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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is an economic bloc aiming to reduce dependence on Western financial institutions and promote a multipolar world order. This movement seeks to challenge the dollar-dominated global economy by fostering regional trade alliances, creating alternative payment systems, and expanding economic cooperation among developing nations. Sanctions on Russia, particularly after its actions in Ukraine, and policies during the Trump era—such as trade wars and unilateral decisions—accelerated the push for financial independence from Western systems like SWIFT and the IMF. This shift is reshaping globalism, as countries increasingly prioritize regional trade partnerships and economic self-reliance over integration into a U.S.-led global system. As BRICS expands and champions its own financial mechanisms, the dollar’s role as the global reserve currency faces challenges, reducing its dominance and potentially fragmenting the global economy into autocratic and regional economic blocs.

NOW & Trump's USA:
President Donald Trump's second term, beginning in January 2025, has been marked by a pronounced shift toward economic isolationism, exemplified by the imposition of 25% tariffs on imports from Mexico and Canada, set to take effect on February 1, 2025.This protectionist stance is intended to address issues such as drug trafficking and illegal immigration. In response, Mexico has emphasized its sovereignty and independence, signaling a potential reevaluation of its economic strategies. Facing these tariffs, Mexican businesses are exploring alternative markets in Central America and the Caribbean to mitigate the impact of U.S. trade policies. For instance, companies like Cemex are considering significant investments in the U.S. to align with Trump's pro-business approach, while also seeking to strengthen trade ties within the region. This shift reflects a broader trend where countries are increasingly focusing on regional economic cooperation and self-reliance, potentially leading to a decline in globalism and a move toward more autocratic economic blocs. The imposition of tariffs and the subsequent realignment of trade relationships are contributing to a fragmentation of the global economy, with countries prioritizing regional partnerships over broader international agreements.
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>when society crumbles people will finally adopt marxist ideology

Especially after COVID, it's fashionable to be a lone wolf nowadays. I'm not saying revolution is impossible, it just won't be within our generation (and at least 3 generations after ours). Face it, the 'inevitable' proletarian revolution that M&E envisioned after the worsening of material conditions is fascism.

Is BRICS just a means to an end for creating a Marxist society, or will it actually be a useful alliance in the long run?

BRICS is just an economic alliance anon. Their members just happen to be multipartisan in nature because the bi-product of global competition.


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*multipartisan and we benefactors because-

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I'm still with Bernie
He should have been President

“We are moving rapidly into an oligarchic form of society. Never before in American history have so few billionaires, so few people, have so much wealth and so much power,”

“we must resolve that health care is a human right, not a privilege."
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I remember that time earlier in her career when said reading theory was elitist lmao. It's too bad, because I think she has the heart and candor to really do something in politics.

he will never say the c-word (capitalism)

Sheep dog traitor sell out. Said in the 80s that factories are for fridges and cars then invited Lockheed and Raytheon to Burlington with tax breaks for jobs program and voted for all the wars while calling good people protecting their country from people like him dictators and terrorists.

that word literally means nothing to the masses. It's better to argue about neoclassical economics which by proxy is capitalism today.

if it truly meant nothing, he would say it

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I'm skeptical about the anti-colonial movement ideologically. While it claims to strive towards independence, it also tends to coincide with right wing nationalist movements among former colonies.
I remember reading a write up about this in the case of India. The claims of the British impoverishing the subcontinent of X trillions of dollars came originally from the Marxist anti-colonial camp but were then taken up by the Hindu nationalist movement.
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For anti-colonialist liberal you sure love colonialism when its not done by Europeans.

Moscowite Russians are pretty much Europeans you retard. I'm not the one who wants to balkanize Russia when "Sibiria" is not homogenous entity - if a Sibirian nation wants independence you can ask them, in my experience they are even more Russian nationalists than people from Moscow or Saint Petersburg.

Or are you an American/Canadian/Australian desperately trying to project the complete genocide by your state against the indigenous on Russia and China? Because even in tsarist times Russia never anything disgusting like that.

