>>2083462The left got pulled into the trap of justifying their politics in the name of normative ethics rather then material interest.
Workers in the 60s and 70s weren't LESS racist or less inately to suspetable to far right demegaugery; if anything they were more so. The difference that was the reason the majority of working class americans voted democrat in those days was simply that the left spoke about its policies in the lens of material interest.
lt wasn't that the left's "values" were less antagonistic to the values of the day in american (again if anything they were MORE so) its just that the left talked about them in a way which argued at least that the abolition of these socially reactionary trends would be a benefit to everyone.
Ending Racism wasn't just a good unto itself, it would allow for better labour orgaization across racial lines and thus higher wages for everyone.
Ending sexism wouldn't just be "nice to girls" or whatever it would lower the stress put on single income producers to be the soul bread winners in their family.
All this ended when the left let a bunch of cia plants redefine the struggles of racism and sexism as endemic to american society rather then an unatural product of an unnaturally unequal society.
lt was a reactionary framing of the question and to many fucking ""Marxists"" who had read to much Gramchi and not enough Marx were more then happy to go along with it in the fallout of the collapse of the berlin wall and the percieved collapse of international socialism that came with it.
lt's a reactionaries world now.
Whether people liked Obama or not is beside the point.
Obama and his ilk AGREED with the fundemental arguments of the right and were stupid enough to seriously say
>"YES your god damn RlGHT anti-racism harms white males!">"YES your god damn RlGHT anti-sexism harms white males!">"That's because white males are """oppressors"""" and were going to overthrow because we're oh so moral!">We'll all just cutt our dicks off because of how fucking enlightened and post-gendered we are!!!"Post too long. Click here to view the full text.