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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Can we all just acknowledge that 100% of terrorism cases in the West™ are false flags.
pic rel, an alleged muslim terrorist stabbing children in a park in Europe. Sloppy job mossad

let's be real. Every single case is entrapment like the whitmer alleged kidnapping https://theintercept.com/2023/12/18/fbi-nypd-catfishing-terrorism-sting-hamas/ or intelligence agencies
successfully committing terrorism like the Bataclan massacre and 9/11
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How do you know it's Mossad?

because this thread is saged now

why are the mods enforcing reddit level faith in the mainstream narrative surrounding mass murder. The intelligence agencies are killing people, the Las Vegas Shooting is a blatant example of a cover up. The death of the police investigator into the Bataclan massacre. the fact ISIS has never attacked an Israeli.

Comrades need to be fully aware of the fuckatry going on

Because jannies are redditors

the worst kind of redditor too. they sticky meme e-drama, while saging this thread
building 7 wasn't brought down by a fire, an engineering investigation by the University of Alaska proves this https://ine.uaf.edu/projects/wtc7/

University of Alaska! not some faint video of a dude ranting in a basement, not prison planet dot com.

The intelligence agencies are getting more and more bold. to deny their culpability is to be a flat earther

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You find the being Mikhail Gorbachev door on the thirteenth floor and you find yourself in Gorbachev's body in 1985. What do you do? How do you save the USSR?
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the Soviet Union wasn't an "experiment", it was a dictatorship of the proletariat. This pathetic cope to deal with the loss of the first successful proletarian revolution just leads to people deflecting from actual issues of the USSR (political, organizational, rhetorical and primarily economical) towards pointless fantasies of alternative history and narratives of consistent subversion from without, not within.
i would gove the premiership to Romanov and then kill myself btw.

>the Soviet Union wasn't an "experiment",
it was, thats literally what scientific socialism is

>the Soviet Union wasn't an "experiment"
Look. Im not reading the rest of your post but can you please just not. please. just. fucking helll. what even make someone like this i don't know.

Nothing short of a civil war / Cultural Revolution would have saved the Soviet Union at that point. The entire buraeucrat strata aka the bourgeois needed to die.

you're legitimately slow don't speak on anything since you've never, ever read a smattering of either theoretical or historical work. i can see through it and it is embarrassing. stop watching pedophilic youtubers or playing videogames and the dengism will disappear from your fat, first worlder body. sage everything, this website is full of mouthbreathers.

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If historical materialism is a science then it should be able to provide at least one robust counter-factual supporting historical law of the form "if A happens then B must happen" with an allowable ceteris parabus clause like "if none of these exceptions are in place". Can it?
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Marx’s LTV makes 11 novel predictions no other rival theory makes, and nearly all have been empirically validated:

1) a tendency for the value rate of profit to decline during long wave periods of expansion [a “novel fact” according to Lakatosian criteria in that the phenomenon was not explained by previous theories; also, this tendency is not predicted by neoclassical economics]

2) the relative immiseration of the proletariat, i.e., an increase in the rate of surplus-value, as a secular trend [not predicted by neoclassical theory]

3) an inherent tendency toward technological change, as a secular trend [a “novel fact” according to Lakatosian criteria in that the phenomenon was not explained by previous theories; also not predicted by neoclassical theory]

4) an increase in the physical ratio of machinery (and raw materials) to current labor, as a secular trend [not predicted by neoclassical theory — indeed, neoclassical theory cannot even provide an ex-post explanation of the causes of the observed increase in this ratio, because it cannot discriminate empirically between supply causes and demand causes]

5) a secular tendency for technological change to substitute machinery for labor even in capitalist economies which are “labor-abundant” or “capital scarce” [neoclassical theory, by contrast, seems to predict that labor abundant economies should be characterized by the widespread replacement of machinery with labor, both by “substitution” and perhaps by an induced “labor-saving” bias in technological change; however, the history of developing countries supports Marx’s prediction and contradicts neoclassical theory]

