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But… have we actually tried reversing the accumulation of capital so that it isn't concentrated into the hands of a few? This seems to be the best argument against capitalism that I've seen, yet I don't really see any argument for why we can't simply legislatively undo accumulation through tax, seizures, etc other than 'noo they wont let us'. Granted that's a problem but it doesn't strike me as a necessarily true statement? Why *can't* we just have social democracy that progresses into socialism possibly later. Why do we necessarily have the dichotomy of 'socialism or barbarism'?

i dunt get it
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>changing the mode of production from feudalist to a few decades of bureaucrat-directed planned economy and surplus extraction from peasants followed by collapse of the regime into regular ass capitalism is socialist


>socialism is when the state decides to accelerate industrialisation


If u rly think this, then I guess socialism is just a political vehicle by which third world feudal societies propel themselves into capitalism and fades away as soon as the conditions for that are accomplished.


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Problem, femanon? #trump2024


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>changing the mode of production from feudalist
It wasn't feudalist. It was capitalist with semi-feudal remnants.
>to a few decades of bureaucrat-directed
It was party directed. Bureaucratic elements emerged later due to party line splits.
>surplus extraction from peasants
???, most of the gains from socialist development was from integrating the peasantry into the system and gradually proletarianizing them. Under a capitalist system the peasantry would have been oppressed much much worse than any supposed exploitation done under either the soviets or the maoists.
>collapse of the regime into regular ass capitalism is socialist
This is reductionist reasoning. Socialist projects can fail and collapse and revert back to capitalism. Proto-capitalist projects failed/where destroyed by feudal lords way back when. This doesn't mean that everything these projects achieved are just to be handwaved away because the society changed and eventually collapsed into something else.
>socialism is when the state decides to accelerate industrialisation
Who is in control of this state? That is the key question. Read Marx. There is an intrinsic line between the productive forces and socialization.
>socialism is just a political vehicle by which third world feudal societies propel themselves into capitalism
No. There are no feudal societies today. Remnants, sure. Everything is capitalist. The transition towards socialist development today (after a social revolution ofc) would be greatly expedited because of this fact (this is why fascists attempt to destroy productive forces). We have the means to make socialism happen. Many problems faced by the first socialist projects were due to them not having the benefits of a fully industrialized society (electricity, running water, machines etc), so they had to industrialize as well as safeguard themselves from invasion. This has been twisted by revisionists as an excuse to rehaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Has anyone else noticed that the NYTimes' comment sections have become increasingly reactionary the past 4 months?

Obviously, the NYTimes isn't exactly a leftist newspaper but all this time I've been reading it the comment section has always been filled with people making fun of conservatives and right wingers but this no longer seems to be the case. There's even pro-Trump comments regularly appearing among the top most "recommended" (upvoted) ones.

Just making a thread about it cause I find it peculiar. Do you think liberals are being radicalized into right-wingers? Or is there a covert op going on?
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I don't have pics of the Trump comments but this recent article about the right winning in France had most of the top comments being something about "le muslamic immigrants", "let the people speak", "what's the worst that could happen teehee", etc


>trumpies are buying subscriptions for nyt just so they can post comments on nyt
Jfc, trump occupies your head just as much as the average lib nyt reader lmao


news addict thread


All of those are just programs which are created to stain public opinion of MAGA


I heard from some anti zionist jews that aft oct 7 a large number or liberals in the community suddenly switched as if a fascism button suddenly popped in their head.

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Linguist and activist Noam Chomsky hospitalized in his wife’s native country of Brazil after stroke
Valeria Chomsky said via email that her 95-year-old husband is in a Sao Paulo hospital, where she took him on an ambulance jet with two nurses once he could more easily travel from the United States following the June 2023 stroke. The couple has had a residence there since 2015.

Milei reform bill hangs in balance as riots rage outside Argentine Congress
The main left-leaning Peronist opposition bloc, closely allied to the unions, is likely to vote down what is known as the "bases" bill and a separate fiscal package. The main bill includes plans for privatizing public firms, granting special powers to the president and spurring investment.

