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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Left-winger Sheinbaum becomes Mexico's first female president after winning by a landslide
Ms Sheinbaum's Morena party was also projected to retain its majorities in both chambers of Congress. The climate scientist and former Mexico City mayor said that her two competitors had called her and conceded defeat.

Ecuadorian alternate lawmaker and his wife shot dead at circus function
Alternate Assemblyman and social media influencer Cristhian Nieto (of the opposition Revolución Ciudadana party of former President Rafael Correa) and his wife Nicole Burgos were shot dead in the Ecuadorean port city of Manta in the province of Manabí on Sunday evening in the middle of a circus function Mrs. Nieto was broadcasting on Tik-Tok.

Modi plans post-election reforms to rival Chinese manufacturing
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi plans a raft of business-friendly measures if he wins a third term this week, including pushing through regulations making it easier to hire and fire workers, according to two government officials familiar with the matter. As part of an election pledge to transform India into a global manufacturing hub, Modi wants to offer subsidies for domestic production modelled on recent packages for semiconductor firms and electric vehicle makers, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk to media.
https:Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


DoJ accuses far-right Epoch Times of being money-laundering operation
Guan, of Secaucus, New Jersey, lied to investigators about the source of the money when they started looking into an extraordinary 410% increase in the Epoch Times’ annual revenue from approximately $15m to about $62m, the statement further alleges. It said he claimed the boost in funds came from “donations”, and that Guan then “wrote a letter addressed to a congressional office falsely stating ‘donations’ constitute ‘an insignificant portion of the overall revenue’ of the media company”.

San Francisco police arrest 70 protesters at Israeli consulate
San Francisco police arrested 70 pro-Palestinian demonstrators on trespassing charges on Monday after they entered the lobby of the building housing the Israeli consulate and refused to leave, police said. "Officers developed probable cause to arrest 70 suspects who refused to vacate the building," police said in a statement. No injuries were reported.

Biden to sign executive order to close southern US border to asylum seekers
The US president is expected to sign the order as early as Tuesday to seal the border with Mexico to migrants when numbers of asylum claimants rise above a daily threshold of 2,500. Mayors of several US border cities are expected to be present in the White House for Biden’s announcement.

How the Mayor’s Crackdown On Illegal Mopeds Has Beaten Down Food-Delivery Workers
On the day I visited, nearly everyone waiting outside the lot, hoping to be reunited with their two-wheeled inmate, was an Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>China maintains stance on disputed Gulf islands despite Iran's anger
why is china doing this? honestly american tier duplicity


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Thanks News Anon


Venezuela: Maduro's social democratic Government steps up machinations against the Communist Party
The National Electoral Council (CNE) has presented the ballot card for the presidential elections of next July 28. The face of Nicolás Maduro appears on 13 different cards, that is, one third of those admitted by the electoral body during a process plagued with irregularities and violations to the Constitution and electoral laws. Although this number of endorsements could be seen as a sign of very broad unity among leftist political organizations, the truth is that the way in which the leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) has forged this “alliance” has been based on the judicial intervention of the political parties that historically supported the process of change in Venezuela, to impose ad hoc directives servile to their interests. The last case of this anti-democratic offensive was the judicial assault against the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), perpetrated in August 2023: the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) took away the legal personality of the legitimate communist militancy to hand it over to a handful of political operators of the PSUV who have not hesitated to hide their commitments with high ranking officials of the Government party such as Diosdado Cabello or Freddy Bernal.

Food Retailers Are Still Lying About Inflation and Profits
As food costs have skyrocketed for Americans, some of the country’s biggest chains and grocery brands, including General Mills, PepsiCo, and Tyson, have blamed the price hikes on supply chain issues and economy-wide inflation. But behind the scenes, these companies have expanded profits and quietly authorized billions of dollars in lucrative stock buyback programs and dividend payouts to shareholders. Americans paid roughly 25 percent more on groceries and dining out this March than they paid in January 2020, outpacing the rate of general inflation. Over that same period, the companies behind the country’s ten largest grocery and restaurant brands have together returned or pledged to return morPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Nationalism is inherently anti-communist. If you're a simp for any states then you're anti-communism, because states need slavery from poorer countries in order to exist.

