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Iran's Oil and Gas Workers' Strike Grows: 20,000 Workers, 110 Companies
Launched by the unofficial Council for Organizing Oil Contract-Workers' Protests, the strike began on June 19. The workers are demanding the removal of intermediary contractors, wage increases, a 14-days-on, 14-days-off work schedule, improved dormitory conditions, and enhanced safety measures. The Council has warned that the strikes will intensify if these demands are not met.

Israel frees hospital chief with prisons ‘full’ of Gaza captives
Israel released 55 prisoners on Monday to free up space in its jails, unconfirmed reports claimed. Speaking shortly after his return to Gaza, al-Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya asserted that Palestinian prisoners in Israel’s prisons were facing daily abuse.

Turkish airstrike starts a fire on Mount Metina in South Kurdistan
While the occupying Turkish state has increased its attacks on Mount Metîna in recent days, it deployed a large number of troops, heavy weapons and armoured vehicles to the villages in the region. Many villages were evacuated due to the attacks. Baghdad and Hewlêr (Erbil) remain silent in the face of Turkish occupation.

Rift between Bolivia's left widens as Morales joins accusation that Arce faked last week's coup attempt
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Said noone ever




basado agrettattore anonymica


>An eye-witness to the JCB incident said: “Firefighters’ union policy is that firefighters should refuse to get involved in such incidents so police brought in a JCB digger and driver to get her down.
Firefighters being based is one constant in everything anons! :)


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Thanks News Anon

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💰️DOW/Market Watch Thread💰️
monitoring the market, trends, fluctuations, etc.
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I wish to invest in stocks, giving the gains to my local org, and I've been suggested a lucrative fund which is primarily made up of oil/gas, meds and industrial property holdings. Obviously I hate how these companies operate, but I understand we must be pragmatic. My investment in the fund would be about $10,000 medical industry ftw.

Is investing in these companies pragmatically problematic? As in, am I accelerating climate destruction? Am I empowering anti-communist forces more than I'm empowering communist forces? Or is this scale trivial to such large companies, and divesting is about as futile as a consumer boycott?


how much can I put in monthly ?


Well as much as you want so long as it doesn't go over £20k in a year. So £1666.66 if every month.

Bear in mind you can put any extra money into an index fund also but the returns will be slightly less because you have to pay capital gains and so on.


Oh and if you already have an ISA savings account through your bank then converting that to a stocks and shares ISA doesn't count towards the yearly limit.


Pretty much the latter.
$10,000 won't even buy a single industrial machine in many settings.

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tbh, i think the "united farm workers" should change symbol. But the eagle is just an animal, it doesn't posses any ideology.


>You are equating National-Syndicalism with Sorelianism, the two are not the same
They aren't, but we were talking about Sorel specifically in relation to the Cercle Proudhon, an explicitly National Syndicalist group with deep connections to the French monarchist and fascist movements of the interwar.
>one should not define an ideology by what other ideology it influenced or became
This is true, but National Syndicalism in its theory and practice is largely analogous to that of Fascism and its history is extensively intertwined with that of Fascism (the Italian and Spanish branches mostly, the NSDAP broke with it on the Night of the Long Knives). If there is a desire to separate National Syndicalism from those associations and retrieve something of value from its ideology, the right medium for that would be some sort of theoretical paper. Memes just don't allow for the sort of nuanced understanding necessary to achieve that.

I actually hold quite some fondness for Sorel as a theorist, for what it's worth. But one has to make sure to untangle Sorelianism from its unsavory associations, and presenting one of his quotes in combination with the symbol of the Cercle Proudhon just isn't a good look.


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I was unaware the symbol had any association with Fascism, only National-Bolshevism, and that ideology is so small and niche that a stolen symbol (especially one they only sparingly use) cannot be so definitively linked to them. In my original post I even linked it with an additional Sorel quote, further clarifying its use. The eagle is a Sorelian symbol, and as one of the few such symbols I would rather it remain Sorelian.
>group with deep connections to the French monarchist and fascist movements of the interwar.
Maurras, a prominent organizer and philosopher of the principle monarchist group Action Francaise had a generally bad opinion of them, he condemned how they met with non-royalists and non-nationalists and invited them to join the group. Georges Valois, the leader of the group, took part in the French Resistance.


