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To all the anarchists here, put 1k hours in pic related and youll see why you need collectivism just to even continue living in 99% of circumstances.
>inb4 what game even is that
Get good noob
>inb4 you get all your ideology from vidya probably like fallout 3
No way Jose
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It's a survival video game called rust wherein you have to join a gang unless you want to be constantly murdered by 15 year olds for your resources.


Rust made me yearn for the killing fields.


>>>/siberia/ or >>>/dead/
Please read theory instead of getting a vibe for what words mean and heading straight into a debate gooning session. You somehow mistook anarchism for individualism, the literal opposite of anarchism.



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> Be me
> First year in college
> Only socialist orgs near me are DSA and IMT
> Local IMT chapter tables every few days trying to sell newspapers
> Mostly ignore them but tell them I'm a Maoist when they try their "are you a communist" speech and they usually leave me alone
> Months go by and all they do is sell newspapers
> 2 or so months ago, a pro-Palestine group organizes a protest
> I arrive and tons of people have signs, flags, etc
> I overhear an IMT member telling someone about their org
> I look over
> He's carrying a fucking newspaper

What is it about newspapers that makes Trotskyites love them so much?
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To add to this, you need to view it in the historical context.

Trotsky was quite literally there for the Russian Revolution. The printing press was key in enabling the spread of revolutionary ideas and a way of defeating censorship abroad, because the entire technology through Trotsky's life comes at the intersection of being heavy industrial machinery to letter-press printing.


Sorry not letterpress printing, but the technology goes through a clear development. Pamphlets of which are key because they can be cranked out and spread at just the cost of ink and paper.


oh yeah, I agree. entryism is not just "entering" an organization and cross-pollinating or whatever, as you say. it's a more insidious thing


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<trotsky, the guy who risked his life leading the red army always was against Lenin the entire way for years, would want hitler to win because he just hates stalin was incredibly ideologically sure he could get power so much as he always tried to do


>I'd rather tear my eyes out.

that wich hurts the liberal enrich the revolutionaries

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Delhi temperature hits 50.5C as India’s capital records hottest day
The temperature was more than nine degrees higher than expected, the IMD said, and came on the second day of record-breaking heat. On Tuesday a high of 49.9C had been hit in Mungeshpur and Narela, breaking the 2002 record of 49.2C.

Farmers’ forum takes out protest march in Idukki seeking relief for cardamom sector
“The district faced severe drought, especially the cardamom sector. But Union government representatives are yet to visit the drought-hit areas in the district or announce any special package. A Central government team should visit the drought-hit areas in the district, declare Idukki drought-hit, and announce a special package for the district,” said Mr. Varghese.

Luxury influencers vanish from Chinese social media in wealth crackdown
China's internet watchdog in April launched the "Clear and Bright" campaign to remove undesirable content from social media, vowing to crack down on influencers who created "ostentatious personas to cater to vulgar needs, and deliberately display extravagant lifestyles filled with money".

Four Pakistanis killed, 2 injured by Iranian forces in southwestern Pakistan, officials say
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>Delhi temperature hits 50.5C as India’s capital records hottest day
This is not going to end well.


>Article updated. Now it says 52.9C (127.2F)


<boomers will say climate is false
People on this site are so fucking dumb you people legitimately make me depressed for the future of the left.


I once worked in a 49.5˚C (desert) environment. It was fucked.

I was kept being transported from point A to point B with an air-conditioned taxi and whenever I had to step outside the car the heat, I felt, literally "punched" my whole body.

Like, you can not even imagine. It's like going from "okay mode" to "you are being slammed by galactic forces mode."

Moving from a sauna to cold water doesn't even compare. First of all, that's planned, moreover, it is within range, and lastly, temporal. But moving out from a, say, 29˚C air-conditioned car to a 49.5˚C general environ – while wearing clothes – is like having your entire outer edifice (your skin) being hammered harder and harder, warmer and warmer, every minute. It's pretty fucking insane.

And as for such condition's socio-economic perspective, especially in third-world context:
>electricity consumption & bills go up, up, up (air conditioners for homes & businesses, refrigerators for restaurants, etc.)
>rotten food EVERYWHERE: stores, restaurants, etc.
>halting of production (in factories and farms) due to unbearable heat conditions
>a sense of "mediterranean off time" in small shops (p-bourg), where store owners (typically male) snooze while their employds' (or their wi[f/v]e[s]) serve the customers

It is truly fucked.


imagine a pussy 52.9C (127.2F) hot


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Parapolitics general, didn't see anything on /leftypol/ related to the topic so aggregate discussion of larger scale conspiracy, psyop, power maps, and general tin foil hat grindset here.