[ ] agree, because:
[ ] disagree, because:
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>anything i dont like is fascism
why are fascists like this?


>The nation-state died in 1947. The market-state is what neoliberalism has left to us


>is posting frogs not allowed now
Only glegles are allowed now. Next time please choose from one of the many glegle alternatives.


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>he doesn't think neoliberalism is a theory of state formation


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No we don't. Nationalism sucks and is anti-communist. Just because it's justifiable in some cases like palestine doesn't make it a good thing. Nationalism is for idiotic people who blindly wanna feel superior to people from other nations.

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God i fucking hate the baltikkks and everything related to them. People from Baltikkks are even worse than polish people (quoting that thread abt poland), baltikkk people are the most brainwashed, cia slop eating, russophobic and completely brainless shit of a people ever, baltikkk people never had any history, the biggest history the baltikkk "people" have is giving blowjobs to german barons, they will be proud of "their" gazillion year old cities which werent even built by them, they will vote between shit and shit colored pink, their countries live off western money which isnt even enough and every single baltic country has budget deficits every year, they will scream how they will "overthrow russia", baltikkk people have absolutely no class consciousness and all either soy liberals or retarded reactionaries, only socialists from baltics i ever saw online are Russian, the baltic countries are countries of slaves which will be sent to slaughter by western imperialist the first hour of WW3, baltikkk people never gave anything to the world except for the most retarded takes ever they will flex their fake freedom, while living in a country who's cost of electricity can go up to 5000€. i truly wish for complete destruction of the baltic region and all 3 chihuahua countries
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Morality is not real, is a bourgeoisie lie to perpetuate their power. Stop having reactionary ideas like "think of the children revisionism", i dont care if they are in diappers, they should be shot in their head.


>claims to be an internationalist
>wants to genocide a nation because of an argument he had on twitter
this site in a nutshell, lol


Never said that, but Baltoid states have anticommunism ingrained as their national identity.


Lithuanians are the most powerful race on Earth


total shituanian death

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According to these Soviet illustrations, Ukrainian nationalism and Zionism have been in cahoots during the Cold War. Are there any sources about this?
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The connecting factor here is the CIA.
>They cultivated immediately post WW2 fascist Ukrainian nationalism in Operation Aerodynamic
>The zionist project has been entwined with the US intel apparatus post WW2 even above presidential oversight >>>/edu/21998 >>>/edu/22012


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Bleak. The CIA is so fucking evil it managed to synthesize Jewish Supremacism and Anti-Jewish Supremacism into a coherent ideology in the immediate aftermath of WW2.


The noses in these illustrations are rough


it's true

>In the second half of the 1950s, Yaroslav Stetsko and Haviv Shiber, natives of Western Ukraine, actively contributed to the formation of a world anti-communist organization. Yaroslav Stetsko (president of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Peoples) headed the organizing committee of the Anti-Communist Continental Congress in Guatemala, while Haviv Shiber, represented the Israeli anti-communist organization - the Anti-Communist Voice of Jerusalem - at such an event.

Yaroslav Stetsko was the #2 guy in the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (after Bandera). He was the main ideologist of the party, who even called for extermination of all the jews in Ukraine during the war.

Haviv Shiber was a polish/ukrainian jew, who emigrated to Palestine. An active member of the youth organization Beitar and later member of Irgun, he was also a supporter of the "revisionist zionism" and Zhabotinsky

And this is probably not the only contact that banderoids had with zionists


Colonizers' legacy converted into this. No doubt.


