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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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497 posts and 125 image replies omitted.

>>1940559 (me)

olvidé subir el que culmina el 2025. El de hasta el 2031 aún no está listo porque están aún los congresos tomando información sobre qué quiere y puede hacerse.

¿por que el hilo latino es tan inactivo comparado a casi todos los demas generales? parece que a la juventud bilingue latina se la comio /pol/

Tantos llorandolo como defensor de democrazy, y que era inocente, cuando se la pasó fingiendo estar enfermo para no ir a la cárcel
Bueno, muchos aún no conocen leftypol, otros andan en lemmygrad y odian este sitio, y otros son retardados polacos de dickscord

Aqui en PR estan dandole duro a la propaganda anti-comunista en estas elecciones y estan llamando hasta a los mas de centro-izquierda Comunistas y aliados con el regimen de Maduro, Venezuela, etc. y metiendo miedo de que EEUU nos va a quitar todo etc.


que opinan de esto?

hace 60 años los imbéciles no se hubieran conformado con sólo propaganda de miedo, sino que eeuu les invirtiera millones. ahora ni millones, y peor, la propaganda es chimba.
en especial porque quien fue represivo en PR fueron los gringos, y bastante.
literal, el escritor René Márquez escribió una obra teatral llamada "La muerte no entrara en palacio" que es una crítica a los cobardes que no siguieron el camino a independizarse de eeuu, y no sólo se le obligó a exiliarse, la obra teatral fue censurada en Puerto Rico.

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How's things going up there?

There seems to be a lot of shit going on in Canadian Communism in the last few years, with the rise and fall of the PCR-RCP, then the development of the IMT in Canada, and now the formation of New Communist Party of Canada.


They have a fairly detailed programme, that I would appreciate some people's thoughts on here.
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>be rob ford
>smoke crack multiple times
>hangs out in the literal hood of toronto with has friends in toronto street gangs
>basically known as a rowdy angry drunk
>still not as corrupt and shitty as his brother
>he's fucking dead and his brother will probably run ontario until 2027

Truly the kind of representation our decaying post-industrial countries need.
necromancer fags BRING HIM BACK

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ACP first has to fix america. Then we can talk about canada.
>Canadia is practically the 51st state already.

You would have had Lenin shot for being the child of a wealthy government official.

saging this. Leafs make a new one

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>open ballot
>[1] Labor
>[2] Greens
>the word 'N𝐢ggers'
>no other markings

Does anyone else remember how rodney william ansell, the original "crocodile dundee" and one of the most beloved australians, died from the enforcement of gun control laws in australia? They blamed it on amphetamines after they killed him to pass it off as the unfortunate result of a drug addiction.

I was there that day. The corporate media narrative is insane, they are fuming. Especially the incredulous comments from the police chief who said, "they are anti-war so presumably they are anti-violence m8" When they are the ones that imported police from interstate, used capsicum spray, U.S. grade riot weapons and charged "muh poor horses" straight into people. All of this to protect some of the worst cunts on the face of the Earth.

Of course, normies in this country hate protests. I'm absolutely sick of the apathy.

>they are fuming
how so?
>I'm absolutely sick of the apathy.
Normal people don't care. They want their paper number to go up the The Block to be on. Australians will not act, they react and only once the catalyst's effects are felt long after their initiation.

Commercial television is dying and their execs are being caught in all sorts of sex scandals. Nine journalists have just had a strike while their boss was on a multi-million dollar holiday for the Olympics. There was also an open letter signed by journos criticising the coverage in Gaza which led to mass resignations. The only thing sustaining their narrative is gambling ads. So yeah they are fuming that they have to run cover for this stuff in between defamation cases against rape victims.

I accept that most people don't care, but I do. At this point I don't want to be held karmically responsible for sleepwalking into world war 3.