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>Georges Valois, the leader of the group, took part in the French Resistance.
I know, he also died in the camps for his part in the Resistance. But that doesn't change the fact that the man was for much of his life either a self-described fascist or a sympathiser (see picrelated). It's good to know that the inclusion in the video was in good faith though, but it's just a little racy to include references to this particular ideological tendency without context.


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"The Pornography Question"

I've been doing off and on research into what I call "The Pornography Question". Let's define pornography as explicit material, sexual in nature, created by one or more consented adults, for the consumption by adults. Basically, is it compatible with communism? Is it inherently anti-women? Is it inherently unethical? A sign of capitalist decay?

Prior to this I had a fairly negative outlook on the medium as a whole, mostly stereotypes. Mostly insofar as, assuming the overwhelming majority of women are not willingly be in the industry, either they've been coherced, trafficked or had to for the money, and thus, consuming the material is inherently harmful to women. But at the same time, I've dated a couple of Sex Workers, I've dated a dancer/softcore model and an onlyfans creator. The onlyfans creator said it was a way to empower herself, she said it was far less degrading that working as a waitress, I believe it. I never cared in either case, it's a job, get the bag, it ain't tricking if you've got it. Of course both of these relationships were before I was really a commie, so I lacked the more systemic understanding of how neoliberalism works to commodify the personal. And, admittingly, the stereotypes still played a role in the acceptance of my ex's work, ie "Something must have happened in her past to cause her to do this but I don't care that she does it".

A former friend, whom is a 36 year old former model (remember Suicidegirls?), lamented about not being able to model anymore because she was worried about the *stigma* and how it might reflect on her as a professional, career wise. She was very proud of her past career. In fact, her upbringing was very strict, with Christian gender roles and a traditionalist worldview. The same type of culture that created incredibly creepy events like Purity Balls, the same culture that normalizes treating women as objects to be traded between men. That sort of southern Christian culture that I've long rallied against. It's these personal contradictions that prompted further critical introspection into the medium as well as my own ingrained opinions on it.

Almost every study I read completely ignored or outright handwaved gay and queer porn, and this to me presents an issue. How can you handwave a significant part of a medium and then say the entire medium is bad? If someone made the argument that horror movies are degenerate bourgeoisie decadence, but oPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I showed you a source that itself draws from AFP. That is not implying, that is showing you evidence that it happened.
>you dont have any theoretical basis
The theoretical basis is using your head. What possible use could there be for an operation that only works if people choose to look at it?
>the article dosent mention it
Look at all the possible reasons the article does mention and tell me if any of them would work, given that people can just switch off the TV.
>The immiserated proletariat can't become "engrossed in consumption" because they don't have the means
That was true in the pre-internet days, but now you can run things off of ad revenue. Pornography is a perfect example of this. You can beam more of it into your eyeballs weekly (for free) than your granddad ever saw in his life.


tl, dr
porn is bad, you cant build communism (or even socialism) without leaving the goon cave


>it happened
something happened, but not necessarily what your "theory" says happened
>the theoretical basis is using your head
are you acting retarded on purpose or what? that's not how theory works
>look at all the possible reasons
idk maybe because it's not true? holy shit stop making up stuff


>that's not how theory works
Thought experiments and qui bono questions are absolutely part of theory. I am asking you a very simple question: what possible reason would there be to send your enemies pornography, given that they can just switch it off whenever they want?
>maybe because it's not true?
A very reputable source reported that it happened. I am only questioning why it happened.


How is this thread still alive?

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How would IP laws and copyright be handled under socialism?

Would it be abolished or just reformed? How would artists be compensated if not for royalties?

Also, what about “hard cases” like instances of cultural appropriation, etc.?

Let’s have this discussion.
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What he is saying is that if you invent a self-pumping and infinite-battery butt plug then you wouldn't be given the glory for such an amazing tool. But then taking the glory shouldn't matter to you because you'd made such a great improvement on the lefty standard of life. 24/7 life with the switch on and max vibration.