>>2156534 (me)
Also, non-ethnic Russians are often more supportive of the SMO than the former, especially Muslims and people from the Far East

>nobody in the thread is actually discussing the book
Walter Rodney was wrong in his central thesis that slavery played a huge part in the formation of public holding companies and stock ventures, but he was not wrong that slavery played a key part in developing the colonial world system by providing cheap consumer goods to wage labourers and yeoman farmers in the US. Wallerstein would explain this better even though i have many disagreements with him as a Marxisr

>Moscowite Russians are pretty much Europeans you retard.
Barely. Russia is a fake country with fake artificial "russian ethnicity" being colonial overlords to rest of the hundreds of actual real ethnicities and peoples.
>I'm not the one who wants to balkanize Russia when "Sibiria" is not homogenous entity
Where did I claim this sibiri whatever is homogenous? At least balkanized Russia would anti-colonialist like you liberals like countries to be.


This thread is for the discussion of cybercommunism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
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>>2155410 (me)
watched it now, Lee talks about planning in it, so it is relevant to the thread
the bit about MMT was weak, yes. it largely repeats the Austrian explanation of inflation, that inflation is caused by printing money rather than by capitalists raising prices
what is logistics if not the appropriate regulation of production and distribution?


>the bit about MMT was weak, yes. it largely repeats the Austrian explanation of inflation, that inflation is caused by printing money rather than by capitalists raising prices
Prices are raised because the currency loses value due to an increase in its overall quantity. If you define inflation from the perspective of a currency's value, then money production relates directly to inflation. If you do it through the prices of goods or anything else, it's indirect but only one step removed from money production.

>Prices are raised because the currency loses value due to an increase in its overall quantity.
If you are taking money velocity and output to be fixed. But why would you assume that.

>Prices are raised because the currency loses value due to an increase in its overall quantity. If you define inflation from the perspective of a currency's value, then money production relates directly to inflation. If you do it through the prices of goods or anything else, it's indirect but only one step removed from money production.
perhaps. but money is a rubber band anyway. the reason I emphasize porkies raising prices is because it is an instance of class war. socdems could in principle do a lil' bit of class war back by printing money and spending it on public services. that raises the value of labour power which lowers the rate of exploitation. porky can't have that, so he raises prices in response


Sabotaging the peace deal edition.

Previous thread: >>2151139


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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i have some SBCs in the mail coming from chyna, i can write up a small guide on how to set them up as media centers/NAS/router/etc, how to use debrid and all that stuff for /tech/ when they get here

As for piracy in Russia currently, they deleted a shit ton of music from my playlist at vk.com due to copyright infringement after 2022. It was never an issue before at this scale, but now they are for some reason respecting the glorious Western laws even more. Oh well, I have everything in mp3 in any case, Soulseek is alive, torrents are alive.

It would be a mistake to think Russian techbros are anti-Western. Which makes the Linux purge and Telegram guy getting arrested in France more funny.

wtf is even a tech-bro apart from a twitter buzzword

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Lots of people hype Capital vol. 1 up as the most obtuse and difficult thing ever written. And yeah it kind of is at times, but I think there is such a popular consciousness about it being impossible to get into which isn't true. In reality it's not too hard that most people can't read it. It's long because it explains itself in detail. It gets kind of fun to read, even. There are also lots of people who act like stuck up academics and don't try to explain it or only explain it in the most obtuse way possible. They squabble over simple things and try to make everything a super complicated academic debate. They are the reason we haven't gotten a good modern translation of capital that is debloated.

I just was thinking about some practical advice to help get people through reading it so I'll share that now.

1. Get a physical copy as well as having it open online. Reading it physically is much easier, but also having it online means you can search through it quicker. This will help you a lot, I stuggled to get through it reading online until I bought a copy (they are really cheap second hand because a lot of them were printed).

2. The first two parts are the hardest to get through (at least they were for me). They are really long and technical and you really have to pay attention to it all in order to understand the rest of the book. It gets a LOT easier after part 2, but that just means you have to work extra hard at the beginning. You have to pay attention.

3. You can skim read a decent amount of it, especially the shorter chapters. You don't need to hear about Ricardo or John Stuart Mill tbh. I know this will piss people off but you don't need to read that much of the primitive accumulation part for example. But if you don't understand it you have to read it properly. Basically don't make it longer than you have to.

