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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>Be an ~11 year old kid in early 2010s Russia
>Mom is in her le spirtitual Orthodox Christian phase
>Brings me to the church (our village had no priests back in the day, believers simply visited it to pray whenever it was convenient)
>I see a "church shop" (um, didn't Jesus hate those?) and became more interested in it than in the people around
>Shop has candles, orthodox souvenirs (Jesus DEFINITELY would hate those) and lots and lots of books
>See book "Holy Tsar Nicholas II and his family of matryrs" and became interested by its bright cover (also, what kid isn't interested in monarchs after fairy tales?)
>Ask mom to buy it; bring the book home
>Start reading, walls of text are there, and all of the pictures are actually black and white
>Got bored and look in the middle - walls of text again about the murder of some dude named Rasputin
>Look in the end - there is a prayer to Holy Tsar and his Holy Family in Church Slavonic (?)
>Became dissapointed and toss the book aside
>Forget about it for long, long time
>15 years pass
>Visited my mom these New Year's holidays
>Noticed the book stuffed in the corner of the bookshelf
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>Nowadays you can go meet up the most conservative man in the most conservative third world country and tell him that minorities are doing literal blood magick and he'll look at you as if you're the demon possessed one.
Idk if this is still the case, but for decades after the 1965 coup in Indonesia the official narrative was that a coven of communist witches were going to do dark magic by cutting off the cocks of the country's top generals. The coup and subsequent massacre of 1.5 million people was therefore a necessary act to stop their evil dick magic.

Holy fucking shit I am so sick of American coomers stop inserting your porn fanfictions into historical events nothing you just losted was true. The official narrative from the Indo fascists was that the commies were preparing for a military coup that they prevented just in time. There was no spiritual element to it. The fucking CIA (or MI6 I forgot which) in the lead up to the coup was trying to provoke the Indo commies into striking first so as to lend greater legitimacy to the "emergency" military fascist government that would soon take over.

>The official narrative from the Indo fascists was that the commies were preparing for a military coup that they prevented just in time.
Read The Jakarta Method by Vincent Bevins.

Ah but you see. That book was written by an American. It doesn't matter if he was actually interviewing Indonesians, the other anon believes you are inserting your fanfiction into history so it doesn't matter.

I should add that what the other anon said about an alleged communist coup was also part of it. The dick magic was being done in support of this coup.

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Thread for the hellish discussion related to the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the Earth

🏈 💵 🌭 🍔

📺State Mandated Propaganda Livestreams📺
• CNN: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/cnn-news-usa.html
• MSNBC: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/msnbc.html
• FOX: https://www.livenewsnow.com/american/fox-news-channel.html
• Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/live/us

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heads i win
tails u lose

>nope, your feelings about it are shaped by your senses, if you couldn't sense the picture in any form you wouldn't even know it existed, let alone have any feelings about it

so how does you're mother Mary hallucination fit into this framework?

Revolution when?

How is it that the US, one of the largest empires of the 20th century has deteriorated this bad? Not even the British Empire did it have such a pathetic end, they fell from their place at the top with some dignity but the US is just spoilt child swinging it’s arms like a petulant child.

Trump doesn’t need actual opposition, just perceived opposition which his faction is good at doing. Finklestein is right in that what libs hate most of Trump is that he removes the veneer of their so called respectable politics. Trump removes the veneer that liberals are nothing but fascists pretending to love democratic language and democratic institutions and politics but it was liberals who detached the economics of the masses into the economics of hyperindividualism.

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Why people don't rebel against capitalism? Places like India and Subhaarian Africa has plenty of bad places and plenty of people living poor lives, and in more developed place like USA and Canada there a sizable population of people that live fragile life because of how capitalism is structured, the question: why people just rise up and overthrow the current system and build a better one? What keeping people still under the thumb of capitalism?
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>Why people don't rebel against capitalism?
because I have work in the morning

most people are conformists
the bolshevik revolution only took like 1000 people anyway. if you could command a skilled, private and dedicated army of 100 men, you could probably overtake a government.

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we need a necheyevite secret society to become the vanguard of the revolution.

