to have public trials. They hurt proles. I want those fuckers hanged, shot dead, euthanized, just fucking killed quick and to have their identity eradicated from history immediately.

There are so many of these infantilized and invasive cunts. None of them are special enough to be worth anyone’s attention.
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I also hate trials
I think your mother, father, and whatever siblings you have need to be summarily executed for the crime of having you in their family yet letting you live
Then you get skinned alive

Anon, the right answer to the vices of capitalist courts is not the abolishment of courts (which unavoidably would lead into some variation of an anarcho-dystopian world where your fate, instead of judges and juries, are now in the hands of some sort of Immortal Joe of Adam Smasher), it is establsihment of socialist courts.

There are literal slaves in US prisons. Shut the fuck up, like be for real. Can you not be a liberal for a god damn second???????
I really hate some of you. Particularly OP.

Yes. Then we should choose the less bloodthristy moralism as an axiom.

When they remitted a group of violent rapists who had raped a woman and murdered her child out of political pressure. All this after the state government tried everything in their power from witness intimidation to falsifying autopsy reports to try and cover it up. Literal filthy shithole of a country, this is.


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Well, I can't fathom how a bunch of people can decide how to best allocate the resources to meet the need of a entire nation, how that even possible? I guess a form of market socialism is the way to go here… or I'm in the wrong? Well any great books that goes into the feasibly of a central planning vs market?
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they're just petty porkies pretending otherwise
socialism implies the socialism of production, the coordination of all production under one roof. the market may have some role in a transitional period, but it is not the destination. and all these "le decentralization" nonsense amounts to market cuckoldry

>socialism of production
*socialization of production


This is historically incorrect. For example USSR was centrally planned economy largely in part due to wartime conditions and needing full control to build military power quickly and this was meant to be just temporary. It is inefficient because it operates the same as large capitalist corporate businesses causing waste by overestimates and shortages by underestimates. Amazon has different warehouses, how they decide where is stored where they make guesses about future demands by region to cut down on shipping times and costs. When it gets it right it does what it is supposed to but it also gets it wrong potentially having an opposite effect, that is central planning. Scaling things down this becomes less an issue. How this works is non renewable resources need to have a wider degree of agreement on how they are used, while locally a proper agreement on how they are harvested. Renewable resources are better managed locally especially in cases of chemistry creations which can be made anywhere so you potentially cut down on energy and time of transport and not have to worry so much about accidents in transport. Most efficient energy usage is a complicated matter though only proper scientists would be able to figure out optimum energy efficiency to not let so much decay to entropy. A certain amount of resources need set aside for necessities and others for more luxury uses. There also needs focus on materials used creating new materials tested for safety and environmental impact to replace more harmful or non renewable resources, or otherwise too scare of a renewable. Also a planned decentralized economy is not a market economy. Markets the "consumer" for lack of a better term does not directly communicate to the distributors and producers like a planned economy does. I think you're just confused because economists also use the term decentralized to describe markets but they really aren't exactly that in that large corporations own all the smaller ones and have a top down order of control like a centralized planned economy.

>It is inefficient because it operates the same as large capitalist corporate businesses causing waste by overestimates and shortages by underestimates
this statement alone reveals your ignorance. why were there imbalances? two reasons: perverse incentives and a lack of computerization. in the case of the market, imbalances occur because companies interact with each other through what amounts to local control. this local control gives rise to modes which we call business cycles
>Scaling things down
there it is again. how the fuck are you going to "scale down" the sum total of the human economy? how are you going to "scale down" the fact that emissions in one place impact everyone everywhere else?
>Renewable resources are better managed locally
this entirely depends on the resource and what you mean by "managing". can for example the rainforest department in Brazil decide in isolation, in its own little island, what is to be done with the rainforest under its control? no it cannot, because the entire world depends on it being managed correctly. are the Brazilian rainforest department's workers in a position to know best about the situation on the ground in said rainforest? of course. how then are they to conduct their work in a way that doesn't threaten global viability? through the single global and fully centralized and automated planning system of course
>chemistry creations
of course you can put factories and shit in multiple places. do you think planning means we'd put every industry into one huge industrial complex ála Magnitogorsk except bigger? not that we couldn't, but still
>top down order of control like a centralized planned economy
you have fallen for bourgeois lies about how the various planned economies worked. you are arguing against straw planning, not actually existing planning, nor what is being proposed in the planning discourse
there are only two ways we know of for organizing production: either mediation by value (exchange), or mediation in kind (planning). unless you're a market "socialist" you probably intend the latter. but then we're speaking of which manner of planning works best, and for that we must study and understanPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>Two 17-year-olds, including the shooter, are dead and another student is injured after shots rang out in the cafeteria of Antioch High School in Nashville at 11:09 a.m. Wednesday.

<Metro Nashville Police Department spokesman Don Aaron said police received the first call to 911 two minutes after the 17-year-old student opened fire.

>The shooter killed one student, Aaron said. He then turned the gun on himself and died as a result of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The third student suffered a grazing wound, Aaron said.
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> The FCC is supposed to be keeping evil messages from being broadcast

Apparently you never listened to classic country or classic rock

speaking of these fucking drawings: it's so hard to put into words how utterly hideous this wretched, cretinous *dog shit* is, and how badly everyone involved needs to be mashed into extra chunky brain pulp salsa. just squeeze out their guts like toothpaste

Historically, the government has only censored left-wing coded music.

I don’t listen to rap at all and never have, you don’t need to be into a specific music genre to think every single reactoid needs to be skinned alive

Honestly your average gangster would just shoot someone, not commit the crimes against humanity I would impose on every last fascist, conservative, and nationalist in this world


Bluesky is Zionist.

Stop using Bluesky. It’s run by “Israelis” and is censoring Palestinian resistance content already. Respect the demands of the Palestinian people and delete your Bluesky account as part of BDS.
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Never touched it nor has basically anyone here.
ISG, schizo faggot.

Redpawcollective actually shows the real problem with the Fediverse, lack of users.

In theory, anyone can have any number of users, but in practice, the value of a social network lies in network effects, and a single instance doesn't get you much of anywhere, so you're censored by the need to have a federation and abide by the moderation rules of the federation.

Is there any proof for pro-resistance content being purged?
Like I wouldn't be surprised, but there is nothing about that in the screenshots you posted.

none, jews rule, goys drool

Nah, /pol/ fags need to be tortured to death in front of their families, this board isn’t infiltrated by liberals, but by fascists who need to die

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