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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Europe would've been the only force left to willfully oppose the USSR, but it was an inevitable losing battle.
the rest the of the world would've submitted.
>Africa was an underdeveloped shithole (and still is)
>middle east was still barely just starting to recover from it's medieval phase
>imperial Japan was going to get cucked either way eventually
North America was the last and only powerful bastion of capitalism, a geographical advantage that the capitalists lucked out with.
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>im being completely off on history
That one.

How would there be "no USA", that is, how would the sufficient conditions of its formation have looked instead, and how would other nation-states have developed in its absence? Had the Indians beat back commercial exploitation of their lands, and had the colonists not jealously stopped their members from going native, would Europe simply have drained of all its dynamism? How might European colonialism have worked out without a Monroe Doctrine, would England have shut down the slave trade in this timeline and when? Without 1776, would 1789 have gone off as well as it did, and what theory or history would 1848 and 1917 have drawn upon? Too many moving parts for anything but a parlor game.

Read this letter from Engels to a young student which contains crucial advice for the historical materialist: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1890/letters/90_09_21b.htm

Professional-managerial class, one of the handful of 20th century theories theorizing the new middle class that formed in the USA in 1890-1920 and remains with us today. It traced the conscious evolution of the petit-bourgeois from outside the capital-labor relation to its essential mediators. Unlike other similar theories, it establishes a historical record for its claim of a new class in becoming. Some Marxists dismiss it because they consider it unthinkable to critique the two-class tendency (not destiny) mentioned in the Manifesto, or of Orthodox Marxism's projections in general. Pdfrel

/pol/uyghur false flag bait.

If it weren't for the US, the USSR would have fallen.

>Professional-managerial class, one of the handful of 20th century theories theorizing the new middle class that formed in the USA in 1890-1920 and remains with us today. It traced the conscious evolution of the petit-bourgeois from outside the capital-labor relation to its essential mediators. Unlike other similar theories, it establishes a historical record for its claim of a new class in becoming. Some Marxists dismiss it because they consider it unthinkable to critique the two-class tendency (not destiny) mentioned in the Manifesto, or of Orthodox Marxism's projections in general. Pdfrel

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please explain why capitalism can't just be saved from collapsing forever by just busting up monopolies and other large companies and just resetting the clock over and over. Can't capitalism theoretically be maintained forever this way?
>antitrust law is a collection of mostly federal laws that regulate the conduct and organization of businesses in order to promote competition and prevent unjustified monopolies
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>there's no difference between someone identifying as a communist and someone being a communist

>he thinks confessions of ideology are honest
Oh no

>>1912362 (me)
Also read chapter 3 of the Manifesto and reconsider your ideological commitments if you appear in it

try again

the equations tell you nothing, except that whatever the initial conditions of capitalist production, it comes to a halt, eventually. in short, it proves that capitalism has a best-by date, and that capitalism isn't the end of the system of german idealism.

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Today a friend of mine did some observation, which i never noticed but is actually true, we were talking about "media representation" on stuff like disney and the bald bitch on the groupie started whining and moaning about "why is there no princess from x third world region", i answered that is a stupid complaint and american companies obviously target their propaganda to white americans.
Then a friend noted how odd it was that thirdies didnt actually complained about the fact they consume american media, and that they are being brainwashed by american corporations, but that it is not explicitly catered for them, and that they for some reason wish the imperial core propaganda was catered for them instead of not receiving propaganda from america at all
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>indie games

>Today a friend of mine
stopped reading here as you have no friends

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A tiny minority of gusanos unfortunately does exist, but it's just something to make fun of for normal people.
>hello kitty, I trusted you. I thought you were all about friendship, love, purity and honesty. But you turned out to be a sieg heiling bitch.
Western media is a problem, but not a big one. It doesn't stop people from thinking for themselves.

>why are reactoids like this?
Because they have no life, everything must be about owning others.

el salvador is very americanized and loves the us dollar in place of its own actual currency. they also hate the chinese for some reason because they started building shit and outdoing their local businesses. also that place gave me the shits, so fuck them cant wait for their dogshit economics to catch up with them and make the country cease to exist

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South Korea workers at Samsung announce indefinite strike action
The union said today that it was announcing an indefinite strike, accusing the management of being unwilling to negotiate. The NSEU’s demands include a 3.5 per cent pay rise, additional vacation days and compensation for all members who participated in the strikes.

A railway union strike in Sri Lanka leaves tens of thousands of commuters stranded
A railway union strike stopped most trains across Sri Lanka on Wednesday, leaving tens of thousands of passengers to brave the few dangerously overcrowded trains that kept running or be stranded at the station.

US-built pier will be put back in Gaza for several days to move aid, then permanently removed
The officials said the goal is to clear whatever aid has piled up in Cyprus and on the floating dock offshore and get it to the secure area on the beach in Gaza. Once that has been done, the Army will dismantle the pier and depart. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because final details are still being worked out.

