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>Went get burger at mcd on my way home, when I go pick it up the manager who is also behind the counter tells the worker to "go wipe tables over there" who goes off eye rolling.
>TMnager turns around towards the soda fountain and just stands there.
>I get overcome with a intense hatred towards petty bourgeois fucks.
>Firmly ask: Excuse me, can I please have my food?
>Manager turns around and puts my order in a bag.
>I snatch the bag out of his hand before he has time to hand it to me
>Priceless expression on his face
>I flip him off right in his face to make sure it's him and that was intentional and walk out
Felt good tbh, but I'm not sure it's praxis. Again am I becoming unhinged?
It's not really individual terror, but should a good marxist engage in individualist actions?
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You are paranoid. See therapist and start cardio exercise every moring.


<Composure [Medium: Success] - Something in the way he postures himself, his back to you, in front of the SugSlurpSoda fountain disturbs you… You try to delve where in a former time may have been your memories.
<Encyclopedia [Medium: Success] There it is. The conglomerate holding the manufacturer of SugSlurpSoda also held stakes in military industrial manufacturers which provided parts of the artillery which lay this place to waste.
<Logic [Trivial: Failure] Of course - this person must be an agent of anti-communism. No - not a mere agent. He must be anti-communism incarnate.
<Half Light - Punish him. Destroy him. This is your chance. This is the moment you worked for, waited for, suffered for - all your life. Right here. Right now. You will destroy anti-communism itself.
<Half Light [Easy: Failure] Smack anti-communism on the back of his head
>You - >>1873603




I'm OP's friend. But OP try not to use D-FENS as a role model.


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If your political ideology doesn't provide benefits to those with children or try to be of appeal to those with families and children, don't be surprised if your politics fail to haul in much popularity. Parenthood mandates that the parents must believe in the future, and that they must make the world sufficiently decent for those who come after. Is this group not the natural ally of the progressive revolutionary Communists? And what does it say about your ideology's goals, if people abandon it once they have families and people that they must provide for? The revolution always requires the consent of the masses, so don't delude your thoughts into the foolish idea that needed are only small numbers of fanatical fascists and anarchists, because the movies are very often fictional and idealistly, and the history bears out the constant failure of isolated lone wolf tools.
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>If your political ideology doesn't provide benefits to those with children or try to be of appeal to those with families and children, don't be surprised if your politics fail to haul in much popularity.
So you're saying breeders are reactionaries who demand special treatment (bribes)…
Communism will abolish the family and the idea that having children confers any special status. Child rearing will be a community matter.


>>1770527 (OP)
>If your political ideology doesn't provide benefits to those with children or try to be of appeal to those with families and children, don't be surprised if your politics fail to haul in much popularity.
Trump proposes comprehensive Communist societal planning, with stimulus directly given to parents so they can raise their children. Biden and the democrats are infinitely more shortsighted than Trump, as They only think of immediate cash stimulus for the bourgeoisie, Israel, Ukraine, and ice cream, not the People's future.


Should there be on this cornucopia of the planet Terrax 25 or more billion humans ?


This is one post I agree with.


This is it. It's all the housing crisis and more broadly the basic necessities crisis. All the basic necessities of life food, shelter, clothing have all become absurdly expensive. Who cares about luxury items becoming cheaper if the things we actually need to survive have become so expensive?
>Medeival kings couldn't imagine the luxuries the average person has now!
Bitch I'm trying to eat and not die from exposure like every living creature ever. Fuck off with your gay wunderwaffe.

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Excuse any bullshit that I may say involuntarily, please correct me if needed (I say this to avoid useless chatter in the form of reproaches that lead nowhere). I am going to refer mainly to western countries, knowing that in other contexts, the same would not apply. It is clear that the shift from industrial-based capitalism to financial capitalism (from now on, FC) has also determined a shift in socio-economic relations on all scales. Specifically for this post, the shift I want to focus on is women's place in the workforce and its access to higher education, on the one side, and the disintegration of the family structure on the other, the latter being a more specific FC phenomenon than the former. In parallel we have seen in the last decades the phenomenon of gender non-conformity, queer identities and etc. I dont want to defend nor attack this phenomenon, but I do want to point out that this latter shift in gender must have something to do with the previous ones mentioned and others one could consider, especially in relation to FC, as more than one may have already noticed. I see that much explanatory work could be done on the gender non-conformity phenomenon by relating it to the disintegration of what Hegel called ethical life and commonly referred to in sociology as community (Gemeinschaft as originally put by Tönnies), regardless of what one thinks about its value on top of that.

