>>1913402>im being completely off on historyThat one.
How would there be "no USA", that is, how would the sufficient conditions of its formation have looked instead, and how would other nation-states have developed in its absence? Had the Indians beat back commercial exploitation of their lands, and had the colonists not jealously stopped their members from going native, would Europe simply have drained of all its dynamism? How might European colonialism have worked out without a Monroe Doctrine, would England have shut down the slave trade in this timeline and when? Without 1776, would 1789 have gone off as well as it did, and what theory or history would 1848 and 1917 have drawn upon? Too many moving parts for anything but a parlor game.
Read this letter from Engels to a young student which contains crucial advice for the historical materialist:
https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1890/letters/90_09_21b.htm>>1913724Professional-managerial class, one of the handful of 20th century theories theorizing the new middle class that formed in the USA in 1890-1920 and remains with us today. It traced the conscious evolution of the petit-bourgeois from outside the capital-labor relation to its essential mediators. Unlike other similar theories, it establishes a historical record for its claim of a new class in becoming. Some Marxists dismiss it because they consider it unthinkable to critique the two-class tendency (not destiny) mentioned in the
Manifesto, or of Orthodox Marxism's projections in general. Pdfrel