You would have made Marx proud he would be shining down on you.


>How would IP laws and copyright be handled under socialism?
They are private property, so they will be abolished.
>Would it be abolished
>or just reformed?
Only as a temporary transitionary phase, and only when absolutely necessary.
>How would artists be compensated if not for royalties?
By doing labour for a wage or commission, just like any other worker.
>Also, what about “hard cases” like instances of cultural appropriation, etc.?
IDpol bullshit like that would be banned, so it would never come up.


They would be immediately dismantled because "intellectual property" as we know it is a neoliberal invention. They're literally saying your thoughts will be proprietary now - think of how insidious that is. This is far in excess of anything a patent for inventions ever intended, and exists to counteract any reason why the patent was granted any legal status. We didn't always have that either - there was for most of human history no concept of "intellectual property" or "copyright" of any sort.


It used to be that patents would last a decade or so. This was explicitly intended to encourage invention and science, and it was known that there was no "natural right" to a patent or anything of the sort. The patent system also served monopoly, but it did so far less egregiously than "we will control reality and forbid you to speak the truth".

Warez will never die, despite insisting that "IP" is a thing.


So, nearly every reason why "IP" would be a thing is irrelevant. It would enter the public domain, and rent-seekers would get bent.

Believe it or not, people would invent for a variety of reasons, one of them being that the labor and skill to make something "creative" is not as freely reproducible, and so there is more where that came from. But, the ruling ideas don't want anything to produced at all. If they don't want industry, why would they want ideas?


Let's say, for argument's sake, you're elected as a socialist. If you're in a presidential country, you've got the presidency and ~51% of the legislature. If you're in a parliamentary country, you've got ~51% of the legislature and have been elected prime minister. Moreover, your party is loyal: this isn't a Corbyn situation where your victory was a fluke and a disloyal party would immediately dispose you, or an Allende situation where you've got to work with a congress that hates you. You've got control of the legislative and executive branches of government. Financial markets have not immediately panicked at your election (perhaps your platform was vague…), but of course this may change depending on what you do next.

What do you do? What reforms do you set about attempting to implement? Remember that other than the concessions I've set out above, everything else remains as normal. In the USA, for example, you've still got to contend with the supreme court and the constitution. The bourgeoisie are still the dominant class. The bureaucracy and military establishment is made up of the people appointed by previous bourgeois governments. It's possible - perhaps even probable - that it's wise to take a long term, strategic approach to rebuilding working class power while continuing to manage capitalism, rather than trying to quickly legislate socialism into being when the cards are all stacked against you, even if a glacial approach means that people on /leftypol/ call you a radlib socdem. But that's up to you: What do you do, why do you do it, and what reactions do you realistically anticipate?

(Please don't argue the relative merits of reform-vs-revolution "in general" ITT. This premise does not depend on such a route existing: If you think there's no reformist route to socialism, that's great: engage with the question I'm actually asking. You wake up tomorrow, look in the mirror, think "there's no electoral road to socialism", and then turn on the Television to see your own face. You've just won the election: what do you do?)
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400 Days to be Unchained - Pamphlet for Kickstarting Revolution in America

Day 1: The Declaration and Kickstart of the Revolution

- The Declaration is made public, initiating the revolutionary movement. This declaration declares that in 400 days, a new constitutional convention will be head, and at this convention, a new constitution will be drafted.

- The Declaration's proposals include the establishment of a new workers' democracy, "Land Back" initiatives for indigenous communities, radical wealth redistribution and an end to the Military Industrial Complex.

-Additionally, it proposes trials for entities responsible for environmental destruction. This could involve setting up people's tribunals or advocating for international courts to recognize ecocide as a crime against humanity. Essentially, this declaration is the key turning point to begin the revolutionary process. It puts us on a timer, and forces all hands on deck. This means your mutual aid orgs, your various commie parties, your anarchist saboteurs, etc are put in the hot seat, now or never. Ergo, this declaration will need to be discussed in advance with the culture creators, allowing for a day 1 momentum push.