Colombia’s teachers strike over pending education reform
The compromise agreed between the minister and the opposition includes the “opening of education to the market under the pretext of improving quality,” which would make it more difficult for poor people to get decent education, and higher education in particular. Fecode and Osorio additionally accused Vergara of agreeing to the controversial compromises without consulting with the teachers and their union.

Israel pushes out dozens of aid workers by not extending visas
Since the war in Gaza began eight months ago, Israeli authorities have been quietly hindering the work of NGOs by not issuing temporary work visas to aid workers, nor renewing existing ones. Dozens of foreigners working for NGOs focusing their work in Palestine have had to leave their Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Fuck you too, man


>Starmer promises ‘long-term strategy’ in business-friendly Labour manifesto
Bongland is gonna keep being a dumpster with that


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>US lifts ban on sending weapons to Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
fuc k this shit


all the media are saying the brigade with a far-right past. but to question it now is Russian disinformation


>the brigade with a far-right past
"I used to be a nazi. I'm still a nazi but I used to be too."

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Articles, pictures, or videos. Don't be a /pol/fag of course.
>The Samson Option is a phrase used to describe Israel’s strategy of massive nuclear retaliation against "enemy" nations should its existence as a Jewish state be jeopardized through military attack. Israeli leaders created the term in the mid-1960s, inspired by the Biblical figure Samson, who destroyed a Philistine temple, killing himself and thousands of Philistine enemies. Originally a strategy of last resort retaliation - even if it means Israel’s annihilation - it has developed into being a nuclear bullying strategy to further Israel’s territorial goals through threats and blackmail. Israel has bullied not only Arab and Muslim nations, but the United States and Russia with its Samson Option threats. Mordechai Vanunu has alleged that Israel uses for purposes of blackmail its ability to "bombard any city all over the world, and not only those in Europe but also those in the United States."

>Martin van Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, was quoted in 2003 giving explicit support of the Samson Option: "Most European capitals are targets for our air force … we have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."

very reasonable country

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Irrespective of how subjectively morally appealing it may seem, every step in the direction of stricter state surveillance and censorship by definition means the forging of an apparatus that will be utilized ruthlessly against a potential proletarian movement in the future. This applies to every single scenario where dimwitted losers cry out for more state intervention to censor anything from casteism to anti-Muslim rhetoric.
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What if instead of censoring them, civilians beat them on the street? Would you still cry about these "anti-muslim rhetoric people"?


In principles of communism doesnt engels say that the state should own all means of communication and the soviet union also had censorship. "Marxism" isnt on the side of freeze peach. That is a contemporary revision.


every modern state already possesses the technology and apparatus required to censor speech, and persecute speech, it's just that they employ it when they deem it necessary, and in the west, imprisoning someone over a reddit post is not yet seen as necessary

so the whole premise is empty
in principle, there is no free speech and never has been, and in practice, the apparatus is already there and always has been


"cheering" implies a level of participation that doesn't exist. put purposefully awkwardly: in a situation of no agency, schadenfreude maximizes utility.


You don't think about it scientifically or historically. The very idea that it was Stalin who destroyed USSR through signing order to create NKVD is retarded

Like, I read Dark Imperium books (about Guilliman) recently. It's shit, third one is good, sue me. So, one of the themes is that Guilliman made laws 10k years ago, and now has to be a hypocrite because today the requirements of age are totally different from 10k years ago. It's probably the Anglo regimes precedent rule stifling their brains - they cannot comprehend that the laws are supposed to be modified, cut and improve, not fucking be a pain in the ass just because of muh tradition. And Guilliman is supposed to be the effective statecraft guy!

This is what you are arguing about, essentially - that laws made under certain conditions will be bad under different conditions, or may lead to them, or some shit. This kind of understanding of a society development goes against class character of the state. You think that laws that benefitted workers will somehow be a trap that'll lead proletariat to enslavement. This is an utterly retarded concept out of fantasy books

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Euroach “socialists” be like:

>Ackshually it’s a good thing the fascists are in power and anyway they aren’t really fascists, they're based multipolarists they just wanna kill Arabs and Africans which is actually based and communist

How tf can you euroid scum be more of a settler than actual fucking settlers?

