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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Followup to >>2097411

I find the movement interesting because it's right on the edge between obscure internet bullshit and real world political movement. If I could compare it to anything, it's kind of like a left-wing version of the neoreactionary movement. Yarvin has ties to Thiel, and Hinkle has ties to Dugin, but neither Hinkle nor Yarvin has a particularly huge audience on their own (although Hinkle's is definitely bigger).

I also find it odd that they're a so-called populist group full of people who are opposed to popular positions. The chair of the ACP, for example, has made anti-gay statements, even though supermajorities in both the US and Canada both support same-sex marriage.

Also, it might glow. Picrel.(thread saged for violating ord 1 - last thread was by special mod permission only)
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It's why I think it should stay up. There were some defending the ACP last thread but there's still no one willing or able to state where their funding is coming from.
There was also a salient point made about how the ACP attacks "fellow" Leftists but feel very comfortable carrying water for open anti-communist pro-trump reactionaries.

(cont. from prev thread)
>Why does this never apply to other communists who don't share the exact same beliefs. I'll probably never join the ACP, but I'd be more than willing to work with them, because we do have a lot of mutual self-interests. But for some reason, I'm treated as a greater enemy than literal LaRoucheites because I went for a slightly different shade of red.
Million dollar question here. They're willing to carry water for pro-Trump reactionaries like Tate, but not the DSA or Corbyn?
Nationalists who argue small nation states are the same as a village or workplace do not understand community.
>Communism isn’t about “different minorities” but “upholding the majority” in this historical process
This is a recipe for tailism. What if the "majority" want to uphold capitalism?
>Communists are loyal to the proletarian class, not to “classes”
But what is loyalty to a class? I'd argue communists are loyal to a cause and ourselves. We aim to abolish Capital and all classes.
This "class loyalty" stuff seems to inevitably lead to people obsessing about what is "proletarian" and "bourgeois". Especially in regards to sexuality and the culture war. Like you have people argue (H*z included) that homosexuality is bourgeois. It's just nonsense.
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>(thread saged for violating ord 1 - last thread was by special mod permission only)
I was expecting something like that to happen. Thanks for not outright deleting it.

My big question is, why do MAGAcoms always dodge the question when you ask them things like "what activities are the party doing that aren't already being done by other parties", "where does the money come from", and "what's your long term plan of action"? They never actually answer these questions in a way where you've learned something that you didn't know already, even though said questions should be extremely easy to answer.

Beyond that, I wonder where they're going to go now that Trump's president, and Musk and Zuckerberg have both taken the side of social conservatism. What do they really have to rally against at this point?

>It's a term used to obscure.
yeah sure i agree mostly imo fascism is just imperialism turned inward, so its not all capitalism or liberalism, just late stage capitalism that has run out of room for expansion. comparing neoliberal imperialism with nazism should lead you do the conclusion that fascism as a distinction is pretty much just when imperialism happens to europeans, and so making this distinction is essentially a form of chauvinism that puts the people of your own nation above the international working class. what is the real difference from capital using concentration camps where they work you to death for slave labor and a rubber plantation where they cut off your arms for not making quota? henry ford profits from both. but i think its still a useful propaganda word and that the analysis of decaying imperialism is still solid and important

I suspect Hinkle may leave the party or the ACP will simply turn into the "left wing" of "Trumpism". It all comes down to whether they'll openly oppose the Trump admin or if they're going to spend (at least) four years attacking the left for fostering "chaos" and "disunity" by not falling in line.
Considering H*z track record of attacking unionization and the DSA, it wouldn't surprise me if that's what they're going to do.
>why do MAGAcoms always dodge the question when you ask them things like "what activities are the party doing that aren't already being done by other parties", "where does the money come from",
True. I'd love for some investigative journalist to grill them on that. I know some of them lurk here still. Still waiting for an answer.

Jackoff Stinkle is the most obvious fed of all time and openly a huge piece of shit regardless.

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Department 1 in Marx's macroeconomic model is production of the means of production. Today a big part of the labor of the production of the means of production is transhumanisting AI. transhumanisting AI is done by human-curating large transhumanisting sets, and then manually verifying those transhumanisting sets. One way to do this is by distributing captchas. Captchas are small units of labor that are assigned to a person as part of a "security verification" to "make sure you're not a bot."

In reality, captchas are unpaid labor. Granted they are unpaid labor that is worth mere seconds of socially necessary labor time, but they are gotten completely for free. The capitalist is not even buying the labor power for a wage. They are buying the service of distributing captchas, and then the people who are assigned the captchas, end-users, are performing this labor completely unpaid. So it generates surplus value in the form of transhumanisting AI (means of production) to get better at abstract tasks that only humans used to be good at. Captchas started off in the 00s as text recognition captchas, but these days captchas are getting increasingly difficult.

Since porkies are already experts at obfuscating class relations, and using propaganda to completely dismiss the exploitation of the working class, it is only fitting that they would come up with an even more clever way to do this. Think of all the thousands of captchas you've filled out in your life. That's unpaid labor. That's micro-exploitation.