Iraq court sentences a widow of ISIL leader al-Baghdadi to death
An Iraqi court has sentenced a widow of late ISIL (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to death for her role in the armed group and for detaining Yazidi women, the judiciary has announced.
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"If you can't do any better, don't criticize the ones trying"

Anti-thirdworldist di$kkkrimination

>management of being unwilling to negotiate. The NSEU’s demands include a 3.5 per cent pay rise
What are they going to negotiate for? Will they compromise between 3.5% and 0 increase and give a 2% increase? Holy shit they have no ambitions whatsoever, and on top of that they went out of their way to find the least harmful option for the employer. Cuckold trade unions are the plague

does the NSEU have an official website in english?

Oh, are they on strike demanding to end the American occupation and reunite with their brothers? Are these strikers coming out in support of the WPK and the Juche idea as the rightful Marxist Leninist path for Korea?

My mistake, they’re just crying for their puppet masters to give them more treats. Koreans in the occupied south are so far removed from their culture they’re almost as degenerate as the Japanese. Once the occupation is over and the DPRK is united I can only imagine the struggles necessary for long term reeducation and de-imperialization most of the south will have to go through, honestly it will probably take at least two generations if not more to free them from bourgeois ideology

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Is robbing bookstores morally right or wrong?
Steal to read and acquire knowledge.
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That anon, I also worked with homeless (and at risk groups, etc) after I got housed
Glad others here wirk in the services instead of being uni students and etc.

>they never had a chance
i believe they do, it's slim but we can at least try

<Marx is informed that his wife was raped by a pack of lumpens.
<His laughter stops.

You have bookstores that sell books worth stealing?

Wtf is going on in this thread? Are these all bots?

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Why do some of leftists seem to hate the Turks as a whole, like fascists? This attitude towards Turks is especially prevalent in some anarchists, which is borderline racist. This attitude towards Turks only hurts the leftist movement in Turkey and helps the Grey Wolves.
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To answer your question OP, this thread shows exactly why I don't like turks for the most part.
>This sub
Confirmed bot.

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>what was Turkey supposed to do, revert time and stop the armenian genocide from happening?
Um maybe pay reperations and not take their land that has been theirs for 5k years?
>Oh well our last government has genocided a nation and etnichly cleansed people from their ancestral lands we might aswell take their lands and deny the genocide for more than a century b-b-but its totally fine as our government has changed and we became a heckin republicerino!!!!
this is basicly what you're saying, does that makes any sense to you?
ulan tırrık ne lobisi gene kafanda strawman yaratmışsın tüm suçu ona atıyosun KEK :-DDD, lobilere gerek mi her 20 yılda bir falan pogrom, işgal yapıysounuz daha geçen gün kayseride surileri 6-7 eylüllediniz niye sevsin sizi solcular kalkmış birde soruyosun KEK

worse … a Redditer

Turkey is an excolonial entity, upholding the identity of some horde-invader rapist maniac invading settlers, supressing minorities like kurds and collaborating with nafo

> upholding the identity of some horde-invader rapist maniac invading settlers,
They're unironically really in to rape.
When they killed communists they are really proud of taking one of their wives and comrades as a sex slave.
Very vile insects.


Does anyone know if there are any active groups on Element that people can join to discuss Marxism?

Spent a while looking but can't find anything.

If I can't find one in a couple days, I'll make one and link it here.


In general, what are people's thoughts on using these types of services to compliment being involved in face to face IRL orgs?
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Join the leftypol matrix (see header)

Unprotected sexual intercourse large volume of ejaculate straight up the asshole.

Leftypol Matrix.
>In general, what are people's thoughts on using these types of services to compliment being involved in face to face IRL orgs?
It's pure entertainment most of the time. If you're lucky you can review theory and get answers to your questions but don't count on it.

Thank you for the dignified contribution.

Moved to >>>/tech/25968.

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I think reading up about these guys should be mandatory because they are a perfect illustration of what not to do. They were without a doubt perhaps the most incompetent and embarrassing armed group that has ever existed. Everyone, White Working class union members, Black Panthers and feminists all made fun of them and thought they were embarrassing retards
All their members hailed from very privileged backgrounds and were university students, Not surprisingly, when they were apprehended, only a handful faced any consequences or retribution from the government. Their grand "revolution" against the United States turned out to be a decade-long spree of meaningless bombings and vandalism. Law enforcement dubbed them the "toilet bombers" due to their penchant for targeting government building bathrooms. The pinnacle of their incompetence was when they accidentally blew up one of their own safe houses. Some of their members managed to evade capture for years(cause no one was actually looking for them), only to be astounded by the lenient punishment they received upon surrendering. cause law enforcement simply didn't deem them worth prosecuting. the majority of them are still alive and continue to enjoy their wealth to this day and are college professors and social activists.
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>accomplish nothing
>invite more government reaction and public support for antiterrorist surveillance measures
>get arrested and spend 90% of your time trying to rescue former members of your militant group
fuck the haters maaaan

Rightoid dog whistle, stopped reading

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Reminds me how modern activists are projecting Palestinians as their ideals

CCK Philosophy did a pretty great video about this crew recently.