It's kinda funny how Trump lost an election tailored for reactionary scum to win (yes, America is not a democracy, land matters more than people's votes here) over brown children locked in immigration camps, yet literal nazis get elected in the euroach by popular vote whenever they promise to use live bullets at starving refugees, you euroaches are the scum of the world and I'll remain on that hill(Cringe thread with a cringe OP. Saged.)
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Adding that to my lexicon


But the USA has a lot to gain from keeping Israel. Most everyone else, not speaking for USA policy are deranged pick-mes currying favor by proxy. It rings different idk. Like the German servile, self demeaning way of practically thanking the USA for blowing up Nordstream.


why do i believe a constant bombardment of propaganda disguised with civility by the president of the united states has the capacity to influence more people than an inflammatory statement of deportation by some wannabe german fake country residing ass cuck?
gee i don't know, sorry


communism has no country

>EVERY Palestinian should be forcefully deported to Jordan, not even the most batshit crazy zionist politician in America ever said something like this
>said something

sir this is a materialist board


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>Euroach “socialists” be like
please provide at least one (1) example of this

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Just stop.

Drugs are bad for mental and physical health, drugs destroy lives, drugs mate it easier for the pigs to lock you up drugs make you smell bad, drugs cost wages.

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Without Ritalin the movement will collapse. Also it's legal I've got a diagnosis.


did communist movements of the past need ritalin? Did they accomplish more?

Drugs are bad


umm but have you considered that i like them??


you can keep liking them, just stop doing them


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Colombia plans to provide medical treatment to Palestinian children injured in Israel-Hamas war
Colombia’s Deputy Minister of Multilateral Affairs Elizabeth Taylor Jay told reporters the children would travel with their families to Colombia for rehabilitation. She did not provide further details, including the number of children who would receive treatment, when they would arrive in Colombia or how long they would remain in the country.

Runner up in Colombia’s presidential election sentenced to 5 years over corruption
The former presidential candidate and leader of the “League of Anti-Corruption Governors” party had already been convicted in March. In the conviction, the judge confirmed that Hernandez illegally granted a contract to process waste from the city of Bucaramanga to a company that had promised a $666,000 commission to his son.

Brazil seeks pro-Bolsonaro rioters who fled to Argentina
Brazil has asked Argentina for information about dozens of supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro seeking refuge in the neighboring country to avoid legal consequences for rioting in Brasília last year as part of an alleged coup attempt. Brazilian police officials said the request was a precursor to possible extradition requests.

ITUC says workers' rights are crumbling under mounting attacks from employers
It says the 10 worst countries for trades unions are Bangladesh, Belarus, (with 42 union officials still in jail), Ecuador, Egypt, Eswatini, Guatemala, Myanmar, the Philippines, Tunisia and Turkey. Twenty-two trade unionists were killed in Bangladesh, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Bus Carrier Coach USA Goes Bankrupt After Ridership Drops
Bus company Coach USA, owner of the Megabus brand and commuter bus lines connecting New York and New Jersey, filed for bankruptcy, saying it was unable to recover from a decline in ridership brought on by the pandemic. The company owes creditors between $100 and $500 million, according to its Chapter 11 petition filed Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware. Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code is designed to allow companies to keep operating while they shed debt and reorganize.

‘Pervasive failings’: Phoenix police kill civilians without justification, US says
In a first finding of its kind against any US police department, the justice department also concluded that Phoenix police unlawfully detain unhoused people and dispose of their belongings. The justice department further uncovered police discrimination against people with behavioral health disabilities when officers are dispatched to help with people in crisis, and found that police had violated the rights of people engaged in protected speech.

Gov. Hochul considering banning people from wearing masks on NYC subways
Gov. Kathy Hochul says she is exploring at least a partial ban on masks in the New York City subway system after images and videos of masked anti-Israel protesters on a train ricocheted around social media earlier this week.