6) an inherent conflict between workers and capitalists over the length of the working day [a “novel fact” according to Lakatosian criteria in that the phenomenon was not explained by previous theories; also not predicted by neoclassical theory — indeed, the empirical evidence also contradicts the neoclassical theory of labor supply, according to which the working day is determined by the preferences of workers, because competition among firms forces them to accommodate workers’ preferences (according to this theory, there should be no conflict between firms and workers over the length of the working day, but competition has the opposite effect, forcing firms to resist attemptsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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was this written by someone who thinks that verbose CTRL-C CTRL-V is impressive

it was written by ChatGPT

its a bit old for that

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Hey /leftypol/ poster, you, yes YOU, name 5 concrete features of class consciousness, and 5 factors which impede its development.

Currently reading Willhelm Reichs What is Class Consciousness, in which he describes a situation where a party official was asked this question at the meeting by one of the listeners. He answered "hunger", which prompted a counter response whether a hungry fascist storm trooper is class conscious. So I though it would be an interesting exercise for this site, I am curious as to what are your answers (you dont have to stick to 5 point format, just tell me in your own words what is class consciousness).
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>does being class conscious equal being a marxist?
No. Marxism encompasses more than that.

>not actually class conscious as long as she remains untrained in marxian political economy?

Your question pertained to if one equals the other and not if being a Marxist is a prerequisite to being class conscious, which I don't think is the case.

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Interesting question which I'll entertain since you're being too respectful in general, a rare virtue.
Considering that the militant communist you mention in your hypothetical is as entwined to the everyday functions of the communist party can be expected to, if not through books alone, have come to a similar conclusion about the world historic mission of the proletariat. A communist party, a militant trade union, a tentants association etc. is not a cold slab of concrete but a collection of individuals able to share ideas and discuss solutions, albeit some more set in their previously mentioned ideas. It is simple that even if not through dry reading of theory (not that theory is dry per se but let's continue) then the commitment of the individual communist to the cause of the working people and their everyday actions in protecting and advancing the proletariat's cause through the party, the party's trade union and whatever else is testament enough to their not just sheer practical knowledge in the matter, but conscious commitment to it. Modern day communist parties operate around strict doctrinaire lines which everybody must adhere to. If you continue to be a militant withing the confines of a revolutionary party, by extension you are aware of the deeper capital-labor contradiction in society and what must be done on the worker's behalf. Otherwise, you'd find yourself in a possibilist or democraticist organization that would, in no respect, engage in militant activity.
You could present, in a vacuum, a committed, militant socialist without any education in communist theory as a ᴉuᴉlossnW in the making, they gradually will fall out of favor with socialism and claim it is unreliable when they themselves have not approached the subject with the delicacy and seriousness it deserves. But the issue is lack of knowledge in communist theory, not lack of class consciousness. His political education was an incomprehensible mishmash of Mazzinian and Garibaldine Nationalism and Republicanism, Bakuninite Anarchism and, most importantly, Sorel's Revisionist, Anti-Materialist, Syndicalist and strictly civilizational and moralist view of Capitalism and Socialism. ᴉuᴉlossnW was very well a militant in the PSI and very well aware of the class divide of society, but when he got into power he did not walk back on these positions but graft upon them new prPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Class conciousness if when you know the people who own all the shit want to make as much money as possible at the expense of the people who do the work. No more no less.

The Jews and the goys.

wilhelm reich is a pedophile who had no fucking idea what he was talking about. killing fields

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Another anon made a thread about the Eritrean War of Independence but it got anchored for being low-effort. I find the topic interesting so I'd like to make another if the mods will allow it.

How to make sense of the Eritrean War of Independence in the context of global politics at the time? You had Marxists and generally left-wing groups on both sides throughout the conflict (EPLF, TPLF, Derg), that had international backers on both sides of the cold war blocs. Cuba switching sides when the Derg took power. Syria and Iraq on one side with Israel and North Korea on the other. Basically what the fuck was going on? Seems very complicated.