/leftybritpol/ - UK General
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Sounds like you're just avoiding the question?
We're talking about winter fuel payments and who should be given them.
You can means test and have a majority of the population qualify whilst excluding the very rich. Do you have any evidence that wouldn't be cost effective?
And I absolutely believe in everyone having access to free healthcare, rich and poor. Though the NHS is highly inefficient and in many areas ineffective, with its reputation not what it was compared to other countries. The comparison to the American healthcare system is lazy. How about Norway and France?
It does us no favours to pretend the NHS isn't crumbling.
Though again, that's a completly different topic to what I originally asked

>Where did you hear about it?
SUTR are calling for counters. There is a long planned Robinson Demo in London apparently/

Honestly, unless you live in some norfern shithole don't waste your time on the counters.
The right will be outnumbered by hundreds to one if they even bother to turn out, so it'll just be a back-patting session the libs will all turn up to knowing their is 0 risk, all whilst the police use it as a good opportunity to profile you.
Probably worth it if you live in birmingham or some shit though.



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I'll make this brief. /leftypol/ was offline from around September 9, 2024 (Monday) until September 12, 2024 (Thursday). This was due to a hard disk failure on the server. When the split happened a few years ago, one of the previous mods/admins rented a bare metal server from a company (as opposed to a VPS/virtual machine instance) for us to host /leftypol/ on. As a result the hardware was not abstracted away. We were unable to boot the machine. Furthermore this individual, having paid for the server in advance, has since gone missing and has been so for at least 34 weeks. We were unable to log into the cloud account due to it sending his email address confirmation message which we were obviously unable to access. As a result, we could not ask the hosting company for support. Also as a result, the only thing we had access to was the cloudflare and a dated sql dump+copy of the source code. As far as I know, the media files (including pdfs), wiki, minecraft server, leftypol tv, etc. are all gone and even if the aforementioned individual returns, its possible that it still won't be able to be recovered due to the fact that they were on a hard disk that failed.

In order to rebuild /leftypol/ we had to secure new hosting, spin up and configure a server with software, firewall, etc. transfer and fix+configure the vichan/lain/leftypol source code, and load the SQL database dump, as well as configure cloudflare. This process was painstaking and slow. I suppose this goes to show the precarious nature of /leftypol/ in that both the domain name (paid for 10 years in advance and donated to the current mod team) and hosting have/are being paid by one individual as a passion project.

We are working diligently to secure backups so this will not happen again in the future.

Thank you for your patience - tech jannies
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hey im not from here but this asshole from soyjak party is trying to raid you dudes https://soyjak.party/soy/thread/8586464.html#8587592

Nobody was advocating for pedophiles ITT. So now you're equating explaining the site rules with pedo advocacy.

Kind of obvious the concern trolls aren't from here and just trying to exploit the outage for drama.


you get banned from subreddits for making basic Marxian points. I wouldn't hold out hope of it being less shit

Moved to >>>/meta/35120.

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This article https://www.piratewires.com/p/oakland-defund-police-movement-earl-harper-lateefah-simon is written by a Zionist funded organization to promote right-wing oligarchy and ignore Palestine protests.


It illustrates the problem with not militantly opposing the grifters who wrap themselves in leftist language.

Leftism in 美国 cannot advance until such elements are fully removed and discredited. These grifters are the public image and unfortunately the reality of the left wing of American politics. such grifters out to be kicked out and denounced. These grifters are part of the same complex that denounces Palestinian resistance. If you encounter them run them out, they create the most potent enemies of leftism. Their hypocrisy and collaboration makes them the first obstacle to creating an actual leftist movement in 美国

short excerpt
>The Anti Police-Terror Project — co-founded by Earl Harper — gave at least $800,000 to organizations run by Harper and at which his mother and, until recently, wife are board members, along with $55,000 to the personal LLC of APTP’s vice president.
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“How could a professionally managed organization, that isn’t aligned to any specific government, do things that harm governments for its own benefits.