DeSantis Declares EmergencyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


CPP Calls On Filipino People To Reject Marcos “Bagong Pilipinas” Indoctrination And Deception Campaign
The Filipino people and their revolutionary forces reject and oppose the indoctrination and grand deception campaign of the US-Marcos fascist regime. This campaign is contained in Marcos’ recent order to recite a pledge and sing a hymn dedicated to his false conception of a “Bagong Pilipinas.” The “Bagong Pilipinas” indoctrination campaign is no different from his father dictator’s “Bagong Lipunan” that sought to cover-up the abuses of martial law and prettify Marcos’ tyrannical rule. Marcos Jr’s concept of a “Bagong Pilipinas” is a slew of empty and fraudulent phrases. It is a reflection of his false “landslide” victory, and will be used to cover-up the fraud and deception of upcoming elections to reinforce the Marcos dynastic rule. Marcos’ mind manipulation campaign aims to numb the consciousness of the people by obscuring the old decrepit system and the root problems of foreign domination, fascist repression and feudal oppression.

From Boston to Palestine: Student Encampments Began in Peace and Ended in Handcuffs
It’s impossible to think of Greater Boston without acknowledging the importance of its students and universities. Harvard University, the first college in the United States of America, is the most identifiable, often followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Boston University, Boston College, Emerson College, and Northeastern are other notable universities that attract students from all over the world. Therefore, when campus encampments sprung up across the country, it came as no surprise when many began in Greater Boston. On April 21, 2024, students at Tufts, MIT, and Emerson began pitching tents on their campuses, declaring three different Palestine solidarity encampments. The encampments were fueled by student volunteers and community donations. They overflowed with tents, signs, and tables filled with food and drinks. Medics and medical supplies were provided, but there was also music, chanting, dancers, and art. At Tufts, in SPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon

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Normally federations are only discussed in science fiction, because most countries are not at the level of political progress to exist as federations. However, the deterioration of party politics in countries like South Africa, America, the Sahel states, increasing trade opportunities between neighbouring states across the African continent, and an increasing portion of the North Atlantic countries (what some call the ‘west’) might contribute to the rise of federalist policies and centralized governance in the coming years. What are your beliefs and proposals for the federalization of Southeast Asian, African, and South American countries?


federations are not a mark of political progress they are just other countries LARPing as USA. Germany is a federation because the US rebuilt them after WW2.

Federal system is based on confederation which is a native american idea based on a native american alliance which was in whats now the midwest.


Nuh uh. Human unity has been a process starting even before the Holocene. Federalism is just a stage in that process that precedes just before total human political unification.


The alliance of sahel countries is more like a confederacy than a federation. Usually a federation is more centralized under a single federal authority rather than a conglomeration of independent countries willingly choosing to become one, with their governments intact but the only difference being the establishment of a unifying government through consent.


If the Sahel states fully form as a formal confederation (which given the direction the continent in general is heading in it probably will), if the state is going to become federalized anyways, because it’s more tax-efficient to run centralized governments anyways.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that the Chinese government and the CPC are deliberately sabotaging efforts to implement fordist principles into the country’s manufacturing sector, so the country’s industrial labour force remains cheap and readily exploitable for literally the entirety of the planet (yes even the ‘poor countries’ of the world). I believe that there is no other explanation for how the both governments can host about record economic growth and exports, while the country’s largest factories still rely on direct human labour to produce whatever the fuck the world needs or wants.
There is no other reason for China’s modern factories to not use more machinery and more educated job seekers to produce higher quality goods for both domestic and foreign markets. Shame on Dengists, the Chinese government, and the CPC for not taking advantage of the opportunities available to them. >:(
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I’ve already thought about that idea, but doesnt the extraction of human value just result in mechanization under capitalism being just another ploy to extract value from other people? You said it yourself, the machine—much like any other asset under capitalism—will only have as much value was what was originally put into it. After all, in the first few chapters, Marx clarifies that the constant circulation of capital would prevent any form of profits from being gained by any person in a manner that doesn’t require theft and inflation.


Yes. But since all capitalists operate with a certain rate of exploitation, taking half the profits from your competition doesn't make your competition unprofitable, just less profitable.


Alright then


>Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that the Chinese government and the CPC are deliberately sabotaging efforts to implement fordist principles into the country’s manufacturing sector
you are completely wrong, this is completely retarded and directly contradict all actual stats that show that the exact inverse is true and they have a very big automation drive.
kys glowie anti china propaganda spreader


>OP: There are contradictions in chinese capitalism
>leftypol: Holy marx you're retarded, how dare you to use rational observation against china, the socialistiest socialiser! you're a liberal

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