Also would like to get some "now that the dust has settled" opinions on the 2020 Tigray war. At the time some anti-imperialist media outlets clearly supported the Ethiopian government against the TPLF, despite Abiy Ahmed being a rather west-friendly liberal sort of leader.
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>At the time some anti-imperialist media outlets clearly supported the Ethiopian government against the TPLF, despite Abiy Ahmed being a rather west-friendly liberal sort of leader.
And to clarify for you all the TPLF after they came to power and Abiy Ahmed and his new party have never been anything but American lapdogs. They both just do whatever the Americans tell them to do, even when they were fighting. So it's not like West vs. Russia China camp or anything.

The US told Abiy to pardon all the TPLF leaders they captured and he did.

Biden raises concerns about Ethiopia conflict in call with Abiy
Joe Biden commends Abiy Ahmed's pledge to release Ethiopian prisoners
Ethiopia announces pardons for high-profile political prisoners
>Gov’t says it will release several leading TPLF members and opposition leaders from the Oromo and Amhara ethnic groups.

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Shouldn't say lapdogs entirely. They play both sides, but it seems that they play mostly to get concessions from the US and also the US played both sides in the Tigray conflict to force concessions as well.


Who knows what the fuck is going on over there.

socialist revolution in each country, working together but without needing to make each nation immediatly capitaulate to one another, its unnescary

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>actually pretending to continuity with the SPD
Actually retarded. Grow up and stop larping.


Was reading "Leaving the Fold" and it was surprising how much I related as a former incel. My parents were pretty secular so it's surprising how well they matched up to Christian fundamentalists. Not sure what it means that the Blackpill is a kind of atheist Christianity. I blame a lot of it on /r/atheism to be honest.

I prefer you an incel

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take the revcel pill

> [Incels] in particular exaggerate the depravity of humankind and paint a negative picture of human beings as selfish and violent.

> [Incels] are generally unmotivated to better the world because they see it as doomed. In fact, believers are often excited when war breaks out, particularly in the Middle East, because it could mean “the end” at last. For an individual, personal life planning can be negatively affected.

> > People normally are afraid of the unknown to some extent. This tactic preys on such anxiety, creating an actual phobia — a generalized and exaggerated fear of imaginary conditions. Group members absorb negative images of never being happy or successful […].

> [Incels] are also made to feel guilty when they focus on their own priorities. It is seen as [cope] to be aware of your feelings, honor your intuitions, or seek to meet you needs.

> In the [Blackpill], the self must be rejected because it is essentially bad and cannot be trusted. The first step in convincing new converts is to destroy their faith in themselves.

> The key is that you are considered fundamentally wrong and inept, beginning with the [chin]. Everything about you is flawed, and you [might as well lie down and rot].

> While the average person may claim feeling [attractive, incels] easily destroy this idea. [Chad] is used, as the standard of acceptability, so any personal criteria you may have is irrelevant and further proof of your pride and error. When [men] are seen as basically unfit to have contact with [women], the chasm is huge. You can then be convinced that [you might as well lie down and rot].

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Now read the real book uygha.

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Hamas and Fatah sign unity deal in Beijing aimed at Gaza governance
He said its four main elements are the establishment of an interim national unity government, the formation of unified Palestinian leadership ahead of future elections, the free election of a new Palestinian National Council, and a general declaration of unity in the face of ongoing Israeli attacks.

'Tortured' Palestinian prisoner arrested on suspicion of killing Israeli jailer
Ibrahim Mansour, from the village of Bidu near Tulkarm, was arrested on July 10, two days after the body of prison service employee Yochai Avni was found, police said in joint statement with the Shin Bet security services.

