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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Consolidating the topic down now that the dumb speculation is dying down and to alleviate /usa/pol of all of the other topics getting drowned out. These will remain uncycled so use them for your info-consolidating needs.
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New details

>Thomas Crooks was identified as a person of interest at 5:10pm, spotted with a rangefinder at 5:30pm, then spotted on the roof by the Secret Service at 5:52pm and that he fired shots at 6:12pm.

>July 8 Preparations:
<Crucially, the Secret Service DECIDED that a group of warehouses to the north of the stage would be excluded from the security zone, despite being only about 450 feet from Mr. Trump’s podium. That was within a rifle’s range.
>That meant the warehouses were assigned to local law enforcement to secure. The Secret Service and the local police had treated the complex of warehouses just north of the rally site as an observation post. It was considered a place from which to watch Mr. Trump’s crowd — not a place that needed to be watched, itself.
>But that created a blind spot, outside the security perimeter but well within rifle range of Mr. Trump. It was exploited by a gunman with no military training and little subtlety, who showed up early and acted oddly enough that police photographed him and distributed his picture, though with no weapon in view.

>On Friday, July 12, the day before the attempted assassination, Mr. Crooks went to a shooting range, according to an investigative summary prepared by the F.B.I. The next morning, he bought a ladder at a Home Depot and then later that day he purchased 50 rounds of ammunition from a gun shop near his home, according to the F.B.I. document and federal law enforcement officials.

>On the day:

>Video obtained by Pittsburgh’s WTAE-TV appears to show that Mr. Crooks was there by at least 5:06 p.m. The video [https://www.wtae.com/article/trump-rally-gunman-thomas-crooks-video-prior/61623731] suggests that Mr. Crooks walked around in front of the warehouse building he would eventually use as a sniper’s perch. He appeared unarmed and unhurried, looking Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>Two officers went to the warehouse, and one officer boosted the other up, so that his head was above the roofline. He and Mr. Crooks saw each other. Mr. Crooks “turned his firearm,” Mr. Natali wrote, but the officer could not fire back: He was holding onto the roof with both hands. The officer fell backward and was injured, Mr. Natali wrote.

operatives. entire event was staged. they will use that post to entrap/shut the site down

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From the perspective of Marxists, historians, Iraqis, Kurds, Muslims, Christians, Persians, and Yankees alike: What did Saddam Hussein do wrong?
From my perspective Americans only know and hate him because he invaded Kuwait, a country that gave the US oil, and would would threaten American economic security. People whine all the time about civilian casualties but blame Saddam for America bombing Iraq "back to the stone age" and then imposing sanctions on the country for a decade, then invading and further destabilizing the country. As far as I know, Kuwait deserved Saddam. I would care more about civilian casualties in Kuwait if NATO didn't prove itself to be a force of mass destruction and terror against a man, who after fighting Iran for a decade, did anything in his power to eliminate the debts that he and his people had acquired from such a costly war. And what would Kuwait lose if Saddam would win? He'd just repair all the damages he did to Kuwait, he was a man who modernized his country, and released it from a bureaucracy of princes and executives. We can't expect people to be perfect, and we can't expect American military to have a soul.
Back to my point, is there anything I should know about Saddam Hussein that he did wrong, maybe there's a detail about the gulf war, Iran-Iraq war, or during his rule from 1968-2003 that I missed.
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So, not only was Iraq not "rotting from within" against a flimsy and weak ruler, but the deprivation made clear that if they did not hold against the foreigners, America intended the absolute worst for them, and Israel was the clearest beneficiary. Iraqis knew was Israel was and didn't have this fear that most of the world had to speak the truth.

The way the neoliberal push worked was a very, VERY active, global campaign to "make the economy scream". The funny thing about the "End of History" is that the transformation of the world between 1970 and 2020 is a very new thing, despite the culture and narrative playing on repeat ad nauseum, commanding everyone to ignore what was done to them in front of their face.

The hilarious thing about the "End of History" where "nothing ever changes" is that what changed for humanity in the past 50 years has a far more visible impact than the prior 500 years did, and the past 500 years changed a lot.

Now that I'm older, I have some lived experience to tell me how different it is frrom when I was young in the 1990s. The degeneration was setting in them, but I see now that humanity had nothing in them to stop what happened, and while I will always hate those who actively enabled it, I see now why so many did nothing and knew it wasn't going to stop. Eugenics won.