I would like to see your opinion on this connection from a strictly sociological-economical and historical point of view, since I see this topic treated mainly in the form of ideological and ethical discourse, mostly degenerating in worthless platitudes that reflect the personal prejudices of the sides involved more than anything else, needless to say.

BTW does anyone know any books on this specific connection? I have researched and found nothing on the matter.
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From the arms of one tyrant and into the other. Good for queer kids!


>when capital should be shouldering that cost
pb moment


I doubt we have the data to reliably answer OP's question. but I will point out one thing: the greeks were homos
>net worth of families under 35 is barely above $1000



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The ANC party that freed South Africa from apartheid loses its 30-year majority in landmark election
Steenhuisen’s Democratic Alliance was on around 21% of the vote. The new MK Party of former President Jacob Zuma, who has turned against the ANC he once led, was third with just over 14% of the vote in the first election it has contested. The Economic Freedom Fighters was fourth with just over 9%.

EFF to engage parties on coalition possibility: Malema
“The 2024 elections were not easy because whatever effort and resources dedicated in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, parts of Gauteng and Mpumalanga were undermined by the commendable and decisive rise of the MK Party. Which performed above the EFF in KZN and Mpumalanga. We nevertheless congratulate and commend the people of SA for voting out the ruling party from an absolute parliamentary majority which was abused since 1994.”

Airstrike sets North Darfur hospital ablaze
The Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) reportedly shot down a Rapid Support Forces (RSF) drone in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, on Tuesday, while the RSF continued to fire shells at multiple neighbourhoods in the city. A SAF airstrike reportedly set a hospital in Kutum on fire that day.

Iraqi Communist Party: 150,000 young Iraqis join the unemployed annually
"The budget and the government do not provide any practical measures to address the unemployment problem, especially among young people and graduates," Fahmi added, noting that "about 150,000 young people join the ranks of the unemployed annually." Hundreds of thousands of students graduate from universities and colleges in Iraq each year, joining the job market. However, the 2024 budget doesn't have enough jobs for these graduates and othersPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Oregon utility regulator rejects PacifiCorp request to limit its liability in wildfire lawsuits
The regulator added that the proposal could create a situation where PacifiCorp customers and non-customers are not able to seek the same damages. The proposal said that customers, in agreeing to receive PacifiCorp’s electricity, would waive their right to claim noneconomic damages. Over the past year, Oregon juries in multiple verdicts have ordered PacifiCorp to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to victims. Ongoing litigation could leave it on the hook for billions.

Kansas supreme court rules state constitution does not provide the right to vote
In fact, writing for the majority, Justice Caleb Stegall said that the dissenting justices wrongly accused the majority of ignoring past precedent, holding that the “fundamental right to vote” within the state constitution “simply is not there”. That finding is contrary to the US constitution, which dedicates large portions of itself to the right to vote for citizens.

Florida police punch, tase teen after he allegedly trespasses at pool
Lakeland police charged the 16-year-old boy with misdemeanor trespassing and two felony counts of battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting an officer with violence, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by ABC News.

Woman pleads guilty to negligent homicide in death of New York anti-gang activist
Authorities said Drago struck Evelyn Rodriguez with her vehicle and then drove over her in Brentwood in September 2018, killing the 50-year-old activist. The two were involved in confrontation after Drago had removed items fromPost too long. Click here to view the full text.




Escalating Insurgency: An Interview with the Spokesperson of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB)
The decades-long insurgency in the Papuan provinces has been intensifying. The TPNPB has now become a significant security threat for Jakarta. In this interview from late January, Militant Wire speaks (again) to Sebby Sambom, the spokesperson of the TPNPB.

Britain’s communists launch their election manifesto
ON Monday June 3 the Communist Party is launching our 2024 general election manifesto at an online all-Britain meeting. We are inviting all comrades, supporters and all those interested in knowing what the Communist Party stands for, why you should vote Communist on July 4 and why you should join the Communist Party and the YCL. The general election on July 4 2024 is a pivotal opportunity to remove the Tories after 14 years in power and to build the struggle for peace and socialism in Britain. As we approach this election, working people face a deep and systemic crisis — and we’re told the only choice we have now is between the virtually indistinguishable Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer. At home wages are stagnant. Living standards are declining. Poverty is spiralling. Public services are crumbling. Our democratic rights and civil liberties are under attack. All of this while profits increase and the rich get richer.