Israeli parliament votes to label UN relief agency a terror organisation
The bill was approved in a first reading and will be returned to the foreign affairs and defence committee for further deliberation, the Knesset information service said.
The bill's sponsor, Yulia Malinovsky, was quoted as describing UNRWA as a "fifth column within Israel".

Suppliers to top essential oil brand left unpaid and afraid after abuse inquiry
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

major US labor unions call on Biden to ‘shut off military aid to Israel’
“Our unions are hearing the cries of humanity as this vicious war continues,” said Mark Dimondstein, the APWU president, in a press release. “Working people and our unions are horrified that our tax dollars are financing this ongoing tragedy. We need a ceasefire now, and the best way to secure that is to shut off US military aid to Israel.”

Illegal evictions on the rise: DeKalb woman says she was forced out of her apartment at gunpoint
A DeKalb County mother says she was illegally evicted from her home by gunpoint. A Channel 2 Action News investigation discovered there was no court order on file when that attempted eviction happened. Attorneys say they have seen an increase in illegal eviction cases since 2020. Attorneys say no matter how much a tenant may owe, landlords have to follow the court process by letting a judge grant an eviction.

US judge will not block Biden administration ban on worker 'noncompete' agreements
A federal judge on Tuesday rejected a bid by a tree-trimming company to block a U.S. Federal Trade Commission rule from taking effect that would ban agreements commonly signed by workers not to join their employers' rivals or launch competing businesses.

Massachusetts is 'out of shelter space,' Gov. Healey says
The state's family emergency shelter system is prioritizing families who are unhoused because of a no-fault eviction or "unusual circumstances" in MPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Letter from a Bengali Comrade on the Ongoing Student Movement and its Repression
We hope you are all doing well there. We are facing a total blackout situation in Bangladesh as I’m writing this. Already more than 150+ students and working people have sacrificed their lives in the fight against Hasina’s government. This fascist Awami government has seized all the media and internet access, and now the only media are news channels and print media which are almost indirectly controlled by the government. People cannot differentiate between the truth and falsehood in this difficult situation. As far as I know, leaders of the movement are facing abductions and arrests by the agencies of government. The government is saying that some of the leaders are already compromised with the government but most of them are still standing with their demands. The appeal division has declared a 7% quota for the 1st and 2nd class government jobs. 5% of the quota is reserved for the freedom fighters’ families. We condemn this decision because this decision does not reflect the demands of the movement.

Canada’s Social Democrats Are Fighting for Their Survival
Not very long ago, the Canadian New Democratic Party (NDP) was on the doorstep of power in Ottawa. However, over the past decade, their seats have dwindled from 103 to 24. If an election was held today, they could lose even more seats. It’s difficult to see how the party will be able to reverse its downward trend. “Things need to change,” is the key message that the NDP leader, Jagmeet Singh, will hammer home this summer. Singh will visit several cities and districts across the country to convince voters dissatisfied with the Liberals that his party is a credible alternative. The tour will serve as sort of preelection campaign ahead of the next federal election, which must be called before October 2025. Whenever it is called, the election will very likely bring big changes to Canada. The Conservatives, headed by Pierre Poilievre, are now leading in all polls and could even win a majority. They are currently credited with nearly 42 percent of Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Remember!!: This war is all about the friend we've made along the way!

Previous thread: >>>/leftypol/1893738


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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When someone waves the gold tsarist flag do you believe they wave it because it was a part of history or that they agree with some of the ideals that the flag represents. More likely than not, Soviet flag wavers will say the USSR was betrayed and are more likely to be skeptical of capitalism and have positive things to say about socialism. They can wave the gold tsarist flag that you can see. Do you believe they wave that flag because of pride and not for what that flag stands for?They are both Russian historical flags but they mean different things and the person can may see Russian history in different lenses.

It does seem though that Tsarist Russia has far less to brag about than the USSR, other than just making sure Russia and it's empire was fucking massive, albeit concentrated around it's local area rather than globe spanning.