You’re just now learning 95% of MLoids are just retarded political cultists with no actual beliefs?
It wasn’t obvious from how they consistently talk about the working class the same way the masses do and are stupid enough to think the state can be synonymous with the masses (i.e. some bureaucrats and political elites become “the proletariat”)

Almost like centering your entire politics around Us foreign policy because you’re deep down seething over some country you never had a connection to collapsing under the weight of its own contradictions 30 years ago is retarded

Maybe, idk, you could be an actual communist rather than an American diabolist that will cock gobble any of America’s shifting gallery of enemies?

IRGCsisters…. our response?

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Something magical is happening in the world. Im convinced of it. Westoid liberals try their hardest to convince me to be pessimistic about american collapse but something prevents me from feeling that way - Perhaps because i shed no tears for my yankee oppressors when their empire falls, Perhaps because im a stronk transgender womyn who dont need no financial prosperity. Either way, i DONT feel like things are going to shit. I believe in a spiritual rapture, a metaphorical biblical apocalypse, not the biblical-literalist nwo antichrist version, and in my version the antichrist new world order was george bush's new world order, the post-soviet neoliberal austerity order. God isnt going to cause armageddon except in the form of a dying gasp of the antichrist system, the slimiest, sleaziest, most perfidious empire ever, the whore of babylon, led by the sleaziest most antichrist president ever, being defeated by the angelic jungle demon hordes of gog and magog in israel to create the conditions for jesus' reign on earth and the bringing about of the conditions of heaven here to heal the earth. God wouldnt leave this whole earth's species to just die out despite having no souls, he wants us to see him work his divine influence in the recreation of heavenly conditions in the material plane. This is all saturn/yhwh repenting for his demiurge deviancy and his solipsistic apostasy towards sofia; he is going to apologize to the forlorn people of his creation through the end of statist tyranny once and for all. I have been wondering why, despite my heavy rejection of Saturn/Satan/Set (whom i channeled through myself by smoking blue lotus), he seems to work his influence in my life, and it's because saturn is a rough and awful teacher and i have suffered to be his student. The time has come for the establishment of a worldwide heavenly kingdom with a fully automated luxury gay space communist economic system. I have repented to jesus christ for all of my sins, i sucked it up and did it, and i have renounced my resistance to christ, but i now understand how vital it is to reach christians and create the conditions for a true revival in the church - a gnostic reawakening, a third eye opening for the church. Psychoactive drugs are a sacrament to reach god. Btw god isnt a fucking prude, he's an absurdist. All of human history was a contextual macrocosm for the microcosm of my apotheosis. You are all just a dmt or 2cb trip away from enlightenment.
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2 more weeks until christ is lord

I like spirituality but people are stubborn mules. Your problem is tactical. You can't just throw this at people and expect to get anywhere.
>All of human history was a contextual macrocosm for the microcosm of my apotheosis.
I am cheering for your apotheosis as long as you know the world is not here for you. On second thought you probably know that. I'd still like to check.
Why Nichiren specifically?
>A (blue) lotus can bloom even in the mud beneath a dark forest canopy.

so true bestie

>wall of text

> typed this after a gazillion orgies in the Iuzhinskii circle

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Was he unironically a leftist anti-imperialist? He was turning Egypt into a modern, industrialized powerhouse, he seized the power from the parasitic nobility and clergy and was on the verge of destroying the backwards Ottomans, literally at the gates of Constantinople until European imperialists such as UK, France and Russia, afraid of a united Middle Eastern industrialized nation intervened in favor of the Turks, whom they used as a puppet.
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This but unironically

Also the Bengali sultanate and Delhi sultanates, Timurids and Mughals

>brings colonists from egypt to the cilicia region
yeah, no. he couldn't force the Turcomans living the cilicia region so he brought Arab colonists from Egypt to work the land. Ottomans succeeded in forcing Turcomans tho

Islamist propaganda

why did you post twice

He was a albanian who saw a means to seize power and took it. Him somehow being the stepping stone for what we now see as modern Egypt was a mere consequence of his goals not the goal in itself

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Not trying to be an enlightened centrist here, but it has always seemed odd to me how people on the right and left fetishize the concept of a militia taking down a conventional army, when reality has shown the opposite result every time, I come from a shitty third world nation that is barely held together most of the time, and my country has experienced numerous rebellions by Islamists, ethnic nationalists, and communists, and every time they have failed. This is because a "well-armed and well-funded militia" is no match for a well-armed, better-trained army with superior logistics and structure. Of course, in the event of a total collapse, a militia could potentially become the only proper authority for a region or if faced with an entirely incompetent and corrupt army. However, in most cases, a real army always prevails over militias. I don't know how people fell for this meme really, Eve Marx bought into this up and advocated for workers' militias, which ultimately proved to be a massive waste of time and loss of life for everyone involved, the Spanish Republicans insisted on using them in the Spanish civil war and they were a massive hinderance that lost way too many battles, and thoughts of forming an actual army was "Stalinism" and a betrayal of the revolution.
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Reactionary PMC larp club

I have no Idea who these people are?

are you dumb

>Even in the event of a total collapse of the US there would still be some form of loose order, Most likely it would be enforced by local police or the national guard
Those would be somali tier then, dumbass.
>Hell even Federal law enforcement agencies could play the main role in enforcing law and order
Asswipe, those guys would be hanging from streetlights in the coming revolution

No it's not you Idiot
Who would show up to fight ?
Where would the battleground be ?

