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hi, earlier today I read an article in the guardian about influencers and how worn down they become working a 'demanding job' like this, memes aside, one of the interviewees claimed she could easily pull off 20 grand a post at her peak even if she was lying and made half that itd still be a lot of money

it got me pondering on how its possible to earn this much for something as straightforward as publishing photos of yourself consuming a particular product? what's the marxian explanation of this and what is its relevancy in the economic reproduction? are all these people just well connected nepo babies whose overdriven revenues are mostly fictional and conditioned upon increasingly more severe exploitation of other workers?
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Capitalism divides everything into one sided things, including humans. Humans do know their tiny field of work, but not much more. While a full human finds what to do from nature and he decide how to spend his time. But one sided human, for example, they know there is cancer problem, but it is not their field, they discard the idea of working on that problem, etc, in all fields of life. So they rely on scientists, engineers, politicians and also they need someone who will tell them what to consume.


Is a guy that plays 25 year old video games exclusively available via emulator still an influencer in this sense? I suppose they do play ads, although I obviously never see them.


interesting way of seeing it, I've never thought about it as a byproduct of division of labour, but it makes sense


>how its possible to earn this much for something as straightforward as publishing photos of yourself consuming a particular product?
because you're advertising and you're being paid to advertise by the people whose products you're advertising, based on the size of the audience you can reach (subscriber number/avg view count)


>I can understand why someone would follow their favorite artist or musician or whatever, but why do people give a fuck about these literally whos on social media that just lob products at people? How does an influencer gain a following?
because it's really about showering attractive people with affection in the hopes of getting it back. It was always about simping. Even for talented people like musicians or artists it was really about that. Try to have a nuanced conversation about the merits of a particular athlete or artist with other people who admire their work and you'll realize a lot of them are just horny and know next to nothing about what actually makes that person talented. The same goes for the unskilled celebrities. People are just horny. People are taken in by charismatic preachers telling the most obvious lies. All they have to do is look somewhat decent.


>moved back to rural hometown in the U.S.
>most friends from HS either moved away or got into drugs
>crashing local college clubs isn't doing it anymore
>been bored
>like guns and shooting
>know a bit about right wing shit due to edgy phase in HS
>want to join a right wing militia and be informant or something for the shits and gigs
>don't know how to do this
>try the III% but they have been quite since jan 6th and most people around here just have the bumper stickers
>no real world affiliations other than boomer facebook groups
>ran out of ideas past that

How stupid am I being? Anybody have some ideas on where to look?
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*shocks your balls*



id focus on something more productive.


Musician who plays only one note


Retarded. An informating for who? What information are you going to gleam that is of such importance and of such use to an established communist party, that you would waste your time as an undercover spy rather than just do regular party work?


Ah but I am a musician

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Once beacon of stability, Vietnam to name third president in a year

Vietnam is seeking its third president in little more than a year after its ruling Communist Party on Wednesday forced the resignation of Vo Van Thuong, who was only elected last year after the sudden dismissal of his predecessor.

With accumulated foreign direct investment higher than its gross domestic product, Vietnam's stability is crucial to multinationals with large operations in the Southeast Asian manufacturing hub, including Samsung Electronics, which ships from Vietnam half of its smartphones, and Apple, which has many key suppliers in the country.

That stability, which has been guaranteed for decades by a state tightly controlled by the Communist Party, now looks less certain, although analysts agree that the current leadership changes will not impact the country's key policies, including its "bamboo diplomacy" aimed at keeping good relations with the United States and China at the same time.

Behind the latest reshuffle is the long-lasting "blazing furnace" anti-graft campaign that party chief Nguyen Phu Trong launched back in 2016. It is aimed at eradicating corruption so widespread that in some provinces up to 90% of applicants for land certificates paid a bribe, according to a report published in March 2023 by the U.N. Development Programme and other organisations.

The campaign intensified over the last two years, with critics saying it has been increasingly used for political purposes by party factions competing for power.

Thuong, 53, stands accused of having violated party rules, according to a statement issued on Wednesday, which did not clarify what exactly he did wrong.