Programmed to Kill by Dave McGowan

Aberrations in the Heartland of the Real by Dr. Wendy S. Painting

The Road to 9/11 by Peter Dale Scott

Weird Scenes Inside the Canyons by Dave McGowan

Mass Murderers in White Coats by Larry Lapon

Eye of the Chickenhawk by Simon Dovey
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Mandatory reading


<In a culture of fear, we should expect the rise of new mechanisms of social control to deflect distrust, anxiety, and threat. Relying on the analysis of popular and academic texts, we examine one such mechanism, the label conspiracy theory, and explore how it works in public discourse to “go meta” by sidestepping the examination of evidence. Our findings suggest that authors use the conspiracy theorist label as (1) a routinized strategy of exclusion; (2) a reframing mechanism that deflects questions or concerns about power, corruption, and motive; and (3) an attack upon the personhood and competence of the questioner. This label becomes dangerous machinery at the transpersonal levels of media and academic discourse, symbolically stripping the claimant of the status of reasonable interlocutor—often to avoid the need to account for one’s own action or speech. We argue that this and similar mechanisms simultaneously control the flow of information and symbolically demobilize certain voices and issues in public discourse.


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"Glasnost" was a psyop designed by Yakovlev


Everything you've mentioned is essential to understand. Here's my self-contradictory Parapolitics TLDR: It's impossible to understand the current geopolitical moment without understanding the activities of western intelligence apparatus post WW2. Don't waste time on occult or esoteric connections, stick with the realities. Peter Dale Scott has spent a lifetime of scholarship on these realities, he's the only rec in the OP worth studying.
>t. values most of the pods in OP except when they get esoteric


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Best parapolitics podcast: Ghost Stories for the End of the World


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The correct approach to Marxism is reading all of those works from beginning to end and understanding them as an integrated whole. Quote-collecting like many do is just bowing to arbitrary authority much like how Stalinists can simply defer to Economic Problems to evade criticism. Or to put it another way, if someone accepts socialism is commodity-less solely by being convinced by a bunch of Marx or Lenin quotations, they are no better than a Stalinist who accepts socialist commodities after reading Stalin. In both cases critical thinking is missing.
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I don't think thats the conclusion that logically follows.


This is a weird post because, at least during its during its first decade or so, nobody pretended the USSR wasn't under a capitalist mode of production. Then from Stalin onwards they constantly flip-flopped on whether they were socialist or not (not unlike Mao).


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>The correct approach to Marxism is reading all of those works from beginning to end and understanding them as an integrated whol


It makes sense that as the development towards socialism marched on they would at some point leave capitalism.
You know, for example after abolishing the NEP.

You cant seriously be saying that if a country started out in one mode of production it can never develop into another? Like saying spain is still feudal because it was feudal when it was founded.

I don't think whether or not to use a label is the important aspect here though, but rather is a "state capitalist" market can be considered a form of dictatorship of the proletariat and an abolishment of the dictatorship of capital (not capitalists, capital itself). In the sense that, is it a sustainable stage for a short to medium turn for a country to develop in or is it an inherently unstable unmaintable state which will by definition deteriorate back into capitalism if allowed to endure.
For example, China introduced full markets and private ownership for (austensibly) the same reasons as the NEP existed, but the continues existance of market with private property led to the domination of capital itself over the economic decisions of the country and then to the domination of capital itself over politics via bribery and economic power.


>The correct approach to Marxism is reading all of those works from beginning to end and understanding them as an integrated whole.
And since less than 0.1 % of Marxists have read all of Marx and Engels (and "those works" is ambiguous enough it could mean more authors still) this rhetorical move brings everybody in the group down to the same level. I can see that's a useful rhetorical move for people who haven't read anything.

Alas, it's not convincing for those who have read enough to know that the works of Marx and Engels are not finished (this is explicitly stated in Capital Volume III and Dialectics of Nature) and that Marx and Engels went through changes both in opinions and jargon (just poke your nose into their correspondence).

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Ok. so here it goes.

The libel democracies have an incredibly powerful propaganda network. In the so-called United States, the vast majority of the politically active population are liberals, some are more conservative than other but the ideology of liberal democracy stands strong, if not weakening.