>Fidel avatar
Fidel was actually a two-state solution guy. Well, they tend to see Israel as monolithic. I was watching a travel YouTuber who went to Israel soon after the war started, and he came across an anti-war demonstration where there were communist symbols, and there was also a big counter-protest crowd of hotheaded jingos. It's at 1:00 in this video. The anti-war left seems pretty marginal in Israel, but to rule out even communication with these people because they're Israeli doesn't seem rational. It also seems self-defeating and might contribute to their further marginalization. Like, don't they want to divide the enemy? That's basic tactics.


I'm making this thread because I think my experience might be really similar to other people on this board.

I live in a large town in Europe, of about 100k people. I'm quite far from the capital or any actual city, and even if I lived there the only groups in my country are radlibs and socialdemocrats that are completely hypnotised by electoralism.

How does one be a good communist, where there is no party in existence, in your area or the country you are in? Is there any way to volunteer your time to any organisations like ICOR or ILPS in any significant way?

Even in larger countries, like France or Britain, the existing parties seem a bit pathetic, and not at all widespread. How you stop the waves of feelings of helplessness and apathy that comes from feeling like you don't have any realistic option to contribute to the movement?
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Revolutionary education from the psl is pretty good for the most part but it's not a basic organising guide, good to read though and read with a larger group if you've build one

Struggling to find a link, could you furnish us with one?

I mean you might as well fight for better living conditions even if you can't make the jump towards true socialism.

>Does anyone know off any books or written material for people to start organising and doing their part to build socialist organising locally?
>Links to a PDF by an organisation that has nothing but stood in the way of the development of organising the socialist movement.


>The 1965 Bulgarian coup d'état attempt was an attempt by officials in the Bulgarian Communist Party and officers in the Bulgarian People's Army to oust the leadership of the party, more specifically the General-Secretary Todor Zhivkov. These plans were foiled in April 1965 before the coup could be carried out.

>In October 1964 two members of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Ivan Todorov-Gorunya and Tsolo Krastev , began to plot against Zhivkov. The conspirators were communists influenced by Mao Zedong of China, who denounced the leadership of the Communist Party for having become "opportunists" and for following the "revisionist" Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev. Although Khrushchev was removed on 14th of October, the conspirators aimed at establishing a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Bulgaria. Several dozen officers joined, including the commander of the Sofia garrison General Tsvyatko Anev; the head of the personal cabinet of the Мinister of Defence, Colonel Ivan Velchev; the deputy chief of the Мain Political Directorate of the Bulgarian People's Army General Мicho Ermenov ; and the chief of department at the General Staff, General Lyuben Dinov.

>The plan was to execute the coup with the aid of the Bulgarian People's Army during the plenum of the Central Committee of the BCP. They planned to use the tank brigade based around Sofia, the Guard Division and the First Army headquarters in Sofia as a show of force against the party leadership.

>The conspirators aroused suspicion and a counter-intelligence operation carried out between 28 March and 12 April 1965 uncovered the scheme and arrested those involved. Some sources say that the leaders of the plot were being spied on even before 1964 because they were not fully trusted by the party leadership.The first arrested was General Anev on 8 April 1965. Following his arrest the coup leader, Todorov-Gorunya, committed suicide at home. On 12 April the rest of the plotters were arrested. Nine of them were court martialed and were given sentences varying from 8 to 15 years, and another 192 people were given administrative penalties.

>Rumors spread throughout Sofia about the suicide of a high-ranked party official and about the possibility of a plot against the current leadership. The state-controlled media, however, den
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If they win Maoists would call them revisionists and wreckers for taking power through a coup rather than through people's war

This isn't Maoism. Maoism was initiated by the people's war in Peru. I think this is more of an internal conflict in the bourgeoisie of a revisionist state. It's an interesting story however.

there was no bourgeoisie you retarded idiot

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The bourgeoisie didn't just magically dissolve itself after the revolution.

Class antagonisms sharpen and become more acute under the DotP because the enemy class have been used to being in power for decades if not centuries. That doesn't just go away.

Thinking that there has been no bourgeois in any country is total revisionism.

Zhivkov was a rightist that, if anything, tried to appease the capitalist elements in society and attempt to mix capitalism and socialism. It just gets ignored because the Party's foriegn policy was aligned with the USSR. But the fact on the ground was that it was not much better than Tito's revisionist

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