Is the communist dream dead? Young people are turning more and more reactionary and even the "leftist" ones would rather want a liberal capitalist welfare state than actual communism. Back then there was the east to look at for communism. To build hope. Now 95% of the world is capitalist with no signs of stopping until the world is destroyed. Technology has gotten better to control the oppostion and dictate the narrative. Something as shameless as a genocide is everywhere on the news and the people mostly shrug their shoulders.
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Sage this shit anon,
>>Is the communist dream dead?
but also we have just had the SA Election in which the EFF has again polled over a million votes explicitly talking about creating a African Union and re nationalizing industry and land (without compensation), >>1867109


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>Russia operates as Marxist Leninist on the geopolitical level
Anon, if you really believe this, I would love to hear it explained.



thats like MAGA is communism levels of cope


Russia is aligned with China and against NATO on the world stage and repeatedly supports anti-imperialist governments the world over even when it doesn’t directly benefit them. This creates favorable conditions for Marxism Leninism to flourish, therefore it is reasonable to say Russia’s geopolitical agenda is Marxist Leninist


Moved to >>>/dead/5440.


Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to shill leftypol on tiktok.
I was scrolling and then I got recommended one of those template videos relating to communism and then it had “leftypol.org” at the buttom. I’m all for promoting socialism and even shilling but you guys are gonna regret shilling on a mega corporate website when some teenage fascists start flooding in.
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proof we need a CUM based strategy


this but unironically


But you need something to build that strategy.


God I hope it brings actual communists here so the retarded kautskites on here get drowned out by good discussion


I hope it brings some actual New Left blood in here. Science > nostalgia.

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Portugal had a leftist military revolution that still ended up with a liberal government.
In Spain Franco died and Leftism returned to the nation only to see it surrender to the Francoist establishment (Not including ETA).
How did this happen?
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For Spain it was a deal with the devil that supposed "socialists" took. The Francoist State would "transition" to a democratic model with elections in exchange for giving up on communism, supporting the monarchy and simply allowing the fascist generals, policemen, soldiers, politicians, capitalists etc to suffer from no consequences and to keep all the power and position they had before. In exchange the military would not engage in open revolt and do another restart of the Spanish Civil War.

>The Spanish revolution of the 1970s was shamefully betrayed by the leaders of the Communist and Socialist parties, who entered into an agreement with former fascists like Adolfo Suarez in order halt the revolutionary movement in its tracks. The result of this betrayal was the so-called democratic transition, which was merely a fig leaf to conceal the continuation of the old regime under the guise of a “parliamentary monarchy”.


They were unable to lead the working class


Because the CIA was deeply embedded in both the fascist governments and the anti-fascist resistance and as such was able to engineer a transition away from fascism that not only preserved capitalism but turned Iberia into an American colony. Leftists need to realize that you can’t ally with American Imperialism to fight fascism because America itself is fascist. Iberia today is just as fascist as it was in the 60s but in addition to still being fascist Iberia is also a colony of America.


Paraphrasing Kissinger, Portugal could not be subject to a coup because they were European, so the United States put tons of money into breaking apart the military and communist alliance through subtler means.


Yeah, and the US too

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Hegel is pretty cryptic but what is god in relation to Hegel's conception of history.
I'm not sure if he's pantheistic or simply believes god is a process guiding humanity. Sometimes he refers to god in the christian sense other.
I can't really understand the difference between god and the absolute and spirit.
At least Schopenhauer never used cryptic neologisms.
A lot of it seems to make sense when you read that Hegel was inspired first and foremost Jakob bohme, a gnostic christian schizo.
Also what is gods endgame according to Hegel?
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You dont understand the notion of providence.
Contingency provides necessity the same way a bunch of trees eventually create a forest. If i said there is no human concept because there is no human essence then i precisely mistake the "forest" for the trees. Hegel's advancement from kanr is in liberating the "concept" toward this purposeful end of finding meaning toward itself.
If you said for example that the bible isnt a book, its 66 books and each book is contradictory to the next then you miss the point that the totality represents in assemblage.


>totality represents in assemblage.
Hegel is too precious about not killing ideas.


