1) Trump will fully implement PROJECT 2025 and use the INSURECTION ACT to declare MARTIAL LAW on day one of his presidency and send TANKS IN THE STREETS of every major City in order to round up all Leftists (The Republican Congress will pass a law which will have the CPUSA, DSA, Green Party, PSL, etc. all be banned and declared Terrorist organizations and have all their members be arrested, with every Republican and half the Democrats voting for this), Undocumented Immigrants, Muslims, Feminists, LGBTQIA+ (The Supreme Court will strike down the Gay Marriage and Sodomy rulings, so every Red State will outlaw Gay Marriage, Homosexuality, and Transgenders, with the Congress eventually passing a federal law doing this on a mostly Party line vote), Union Workers, Homeless People, etc, and throw them in CONCENTRATION CAMPS, and Trump will force the Senate Republicans to abolish the Filibuster so they can pass a National Six-Week Abortion Ban, Ban Labor Unions, Outlaw Communism, Anarchism, Socialism, Islam, Atheism, Homosexuality, Transgenders, Gay Marriage, Ban the teaching of Evolution and the Big Bang Theory, Ban all Vaccines, Abolish Section 230 in order to ban all Social Media, Abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment Insurance, and Food Stamps, and Abolish the Income Tax and replace it with a 20% Tariff on all imported goods, 😂🤣🤢🤮!
2) Trump will begin a massive Air Campaign on Iran in which U$ B-2 Stealth Bombers dropping Smart Bombs (including Bunker Busters) combined with JASSMs launched by B-52 and B-1 Bombers and Tomahawk Cruise Missiles launched by Destroyers, Cruisers, and Submarines, will destroy all Iranian Air Bases, MRBM/SRBM launchers, SAM Sites, Naval Bases, Nuclear Facilities, and Command and Control sites (including decapitation strikes on Irans entire Political/Military leadership using Bunker Busters dropped by B-2 Stealth Bombers), followed by a Full-blown U$ Ground Invasion coordinated with Kurdish, Arab, Balochi, and Azeri ethnic separatist uprisings, the last of which will include a joint Turkish/Azerbaijani invasion of Iranian Azerbaijan, will overthrow the “Islamic Republic of Iran”, with Iran Balkanized on Ethnic lines, with Iranian Azerbaijan annexed by Azerbaijan, a Independent Iranian Kurdistan (which will unite with the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region to create a independent “Republic of Kurdistan” ruled by the Pro-U$/Zionist/Turkish Barzani fa
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