>le people are brainwashed
its not brainwashing; its laziness and cowardice

>Stalinism nearly permanently hurting the image of socialism in people's head
<Stalin is le reason for no revolution in the west!
Stalin and "Stalinism" has nothing to do with the lack of revolution. The bourgeois was always going to depict any socialist experiment as dangerous and savage. So even your wholesome commune would have been depicted negatively and they may crush it too. Stalin and the party had to lead a revolutionary state under siege and still was able to uplift it from semi-feudalism to a superpower under such conditions.


How can people listen to jazz or look at modern cinematography or other contemporary western art without feeling utter disgust and an urge to vomit. Everything that middle-class society brands as some great product of man's will reeks and oozes nihilistic life-negating ideology. I can't stand to walk down the street without wanting to fall over and cry when I see an art exhibition or an antiquariat. How bourgeois.
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Okay Adorno
4/10 bait

He knew his own philosophy but he understood little of socialism, making his opinion a response to a misconception. Also, when socialists say Nietzsche‘s philosophy has value for them that doesn‘t mean they subscribe to every single opinion of his.

I myself didn‘t say you should synthesize the two, as in trying to combine the totality of both of them. I think it‘s silly as a socialist to reject Nietzsche entirely. Various specific ideas are valuable and I‘ve seen no other philosopher but him or the one‘s inspired by him speak about it. His non-judgemental and amoralist reasoning of things (and that could be classes) exerting their will is compatible with Marxism. His life celebrating outlook is a substitute for the nihilistic hole that a lack of religion leaves, which as a materialist should be favorable to re-introducing religion. His reasoning based on power also gives people a realistic understanding of life and what to expect then this practically metaphysical moral reasoning people hardly can let go of. People seem to be more interested in indulging in a fantasy of metaphysical forces guaranteeing that „the good“ will prevail and being perplexed and dumbfounded when it doesn‘t, instead of just accepting it doesn‘t work that way and put in the work to make it that way. And no, this isn‘t idealism because obviously this must go hand in hand with a materialist understanding to realize your (class) interests.

For me, Nietzsche's most compelling work has always been Genealogy of Morals. It's an oddly dialectical book, especially considering Nietzsche didn't believe in dialectics.


New security bill authorizes intelligence services to take the lead in terrorist organizations

Art 31 of DDL 1660
This bill was already in hot water due to additional restrictions it's putting on protestors, but this is much much worse than I expected.
For those whow don't know, during the years of lead the CIA together with the italian fascists and the secret services made a number of terror attacks in order to destibilize our republic and keep the Italian Communist Paty out of power.
After 40 years of investigations and trials, they finally condemned Gilberto Cavallini, the bomber behind the Bologna Massacre of 1980. This news itself was suppressed by the local media here; and now they're preparing for future state sponsored terror attacks.
It's bad, really bad.

>In fact, it authorizes AISE and AISI operators to infiltrate criminal and terrorist organizations and direct them.
>Direct them
This is going to end up with organized crime and security services becoming indistinguishable. This seems worse than the years of lead because it's official state sanctioned policy this time around.

Also worth noting Meloni (obviously pushing this bill) is a friend of Musk and was present at the inauguration. And there's talks to have Italian encrypted military and security service communications managed by… SpaceX
Who else has been making inroads in Italy? Thiel and Palantir.

Italy also abolished public financing for political parties 10 years ago. Officially foreign donations aren't allowed. But there appear to be no restrictions on donating to intermediaries (somewhat similar to Super PACs in the US).

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Just think about it
>sits around whole day pushing papers for a communist party
>writes and reads a bunch of speeches every day
>just reads
>sits around in a comfy chair and drinks tea
>probably eats something decadent yet affordable every night (a chinese lasagna)
<and is winning against imperialist capital
<and their people are full of hope
The last point in particular is important. There is no fear of death in China. Their state apparatus reproduces harmonious and joyous ideology.

Bordiga vindicated. Gramsci vindicated. Sorry, but I think I'll stay at home for the next party meeting.