Now that the dust has settled, who shot down MH17?

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>They fly it most likely because it's a part of their history.
it's more than that, this is about regional political divisions. look at any eastern european map of ostalgie-related questions such as picrel. There's definitely a divide over decommunization you can see regionally (as well as generationally within warsaw pact countries). i wouldn't reduce this to national history, this is how the latest history of international capitalism redivided the region and set us up for a gigantic crisis. the use of the soviet flag in this crisis represents the repudiation of russia being some unreformable/ungovernable marginalized periphery. it is a response to russophobia naturally spawning from european states transitioning from communism, uniting the continent via EU/NATO, then stalling in expansion and fracturing. the response to this crisis, acceleration of the transition, meant it becoming predicated on russophobia in the absence of communism. once communism and russians were lumped together due to post-communist issues, it makes much sense for a russian to fly the soviet flag. much of the Ukraine crisis turning into a war can be boiled down to Russians being once again the eastern pole in picrel's spread

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In Irish society, the courts and the law were largely libertarian, and operated within a purely stateless manner. This society persisted in this libertarian path for roughly a thousand years until its brutal conquest by England in the seventeenth century. And, in contrast to many similarly functioning primitive tribes (such as the Ibos in West Africa, and many European tribes), preconquest Ireland was not in any sense a "primitive" society: it was a highly complex society that was, for centuries, the most advanced, most scholarly, and most civilized in all of Western Europe. A leading authority on ancient Irish law wrote, "There was no legislature, no bailiffs, no police, no public enforcement of justice… There was no trace of State-administered justice."(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)
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>clan based society where systems of governance and administration differ from those of contemporary capitalist society
<bro it was anarchy!!

its stupid when actual anarchists do this and its even stupider when "ancaps" do this. just because there wasnt a formal state doesnt mean it was a society without governance. politics and justice was an outgrowth of the structure of the family, the clan itself is the "macro" family. this is all very basic stuff as far as history, anthropology, etc goes, youre just a hopeless pseud who takes capitalism for granted to the extent that you cant imagine how a society could be structured otherwise unless its your discount bin utopia. read a book

>No source, no question, just some 'trust me bro' statement about nothing realted to anything
Get a blog you schizomidget, jesus.

>I am a fascist and I need to prove my love for power so senpai will notice me

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>anarchy = no governance

ok buddy, you got me, good job. what i mean is that there was a form of governance in which authority was exercised by heirarchies determined by order of birth, birth gender, reputation and belongings of your immediate family, diplomatic posture/trade associations of your broader clan, etc., none of which are generally understood as compatible with anarchist understood in a way at least peripheral to 19th and 20th century articulations of anarchism as an alternative to the liberal state in which the contradictions between community and the individual are meant to be resolved by abolition of private property and the state, under which circumstances the free association of individuals would reveal that cooperatively organizing production on the basis of need is in everyones self interest. that is not compatible with a society in which i am obliged to join in a cattle raid to win favor with the elder male of my family and when he uses those cows as a dowry for my brothers marriage to cement our good relations to the clan downriver, and if i refuse to participate in these arrangements im at best considered a deadbeat who will be deprioritized for marriage arrangements, inheritance, etc., and effectively immiserated even in spite of the lack of formal state.

is that any better? anything here you want to be pedantic about?

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Given everything in life revolves around physical & genetic survival, isn't it important that we actually start talking about the importance of achieving equality of outcomes that highly depend on genetic variance? The obvious ones I can think of is reproduction, because ugly physically unattractive men that can't change their appearance are literally treated like scum by society and all political factions.
>get lost incel
no. Given that reproduction is literally the only known way to Life to cheat death, being denied this is as worse as murder. I think I truly believe BIOLENINISM is the only solution to this.(shitpost)
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get lost incel

no feminazi no

Report all reactionaries and kill them if you see them in the street

/pol/ """leninism"""

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wtf is the "leninism" in this bruv

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