Frederick Engels: Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State [END] IX. Barbarism and Civilization
We have now traced the dissolution of the gentile constitution in the three great instances of the Greeks, the Romans, and the Germans. In conclusion, let us examine the general economic conditions which already undermined the gentile organization of society at the upper stage of barbarism and with the coming of civilization overthrew it completely. Here we shall need Marx's Capital as much as Morgan’s book. Arising in the middle stage of savagery, further developed during its upper stage, the gens reaches Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


why can't developed countries solve the housing crisis?
Why, does any country that reaches a certain level of development immediately begin to have severe shortages of housing causing chronic homelessness, young people living with extended family, and more inequality as only the wealthy pass on their houses to their children?

>The housing market is 'pretty dire' for younger Americans, says Realtor.com's Danielle Hale

We had this thread before but no cogent answers were given.

You have it to the point where the average house appreciates faster than wages i.e. the house earns more than a person. So the real classes are no longer proletariat vs bourgeoisie but homeowners vs everyone else.
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>We had this thread before but no cogent answers were given.

Does someone have that meme comic zhat goes like 'Give me the answer to my question without the actual answer you have already given because I don't like it.'


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>housing is treated as an "asset" that will "appreciate" in value due to inflation and scarcity of land
>investment firms realize housing is a very lucrative investment and start buying up housing to charge rent and speculate on flipping the property
>the speculation market drives investors to pump more money into the the housing to "raise the value" which simultaneously raises the rent, pricing people out


Because housing is an investment first and foremost, and a place to live second. The class interests of (a) homeowners, (b) landlords, and (c) banks all intersect on keeping housing supply below housing demand, thus propping up the value of their "asset". Despite the fact it utterly screws young people, a fairly large base of less-young people do fairly well out of this system, and there's a high political cost to fucking with them.
Look at Britain at the moment: the Conservatives wobbled the faith of the markets a little, so interest rates had to rise - which puts up mortgage costs. Result? It is currently almost certain that the Conservatives suffer their worst defeat in modern history, and not out of the question they suffer a defeat so severe they cease to be a viable party all together.

But this coalition has been political genius for them until this point: Thatcher stopped building public housing (deviously: councils were obliged to sell houses below-cost to their tenants, but banned from spending the money to build new houses, meaning the supply of public housing plunges over time) and the private sector never moved in to take up the slack - why build two $100,000 houses when you can build one $400,000 house? Any government committed to deficit spending to cut unemployment, rebuild public services, etc, might trigger inflation which would lead to a rise in mortgage rates… And dutifully, that's been one of the attacks ever since: Blair attacked the Conservatives because interest rates were higher in the 90s than the 2000s, Cameron attacked Brown for the 2008 crisis, Corbyn and Miliband were accused of being a similar risk, and now Sir Keith is riding to power on the back of high rates again…
well, it's a bit more complicated than that - Britain is a managed democracy after all - but it's an important mechanism for managing it…


same reason why developed countries can't "fix" the reserve army of labor
it's not a bug, it's a feature of capitalism

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post instances of Wikipedia glowing, that is WP displaying blatant US/NATO propaganda or disinformation as facts
discuss ways of making WP glow less, including sharing sources that counter the glow. meta studies by reliable institutions are best
what to do if you discover radioactive material on WP:
>do NOT edit without logging in. otherwise your IP will be displayed. IP edits are viewed with more suspicion by editors. VPN or Tor IPs even more so
>DO register an account
>do NOT register more than one account per IP. sockpuppetry is not difficult to detect
>DO edit more articles than just those that glow. this helps build good reputation
>DO complain loudly on Talk pages. some articles are restricted, but Talk pages generally are not
>DO familiarize yourself with WP's bureaucracy. lib editors love referring to WP:OR, WP:SYNTH and similar to try and shut down discussion
WP editors are autistic, but not as autistic as the average poster here is. dedicated comrades can de-glow pages given sufficient numbers and patience
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Idk man, the explanation of this anon here >>1872794 rings closer to the truth from my experience.


And because wikipedia is a 'ttertiary source', and that primary sources lend themselves to multiple interpretations. So the logic is to show what others have concluded rather than become a website of completely schizophrenic mess of Original Research.