With this in mind, it makes strategic sense to target
liberal spaces in both real life and on the internet to turn them into more radical and leftist ideologies. Specifically, Americans, as they still hold the majority of material resources as well as economic capabilities. A more leftist American generation has already arisen, socialism, communism, and anarchism are becoming more openly discussed as legitimate alternatives by the younger generations to the rampant capitalist structure that defines the United States.

How do we both mobilize these people to more radical actions, and how do we bring in more liberals to the ideology to both decrease the power of American liberal hegemony and strengthen the general attitudes of the population towards the radical left?

Pic unrelated.
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The labor aristocracy is a small minority where some class traitors try to opportunistic to co -opt workers not to organize themselves and have no solidarity together leading to a class conciliation ideology with the national bourgeoisie that deceives workers.
Let's see what Lenin have to say about the labor aristocracy:
<In a letter to Marx, dated October 7, 1858, Engels wrote: “…The English proletariat is actually becoming more and more bourgeois, so that this most bourgeois of all nations is apparently aiming ultimately at the possession of a bourgeois aristocracy and a bourgeois proletariat alongside the bourgeoisie. For a nation which exploits the whole world this is of course to a certain extent justifiable.” In a letter to Sorge, dated September 21, 1872, Engels informs him that Hales kicked up a big row in the Federal Council of the International and secured a vote of censure on Marx for saying that “the English labour leaders had sold themselves”. Marx wrote to Sorge on August 4, 1874: “As to the urban workers here [in England], it is a pity that the whole pack of leaders did not get into Parliament. This would be the surest way of getting rid of the whole lot.” In a letter to Marx, dated August 11, 1881, Engels speaks about “those very worst English trade unions which allow themselves to be led by men sold to, or at least paid by, the bourgeoisie.” In a letter to Kautsky, dated September 12, 1882, Engels wrote: “You ask me what the English workers think about colonial policy. Well, exactly the same as they think about politics in general. There is no workers’ party here, there are only Conservatives and Liberal-Radicals, and the workers gaily share the feast of England’s monopoly of the world market and the colonies.”
<On December 7, 1889, Engels wrote to Sorge: “The most repulsive thing here [in England] is the bourgeois ‘respectability’, which has grown deep into the bones of the workers…. Even Tom Mann, whom I regard as the best of the lot, is fond of mentioning that he will be lunching with the Lord Mayor. If one compares this with the French, one realises, what a revolution is good for, after all.”[10] In a letter, dated April 19, 1890: “But under the surface the movement [of the working class in England] is going on, is embracing ever wider sections and Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>we need to radicalize libs
>we need to radicalize conservatives
>we need to (re-)radicalize nazis
what is it with online leftists' obsession of "radicalizing" a specific sector of the political spectrum?


It's the inevitable result of abstracting politics from class. You end up thinking of political opponents in vague, static terms like "liberal" and "conservative" instead of more accurate descriptors like "middle class reformers", "domestic industrialists", "rural working class", etc.


they got le radicalized after watching a video essay on the marxism of toy story so they think the best way to build a communist movement is to do salting but instead of worker unions it's on shit like reddit and fbi.gov


>we need to radicalize libs
>we need to radicalize conservatives
>we need to (re-)radicalize nazis
But also,
>we need to de-radicalize Marxists
>we need to de-radicalize social media
>we need to de-radicalize the academy
It's easier to move anything where you want it with a firm hand on each end.
<any attempt to create a genuinely egalitarian ethos on the basis of principles of formal deference is ultimately impossible. There is a fundamental contradiction here. The logic of setting an abstract being apart necessarily involves setting it off against something; in practice, that always seems to mean creating a residual category of peo­ple—if not some racial or ethnic category, then workers, the poor, losers in the economic game— that are seen as chaotic, corporeal, animalistic, dan­gerous. By this logic, for instance, North American racism is not the great exception to the possessive individualism on which the country is found­ed— an anomaly for some reason never seems to go away— but something essential to its nature. In the contemporary world, where “the market” is endlessly touted as synonymous with freedom and democracy, and where its proponents have thereby claimed for themselves the right to “reform” every­ thing and everyone on earth, this is a point that even liberals might do well to think about. No hierarchy is ever immutable. Indeed, like capitalism, one could well argue that all hierarchies by their own internal logic must nec­essarily create images of rebellious disorder—images, indeed, of their own negation— that they then have to exert enormous amounts of energy to con­tain, so as to ensure that they do not burst out of the level of the imaginary. Such systems are always vulnerable. But by the same token, any genuinely egalitarian system must, it seems, adopt equivalent mechanisms, to stand guard against its own deeply embedded hierarchical possibilities.32