He quit days after police announced the arrest for alleged corruption a decade ago of a former head of central Vietnam's Quang Ngai province, who served while Thuong was party chief there.
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a more recent one that comes out of china but still shows that at the very least the chinese (often regarded by some leftists as being reactionary) still executes bankers (btw this is just one of the examples that has been reported many other bankers and other porkies are simply just executed but the news isn't reported by western outlets, or who mysteriously "dissapear" never to be found again)


>a legitimate civilization state
>You keep saying shit like this but it only comes across as extremely silly 'woo' I think.
It's alienated mystical nonsense that you see in some Chinese agitprop from public intellectuals who don't have real jobs, they just read the newspapers all day and talk about their weekend plans, with an element of "I want you to remember who you are!" for China diaspora kids who feel guilty for skipping Mandarin classes.

I don't want to be too harsh about it because Americans talk about civilization collapsing all the time, but we've never even lived in a civilization anyway, so put the phone down take the shovel and get to building dykes you lazy fucks!!!!


We prefer the term 'lesbian'.


ok but will Lunaoi be fine after the collapse?


King Lear will personally execute her for revisionism.

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When boomers bought their houses it was 10k and now they want 750k. Which is absurd because no one in my generation has that type of money. There’s nothing fancy about the houses, just a regular suburban home in the NE.

Housing crash when?
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Do you have a specific relevant quote?


>please spoonfeed me learns


Well actually I looked it up and Marx said you were wrong.


It's crazy but Marx actually said in volume 3 the guys in thread 1809807 on leftypol who claim they are parroting my view are actually completely contrary and I disavow them. It is crazy he would be so prescient and specific but It's all in there.


Not sure what you mean by this, but the state also gives gibs for wannabe real estate investors in my country, so the prices never go down. If prices ever go down, you might be able to afford to work less to sustain a comfortable way of living, and this is absolutely unacceptable for porky. Go back to the cagie, wagie.

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The end of the hegemony of the current imperial core will be a good thing, but will not mean communism is ushered in. This statement should be obvious, but apparently it isn't. Whenever people support the end of imperial core hegemony in the short term, there are always those who show up to "remind" everyone that

>1: multipolarity (an objectively emerging material condition which they call "multipolarism) is not communism,

>2: multipolarity will cause more geopolitical chaos
>3: the vilified rising star nations (BRICS+) are not communist
>4: you are duginist revisionist campist nazbol etc. if you critically support the periphery against the core.

Even more annoying than the above type of person are the JDPON (Joint Dictatorship of the Proletariat of Oppressed Nations) larpers, possibly trolls, or false flaggers, who actually do seem to pretend that the end of imperial core hegemony equals insta-JDPON. No. Obviously not. Obviously the imperial core waning in power means other countries rising in power. Obviously a new imperial core could form, just as it has in the past. Obviously the center of gravity of capital will continue to move around.

I think the real non-caricature hope among Communists is not that the end of imperial core hegemony equals insta-JDPON, but rather that, it will become harder and harder for imperial core capital to simply repeat the tricks of underdevelopment (coups, sanctions, embargoes, brain drain, destruction of fixed capital in warfare, etc.) which made it oh-so-easy for the core to use the periphery as a cheap labor source. Once "foreign" workers are, on average, just as cheap as "domestic" workers, due to equal levels of development, there will no longer be an incentive to outsource or brain drain. And once that happens, there will no longer be an easy scapegoat for reactionary politics. The domestic bourgeoisie will no longer be able to blame the foreign proletariat for "stealing jobs" and so on. International class consciousness will be on the rise.

Multipolarity, which is an emerging material condition, and not an ideology, is not an improvement in the mode of production itself, but an improvement in the potential conditions for raising class consciousness and encouraging international Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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This board ain't worth a fuck and doesn't have a single communist in it
If faggots like you want to die for Russian and Chinese capitalists you can move there and join their militaries, instead you decided to remain in the West and be mewling sycophantic cunt online


>If faggots like you want to die for Russian and Chinese capitalists you can move there and join their militaries
<Hey commie if you like socialism so much why don't you go to North Korea
That argument is tiresome.China is socialist


Hey Kautskyite if you like capitalist states that compete with the West why don't you die for them instead of feeling self-important by posting online worthless faggot


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get a new shtick faggot


>He can only even defend openly shilling for capitalist states by projecting onto others
Kill yourself
Please, I want this board to stop down the path of some faggy woke version of fascism


if we implemented a global 1 child policy we could avoid a lot of future suffering with peak oil, peak gas, peak coal, climate refugees, and mass genocides.