"Truth" doesn't mean anything unless it is recognized. Christianity's "personal truth" queered that whole pitch, so to speak.


but then you run into the issue that is how bad secondary sources are. it's a good principle in theory to use secondary sources, but in practice often times it bogs down what you can put for an article and makes the time it takes for the NO 1 ENCYCLOPEDIA in the world to update a page based on new information because of sourcing conflicts much longer. if i take a blog post that sourced various scientific works and put them together to create a theory, then I can't use that. But, if some online only clickbait site like The Guardian paraphrases everything the blog says then it's fine to use? wikipedia is growing increasingly archaic and outdated, after all it's existed since 2002


I agree mostly.
>it bogs down what you can put for an article and makes the time it takes for the NO 1 ENCYCLOPEDIA in the world to update a page based on new information because of sourcing conflicts much longer.
I disagree with this. WIkipedia shouldn't have to be up-to-date with ongoing conflicts and such, in fact i would go as far as to say that time should be given between an event and an article creation, this kind of instantaneous event-driven article creation easily leads to abuse, Wikipedia is not 24hour cable news, there is no prescient reason that articles cannot wait until dust has settled most of the time.
I think most anons fall into a trap of assuming direct malice, but in reality it's often best to take people at their words and accept naivety.


in the soviet union and other socialist countries like mine(india) computers were not welcome as they would replace people.
this very much sounds like the contradiction in capitalist countries how enough wages are not given to workers as it would inflate money.

why was this contradiction not solved quickly in the union?

and why did the top people in the union not see the potential of computers like the capitalists did, maybe I am wrong about this one.
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>the entire economy, or parts of it? not even the USSR was entirely planned
we have access to fucking absurd amounts of economic data now.
The USSR at its height had a literal fraction of it. Alibaba and Amazon alone almost guaranteed process more economic data in a single day than the entire planning committee was capable of handling in a year in the 1980s.


Nationalize Amazon alone, and you will have well more than 80% of the consumer supply chain in your hands.


>>1873259 (me)
It's not for our benefit, but Amazon does try to find commodities which it can knock-off and enshittify according to its own aggressive cost controls. Perhaps that capacity could be applied more benignly without the enshittification part.


>communism is when big computer
lol at fags confusing social planning with "cybernetic central planning" or whatever the fuck


>we have access to fucking absurd amounts of economic data now.
yeah that's my point. the Soviet economy was hampered by the lack of disaggregated up-to-date data

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The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)

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Don't know what people are arguing about
Watch this instead of shitting yourself, angry retard or retards


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>But this doesn’t belong in the Palestine thread
You cant solve the Palestine question without addressing the primary contradiction. You can't isolate things from their material history and the world they actually exist in. I would accuse you of wrecking but its apparent you are just uninformed.


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>descendants of Nazis
that's like all Germans
>holocaust "survivor"
>fled before the Nazis even got to Odessa
the Fink has some rather unkind words for people like these


Don't engage anti-anti-imp
Do not let them take up space
In the best case cut off their oxygen completely
and I mean in a literal sense


Some retard to forgot the next thread post:


Happy Pride Month /leftypol/! Why haven't misogynist men just gone gay as the ultimate form of MGTOW? Homofascism is peak masculinity and male independence. Straight men constantly bitch and moan about having to deal with women, and jump through hoops just to get a crumb of pussy. Gay men get to opt out from all of that, and there's always an endless supply of fresh bussy of all varieties in Homostan.
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Maybe not directly related to the thread, but YM deserves respect, in a way. He put his money where his mouth was, he recognised the Japanese left was entirely right about Burger occupation while the pathetic Jap right was - and it will always be - a pathetic lapdog and when his attempted revolt failed, he ended it - and himself - honourably and consistently with the kind of ethos he preached. Meanwhile, others on the right sent underage teenagers to murder popular socialist politicians with swords to later "mysteriously" die while in police custody.
Also, more related to the thread, please be aware that you can stick your erect penis both inside a vagina and inside the anus of someone without a vagina and still be a manly man without any need to doubt your masculinity.


People who think that sexuality is a choice or that sexual orientation is something you can choose are likely those that have bi- or homosexual tendencies they are trying to surpress themselves, so for them personally it's a choice but not for anyone else. I am sorry but people that are exclusively straight or gay are not constantly trying to surpress any urges that go contrary their own self-desginated sexual orientation..


>pretend that my utopia is the normal state and blame reality for deviatng from it
Log off Hazoid


They love classical aesthetics so much, you'd think they were en soixante-neuf every time they could get 5 minutes together behind closed doors.


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I came across it several years ago. The owner would doxx veterans who had lost limbs and call them war criminals. The owner bragged about how he was undoxxable, and would only take profiles down if they made a video apologizing for imperialism. It's been totally scrubbed from the internet. Even Gibiru can't find it.
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Exhibit A on why people hate on the Left.


Well, that's edgy.
But he's making fun of child killers, so who cares.


this cucklord biden-voting redditor >>1873077


Only counter-revolutionaries whine about dead children.
If you had read Marx you would be attacking the means of capitalist cultural reproduction, but that would mean attacking your own place in society, wouldn't it?


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