IMO high meme potential in this one. In Westoid press there could be nothing further from the constructed image of NK than them having a sense of humor or wit. It's also hilarious that Worst Korea would send fucking boyband mp3s to communist citizens as a time capsule of their peak civilizational output:

>Earlier this month, a group of North Korean defectors sent about 20 large balloons carrying some 300,000 propaganda leaflets criticizing Kim. The balloons also carried about 2,000 USB sticks containing K-pop content, including songs from members of Korean boyband sensation BTS. (Kim has called South Korean K-pop a “vicious cancer.”)

<North Korea warned it would retaliate against anti-Pyongyang leaflets sent over by activists in South Korea earlier this month.

<South Korean news agency Yonhap reported that South Korea’s military detected the balloons flying and falling in various locations across the country from Tuesday evening to Wednesday morning local time, going as far as South Gyeongsang, a province more than 180 miles from the demilitarized zone border between the two countries.

<The balloons appeared to carry trash—like plastic bottles, batteries, shoe parts, and even feces—a South Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff official said. The military is working with police to collect the materials for analysis, local paper Chosun Ilbo reported, and has advised residents not to come into contact with the droppings and instead report them to authorities.

What a hilariously chad move!



How stupid. I love improving my tarnished image amongst the South Korean population by lobbing feces at them.

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ITT we play cod: gulf war bingo

Place your bets on what stupid shit will take place in the new call of duty installment set during in the 90s from desert storm to 9/11
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- New Fish AI using real machine learning trained on videos of fish
- 10 second cooldown on jumping and weapon switching so quake starved zooms play the game as intended.
- In-game billboards load ads in real time, each being their own instance of an electron application somehow and causing frame drops when in view.
- Soda collab


my thesis is that "comedy" movies can be used to traffic in any kind of ahistorical reactionary bullshit and you aren't able to call it out because "it's just a joke bro, jeez" even as people passively absorb opinions from it


Is that actually fun? Don't they get dizzy? This is why I can't play mp games. I just want to have fun not whatever that shit is.


>Place your bets on what stupid shit will take place in the new call of duty installment set during in the 90s from desert storm to 9/11
Flight 93 mission where you get to go Mark Wahlberg on the terries. You tragically don't get to save the plane because it was actually being fly by wired the whole time anyways so then you sabotage the plane and crash but you save America in the process.


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No even better, one of the other flights that crashed. Fly by wire reveal. Last thing you see is pic rel but seats are empty.

Then the whole cabin starts tearfully singing together:
"Oh say can youuuu sneed by the….." as they accept their imminent death.


Another Egyptian soldier reportedly dies due to wounds from Rafah border clash with Israel
Egyptian military personnel, stationed on the border with the Palestinian Rafah in north-eastern North Sinai province, had reportedly exchanged fire with Israeli army troops on Monday, with unconfirmed news that at least seven Israeli soldiers were injured and five others killed.

US says Gaza pier being repaired as aid groups urge more consistent routes
“The ability of aid groups and medical teams to respond has now all but crumbled, with temporary fixes such as a ‘floating dock’ and new crossing points having little impact.”

Denmark university to halt investment in companies in West Bank amid student protests
The university will, as of May 29, divest its holdings worth a total of about 1 million Danish crowns ($145,810) in Airbnb (ABNB.O), Booking.com (BKNG.O), and eDreams (EDRE.MC), it said in a post on social media platform X. The university said it would work with fund managers to manage its investments and ensure they comply with a United Nations list of companies involved in illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

CWU slams looming takeover of Royal Mail by foreign investor EP Group
EP Group, owned by Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky, is likely to take over the public service, which was privatised by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition between 2013-15. Communications Workers Union general secretary DaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I.R.S. Failed to Police Puerto Rico Tax Break, Whistle-Blower Says
Despite a high-profile campaign announced more than three years ago to unearth possible abuse, the agency has audited barely two dozen people and has collected back taxes from none, according to a letter that an agency insider wrote this year to lawmakers and that has been reviewed by The New York Times, as well as interviews with I.R.S. officials.