But nobody's going to actually follow that so most people are going to watch their grandchildren die violently and miserably from ethnic cleansing, starvation, war, and climate change as the global population falls from 10 billion to 5 billion between 2050 and 2100
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Which is what I said. People already are having less children, even in poorer countries due to pollution, women rights and class economics. Add the future famines and wars and population will begin to slow down and maybe decline.


Thing is, the bottleneck for human civilization isn't resources, is the ammount of CO2 in the climate system.


CO2 is a resource


>another "malthusianism" accusation from someone who didn't read the thread


The fertility crisis is caused by micro plastics disrupting sperm production and embryo formation.


Japan to resume funding to UNRWA, following Sweden, Finland and Canada
Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa met UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini in Tokyo on Thursday to discuss ways the agency could enhance its transparency and governance, including ensuring the traceability of funds and the neutrality of staff.

Israel may cut off Palestinian banks from global banking system next week
To protect them from lawsuits involving the Palestinian Authority for “transfering funds to terror groups”, the Israeli government has been issuing a waiver of protection for the two banks on an annual basis, signed by the finance minister. Smotrich is now refusing to renew the arrangement, which has been in place for years.

Palestinian-led campaign calls for haste in rebuilding the PLO
The statement calls for all Palestinians to be included, with the goal of forming a unified leadership able to confront the present challenges including Israel’s plans for the "day after" the war, and the alleviation of the suffering of the Palestinian people.

Hezbollah fires heavy rockets at northern Israel after deadliest day of Israeli strikes on Lebanon
The Lebanese militant group Hezbollah fired rockets with heavy warheads at towns in northern Israel, saying it used the weapons against civilian targets for the first time Thursday in retaliation for Israeli airstrikes the night before that killed nine, including what the group said were several paramedics.
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Welcome to a Brave New World of Price Gouging
If you weren’t already convinced the future of capitalism will involve an endless optimization of extractive capacity and the ensuing enshitification of every last bit of consumer life, well, get ready for a new frontier in “dynamic pricing.” Last month, Wendy’s floated its plan for dynamic pricing in 2025 on an earnings call. People flipped their lids and the fast-food chain rushed to clarify that they wouldn’t use their digital menus to raise prices — no, no, no, there would be no surge pricing. Quite the opposite. They’d merely use data and tech to offer better deals for customers at slower times. Setting aside for the moment the unbelievability of their about-face, the Wendy’s plan is the tip of the dynamic pricing spear as more industries and companies look to implement the model, particularly restaurants.

The Police Have A Dark Money Slush Fund
Private donors including big-box stores, fossil fuel companies, and tech giants are secretly giving hundreds of millions of dollars annually to law enforcement agencies and related foundations, allowing police to buy specialized weapons and technology with little public oversight. Experts say this huge deluge of police “dark money” funding, detailed in a new University of Chicago working paper and in an additional analysis shared exclusively with The Lever, leaves law enforcement beholden to the companies and powerful donors bankrolling them, rather than the communities that officers are sworn to serve. “The big-picture finding is that the world of private donations to police is a lot bigger and more complex than previously estimated,” said Robert Vargas, a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago and a co-author of the study.

Emma Goldman: Syndicalism
The feature which distinguishes Syndicalism from most philosophies is that it represents the revolutionary philosophy of labor conceived and born in the actual struggle and experience of the workers themselves — not in universitPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Thanks Newz Anon


I don't trust these hos so I ride my own dick


>Private donors including big-box stores, fossil fuel companies, and tech giants are secretly giving hundreds of millions of dollars annually to law enforcement agencies and related foundations, allowing police to buy specialized weapons and technology with little public oversight. Experts say this huge deluge of police “dark money” funding, detailed in a new University of Chicago working paper and in an additional analysis shared exclusively with The Lever, leaves law enforcement beholden to the companies and powerful donors bankrolling them, rather than the communities that officers are sworn to serve. “The big-picture finding is that the world of private donations to police is a lot bigger and more complex than previously estimated,” said Robert Vargas, a professor of sociology at the University of Chicago and a co-author of the study.
Interesting. Makes sense. They say those stupid stickers they give you for donating to police organizations can keep you from getting tickets.


Who would have thought that American police were corrupt? Or that the US legalized bribery?