An Idea can only die from within itself, which is why the fulfilment of Christianity through prophecy is its own dissolution, like how it says in revelation that there are no churches in heaven because the spirit of God resides in the air. The practical existence of paradise is the end of worship.
The same thing is true where secularism is an inherently protestant act (since it says in the bible that the rulers of nations are evil and the church can never institute its own formal power - mirroring the nomadism in the prophecy of abraham, that the israelites will be in every country on earth yet will not control them directly).
A similar thing used to be true in america, where it disdained the notion of a socialist government, yet affirmed a strong culture of Labour (and anti-trust sentiment).


I like how "schizo" has become shorthand for "whatever I don't understand."


This is not really relevant to discussing what Hegel believed.

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Music is the biggest lie ever told. Every day, it suckers people out of millions of dollars and untold hours of time. It springs from an infantile desire to be comforted by a mother's lullaby. Music keeps the masses enslaved.
Why do you listen to music? Is it a crutch to get you through the day? When you go to a concert, what on earth do you get out of it? Do you feel "warm fuzzies" when you are walking out of the building? Maybe it makes you feel all happy inside. Well, the real world isn't like that. Music has no answer to the problem of evil. As long as you are a listener, you have no chance of fully participating in a rational discussion.
Ask a professional musician (professional shamster, more like) why he plays his kind of music instead of another and you'll never get a straight answer. What makes a clarinet better than a Japanese koto? Why play jazz instead of classical? "I like it more." "I'm more familiar with it." Non-answers. "They're about the same." Then why play music at all?
Musicians tell you they love their fans… then they sell the T-shirts and CDs at the door. Some even take donations– as long as they can separate the marks from their money, their gig is a success. Music is nothing but an organized scam.
From the beginning of a child's life, her parents indoctrinate her to believe in a myth called "music". They force her to believe that certain arrangements of sounds is somehow more important than other ones. Never in the history of humankind has a more insidious waste of time and money been conspired. Start her on Baby Mozart; buy her "children's music" (the very name betraying the unethical, Orwellian scheme); raise her on piano and jazz, and buy her a Beatles CD on her 16th birthday. The most popular songs lie to you: "All you need is love." Others are simply nonsense: "Bye, bye Miss American Pie." Some songs have no lyrics at all! They do not even make an attempt at meaning. The veil is lifted; the stupidity of the whole exercise is transparent before everyone, and yet they continue listening as if brainwashed.
When I point this out to the thoughtless listeners, they tell me not to argue with something so "beautiful". Can't they see that they are wasting their time on mere noise, that rarely says anything akin to common sense? "Well, Shakespeare, he's in the alley / With his pointed shoes and his bells, / Speaking to some French girl, / Who says she knows me well." What on earth is that supposed to meaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>You WILL live your life on the assembly line and you WILL be happy


No, the combination of crudely drawn anime girls and trashy OST is proto-ai content. You are drawn to the full package, the retarded community, soon people will be talking about how it became popular from racist fumo diskkkord gifs. I see you out there stacking as many retardcore special interests as you can. It's like blackface for autism. I can't wait for you all to rope


Didn't read.


you've never listened to radiohead then. but in all seriousness, you can really apply this bullshit downer thought to literally any type of media, and change a few things. thinking like this destroys life for you and leads to nothing but pain. shut up with your angst and listen to some tunes


Moved to >>>/music/12457.

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Can we normalize assaulting shitty customers and worker abusers?

I don't even work in retail, I'm an internal office worker, but certain societies have a normalized disrespect for essential work and their workers. When a customer is clearly in the wrong, and a worker is coerced into a submissive position due to threat of losing employment, then society can step in with worker solidarity, but how to begin this without regular people freaking out and thinking it's 'uncivilized' or whatever to respond to aggressive verbal abuse with deterring physical abuse?
I suppose the 'punch a nazi' ""debate"" is a good case study. How is that going, by the way? How would your community react to you punching an overt nazi if you did it tomorrow?

Can worker solidarity in this manner be an effective form of praxis, as community-building, worker solidarity and pro-worker propaganda?

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