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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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If you rent your means of not-dying (aka. flats aka. "temporary" homes) and have stories, share them. Please give us what % your rent takes from your net wages.

>the last 5 years I had 3 different landlords in 2 different cities

>each time I could only afford the cheapest ones on the market at the given time
>2 of them complained about the previous renters
>both said that the previous renter damaged their property beyond recognition: mouldy walls, empty bottles of alcohol laying around, wrecked machines, TV, etc.
>both says that the previous ones were manufacturing drugs at the property
(And I had good reason to believe them on this last point: pungent chemical smell when you enter the apartment, oven top burned to crisp from constant cooking.)
>one of them complains that the renter sub-rented it to the drug manufacturers without her knowledge

This is coming from Eastern Europe, post-covid, post-inflation, and post-Ukraine war crises. I'm wondering how common this is, renters who can only afford the cheapest flats turning to producing drugs out survival instinct to supplement or have as their primary source of income.

In any case: my last flat took 2/3rds of my minimum wage. Currently am unemployed and living off gibs from family.
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It's just anti-communism and landlordphilia. If you want to be frustrated for no reason, just google 'rentoid' and go the KYM page comments.

Not my story, but some "leftists" here have their head firmly stuck in the sand, refusing to understand that the west isn't in the 1950's anymore amd how terrible the situation has become

Apartment of 8 square meters rented for 600 euros: the indecent ad in Bologna


And most of those countries collapsed, as properties do when there are no landpersons to maintain them

I had a "good" landlord. Got a relatively cheap rent. The guy was like 80 years old. He died a few months after signing the lease. Now some lawyers own the property but at least I'm "stuck" with a really nice apartment in a really nice area with low rent.


For lack of a better subject title.

I propose a general thread related to actual organizing and fieldwork. Communists and anarcho-syndicalists are warmly invited.

It is clear that time has accelerated. We are witnessing the reality of bourgeois civility: war and genocide; deteriorating labor rights and conditions; and increasing outbreaks of class anger against the capitalists and their lackeys. However, we are also witnessing an increase in class consciousness and the emergence of class organizations, no matter how nascent they may be. For example, as an empirical figure and not as Trotskyite embellishment, it is sufficient to observe the IMT growing several thousand strong and organizing an admirable international movement. Organization is the question of the day, and it has never been more important. There is a serious need to discuss organizational tactics, reflect on historical praxis, and stay attuned to the development of proletarian organizing in the real world.

For instance, there is an unprecedented wave of direct-democratic organizing through soviet-like structures in Serbia sweeping across schools and universities. Such developments are worth a hundred times more to a communist than the umpteenth discussion of the imperialist war in Ukraine.

Continuing this thought, there has been a noticeable drop in threads and discussions about practical organizational work. As anyone involved in organizing knows, there are risks in discussing recent, concrete developments within one’s organization, as it could lead to self-doxxing. However, this does not mean we cannot have discussions on principles and the broader developments within the workers' movement.

There is also a need for discussions on how communists should operate in front-like organizations, single-issue campaigns, civil initiatives, and similar spaces. How do we address intra-organizational struggles? How do we collaborate with ideologically diverse communist collectives? How should we engage with syndicates?

I propose that we put together a reading list on organization. To this end, I have attached some literature that has helped me understand organizational tactics and principles more deeply.

Plekhanov is an excellent historian. His memoirs on late-Narodnik and early-Bolshevik organizing offer a grounded perspective on the whole process. Among other things, he emphasizes the importance of mass agitation and illustraPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>My question is, would the outer layer members still pay membership dues, or only the core?
>If only the core pays, there is an incentive to accept as many people as possible. If the outer layer pays too, that seems kind of unfair, as they do not have voteing rights. This might lead to them quitting.
They do. As far as I know, the core membership pays a high "membership fee" which is basically everything above some internal formula they have according to your living situation, and the peripheral membership pays a flat fee (starting at 20 euros a year, with voluntarily higher numbers).
Here is an article which sheds a bit of light on their financial situation. Just google translate it. https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2020/02/07/opinie-bart-maddens-pvda-partijfinanciering/

>If the outer layer pays too, that seems kind of unfair, as they do not have voteing rights. This might lead to them quitting.