I agree with defund the police but anarch movements and influencers are almost always shills for American imperialism or nihilistic grifters. Even Chomsky helped Epstein move money around and took paycheck from the American military. I'm jaded with it. BLM was also managed by shills, though that wasn't a very centralized movement so it did less damage.
>bro that's so old dude they just stopped doing it lol

we can easily abolish the police by conscripting every american into the military and deputizing them all equally so law enforcement becomes entirely democratic.

more NGO malfeasance https://sfstandard.com/2024/07/22/san-francisco-dream-keeper-intiative-black-community-whistleblower/
>Dream Keeper’s director, Sheryl Davis, who also leads the city’s Human Rights Commission, recently became the subject of a whistleblower complaint containing 20 allegations of impropriety.
>SF Black Wall Street, a nonprofit that advocates for Black entrepreneurship, has received more than $2.3 million through Dream Keeper, according to city officials. But nearly a third of that money was spent on just two Juneteenth parties: black-tie galas in 2023 and 2024 that cost more than $700,000 to produce. That is more than the total amount ($660,000) SF Black Wall Street has spent on small business grants, according to city officials.

lmao it goes on

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Organizing via hobbies and non-work communities?

Is this a viable route? Let's say you play a lot of fighting games, you know people, these are your friends, is it worth it to start that dialogue about communism in these groups? Could this be an effective means of organizing in the "gig economy" era of hyper-neoliberal individualism?
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Useless artist idiot detected, cry some more as you get replaced with AI. The 'grievances' of 'artists' will never be legitimate grounds for class struggle. Only the proletariat represents the aspirations of general labor, not useless fat faggots playing MTG or whatever the fuck you are doing
Artists, writers, and other 'creative workers' aren't 'entitled' to anything on the basis of their 'work' whatsoever. No amount of 'organizing' or 'protesting' can make up for a lack of sufficient taste and talent.

Exactly, OP is no different from a crackhead accosting strangers on the subway who just want to enjoy the free time they have left between shifts or whatever
This is what happens when 'communism' is an identity and a lifestyle - isn't identity politics apparently 'banned' on this dogshit board?

Don't make it your life, don't pretend it's doing much, but yes you can spread class consciousness through your communities. Communists I knew online helped introduce me to socialist ideas years before I had a full-time job and long before I met another socialist in real life.

Education is education.

>being this bad at talking to people
skill issue comr8

yeah i realized that I didn't know any of my neighbors and figured some neighborhood events could happen
some buddies I know are big in the Tekken 8 scene so we got them to come out, gives the kids something to do as well

learned the guy 4 houses down from me is in the road workers union, so that's cool, I've been trying to covertly organize at the mcdonalds I work nights at so maybe he has some tips there. Already planning with some new friends in the neighborhood when to do the next one, with school starting again, could be good to do a supply drive.

good to know people irl

you can tell who has issues talking to people irl


Is the story of Polish Haitians a myth? Every time I see people arguing whether or not the Haitian revolution was a genocide I see people rush to point out that the Haitians let Poles live, but I've found evidence that this is a fake story.
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>You're literally just reinforcing everything I said. Haiti has no culture.

You: they have no culture and therefore are invalid

Me: they had to create their own culture syncretized from colonial elements because they were literally enslaved and had their own cultures erased

not the same message, dipshit

>Mfw you have an essentialist, spooked conception of culture
Literally muh proud Aryan heritage rhetoric in a pathetic attempt to sound vaguely Marxist
>Uhhh it’s cobbled together identities and cultures, not A culture
The former is literally all “ a culture” is to Marxists

> They still act generically Black
Lmao what the actual fuck does this even mean pigskin buffoon?

>Yes, you have sacked Rome but did you consider that you use the Latin alphabet?

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> They still act generically Black
you know what they means.

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>orthodox marxist
>marxist leninist
>anarcho communism
>democratic socialism
>socio democracy

So on and on, but I wonder what of those actually is true in the sense the really capture how the world truly works, what leftypol thinks is the really one that really understand the world?
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just like there is one true church!

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>Marxism: the working class ideology

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The only real difference is praxis.

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Ok, leftypol, you're right. what's a better form of protest? suicide or homicide? both hurt the bourgeoisie.

>both hurt the bourgeoisie
no they dont. capital is like hydra; cut off one head and two grow in its place.

>suicide or homicide? both hurt the bourgeoisie.

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