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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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So, anons, considered that we all like to read theory, after sometime a question arises: what's to be done in real life? What practical step need to be done to actually fight the capitalist beast? It's cool to be a theorycel, but what about real living action? What one should be done to change things?

Theory without praxis is basically useless theory. Which is why leftcoms, ultras, "post-leftists", """"anti-campists"""" etc are fucking morons lol

Join a communist org.

>What one should be done to change things?
I don't know where you live, what you do for work, which organizations exist near you, etc.
I talked to local union members at a rally about which socialist orgs actually work with them, then went to their meetings.



How do we feel about outing celebrities and everyday institutions as Zionists?

O personally, I believe this is crucial to BDS as the Palestinian people themselves have asked us not only to damage the Zionist Entity’s economy but also remove any and all traces of Zionism from our everyday lives. Think about the banality of evil. Zionism is normalized in the West because we allow it to be normalized.

We need to decolonize our minds for real.
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Watch this video, anon. It's better.
it even has your /itg/ daddy in the comments!

There is no such thing as a real nationality you spooked liberal fucktard
You ought to be shot, you’re so fucking annoying

>Say something nice about Israel
It won't exist much longer.


The arts are one of the biggest ways Zionist propaganda is spread. Given that it is now forbidden to be anti-Zionist at NYU, you can be sure every professor at Tisch is teaching students how to become Zionist propagandists. There needs to be protests against that school in particular.

>you can be sure every professor at Tisch is teaching students how to become Zionist propagandists.

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A lot of images and posts of the last general got broken. So I think it's better to make a new one.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! Starting off this general with massive wave of cult sex camps.
Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#!YeYeuZuLSYkegWssey:matrix.org

Last threads:

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HCMC new apartment market prices itself out of buyers’ reach
First post being how landlords destroyed any prospect for the future for us youth in Vietnam. The fucking real estate buyouts by rich fuckwads for get rich quick investment schemes has fuck this country royally.
>They are looking for a unit costing less than VND3.5 billion and located within 12 kilometers of the city center, but of the six properties a broker recently told them about, four face legal issues and the rest are either too small or too costly.
For perspective it would take the average person 50 years of work to even afford this.
>Some 80% of these are premium units priced at VND60 million per square meter or higher.
What the fuck. This is why housing should be a human right.


I have read a lot of James Connolly's works,
Is there any other irish socialist writers I can sink my teeth into?


La situazione è tragica ma non seria

Nuovo filo perché il precedente - dopo solo due anni e mezzo - ha raggiunto il limite.
Prego astenersi drogati delle polemiche da gallinaio televisivo, feticisti della costituzione del quarantotto (in fila per sei senza resto), raccoglitori di firme per improbabili referendum destinati a fallire, tirapiedi dei "sindacati" confederali gialli, accoliti del culto di Sant'Enrico B., piddini e parapiddini, stronzi in generale.
Se proprio dobbiamo fare pettegolezzi, facciamoli su qualche bella fica o su cose divertenti.
E ricordate che alla prossima polemica sul "saluto romano", l'unico autentico è il classico
>Bella, fratè!
Tutto il resto è solo un pallido tentativo d'imitazione.
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We've got a lega voter in here

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I vostri peggiori parenti deceduti e stradeceduti…
Uno cerca di far ripartire le cose e ci sono in agguato solo troll del cazzo…
Vi regalo un'immagine maledetta.

BUMP che il governo sta nei casini (grazie all'inesistente opposizione continueranno a governare senza problemi)

è letteralmente tutta colpa della schlein, non è capace a far politica, non è in grado di dire le cose che piacciono agli italiani

Ovviamente non mi piace la schlein, ma non è tutta colpa sua. Il PD è marcio dalle fondamenta, impossibile anche pensare qualcosa di vagamente di sinistra senza subire fuoco amico. Poi vabbè, se fa l'alleanza con Renzi è davvero un suicidio politico. Immagina volersi imbarcare un tale liquame umano odiato da qualsiasi persona normale perché ti vogliono far credere dell'esistenza delle "grandi praterie al centro" lol.