I think that is a matter of political skill on the part of the party centre. If someone is involved enough to want to vote, they will have to evaluate if this person is a destructive actor or someone to recruit after putting them through the education process. In addition, holding consultancy meetings with the general membership is always a good idea. In my experience, mechanistically defending general voting rights and being afraid people may quit is just a symptom of ultra democracy, and just leads to retards disrupting every important meeting with unworkable motions and votes.

As I am not a belgian citizen nor live in belgium, i dont have all the info, but friends of mine know people in the know, so as far as I am aware, they do have the two-tier system of membership, or as the article says it "a special class of members bearing responsibility" and regular members.

>Next, stop insisting people band together and exert political energy before hammering out positions and strategies. It will all be wasted.
Can confirm. Wasted a few years doing this. Now if only the other people in the org would stop rejecting this idea.

>I've taken to using old IWW (and some CouncilComm) and mostly newer especifismo style organising.
Can you go into more detail about what this is where I can find more info?

How important is online propaganda for orgs theese days? Is there a point to have a TikTok presence, or is it overrated?

I'd say very important, but not in the sense of building an organization. Parallel media structures help information, which would be ignored by state media, spread. Short-form media was why the Russophile candidate won in Romania and why the EU one did not. It's how protests in Serbia are coordinated currently. And it's actually insane what kind of reach you can pull. Now of course Meta and the like will, once necessary, ban you. It's very important for the movement and not so much for the organization proper.

>Next, stop insisting people band together and exert political energy before hammering out positions and strategies. It will all be wasted.
Can you expand a bit?


In Turkey, a renewed discussion on peace talks with the Kurdish militant group PKK has emerged, almost ten years after previous attempts failed. Surprisingly, the suggestion came from Devlet Bahceli, the leader of the nationalist MHP party. He proposed revisiting PKK founder Abdullah Öcalan's life sentence if he would call on PKK fighters to disarm, even suggesting that Öcalan could deliver this message in the Turkish parliament.

Shortly after Bahceli's comments, the PKK carried out a deadly attack near Ankara, though the group claimed the attack was planned prior to his statement. Öcalan, who has been imprisoned for 25 years under strict isolation, received a rare family visit, hinting at possible conciliatory gestures. However, responses in Turkey's largest Kurdish city, Diyarbakir, have been mixed due to trauma from failed peace efforts in 2013-2015, which led to heavy conflict and mass civilian displacement.

Experts suggest that Turkish President Erdogan might be pursuing Kurdish support to advance a new constitution, potentially extending his rule. Additionally, ongoing conflicts in the Middle East may have increased the motivation to end the 40-year conflict. Meghan Bodette of the Kurdish Peace Institute noted that Turkey may fear the PKK gaining leverage from regional conflicts, particularly if a broader Israel-Iran war unfolds.

In Syria, Turkey has intensified attacks on PKK-aligned YPG forces, who are U.S.-backed. Syrian Kurdish leader Mazlum Kobane warned that peace efforts will fail if Turkey aims to end Kurdish self-governance in Syria.

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The TKP/ML TKP-ML split about supporting the PKK or not is starting to make a lot more sence.

>Ghosts in my head prove me right!
>Soviet Union ethnic cleansed Germany
Rojava isn't pure saintly socialism. It's a movement grounded in the people that live there. Which took advantage of cracks in the imperialism of multiple states. Rojava doesn't have lgbt rights, liek you ziggas like to say. And it has private property. But I'm pragmatic and I like that they are a secular reaction to islamist oppression in the Middle East. Isn't that what multipolarism is about?

>terror militia

I believe the point they were making was people cheering on the collapse of Syria also want to engage in performative Palestine activism despite what a disaster the ascendancy of Al Qaeda is for both the Kurds and Palestinians. Not a big rant decipherer.

The US is pushing these peace talks cause they know a full scale invasion of Syria/Rojava by Turkey would mean civil war in a NATO country.


🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨
Sites that have active live-blogs:
• Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/

• Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

• The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

• Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)


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I agree. I'd prefer if we didn't throw around racial slurs like "kyke" and other /pol/ shit on this communist forum, though.

What's the evidence China is gonna do anything significant for Palestine? Genocide has been going on for over a year

>What's the evidence China is gonna do anything significant for Palestine?
by supporting iran, who support hezbollah in leb, houthis in yemen and the PMF in iraq.
>inb4 hezbollah is done reeeee please be demoralized
you do realize that syrias borders arent exaclty airtight. Its more like swiss cheese if anything. Hezbollahs weakness in lebanon is their own leb government. They will just wait until they get popular support from the people again and fight israel.