This isnt Yugoslavia in the 90s or Russia in 1917.

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Why do so many rich white American families have such a raging obsession with these two practices? Anyone that’s poorer or works in agriculture knows that that shit is unsustainable, and that the image of some dumbass peasant family “living off the land independently” has been dead for centuries, millennia, and for some countries has never been a thing to begin with. This obsession with such a specific lifestyle is unsurprisingly adorned with the materialistic hedonism that surrounds this demographic, and its present with the over preparation these people have with going outside.
It’s not even like most of these people are genuinely leaving any urban space. Looking at a map of the US and seeing the thousands of cities that occupy every territory in that country makes it clear to any observer that it’s genuinely impossible to find life away from the urban world. Even if one manages to find any uninhabited space that isn’t already claimed by landlords, most of the gear that these people need to actually survive from the wilderness is manufactured in the exact spaces they’re trying to get away from.
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these people are basically "you vill live in ze pod" WEF people if they weren't capitalist

I know rural villages with honesteadingish people that have loads of kids though, rurality does not forcibly means isolation. (Although it mostly does nowadays)

Yes, that's one of many reasons the people who post those things are stupid.

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Should we ban small scale farming? I don't think people shouldn't be allowed to grow vegetables without a loicense.

farming isn't like other industry. you can actually plow more labour into the same amount of land and you'll tend to get more out of it. this means that we could for example rewild large swathes of land by farming more intensely

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Erdogan says end near of military operation in north Iraq, Syria
Erdogan's comments tally with on those made earlier this week by Turkey's Defence Minister Yasar Guler, who said his country is "determined" to clear the border area with Iraq and neighbouring Syria of "terrorists".

US considers fresh legal bid questioning ICC jurisdiction over Israel
A US official briefed on the matter told MEE that the Biden administration is considering submitting an amicus curiae to the ICC, voicing its staunch opposition to the decision of the court’s chief prosecutor to seek arrest warrants for the Israeli officials, despite the US not being a signatory to the treaty that created the court.

With an overwhelming majority, Meretz and Labor approve merge, becoming the Democrats
According to the agreement with Meretz, both parties will run together in the next elections on a joint list under the name "The Democrats," with Meretz guaranteed two spots in the top ten positions.

Azerbaijan's New Climate Fund, Easy on Fossil Fuel Producers, Denounced as 'Smoke Screen'
Azerbaijani officials considered introducing a levy on fossil fuel producers to raise money for the fund but, after facing opposition from oil-producing Gulf countries, opted for a voluntary, public-private investment model, an anonymous source toldReuters. 350.org called Azerbaijan's plan a "commercial" venture and said "we must distinguish profit-driven investments from genuine efforts," in a statement.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
1 post omitted.

Episode 391: Do Not Come (TrueAnon)
We head down to Bolivia and take a look at their recent bullshit coup and then discuss Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, squishes, and saps.

The Democratic Party Is to Blame for the Biden Problem
Despite Biden’s contemptible assertion that his campaign has received the legitimate backing of primary voters, Democratic elites effectively ensured it was a primary in name only. In states such as Wisconsin and North Carolina, the few rivals Biden did have were simply not allowed onto the ballot, while in Florida, the party canceled its primary altogether. The Democratic National Committee, meanwhile, did away with primary debates entirely before he had even announced his desire to run for reelection — and with them any expectation that the sitting president might actually have to defend his record in a public forum. Americans are, in effect, being asked to support a candidate who rarely addresses them without a teleprompter, is more visible to donors at lavish fundraisers than he is to journalists, and is seeking their votes without even specifying what he intends to do if reelected (to say nothing of one who has long exhibited clear symptoms of cognitive decline). If Joe Biden is an enemy of “elites,” we might as well start calling Donald Trump a blue-collar son of toil. There is, however, a grain of truth in the president’s comically absurd framing of the current effort to remove him. Last year, polls made it abundantly clear that a broad majority of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, were concerned about Biden’s age and didn’t want him to run in 2024. This made no difference as long as the necessary alignment of donors and Democratic power brokers was on his side — and it has now taken these same elites a matter of days to achieve what more than a year of polling and the opinions of tens of millions of Americans could not.