4. Things are sometimes explained badly and there's a lot of bloat. You might understand it fine if you heard it in another way. Some things will need to be simplified in your head so you can understand it because they are described more complicated than they actually are. Simplifying it isn't a problem, it's a good way of letting yourself understand it.

5. If you really don't get it, make a note of what you're finding difficult and either read on or ask online. Often things are explained better later in the book, or if they aren't it's actually probably pretty simple and you just have to aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>such as
The German Ideology
Critique of the Gotha Program
Economic Manuscripts
On the Jewish Question
Origin of the Family
Dialectics of Nature
18th Brumaire
Holy Family
Value Price Profit
Wage Labor Capital
Principles of Communism
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>you end up with theory like… deleuze

>In D&R Deleuze has a chapter on dialectics that probably answers your question. He basically says that the only use of dialectics is in forming problems. It doesn't model the world or tell you much about anything actual because everything that exists is positive. The negation of the dialectic never had form so why bother with it. Deal with the remainder that has actual form.

>Deleuze proposes a positive dialectics where the empirical interacts with sense as a method to form good problems. So basically you have the actual world and you have a sense of what it could do. You test this sense by interaction with the world. Can sense be made actual? This difference between sense and the emperical becomes how one forms good problems by iterating through repetitions of testing sense against the world.

>Deleuze, indeed, had a deep comprehension of Hegel's roots, and indeed failed not to eliminate them and twist dialectics on its head. You could say that not just for Hegel, and not even the whole of German Idealism, but for the very basic ancient Platonism. That is why D&R, most of all, is seen by some as a miracle book: it twists the very core of idealism on its head.

>Go to the section on the Image of Thought in D&R. That "image" is, basically, in a sense, Hegelian dialectics. The image is useful, but it is an image, like one in a mirror, and not the other way around.

>That is, dialectical thinking is not antithetical to Deleuze's thought, for he did not try to overthrow it by trashing it away. What he did was account for the deeper processes and categories underlying the dialectical process, and, in doing so, showed how dialectics in itself is "incomplete", it suffers an incompleteness as part of something greater, something that he tried to characterize. Without dialectics, he even goes on to say, one cannot find this underlying stratum, or strata, from which dialects (and dialectics) emerges.

>Both responses also reaffirm the reading of Deleuze, as someone who is much closer to who he is critical of than he himself puts it, and I do susPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>apparently they have been teaching kids to read by guessing what words mean from context. that would definitely explain a lot
wtf. when i was a kid they told you to go the library and pick up a fucking dictionary. And now we have free dictionaries on our phone. what the fuck is happening

No one is reading 42 books a year unless it is novella sized books or they don’t have a job. Quantity is also a terrible indicator of literacy as there is plenty of easy to read trash. I’ve struggled over theory pamphlets in the same time I could have ripped through a genre fiction trilogy.

Many midwits consider speed reading to be some intellectual feat.

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Trump wants U.S., China and Russia to cut military spending in half
Trump is looking to convince the U.S. adversaries to cut their defense spending while also getting them to commit to denuclearization. "We're all spending a lot of money that we could be spending on other things that are actually, hopefully much more productive," Trump said from the Oval Office. he president said he's going to meet with China and Russia, "and I'm going to say there's no reason for us to be spending almost a trillion dollars on military."

Ukraine rejects Trump bid to take rights to half its mineral reserves
Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent offered Zelenskyy the deal during a visit to Kyiv on Wednesday, which came after President Donald Trump suggested the US was owed half a trillion dollars’ worth of Ukraine’s resources in exchange for its assistance to the war-torn country.

Simcox out as counter-extremism commissioner in Home Office shakeup
In a statement on Friday, the Home Office also said it had abolished the role of independent adviser on political violence and disruption. That post had been held until recently by Lord Walney (John Woodcock), a former Labour MP now sitting as an independent peer in the House of Lords.

100,000 protest in Brussels against Arizona coalition’s austerity and attacks on rights
100,000 people, led by trade unions, took to the streets of Brussels on Thursday, February 13, to protest the anti-worker policies of the newly appointed Arizona coalition government. The demonstrators demanded respect for labor rights, including pension policies that ensure dignified lives, as well as the protectionPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thank you news homey ❤️

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anyone ever tried to download wikipedia

You first!

