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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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8th Edition: Failson squad assemble!edition.

Discuss anything on Southeast Asian politics. Coming 2024 Elections, open orgs, People that should be dead for different reasons running in Malaysia's elections or just random shit. There are still dozens of us… hopefully! South Asia and Oceania posters can come in to discuss their regional politics as well.

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God this shit is so damn vomit inducing.
History of Vietnam gives inspiration, hope to Israel: Israeli ambassador
>As a small country in the Middle East, surrounded by a harsh environment, Israel has to always defend its right to exist but the country has still thrived as a democratic and prosperous nation thanks to its efforts, Mayer told the ceremony.
Lol fuckin clown
>Israelis have found inspiration and great hope in Vietnam's history of struggle and victory over adversity in the past, the diplomat commented.
What part of history are you learning from? The removal of the chams?!?!
It's disgusting that faggots like this got the right to speak. And even worse that the government is letting them.


Interesting to see Israel be inspired by Vietnam when Hamas's 7/10 is almost like the Tet Offensive in hindsight.


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They're full of shit. Since way back during that war israel backed the US. Moshe Dayan himself was traveling with US deathsquads killing vietnamese civilians. This is just flatering nonsense to capture more gun contracts from vietnam.


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What did they mean by this? Is that guy licking her, is that it? Is that how a communist or a chinese doin' in Malaysia?


Bump this thread with a simple vent. FUCK LIPPO, KILL JAMES. RIADY


A new poll in Spain shows declining acceptance for LGBTQ+ people among Gen Z with the change being entirely driven by young men.

Yellow = Men Purple = Women
* Should there be a straight pride day?
* I feel uncomfortable when I see a gay couple
* Sexual diversity is going to end our traditions and values that have always been

I had heard of this kind of polarization happening in South Korea years ago but it seems to be spreading elsewhere now, specially in continental Europe. Anglo countries and Latin America are yet to be hit, I think.
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Based off the responses in this thread, get armed, slaughter incels, prepare for a general war against most young men, including faggots that pretend to be socialists but still secretly identify with the incel movement, misogyny, and downplay the lurch of stupid little teenaged early 20s incel dipshit fascoids


>get armed
Burgers you must immediately buy a few guns and as much ammunition and bottled water as you can afford.


Women are proletarian, men are petty bourgeois.


>look Dr. Peterson, I posted the hypergamy meme again. That'll get me laid for sure


>The status of women in patriarchal societies was one where the means of reproduction get collectivized and redistributed accordingly 1-1
That's not collectivization, that's turning everyone into a petty bourg.


I am very tired today so this post came out as a massive ramble. Still made a it since I saw a user complain about the lack of original threads over /meta/

I managed to catch midway a RAI (italian national TV broadcaster) documentary on the recent history of the south tirol, starting off with italian oppression of the austrians in south tirol during the fascist regime.
And here is the juice: after the war (you know the one), the south tirolean antifascist resistence (which did not collaborate with the italian resistence) funded a party with the approval of the americans, the Südtiroler Volkspartei (SVP)

With the germans gone, they integrated pro-german sud tirolears under their declared aim of indipendence for the now italian province. They had an immediate boost after the war since they didn't get to vote on the constitution.

The documentary interviewed the current head of the SVP, which didn't waste yime to declare that nazi collaborators were a tiny minority, and the heads of the SVP were not nazis. Curiously, a few minutes later, as the documentary recaps the acts of armed resistence/terror attacks in the 60's, they also mention that one of their heads in the afterwar was a war veteran, who lost a leg in russia while in the wehrmacht.

With that said, apparently the indipendence movement died down after the 80's, in part due to the local autonomy conceeded to them by the italian state, in part (the bigger one in my opinion) is due to the state showering them with bags of cash, something that continues to this day.

To be honest, given how german nationalism is intermingled with fascism and nazism I am not too sure about these guys

Oh and nowdays the area is extremely racist. More racist than the venitians somehow. According to my now dead grandpa, it's mostly because immigrants from africa come to work in the farms over there, and since italian is a much simpler language, they learn that instead of sud-tirolean german.
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According to my grandparents Sud-Tiroleans are basically german terroni, with weird accent included. I am not sure that returning to austria would be a good deal for them


they are more like veneti for obvious reasons


They would suddenly lose all their privileges in taxes, education and public employment. So, no, they wouldn't like it.
I've never been in Alto Adige, but I doubt they have the same petite bourg mentality as veneti.




what do they get in powers of autonomy?