<uhhh this sounds like micro-aggression lol, don't be a baby

think about it. the pennies add up! Millions of people filling these out creates so much profit that they then reinvest into expanding production and making even more profit.
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I don't view socialism as inevitable but I also don't view the total destruction of modern society and a return to pre-capitalist feudal or even slave-based society as likely either. The latter is only likely in the event of total nuclear war, in which case we'll have bigger problems than the mode of production (namely, billions of deaths, nuclear fallout/winter, widespread disease/starvation, the total destruction of most agriculture, plant, animal life, zero protection from the elements, widespread homelessness, etc.)

Broken word filter because the site broke last year
This is why I've cut most things that require capchas out of my online routine, only exception being editing tags on gelbooru.
If I see a capcha unbookmark the page / site and keep surfing.

Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will

>The bourgeoisie are reverting to rent-seeking and other feudalist behavior because of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall.
It's interesting because the early capitalist economists like Adam Smith not only believed in a Labor Theory of Value (primitive and more contradiction-riddled than the Socially Necessary Labor Time of Karl Marx, but still a labor theory of value nevertheless) while at the same time extolling profit as the "wages of the capitalist" for their ability to "innvoate" and "superintend" production. We know now that scientists and engineers are responsible for the former and managers are responsible for the latter, and the capitalist merely invests. As the rate of profit falls they cannot but help to rent-seeking in desperation. The socially necessary labor time to produce commodities keeps falling, and consequently so does the money-price. Video games cost millions to produce but once they are in a commodity form they are just data; files that can be copy pasted endlessly. More money goes into producing digital storefronts and preventing piracy than anything. The price of the commodity must be kept arbitrarily high. In a way commodties are starting to resemble fiat money. The labor that makes them so valuable is not the labor that goes not into producing them, but rather the labor that goes into securing them from duplication: i.e. "counterfeiting" for fiat money, and "piracy" for commodities. "Software As A Service" reduces the discrete commodity, which is sold once as a unit, to a continuous service, which continually leeches money from the purchaser on a rental basis.

What would Marx say about Steam and Epic Games, and what this means for the commodity form?

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lets talk about some left wing movies/ and the messaging from them. is there anything interesting you guys have seen recently? anything that could be repurposed as propaganda or even some oc?



Moved to >>>/hobby/44979.

watched DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD recently, it was pretty good though lagged a bit in the first half, recommend if you're into 'capitalist realism' type stuff, reminded me of la haine but romanian lol

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Elevenlabs - Polish, Netanyahu - Polish, AI progress - partly Polish, misogyny - almost Polish.
Communism at least curbed some of the Polish imperialistic tendencies. Poles always wannabe no. 1 in technology in enslaving people, in depopulation, in being WEF's best pets.
Also, ashamingly, I'm myself Polish. Redpill me about this forsaken country!(Rule 14g - racebait)
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You can’t see race through a screen and even if it’s a person from that group who says it it’s still bait because it leads to idpol discussion

Maybe the rules are retarded then

Imagine being so cucked by ethnonationalism that your only response to criticism of your ethnonationalism is "you're Russian."

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You're right, russia is mega cucked, but it's mostly russia's fault. Cat leopold mentality was a curse on russia.
He'es right, in the future the word "cuck" will be replaced with "russian" because russians are bigger cucks than cucks.


Putin is really just an average run-of-the-mill conservative with an unusual amount of power. Had someone with exactly the same personality been born in USA, they would have been an absolutely irremarcable Bush-ite Republican or a conservative CIA agent of a sort American Dad spoofs. Heck, I woudn't be surprised if such people actually exist. It's always hilarious watching liberal idealists making him into a sort of evil genius, inevitably implicitly (or sometimes explicitly) falling into orientalist racism against Russians.
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>the free market cultism might just be an american conservative thing tbh
the bourgeoisie oscillate between free markets and protectionism depending on whether their country is hegemonic or not. Protectionism and nationalism when you are a rising power. Free markets when you are hegemonic. "Pulling away the ladder"

>chosen by Yeltsin to continue his liberal policies.
that's what i used to say too until reading picrel

>to continue his liberal policies.
Is this not the definition of conservatism?

Gramsci also elaborated on this in a more general sense and called it “Caesarism”, although he argued it could be either progressive or reactionary. In general though I think it’s a good way to describe a government that reverts to a (generally moderate conservative) autocracy to resolve political deadlocks or other crises. Not exactly fascist in that it won’t necessarily embark on political terror against the left, but certainly not liberal either.

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I'm not sure if it was COVID itself, or getting normies addicted to the internet, but practically every corner of the internet and real life has become incredibly schizophrenic and INCREDIBLY hostile.

Like you'll see some dudes duke it out over stupid bullshit and immediately jump to death threats (if online) or physical violence and screaming matches (if real life) at a way greater scale than I've ever seen before. People have always been stupid retards, but now it seems like EVERYONE is a stupid retard now.