Rosa Luxemburg The Junius Pamphlet :Chapter 5
But czarism! In the first moments of the war this was undoubtedly the factor that decided the position of our parPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

>Erdogan says end near of military operation in north Iraq, Syria
What happened? Did Iraq threaten the watermelon seller with war over the border conflict?


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why are they trying to woo republicans?

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"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky… maybe. I dunno. Sorry, but I really don't understand why anyone feels bad for this douche over what happened yesterday. Only thing President Biden should have said when he got in front of the microphone was, "Well folks, are we ready for gun control, yet?"(Low effort enough that its not worth merging)
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I'm assuming the dumb cunt was to nervous and shaking.
Stupid fililuck should have taken a xanax or diazapam before the shooting.
I hate burgers reeee-

On Leftypol I am used to seeing the opinions of permanently soy cuckfags
But calling for gun control after a bourgeois politician has gotten shot has to level 9000 cuckfaggery and proves the "left" in the West is purely social-democrats, the left pillar of fascism

i haven't seen anyone sad that drumpf got shot here

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>card-carrying party member since the 1905 revolution
>kept the moscow bureau alive during the reaction
>wrote the first marxist analysis of imperialism (supplementing hilferding and making the basis for lenin's popular analysis)
>wrote the theory of the imperialist state and proletarian dictatorship (who lenin accepted in 1917 as wholly correct)
>wrote to this day unsurpassed critique of utilitarianism (theory of leisure classes)
>was chief editor of pravda and set the soviet state on a revolutionary course
>president of the third international and staunch internationalist
>wrote popular books explaining the bolshevik party programme
>popular and loved, educated and broad in his understanding of history and the worker's movement
>was with stalin against trotsky and the left opposition
>main party theoretician for some 20 years and saw through industrialization and collectivization
<discredited in a show trail, shot like a dog, and not even rehabilitated during the glasnost
what went wrong?
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>Except there is

He was an old bolshevik that Stalin wanted gone. He tortured him and threw him into a kangaroo court along with all the other bolsheviks.

Why did Bukharin vote for preservation of the state infiltrated by provisional government and that wasn't even purged from tsarist officials? When those officials in October/Novermber DID A FUCKING STRIKE against Soviets, Bukharin took their side. Explain this to me

Oh, and by the way, bukharinites, zinovievites, kamenevites, trotskyists, all opposed the demolition of the state with the purpose of reestablishing it under the power of Soviets. They even removed their controlled commissars from the commissariats in protest of Lenin (and Stalin) refusing to yield even one fucking seat to old officialdom, for refusing to organize a bloc with "other socialist parties" like SRs and mensheviks

Why would a principled revolutionary communist do this? Why did he so desperately want to give SRs of all fucking people, that same party that drenched Bolsheviks in buckets and buckets of filth, which signed orders for ban of Bolsheviks and their press, which hunted Lenin and was giving orders to cossacks and police to repress peasants when those tried to take over landlords' property, why would Bukharin ally himself to such people?

And you know how did Soviets solve the problem of that sabotage? By calling workers from factories to give them people who know how to push papers to create new officialdom. Im-fucking-mediately Bukharin and other fuckers turned and started begging Soviets not to dissolve their organizations.


Michael Hudson once pointed out in the 2nd edition of his book "Super Imperialism" that it was the state department glowies who was reading his book more than the working class, and they actually began to obfuscate economic statistics that revealed the extent of US imperialism after reading his book. So this phenomenon continues to this day.

And is this really any surprise? People will cope/seethe that the working class is so smart, powerful, strong, resilient, etc. Of course they are. They put up with so much. But they aren't superhuman. They don't have the free time or resources at their disposal to read all the theory in the world while simultaneously getting exploited. Meanwhile the bourgeoisie has all the free time and all the resources. So of course they're going to beat us to reading our own theory, and then use that theory to restructure their own strategies in advance. They're absorbing and accounting for our tactics before we have the chance.

How does the international working class get around this?
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Marx himself did not grasp the depth of his own genius and the breadth of its applications.

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>They're absorbing and accounting for our tactics before we have the chance.
Have they stopped destroying the environment, the declining rate of profit, and war with each other?

Just wait because American leaders are incompetent.

Communists should represent the vanguard of the working class, not it's average

capitalists are a tiny minority, hopelessly globally outnumbered by workers. we have the numbers. use that to your advantage.

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