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Correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't "class reductionism" the entire fucking point of communism? I've seen way too many "leftists" saying "class reductionism is white supremacy", "we must put intersectionality before class struggle" and "anti-idpol is anti-communist"
If being anti-idpol is anti-communist then what the fuck isn't?(Blatant idpol baiting)
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That’s literally what Cuba did with the family code but people will insist that it’s “capitulation “ and “cultural capitalism/liberalism”

It seems like the identity politics stuff has reached its limit

Blessed post, couldn't have said it better myself.
People say dumb shit all the time.

that still suggests that class is on the same level as say the oppression of ace transbians of color


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Ballistic missile fired by Yemen’s Houthis hits Israel sparking fire
Houthis’ Saba news agency said the Israeli defence system could not shoot down the Yemeni missile, which caused a fire. “A Yemeni missile reached Israel after ’20 missiles failed to intercept’ it,” Nasruddin Amer, a Houthi media official, posted on X.

Iran upping repression of women 2 years after Amini's death: UN experts
They also warned that state authorities had enhanced surveillance for hijab compliance, including in private spheres like vehicles, and with a range of tools, including drones. At the same time, a new "Hijab and Chastity" bill, which is in the final stages of approval, provides for harsher penalties for women who do not wear the mandatory hijab – including soaring fines, long prison sentences and travel bans.

Owner of company that spied on Assange for the CIA was collaborating with Spain’s secret service
In addition to this documentary evidence, to which EL PAÍS has had access, three sources with ties to the Spanish intelligence services and collaborators of Morales have confirmed that the former military man worked on different operations for the Spanish intelligence services. “Relax, I am with God, with the one here (CNI) and the one there (CIA),” he confessed to a person he trusted who warned him of the risks of this activity. An official spokesperson for the CNI declined to answer questions from this newspaper.
https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-09-13/owner-of-company-that-spied-on-assange-for-the-cia-was-collaborating-with-spains-secret-service.htmlPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Will The Real Kamala Harris Please Stand Up? (Part 1)
In television commercials, at speeches, and on the campaign trail, Vice President Kamala Harris frequently boasts that she stood up to big banks as California's attorney general. But her sloganeering obscures a sometimes-ugly record. Today on Lever Time, Arjun Singh looks back at Harris' early years as a district attorney and then state attorney general to see what they show us about the president she may soon become. When Harris first ran for District Attorney of San Francisco in 2003 — a time when prosecutors rarely described themselves as “progressive” — she campaigned as a crime fighter with few qualms about putting criminals behind bars. Later, as California’s attorney general, Harris continued to lean on her role as a tough prosecutor, vowing to go after mortgage lenders who utilized abusive tactics to strongarm Californians. But when it came time to fight the banks, did Harris let them off easy? Harris’ actions in that moment have left some observers with a pressing question: What does Kamala Harris actually believe?

Director of the “Olga Luzardo” National School of Cadres: Maduro’s “anti-fascist” and “anti-imperialist” discourse
The diversity of positions before concrete problems on the part of Communist Parties over the last decades is an expression of the worst crisis of the labor movement since it saw the light of day in 1831. The case of the last presidential elections in Venezuela, of course, has also been the object of controversy. More than a few have declared their support for the “victory” of Nicolás Maduro and, without further ado, present it as an “anti-fascist” and “anti-imperialist” triumph. But, what is the nature of Maduro’s discourse? In essence, it is a pseudo-dialectic discourse, with deep reactionary roots and based on the sum of sophistry (false reasons and arguments with the appearance of truth); a discourse based on apologetic conceptions of capitalism (hiding the contradictions inherent to the system so that they are maintained) and the permanent use of political myths. TPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

> They also warned that state authorities had enhanced surveillance for hijab compliance, including in private spheres like vehicles, and with a range of tools, including drones. At the same time, a new "Hijab and Chastity" bill, which is in the final stages of approval, provides for harsher penalties for women who do not wear the mandatory hijab – including soaring fines, long prison sentences and travel bans.
How much before another round of protest that the usual suspects will call a "color revolution"?

