Reminder that Marx tried to dedicate the 2nd Volume of Capital to Darwin. Reminder that Marx and Engels saw On the Origin of Species as a correct understanding of reality. Reminder that evolution is effectively a dialectical materialist theory even if Darwin didn't intend it to be. Reminder that religion is a cope at best, and usually deeply reactionary in its manifestions. Reminder that nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, sex, sexuality, gender, asexuality, etc. are spooks to divide the proletariat. Reminder that the proletariat has no country. Reminder that commodity fetishism is alive and well in the "AES" countries. Reminder that there is a finite amount of time to establish Communism. Reminder that not all resources are renewable. Reminder that you need a habitable planet for the human species to continue. Reminder that being against liberal identity politics (more gay girlbosses pls!!!!) is not an excuse to do reactionary identity politics (keep women in the kitchen pls!!!!) . Reminder that if you live to be 100 years old (unlikely) that's only ~36,500 days. Reminder that it's not just a matter of having the right ideas but actually doing things every day. Reminder that your immediate tasks shouldn't be VAPID (vague, amorphous, pie-in-the-sky, irrelevant, delayed) but SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound). Reminder that you should be in an org. Reminder that unions are good but only if they're class conscious unions and not unions with narrow trade or craft consciousness. Reminder that strikes have to be prepared for in advance and not simply declared. Reminder that Communists are not idealists but materialists. Reminder that philosophers have hirtherto only interpreted the world, but the point is to change it.
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