How so? It is common knowledge the likes of Serbia, Czech Republic, Hungary and other garbage slavic nations are turbo-zionists

Mostly due to hatred of Arabs/MENA people in general, but also because pissrahell is after all, a slavic settler colony


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>fully automated luxury communism

Nah, at best you get enough nukes to kill the planet 50 times instead of something people could ever consider as luxury. Plus the useless propaganda and the though police.

Nobody said this except Amerimutts from ptg on /pol/, trying to self insert and a desperate sense of patriotism
"See? We are the good guys!"

Russia is capitalist, not fascist
It will sooner turn into a monarchy than a fascist state

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Dugin is kind of unhinged, especially his rant about chemistry books, but by God, I love how he makes Azovites seethe so hard they write entire novels about him

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Canada PM Trudeau to announce resignation as early as Monday


Neoliberalism is dead.
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Itll be Donald Trump, the rightful king of all the western hemisphere

Why's he resigning? He do some bad shit and get caught?

He’s been there since 2015, even the liberal party is just sick of his personality and face, let alone the housing and drugs crisis he’s overseen and done nothing about, the indigenous communities he fucked over with the oil pipelines

>The fall of the last Castro.
its ogre


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Speculation thread, I have a few half-baked ideas that I haven't been able to fully form or articulate. So I'm dumping them here to get out of my head so some other anons can expand or trash it. You can also add your own ideas and thoughts to this thread for the same reason. Heres some of them

The time economy
I don't see a lot about post-money economies anymore. One idea I've been thinking about is a time economy. Instead of dollars it's free time you labor for. You get hours back for hours you put in. People who haven't specialized for certain jobs will be assigned through a lotto system. Time accumulation is easily preventable by making free time non-transferable or inheritable. One issue I see is this type of economy only really works when needed labor is scarce. This idea is really for a post-scarcity economy where automation has drastically reduced labor hours. So resources distribution in this type of economy hasn't been fully thought out or how the government will administer it. Not sure how you would implement a time economy currently but maybe some other anons know.

Time is a flat circle and its spinning faster, the Napoleonic era and the 20th century
Maybe I'm stupid and have to do some more research when I have the time. But this is one thats been kicking around in my head for like a week. Napoleon was the beginning of the end for feudalism in Europe. However, feudalism itself didn't finally die off as viable system (I.E a system of government and/or mode of production.) in till WW1. Capitalisms didn't fully cement itself as a global system in till the late 80s or early 90's around the fall of the soviet union. The parallels being that the monarchs of Europe likely felt they cemented the divine right of kings after the defeat of Napoleon in 1814. 100 years later the system began to crumble with it finally upending itself in the cumulation of ww1. The bourgeois must have cummed ropes at the fall of the soviet union but much like the defeat of Napoleon it didn't matter, the seeds had been planted and they were living on borrowed time. Revolutions don't get defeated they just get delayed.

Yeah these ideas are half baked. Work shouldn’t exist in post scarcity societies, and the global economy is more closed off than ever.

alright I'll share one of mine too: the right is the elementary Ideological unit within bourgeois society in the same way that the commodity is the elementary unit of wealth

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Work will still exist in post scarcity societies. It'll just take way less time and be way less labor intensive. I guess we could hit some automation singularity and were living like the people in wall-e. I imagine most labor in a post scarcity economy will be boring/repetitive maintenance type stuff or service type jobs only humans can do. It won't take a lot of time so the best way to deal with unwanted labor is sortation style.

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Given the factors you would consider relevant within your region: local, national, surrounding geopolitical climate, etc… What policies could a party active in that region–currently existing or otherwise–work towards that both you would either agree with or critically support, and believe would be popular in said region?

- What factors did you consider when answering the above?
- Do you know of other regions with similar conditions, and would your answer be the same if you lived there? If not, why?

They should oppose the whole bourgeoisie.

Not sure if this counts as a policy, but on the ground action regarding the ongoing housing crisis.

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Why do people hate cities? Its a fundamentally reactionary impulse. Cities shatter the bourgeois fantasy of individualism and externality-free existence. Residents must constantly coordinate their plans and desires with those of millions of other people, and most of these people don’t share ancestry or religion. This experience is interpreted by many petit bourgeois and bourgeois as evil. It either repels them from cities to chase the mirage of individualism, or it forces them to transform into people who can handle collective and cooperative mindsets.