> Spare parts for outdated water infrastructure, like pipes and pumps, are in short supply, officials said. And without fuel and adequate transportation, even emergency water supply by cistern truck has been limited, according to residents.
Fukken usa
> Drivers who work with Amazon’s Delivery Service Partners, or DSPs, will earn an average of nearly $22 per hour, a 7% bump from the previous average of $20.50, the company said Thursday
< 7% raise
> Ohio town at center of GOP pet-eating conspiracy
Americans don't fall into conspiracies, they throw themself at them
Not sure how I feel about that idcom article, they seem to try and link two kinds of wrong paths that do not necessarely match.
> “No one can discredit revolutionary Social-Democracy as long as it does not discredit itself.”
Top 10 phrases aged like milk

Thank you kind News Anon

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Thanks News Anon

>Rent almost doubles
>7% raise
Meanwhile in a ton of places in the country making six figures is just enough to live decently.

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Any ideology founded on idealism (racial essentialism) is destined to degrade into literal fascism. Just look what happened to Zionism.(Blatant idpol baiting)
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Also a distinction to be made between radicals in the non-European (or non-white) world who saw imperialism as a Western ideology and those who saw it as an obstacle to the progressive ideals that arose out of the Enlightenment.

>As Frantz Fanon, the Martinique-born Algerian nationalist, put it: ‘All the elements of a solution to the great problems of humanity have, at different times, existed in European thought. But Europeans have not carried out in practice the mission that fell to them.’ For thinkers like Fanon and James, the aim of anti-imperialism was not to reject Western ideas but to reclaim them for all of humanity.

>Indeed, Western liberals were often shocked by the extent to which anti-colonial movements adopted what they considered to be tainted notions. The Enlightenment concepts of universalism and social progress, the French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss observed, found ‘unexpected support from peoples who desire nothing more than to share in the benefits of industrialisation; peoples who prefer to look upon themselves as temporarily backward rather than permanently different’. Elsewhere he noted that the doctrine of cultural relativism ‘was challenged by the very people for whose moral benefit the anthropologists had established it in the first place’.

>To regard people as ‘temporarily backward’ rather than ‘permanently different’ is to accept that while people are potentially equal, cultures definitely are not; it is to accept the idea of social and moral progress; that it would be far better if everybody had the chance to live in the type of society or culture that best promoted human advancement.

>But it’s just these ideas — and the very act of making judgements about beliefs, values, lifestyles, and cultures — that are now viewed as politically uncouth. In place of the progressive universalism of James and Fanon, contemporary Western societies have embraced a form of nihilistic multiculturalism. We’ve come to see the world as divided into cultures and groups defined largely by their difference with each other. And every group has come to see itself as composed not of active agents attempting to overcome disadvantages by striving for equality and progress, but of passive victims with irresolvable grievances. For if differences are permanent, how can grievances ever be resolved?
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What happened to gazi. Is he in jail now or what

It's usually not helped by the fact that a lot of what could be described as online agitators, when asked about this, go on a tirade about how they cannot force such decision on the colonized and whatever to genocide or not their oppressors is something that is theirs to decide instead of a simple and dry "lol no".
I saw and have been part of that debate twice

Also, as a genetal question: what's the relationship between american black nationalists and Liberia? Is there a relationship even?

It's because Marxism is not anti-colonialist 😎

History as a clash of spirits in relations of production,
European Era of Production ( non-primitive ) vs African Era of Production ( primitive )
One had to go.

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Ambedkar sir was many things but not a good philosopher

Partition was necessary, East Bengal was Muslim and never could have remain unified with Hindu zamindar gentry owning industries and lands. Economic cooperation will never happen, BD hates india more than ever

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attempting to resurrect this thread to ask what the latest is with the naxalites? apparently they've had some sort of resurgence, but can't find anything other than "x maoist cadres were killed" or "x maoist cadres surrendered citing the hollowness of their ideology"

it's going to be hard finding English language information on a clandestine rural guerilla movement in the Indian subcontinent tbh


Thread for news and discussions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, its material conditions, the status and health of its socialist tradition, disproving common myths about it, etc.

Archive of the previous DPRK thread:
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>Maybe SK feminists have a point after all, huh
SK Men are known to threat their's women badly ever since, so once the idea of feminism hits sk it naturally becomes big hit among women.
>tfw you live long enough to see incels and pervs destroying south korean society, Morover worsen sk birth rate

Meanwhile in true Korea:

Westoid always underestimates east asian level of dedication, and resilience like how they thought that China couldn't create 7nm chip.

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Maybe it's not about their geographical location at all but more about the society and way in which both states are run?
Just a thought.

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