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There seems to be an idea among leftists that we must utilize the same strategies as other, previous revolutionary movements. Most notably, the concept of people's war seems to be at the forefront of Western leftist political thought. The left, such as it is, is utterly paralyzed and unwilling to do anything substantial because they lack a critical mass of popular support. They believe that they cannot act, and should not act, until the majority of the people are behind them and their struggle. Yet, they cannot gain any real popular support and make excuses about the pervasiveness of state propaganda and power.

However, this is an error. The simple fact is, the vast majority of westerners are opposed to Communism, in both a ideological and material sense. They are NOT just one speech away from becoming Communists, quite the contrary, they are only one crisis away from becoming fascists. The system benefits them and provides you with a good standard of living, explicitly at the expense of everyone else on earth. The average westerner is fully aware of this (if you doubt, ask them where their Nikes and Funko Pops come from. They will tell you about the kids in sweatshops even as they buy more), and still supports the system willingly under a concept of "better them than me" and a general sense of powerlessness. The fact that Donald Trump has been elected twice, and the second time his opponent's primary political stance was open and unambiguous support of the worst genocide since the Holocaust, should be all the evidence that is necessary of this truth.

The Western left is stunted ideologically and incapable of analyzing the material conditions of their own nations and then formulating a new path towards communism. Rather, they insist on simply copying older methods, used for vastly different material conditions and trying to shoehorn them into their own struggle.

To give an example, in Lenin's time, Russia faced a series of external crises (war) which led to the collapse of the state and the ability to wage a revolution. Furthermore, the Tsarist system intentionally denied education and held the masses in a system of slavery in everything but name, wherein your average peasant suffered from such extreme poverty and deprivation that your average westerner could not even imagine it.

In China, there was a similar system of brutal feudalism and external crises (invasion, century of humiliation, forced Opium importation) tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Wasn't the Russian Empire "evil" too cause they were founded from day one as a monarchist feudal empire? What does that matter for the prospects of a future revoluton? Ok maybe after a revolution it isn't called "United States" anymore. And? Is this discussion just going in circles about holllow aesthetics?

The Russian empire was not founded on the extermination of the native people and their replacement with white settler colonialists, is the main difference.


lmao imagine being so stupid you think KKKlanada has sovereignty and isn't just an arm of the United States

>The Russian empire was not founded on the extermination of the native people

Siberian native people were not exterminated at all. There was also not a racial caste system. Siberia was also barely governed . In many cases the Russian Empire had on paper annexation where they set up trade posts and say that they are a part of Russia. And they retain much of the way of life they lived before Russia came along. Same thing when the Soviets swept through. Ironically the Soviets were the ones that really mass introduced Russian to many native Siberians. America always wants to compare their Manifest Destiny to Siberia. It's just a reflection so they can minimize how genocidal they were towards Native Americans

The Native Siberians still mostly live on their land, speak their languages and practice some form of their traditional cultures.

They were not exterminated at all, nor were they replaced with Russians. In fact, prior to the implementation of Soviet power, most of Siberia was uninhabited by Russians. It was not until the USSR came, and moreover, the urgent need to relocate industry outside of the range of Nazi bombers emerged, that Siberia was settled en masse and industrialized.

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There should be a Marxist advice column where a theory head drills down into the economic basis for peoples personal/identity issues. Instead, Marxists tend to write about random bullshit instead of what the people care about. Something like the Maoist idea of listening to the people but a bit more decentralized.

>advice column

Holy liberalism.

A lot of socialists use curiouscat and other anonymouse ask boxes. They just don't claim to be some advice guru since those are just inherently scams.

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I'd love to believe that, I really would, but you clearly have no idea about the history of CAlt and can be dismissed until you give strong evidence.

They're wreckers and are materially anti-socialist despite their beliefs, but they're not a front.

should we be worried about the National Socialist Network?

Oh shit, this was the dumbass who got arrested in front of the technion protest. Police grabbed his ass quick, rare pig win.

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