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I like Italians more than other euroaches because they're the brownest people of the peninsula


Can people just fuck off with this amerikkkan racial nonsense, please?


They're also among the most racist and lean heavily towards reaction…




I wish I could slice your arsehole with a rusty razor, then impale you in the middle of a very large square for everyone to watch your atrocious agony. The amount of brainworms on this shithole never ceases to surprise me.


Why is the DPRK the only country westerners will believe literally anything about?

If the NY Times reported Kim Jong-Un was a shape-shifting alien people would believe it. Why?

Also, can we get a thread on the most outrageous things said about this defiant nation?
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It's not the only one. Westoids are starting to believe millions large concentrations camps in China as well as tens of millions large dead cities after Covid, despite the ability of Westoids to travel to China. Cambodia was the biggest victim of this before DPRK


>People start believing that everyone in China is in concentration camps or dead
>You can literally go there and see for yourself with your own eyes and ears that they aren't
>No! China bad stinky ew gross sad face billions must die!!! :(


Excuse me sir you are wrong
>Saddams incubator babies
>Milosevic's death camps
>Ghadaffis handing out viagra to soldiers to rape (lol, why?)
> Assad gas attacks his own people when USA says this is a redline and the Syria and Russian army were winning the war conventionally


Because there is no objective news reporting, so you either have official state sanctioned news outlets or western news outlets, its basically futile shit flinging and posing.


>Ghadaffis handing out viagra to soldiers to rape (lol, why?)
How old are these soldiers!?!??!

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How strong is the far-left in France? Is being a communist socially acceptable there?
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Well Macron's party is haphazardly, It can't even stick to a coherent line. So sometimes you have Renaissances candidate dropping out and sometimes don't.
So far 60 centrists withdrawed when the NFP got second. Worth noticing that twice as much NFP candidates withdrawed when the opposite happened.


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rightoid politics are fuelled by projection



france anons, what are the chances the affluent liberals will give into the popular front as a sort of strategical vote to deprive the RN?


Clearly not enough to win a majority for NFP

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It is no exaggeration to say the reason we are heading towards catastrophe and possible extinction is due to losing the propaganda war.

Its not that the system is so oppressive that people cant rebel. Police violence. Threat of homelessness and hunger. Rent. Fear. People can overcome all of this and more. History has shown this. Information is where the true battle takes place.

The reason the revolution does not happen is because the masses are severely brainwashed. Most people believe Capitalism is natural and unavoidable. That humans are inherently evil. And thus a better society is impossible.
Schools and media have perfectly done their job.

Deprograming takes too much individual, conscious effort and time to pretend to reeducate the masses. I can not see the way out of this bros
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This is a quote from a paper Chomsky wrote about Howard Zinn:

""Howard’s remarkable life and work are summarized best in his own words. His primary concern, he explained, was “the countless small actions of unknown people” that lie at the roots of “those great moments” that enter the historical record — a record that will be profoundly misleading, and seriously disempowering, if it is torn from these roots as it passes through the filters of doctrine and dogma.""


Maybe you just want the fix faster than it should happen?

Here's another quote from a Bradbury short story that might be applicable to you:

"“Not only the four horsemen of the Apocalypse rode the horizon to fling themselves on our cities but a
fifth horseman, worse than all the rest, rode with them: Despair, wrapped in dark shrouds of defeat,
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I wouldn’t mind slow but constant social progress. But global warming and the threat of nuclear war change everything. Let’s put nuclear war aside as it is a may or may not happen thing. Global warming on the other hand is happening and worsening. To the point that billions will die, and we may go extinct long term. And even if we survive, somehow, a decent existence may not be possible anymore. We are the endgame. And we must act accordingly.


>The years will pass, and we'll get to work producing more babies than ever before
It's so cool how literally every world leader views their populace as nothing more than cattle


>Was it "too late" when the savagery of WW1 was killing people in the millions?
Yes, unironically. WW1 broke the back of international solidarity and ushered in fascism, and genocided the mobilized working classes, causing leftism to be unprepared to capitalize on the great crisis in capitalism (the depression). we would be travelling to alpha centauri today if WW1 didn't happen with leftist collaboration. all we got was some shitty rump states that later collapsed.