Day 1-30: Spreading the Word

-The Declaration is disseminated through various channels, including social media, public forums, and influencers, to create public awareness and build momentum. This would be an all hands on deck situation. Every major streamer, youtuber, media personality, anyone with a voice who's on the left needs to be lock step in support of this, otherwise the momentum will fail to be gathered.

Day 30-100: Assembling State Organizations and Beginning the Protracted People's War
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> Electoral road to socialism


>the only enemy seriously analyzed in your cool story is anarchists
Porky called and he wants to know why his afternoon blowjob was so late


Takeover the media and do whole bunch of propaganda about how great it will be when you nationalize pharma and tech to get the masses on your side then get the votes to do it and do it. Just start going down the list liquidating fortune 500s in order of market cap. Then when the counter revolution happens you tell the masses that porky is cheating call them into the streets for a general strike and pull the constitutional convention card while condemning corporate violence against citizens and calling for peace and order.


>Capitalists only respond on day 400
Assume they start making moves as soon as your declaration is made public and rewrite this whole thing.

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Thread for news and discussions of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, its material conditions, the status and health of its socialist tradition, disproving common myths about it, etc.

Archive of the previous DPRK thread:
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Can someone give me the official Marxist line on what happened with the partition of Korea? Was Stalin really as dump as to think halving it wouldn't lead to future issues. Or did they not have the military might or position to get all of Korea. Can someone I plead educate me on this.


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See one too many gays on TV, plywood and sheetrock shack could be worth another $200k

burgerville destroyed I guess….

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What’s your opinion on Joseph Stalin what do you think he was a bad guy or not?
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Also, you still haven't answered for your retarded words about "le arab belt" and how the dam was a plot to ethnically cleanse kurds. Protecting retarded small nation nationalists position against assimilation of their retarded small nations into bigger whole, which would prevented deaths of millions, just so that a bunch of retarded academicians and nationalists would be able to profit off cultural studies, is a peak liberalism and anticommunism. Defending kurds against a VERY FUCKING VALID criticism of kurds serving as a bulwark of imperialism against Syria and arabs, causing millions of deaths and immense suffering, all so that a bunch of Kurdish retards could claim farmland, is a peak reactionary behaviour


after reading this little debate, my opinions about Stalin changed significantly


yea, now i think debates about him are a dead end and retarded.


I disagree with plenty of choices he made, but he had some tough decisions to make and had the most powerful societies in the world at his throat. He's still one of the most important communist leaders and theorists in the past century and there's a lot we can learn from his leadership.
tl;dr what this anon said >>1891022 in the range of 70/30 - 75/25.


He stopped at Berlin
He failed Spain
He failed Greece
He failed Korea
Is main failure is letting his new friendship with FDR/Churchcunt get to his head.
If the Communist had Spain Greece and all of Korea we wouldn't be sitting here lamenting the fall of 91.

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Dump all the seemingly pointless, dubious, and frivolous questions that don't deserve their own shitty threads.

Got a question that's probably been asked a million times before? You're in the right landfill, buddy. Post it here.

Threads that otherwise might go in here will eventually find themselves become merged to this thread.
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1). simple confirmation bias, thats like 15 guys in an entire industry. You could make the same graphic but with irish people cuz ppl literally do all the time(picrel). That being said another explanation is that many of the Jews who immigrated to the US were filmmakers and other creatives involved in the German expressionist movement who decided to get the fuck out of dodge for obvious reasons. This in turn led to a sudden influx of Jewish filmmakers in young Hollywood. Nail Salons and Vietnamese people would be another example of a bunch of intersecting trends leading to a specific business being dis-proportionally ran by an ethnicity.

Nazi posters can only think in terms of them being a protagonist and everything else being an NPC or Orc so the idea that minorities aren't just evil to be evil or there being greater causes for events other than a nefarious conspiracy only they can stop is completely foreign to them.

2). If your not the ethnic/religious minority of a nation than most if not all of the super structural/propaganda shit that exists just isn't for you. Some Ashkenazi guy in the Pale who just got his house burned down by cossacks isn't gonna be super receptive of a greater russian identity or national project quite the opposite actually. You can see a similar dynamic with the disproportionate amount of Kurds in the Turkish Left.