Cities mandate planning and economic coordination, not due to an ideology, but due to their very nature as a pragmatic requirement. They are inherently proto-socialist in that they very clearly show the limitations of the market.

Solarpunk/Greenpunk is greenwashing neoliberal capitalist propaganda nonsense. Its radlib/neoliberal bullshit of 'californian ideology' Steve Jobs capitalism-hippies who want to "live a green life" rather than living a life which is actually best for the planet. Socialism will be ultra urban.

Both suburbs and even low density urban should be replaced with packing everyone into ultra density in urban cores and re-wilding the rest of planet earth.

One of the most disturbing aspects of solarpunk is the greenwashing. In highly urbanized areas, creating parks or lawns can sometimes result in a loss of natural habitats where native plants and wildlife once thrived. Maintaining green spaces, particularly in arid or water-scarce regions, often requires significant water use. Parks, like lawns are water-intensive, and depending on local conditions, may require irrigation systems that contribute to water waste. In places where water is already a limited resource, dedicating large amounts of it to maintain aesthetic green spaces could raise concerns about sustainability. Maintaining parks and gardens often requires energy, labor, and materials (e.g., fertilizers, pesticides) that can have negative environmental impacts. Additionally, lawn care equipment like mowers and trimmers can contribute to pollution and carbon emissions.

Green urbanism of the sort shown in solarpunk is just trying to make a capitalist version of the hanging gardens of babylon. Not to say there can't be green spaces but just don't overdo it.

Ultra-high density minimizes the amount of land required to house a large population, which can help conserve surrounding naturaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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The future is kill. Ultraurbanism does not happen because of planned economic pragmatism, but because there is shit all to do outside the city, in the barren wasteland or the mostly lawless expanse between urban centers. War and environmental degradation make the only places worth living, megacities. These concrete monuments to hubris, in turn, develop their own "wasteland moat" around themselves through unregulated industry. Which keeps the population boxed-in between the unlivable wastes and the low suburb sprawl.

Holy spaghetti monster is that exposed brick in a 400 sq ft apartment going for $1,8000 near a beer garden! Yas yas yas!

>IP location: Davos

We need CALCULATIONS. Even something very rough on a napkin is better than nothing. I don't believe "solarpunks" and anti-urban types have anything else than vibes and pretty drawings so far (artistic drawings, not technical ones).

Prosperity and progress need division of labor. Distance retards division of labor. So prosperity and progress require density.

>Vibes and pretty drawings!
Being inspired by cyberpunk fiction like OP’s crappy AI tier art isn’t any more “scientific” than solarpunk, the latter of which at least grapples with the ecological and social contradictions of contemporary capitalism in comparison to cyberpunk, which pretends capitalism can genuinely exist indefinitely without being undone by its contradictions
Honestly fags on this board probably hate solarpunk because it’s associated with women with multi-colored hair and Le heckin brown skin radlibs; probably have no real criticism other than it being for faggots, unlike Warhammer 40K, which is communist because it’s about killing inherently evil subhumans

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what does leftypol think about leftwing philosophical pessimism?

>For Mainländer, communism is the means to achieve social and economic equality which would eliminate class distinctions and ensure equal access to education and resources for all. In a communist society, individuals would transcend selfish survival instincts, fostering compassion and collective efforts to alleviate suffering.[34]: 235–243 [53] Ultimately, Mainländer sees this communist state as the penultimate step of the will to death's metanarrative, where the satiation of all human desires will lead them to an understanding of the vanity and emptiness of existence (specifically, that the pleasures this satiation brings does not outweigh the negative value of existence), thus initiating a movement towards humanity's own extinction — aligning with the natural movement of all matter in the universe toward nothingness
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Show me where Marx said “communism is when there is no state”

>Where the satiation of all human desires will lead them to an understanding of the vanity and emptiness of existence (specifically, that the pleasures this satiation brings does not outweigh the negative value of existence), thus initiating a movement towards humanity's own extinction — aligning with the natural movement of all matter in the universe toward nothingness.
Sounds like some shit a JRPG villain would say lmao.

hardly, aristocratic/bourgeois decadence is the driving force of fascism

>the reason for x is ideas
another day another banger

Necessary post

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