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 No.1771398[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just reading over this 1954 political economy textbook written by 1950s Stalinists. Absolutely hilarious to read them talking about profit, private property, commodity circulation, the law of value, wages, etc. Just to then add the prefix "socialist". It's filled with retarded garbage, it was commissioned by Stalin himself and he went around giving interviews to various economists on how it should be written, though he died before it was finalized. These talks that he gave that led to the creation of that textbook can be read here, they're hilarious at points and extremely revealing.
As to who they dug this up they were probably recorded in Soviet circles but the group that translated them from Russian are a bunch of Indian Hoxhaists who published them without realizing how retarded they make Stalin and his cronies look.
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Today I will remind them


>conditions of intercourse
communism cannot happen until the SÈX improves!


So the Value of labour is held in suspension then by the market, so profit is an unrealized substance within the formal bounds of employment. Marx's point is dialectical, that the content of Value is self-separated between its formal properties and its excessive reality. But my contention is that in all contracts there has to be the realized and unrealized thing, and the idea of having "capitalism without capital" (as per zizek) is being uncritical. I think marxists are uncritical when they think they can have 20 hour work weeks without the benefits we reap from our developed economy, which is built on unpaid labour. I simply accept the gambit. All societies are built on unpaid labour.
That is a contemporary revision. How can you have a surplus without a value-form? Holding products in reserve like a grain silo is different because the informal qualities of money is what generates a surplus in the first place, while a 1-to-1 purchase of labour revokes the contradiction. Marxism is about overcoming contradiction, no?


I remember listening to a richard wolff video where he literally says that scandanavian countries are a "form of socialism" like china is a "form of socialism". He's literally fulfilled the prophecy of his meme by saying that socialism is when the gubbmint does stuff. But then ofc the USSR is ebil state capitalism whenever these people want it that way lol.


>Let us now pass to the point that they want to introduce socialism in the countryside forthwith. Introducing socialism means abolishing commodity production, abolishing the money system, razing capitalism to its foundations and socialising all the means of production. The Socialist-Revolutionaries, however, want to leave all this intact and to socialise only the land, which is absolutely impossible. If commodity production remains intact, the land, too, will become a commodity and will come on to the market any day, and the "socialism" of the Socialist-Revolutionaries will be blown sky-high. Clearly, they want to introduce socialism within the framework of capitalism, which, of course, is inconceivable. That is exactly why it is said that the "socialism" of the Socialist-Revolutionaries is bourgeois socialism.

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Hezbollah launches rocket barrage after Israeli strikes on Lebanon kill 7
About 30 rockets were launched from Lebanon towards northern Israel on Wednesday, according to the Israeli military. Israeli emergency services said a 25-year-old factory worker in Kiryat Shmona was killed. The Israeli army’s attacks on al-Habbariyeh hit a paramedic centre linked to a Lebanese Sunni Muslim group. The Emergency and Relief Corps said the victims were volunteers.

Over 30 people detained in Şırnak and Urfa
Three people named Rızgar Güneş, Hasari Kılıç and Yasin Güneş were detained in the rural neighbourhood of Cûrnûs. On the grounds of the same investigation, Mahmut Yolcu was detained in Koçveren rural neighbourhood and Sabri Taş, a polling station attendant of Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) was detained in Milke rural neighbourhood.

Racist attacks by ultranationalist Turks in Belgium leave several Kurds seriously injured
A large group of ultranationalist Turks launched a racist attack on Kurdish families returning to their homes in the Belgian towns of Houthalen-Helchteren and Heusden-Zolder in Leuven after celebrating Nevruz on Sunday, leaving several of them injured, according to reports by Medya News and ANF English.

Germany set to add citizenship test questions about Jews and Israel
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University occupations for Palestine – Which way forward?
Throughout March, a number of students active in the Palestine solidarity movement have gone a step beyond rallies and demos, and occupied university buildings. Such actions have been taken in Leeds, Bristol, Nottingham, Goldsmiths, UCL, and Manchester. In Leeds, in particular, our comrades have gotten stuck in. For the movement to succeed, it’s important for us, as students, to examine the effectiveness of occupations, and to look at our role in the struggle against capitalism and imperialism – on campuses and beyond.