Moved to >>>/dead/5517.

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Previous thread: >>1263434

Talk about job/career advice and other related stuff from a leftist perspective. EX: How to get a job, promotion, skill, switch companies, resume, life hacks, etc.
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I might register a real company soon. Then once its official I'll let all the anons here use it as a reference farm and I can vouch for everyone. Alternatively you all can do the same, open a company list it on your resume as a gap and put whatever you want on it.


Possibly, but porkies realizing remote work can truly be remote from anywhere is a large part of it


I've thought a lot about this and have worked with offshored developers a lot in remote jobs. There is no wand to wave to replace developers with offshore counterparts that are exactly the same but cost 5x less. They're limited in choice, the largest offshore developer markets all have serious infrastructure for vocational education in tech. That is why US companies offshore to India, Philippines, or China (prior to the new red-scare) and not somewhere in Latin America where qualified workers are rarer despite the better time-zone overlap. Secondly the language barrier can be genuinely hard to overcome, especially if you were aiming to replace the entire team. Most of all, a H1B is preferable to a foreign worker because their continued residence in the country is contingent on employment and they are more easily exploited, and there is an endless supply of people who still buy the "american dream" propaganda.


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just to piggyback on what the last anon said, its not like outsourcing is new. It has been tried many times before in the 90s and 2000s. I took a class once specifically on the economics of outsourced IT projects which included a ton of case studies some from the experience of the teacher in personally managing outsourced development. Once you add in the cost of different interacting legal systems, time zones, often subpar education in the third world, intellectual property, etc. it doesn't really end up saving the company money.


Anon what you’re implying is based on the assumption that any of those things are actually applied by an organization with the resources and willingness of its members to enforce those costs.

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Schools shouldn’t be divided into preschools, elementary schools, and high schools. Schools should all be k-12+, and if possible incorporate some kind of post secondary courses too. Having schools divided and spread out only harms students, because it forces the children to constantly break the relationships they’ve formed when they’ll have to move to a new environment to learn. No one deserves to be forcefully relocated away from their community and friends at such a young age for such a petty reason. All that would do is lead to the formation of a socially atomized adult population.
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US public schools are funded largely by property tax levies on the neighborhoods they serve. Thus they each reproduce their own district's class character. Magnet schools and other private educational institutions, on the other hand, don't have the same exclusive geographic relation.


school should definitely exist, just in a completely different form than it currently takes


>they mean the kid's family moving around
Yeah I get that but, like, why would that ever be necessary for people living in all but the most remote towns? Is American public transport really so bad that it's impossible for kids living in towns without a high school to take a 20 minute bus ride to the nearest small city that does have one?


Anon, your first question’s answer is that the majority of Americans live in medium to submajor cities (dozens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of people in a governed settlement respectively) that are spread across a large area. You’re not going to get particularly large schools in such an environment, because of the costs of doing so. Your second question’s answer is the reality that the USA’s transportation system is built to transport things instead of people.
Oil conspiracies aside, there’s numerous reasons for why the USA, Germany, Britain, and much of Africa keep building massive avenues and highways everywhere. Having those roads available with so many cars allows business owners, safety and security forces, ambulances, and other people a versatile option to transport equipment that would be an inconvenience to transport on foot or train. The former option is bad, because directly carrying shit around is slow and unconventional, and the latter also sucks, because trains have to make their own regular stops and aren’t as versatile as the numerous types of automotives that can transport things of varying sizes. This is why the Feds there spend so much ($1transhumanistually just on roads, because of the revenue it provides to the country. However, this also means that because there are so many cities throughout the country and so little pedestrian infrastructure, the cities lack the infrastructure necessary to keep people connected to many public services.


spooky. nothing under capitalism happens as it should. in order to make things happen as they should we must educate, agitate, organize, militarize, and finally abolish the present state of things.

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What’s your opinion on? Mao Zedong Do you think he was a great leader or not?
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as far as individuals go, no one else has done more for china


what are some good books to read about daddy mao and the cpc


>What’s your opinion on?
My opinion on what?
>Mao Zedong Do you think he was a great leader or not?
I'm not Mao Zedong and who are you asking about?


Another day, another shitty interview thread.


Warrior and a poet, the 21st century's Simon Bolivar, if he rode a horse he would've also been called Iron Ass

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