Mercedes Hired Squad Of Anti-Union Consultants To Combat Alabama Organizing
The filings show the automaker contracted with three consulting firms to bring on at least 11 “persuaders” to hold meetings with workers about the union ahead of an election. Employees at the Vance, Alabama, plant ultimately voted 2,045 to 2,642 against forming a union, a setback for the UAW as it tries to organize Southern auto facilities.

Starbucks is set to resume union negotiations as it confronts issues at its stores
Narasimhan, in prepared remarks to Wall Street analysts, cited some of the challenges that union workers have been highlighting in their bid for better working conditions “Specifically in our U.S. stores, we’re focused on creating a more stable environment for partners through investments in equipment innovation, process improvements, staffing, scheduling and waste reductio …"

Farmers must kill 4.2 million chickens after bird flu hits Iowa egg farm
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Episode 382: Tribunal 2 (TrueAnon)
An interview with Coni Ledesma: former nun, member of Christians for National Liberation, and peace negotiator for the National Democratic Front living in exile in the Netherlands. We discuss her life and the political situation in the Philippines.

Workers in England and Sri Lanka unite against Asda
ON the 75th day of their strike, young women garment workers in Sri Lanka held a banner emblazoned, “Solidarity from the Sumithra strike to the Asda strike! United struggle across the Asda supply chain!” In their video message, one woman addresses Asda retail workers going on strike over 5,000 miles away in England, in the shops where the clothes they make are sold. Smiling, she says, “You are not alone.” Having braved months of their local bosses’ strikebreaking tactics, they sought to strengthen their fellow workers’ courage against their global bosses. In a heartfelt response, GMB national officer Nadine Houghton responded: “GMB’s Asda members fully support your struggle, and we will offer whatever solidarity we can.” These two strikes at either end of Asda’s supply chain are historic: workers have organised and held their ground against intimidation from bosses while supporting each other across the globe — teaching us an essential lesson about the power of global solidarity.

“Rafah is burning”: civilians massacred as IDF bombs refugee camp
In a rarer move, Netanyahu has issued a personal statement to Israel’s parliament, in which he called the bombing a “tragic mistake”, echoing the Army’s promise to investigate the incident. This stance from Netanyahu, who is typically unrepentant about Palestinian deaths, reflects the pressure of public opinion. It is a testament to the utter fury this latest atrocity has provoked, at a time when Israel’s crimes are ramping up pressure at home and abroad. As we wrote at the start of IDF operations in Rafah, Netanyahu’s considerations are primarily driven by domestic politics. He is facing growing frustPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I just cant decide between being a anarchist-communist or being a marxist-leninist. Both make convincing arguments in their theory but how am I supposed to figure out which one is right?

Each side says the other side's sources are just propaganda, so how am I supposed to make an informed reliable decision when I cant even tell if a claim and evidence for a side is propaganda or not. How can I come to a certain conclusion?
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>Handing out food to junkies doesn't make you revolutionary.
incredibly privileged burger take, i am very positive you are upper-class anon. very telling and comedic that u think mutual aid networks and community service only entail handin out food to junkies. touch sum grass.
>If you aren't in a party
<jus vote broooooooooo
what even is "a party"? ur tellin me the gays for trump party has done more for the proles then all mutual aid networks evr?
>and doing everything you can to get people to join that party, you aren't revolutionary.
assumin u mean marxists parties, stating that these parties hve any influence in a number of western countires, includin ur burger homeland, is laughable. its unfortunately the case that right-wing liberatarian mvmnts hve more revolutionary fever than any irl marxists ik.
>Petitioning for the party is far more revolutionary than feeding homeless people qho, realistically, can't even help themselves.
>Lumpenproles do not matter for the cause.
im not much of a marxist scholar, bu from the general comparisions ive seen of lumpenproles to neets who dont go outside, u r far more of a lumpenprole than any anarchist ive evr met, an ive met some rly entitled and shitty human beings. ask urself anon, do u think homeless ppl r unable to help themselves due to the virtue of their homelessness, or a society that starves them and promises salvation that may well nevr come?


>noooooo you're supposed to be building my grift not establishing social relations with my class enemies!


how you label yourself is totally irrelevant
until you take action, you are neither anyway. just thinking about marxism-leninism or anarcho-communism makes you only a marxist-leninist or anarcho-communist in your head



True and based

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