Canada deporting highest level of migrants in a decade, despite promises to let more stay
The Liberal government is deporting migrants at an unprecedented pace compared to the last decade, despite pledging to allow more undocumented people to stay in the country, according to numbers obtained by The Breach. In 2022 and 2023 alone, Canada deported more than 23,000 undocumented migrants, at a price tag of more than $111 million. It’s the highest level of deportations since 2012, when Stephen Harper’s Tory government deported nearly 19,000 people in a single year. This flies in the face of a December 2021 commitment by the Liberal government to introduce a regularization program that would allow more undocumented people to stay in the country. In a mandate letter, Prime Minister Trudeau asked the federal immigration minister to build on existing programs, such as the Guardian Angels program that provided asylum seekers working in the health sector during the pandemic with a pathway to permanent residency, to “further explore ways of regularizing status for undocumented workers who are contributing to Canadian communities.”

V. I. Lenin: How the Bourgeoisie Utilises Renegades
Today, September 18, I received the September 7 issue of Vorwärts, the newspaper of the German social-chauvinists, the murderers of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. It has an article by Friedrich Stampfer on Kautsky’s new book (Terrorism and CommuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.




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Thanks News Anon


>New questions, German magazine Der Spiegel reported, are to include: What is a Jewish house of prayer called? When was the State of Israel founded? What is the reason for Germany’s special responsibility for Israel? How is Holocaust denial punished in Germany? And, somewhat mysteriously: Who can become a member of the approximately 40 Jewish Maccabi sports clubs in Germany?

Absolutely insane


literally fueling ZOG conspiracy theories, gj israel thanks for stoking more antisemitism


A thread celebrating the birthday of the steadfast defender of the Bolshevik revolution, Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria! Rising to prominence in his expert managing of the Cheka when the workers and peasants of Georgia were revolting against the Menshevik servants of the British Empire, Beria rose through the ranks to squash the terrorist counter-revolutionary Trotskyite organizations after the heinous sabotage of Yagoda and Yezhov left the Soviet state fledgling without experienced managers of Police affairs. It was Beria who stepped to the occasion during this crucial hour and stopped the murderous Yezhov as soon as he could. With extensive thoroughness, Beria reviewed and released over 100,000 wrongfully imprisoned by the Yezhov gang, such as the heroic Konstantin Rokossovsky, allowing him to play his pivotal role in the Great Patriotic War.
After the 1930s, Beria continued his tireless service to the Soviet Dictatorship of the Proletariat, crushing counter-revolutionary plots and gangs of saboteurs. His service during the Great Patriotic War in maintaining domestic stability during the catastrophic conditions created by the German invasion cannot be exaggerated, him taking control of the manufacture of armaments and aircraft, and supervising the Soviet atomic bomb project.
Thanks to the early successful test of the Soviet atomic bomb in 1949, this deadly weapon brandished by the Americans was, to the great relief of all the peoples of the world, countered and could not be dropped as carelessly as the Americans had been dreaming of. Thanks to Beria's oversight, many hundreds of thousands of lives around the world were saved from the most wretched of deaths.
It was due to these revolutionary actions that the gang of revisionists, such as Khrushchev and Mikoyan, saw Beria as the most menacing threat to their aspirations of capitalist restoration. In a dastardly criminal plot, these agents of counter-revolution saw that this great Hero of Socialist Labor, who had fought uninterruptedly for so many decades in service of the people, had to be silenced permanently for their ambitions to be realized. Beria, alongside his trusted Comrades Dekanozov, Merkulov, Vlodzimirsky, Meshik, Goglidze and Kobulov, were unjustly executed by the Khrushchevite gang and its lackeys, who subsequently spread the most heinous lies and slander to justify their criminal deed.
Of course, liberals, including those liberals who wear a red garb, have accepted these KhrushchePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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According to his own son lol


Sons of communists are always a bad source.
T. Stalin


>'I am not trying to rehabilitate my father. No one in that regime can be rehabilitated but things should be known,'
Same son who happened to be a liberal and an interest to make his father out to be a "capitalist roader" to a western press that saw the collapse of the USSR in 1991.


Unlike Stalin, Beria seemed to be a good father and his son is very positive about him.
Wow, crazy how the evil revisionist Khruschev thought Beria was a liberal not a communist, Beria's son also thought so but thought it was good because that's how his father raised him. Molotov also thought the same, despite being no fan of khruschev.
Crazy, seems the only people invested in defending Beria's supposed marxist bona fides are schizos desperate to 'rehabilitate' him solely out of contrarianism and a desire to make khruschev the singular judas of soviet communism so they don't have to apply a shred of marxism to the reality of soviet history.


According to Thus Spake Kaganovich, he alongside Khrushchev and Malenkov had only been getting closer and closer to Stalin in his last years.

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