Same kinda feels

>chinese lasagna
made me look it up

the saddest recipes you'll see


he's technically more of a wheelchair guy, you are right

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When Lyushkov defected to Yapon, he initially started with all these grandiose statements about how he was a Russian patriot and was only defecting to be anti-Stalin.
>According to Lyushkov's statements to the Japanese, he concluded that '… The dictator's toadies will libel me and say I sold my soul to the Japanese; but one day, with the despot overthrown, I shall return to a bright new Russia.'
And then… a short while later, because he was too depressed about abandoning his wife…
>Japanese intelligence officers consulted the military police and decided to take Lyushkov to the red-light district of Mukojima; a lieutenant-colonel disbursed 300 yen for the purpose. In the brothels the Russian seemed to regain his gaiety.
And then…
>To domesticate Lyushkov, the Japanese Army sought an acceptable female compatriot for him at his new private house in Tokyo. Lyushkov declined White Russian woman.
So they find a woman from Yokohama…
>marriage ensued and Lyushkov took out Japanese citizenship, saying that he wanted to be buried in Japan.
Literally just a bit of Yaponskii pussy and this dude forgot about his denial of selling himself to Japan, and was shouting Tenno Heika Banzai!
What are the materialist reasons why Japanese are so good at sexually appealing to Western men?

kys riceburner

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Russians are just a bunch of weebs. Not judging!

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Remember: It's a big club and you ain't in it.

Previous thread: >>2110816


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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I'm looking forward to it. Russia can teach another American president how much the world has changed, this time since the 80s rather than the 90s.

This is what the USSR had, now what good did it do ? Took them nowhere https://youtu.be/5CBAPVVXehY?si=SbtxdFK50DS6petl

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>how do you rationalize electing a person who filmed a scene spraying down your whole congress with bullets
That whole show would probably be banned in Ukraine by now if Zelensky wasn't in it. In another episode he gets visions of Che Guevara urging him to execute corrupt ministers. In yet another episode he has visions of Ivan the Terrible who doesn't understand what Ukraine is since it didn't exist in his time. And then there's a scene of Ukraine being balkanized into like 50 states after six maidans

Don't forget it's a Russian-speaking show, with Ukrainian only ever being used when characters talk officially on TV


Have you read the book Is The Red Flag Flying? The Political Economy of the Soviet Union Today by Albert Szymanski? The most commonly recurring debate on here is whether X country can be classified as socialist or not. This book is about post-Stalin USSR in particular but you could apply similar analysis to modern day China. Thoughts?
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I want to make it clear that I'm not an anarchist. Centralized power has its place. I just think that decision making should happen at the smallest scale that's viable for dealing that particular kind of issue. I agree that, for example, that something like nation-wide infrastructure should be handled nationally. But if something does not meaningfully affect areas outside of a given municipality, it absolutely should be handled locally.

Then you don't support decentralization as a general policy, because this is just how every system works

Lots of systems claim to, but to my knowledge, most don't, at least not to the degree I think they ought to.

Good book. Using similar analysis to modern day China would prove that it's not socialist.

>Using similar analysis to modern day China would prove
go ahead, do it, dont just slander like a retard


Political implications of the recent LA fires?

Do you think this will have a ripple effect? Trump becomes POTUS again in a few days and will inherent this mess. Any idea as to how his administration will handle the clean-up, especially since he's insinuated Newsome and Bass are completely incompetent?

How will the Angeleno left be affected? Will leftist mutual aid do a lot to make an impact in the aftermath or will it do little to nothing?

Will the fires cause Californians to radicalize in some way?

What do you think?
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The Gaza genocide could have lead to global revolution if the leftists groups organizing the mass protests actually did shit.

There’s another fucking fire. This one in Santa Clarita I think. See a huge pillar of smoke outside my work. I fucking hate this.


so what's the solution here? total burger death?

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Be me
>sign lease on New Year’s Day for a comfy cabin in the east bay.
>come back south to grab my stuff, on the 6th
>fire erupts on 7th
>decide to wait till the fire dies down
>now the fire has blocked every route north.
I’m getting looshed like a motherfucker.

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