Is "accelerationism" reactionary, reformist, revolutionary, or does it fit into none of those 3 categories? People often fool themselves into thinking that supporting the """bad""" thing is "'"good""" (yes yes, spooks) because it will lead to "revolutionary conditions" by causing the working class to become so miserable that they are forced into doing something.


I don't think any accelerationist has ever accelerated anything in the first place,they just point out to something happening slowly but surely (that they have no power to stop nor enable) and say it's good actually and "it should be worse !"
it doesn't will anything to action in itself.


so it's the performative embrace of the inevitable


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How true is this?

>inb4 /isg/

It's not about e-drama or his internet persona, just the opinion itself.

If workers in the first world ultimately share the same interests with workers in the third world then why do first world workers generally not give a fuck about the third world? Of all the promises bourgois parties lie about to trick people into voting for them ending exploitation in the third world is never one of them and no one in the first world is lamenting the lack of focus on this subject by their governments either. Addressing imperialism and third world exploitation is one of those peripheral subjects few people in the first world seriously care about despite the fact it's the fundament of our global situation. So the more appropriate conclusion is rather that it's either in the interest of first world workers for there to be a continuation of exploitation of the third world and its related imperialism, or first world workers are just apathetic towards it.(>rottenbanana)
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>30% of workers living somewhat better
It‘s not just 30%. Also everyone benefits from the better living conditions here.

>means workers dont have the same interest

Having different interests doesn‘t come from one having more wealth but that their better living standards come from the exploitation of the other. I‘m happy to see you prove that workers of the first world and third world have the same interests but so far all of you are just triggered and failed to prove that.

>in fact you should pit them against one another.

No one said „should“, but it could simply be the case that they do not share the same interests from which logical consequences arise.

Ad hominem that don‘t refute any point.

>Does in the interest of X imply awareness on the part of X.
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>Having different interests doesn‘t come from one having more wealth but that their better living standards come from the exploitation of the other. I‘m happy to see you prove that workers of the first world and third world have the same interests but so far all of you are just triggered and failed to prove that.
Prove they don't.
Also if they dont why should i fight against capitalism?
You sound like a fed.


>Prove they don't.
The burdon of proof is on the person making a positive statement. Also, I basically made my point against them having shared interests in the very statement you quoted.

>You sound like a fed.

I feel like you people are not good at all at arguing your case and therefore resort to anything but reason and evidence.


If you read the text I posted you will see that Lenin places all workers in the world having the same interests, supports imperialism and class conciliation, exists to weaken the workers' movement by creating complacency and then tricking them into demobilization to withdraw the concepts that were offered.

You can see this phenomenon in unions with compromised leadership acting to sabotage the negotiation of ordinary members if there is no process of democratization and wage equalization to disincentivize class traitors.

The very text I mentioned by Lenin already demonstrates any bribery from imperialism is something optional that benefits only a tiny minority that exists only to weaken the other workers without having solidarity to divide them.

I live in a third world country and I know that developmentalism is an illusion, the entire national and international bourgeoisie is already financialized into the financial market and the money does not go to feed the economy but to the speculation of the biggest capitalists who do not pay taxes anyway.

Every time a worker wins in the class struggle everyone else wins and benefits, work is not something scarce that has to be competed with one another, every time a worker is abused in conditions similar to slavery and there is no fight So yes, wage conditions will become precarious altogether.

Marxism does not value who is more oppressed and who is not as a moral value, the proletariat must acquire supreme power by demonstrating its revolutionary role and because the other working classes must act only on what they have in common with the proletariat to advance in class struggle, even some bourgeois may join the communist movement if he acts as a class traitor.

I will give you a tip because the socialist state solves the problem of unemployment with the right to mandatory public employment, reindustrialization with state companies and cooperatives and then planning everything in the socialization of the economy. Just think about the issue of economic sovereignty, energy, food, technological sovereignty and natural resources.

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*If you read the text I posted you will see that Lenin places all workers in the world having the same interests, support for imperialism and class conciliation exists to weaken the workers' movement by creating complacency and then deceiving them into demobilization to withdraw the concessions that were offered in the past that were acquired in the struggle.

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