What's going on? There's been a huge vibe shift and it seems people are just immediately going as hostile and violent and explosive as possible over the tiniest things. Nobody cares to just walk away and not let shit get to them.
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>Hurr durr look how retarded I am

Hey man delete that image of me

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First time?

how many of these threads based on vibes you picked up on twitter are you going to make?

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Something I’ve noticed about a lot of “populist” leftists is that they hold deeply unpopular views. I’ve seen them rant about how everything from video games to rap music to goddamn pets are le bourgeoisie decadence that will be banned under The People’s Revolution, but if you actually went and asked The People’s if they wanted to ban these things, holding it up to a vote, the answer would be a resounding no. Video games are an extremely popular hobby, hiphop is an extremely popular music genre, and people have kept pets since the dawn of history.

And I find that interesting; this idea that you have leftists who claim to be for The People, while also thinking that they know the values of The People better than The People do. I’d expect this kind of thinking from rightoids, who are openly irrationalist idealists and proud of it, but leftists are, or at least should be, materialists, and above this kind of thinking.

Beyond that, I also think that populism unto itself, at least as it’s traditionally understood, is a poor basis for a political philosophy in general. It treats the masses as one enormous monolithic blob, where every man is the average man and lives the exact same life as the average man, ignoring that there’s a massive standard deviation attached to that average. In the real world, not an idealized made-up one, different people have different wants and needs, and only accounting for the singular most common case, the “common man”, means ignoring the numerous uncommon men that, in aggregate, are almost as great in number, if not greater.

If any of this sounds familiar, it’s because I’ve posted similar things in other threads before. I’ve decided that the topic is worth its own thread, so here we are.
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Springboarding off his point about the "popularity" of Left-Wing ideas, the cynic who took marketing classes in me says a lot of it is presentation versus the actual merit of those ideas. An example being Richard Wolff debating some lolbert from, like, the Ayn Rand institute. Comments said shit like Wolff seemed angry and meanwhile the lolbert seemed affable.

I think with "populism" you have emotional modes people tap into. It's liberalism that tries to "elevate the discourse" around some kind of scientific art of governance, what "works" and what "doesn't". And the thing is there are two predominant emotional modes afflicting the people most liable to be radicalized: depression and anger. What I mean to say by that, is that the emotive state of the Left often seems to be that of depression, vulnerability, wanting someone to "help" them in a way more in depth than liberal platitudes. The "right" however want to be let off the leash. They want a chance to grab their enemies by the throat and squeeze. They're angry. They're bloodthirsty. They dream of a violent confrontation with enemies responsible for making them angry. Bridging the gap seems almost impossible, as liberals tut-tut about the dangers of ever expressing anger (they'd much rather have people be sad and depressed than angry) while the Right is trained to see vulnerability, defeat, and setbacks as pathetic signs of weakness demanding a drastic change in course.

Left Populism would have to find a way to bridge the gap. Find a way to tap into peoples' anger as well as their empathy. I think MAGAcoms overcorrect and they end up being a kind of weird nihilist school-shooter angry. I think to speak to people, you got to be righteously furious. You've got to take on the vibe of Moses railing against the Pharoah, or Jesus driving the moneychangers out of the temple. You need to be filled with genuine, burning fury, but it has to be fury directed towards social ends.

Don't lose yourself to sociopathic disregard for others. Make all anger on behalf of others, make it an anger that resonates with all mankind. Don't make people think you're whipping one tribe or another up, but that you're overturning tables and driving the greedy out of the house of God.

Ngl man, but every time I read your posts I get a sense that you view everything through a socialdemocratic, liberal electoralist framework, you just call it Marxism because you’re critical of liberals while doing it. Anarchists are a meme, but they’re right to point out your means are your ends. If everything you do are the actions of a cuckdem reformer reliant on winning elections to achieve little more than welfare, it doesn’t matter how revolutionary you may perceive your politics, you are a cuckdem reformer trying to get welfare. What does this have to do with your post and why I see you as having a liberal framework, however? Simple, the notion that reality proceeds thought is part of the fundamental basis of liberal idealism. This isn’t only the form of centering Great Men in historical change, but also centering ideas, “support” campaigns, and the like in historical change. The proletariat won’t reach revolution because a bunch of communists trick them into it, and the formation of class consciousness and then communist conscious is not possible for most proles in the normal operating procedures of capitalism no matter what socdem grift or open embrace of conservative cultural spooks “socialists” engage in.



>I mean bourgeois in that it's a primary degeneracy
At least you're honest about it

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I’m siding with the religious. The human body is fine the way it is. Fuck implants, makeup, surgeries, fashion, and whatever junk people keep putting into their bodies. Without peer pressure, the overwhelming majority of people would stop fucking with their health to look prettier. Just compare the use of makeup between men and women.
The cybernetic faggots preaching immortality or “flesh is weak” nonsense just can’t bring themselves to respect their own bodies. Hell, those idiots would probably complaining about the weakness of metal when their implants degrade.

As for the robots, I am disgusted more by them than I am fearful of them. Artificial intelligence isn’t real and never has been. Robots (especially humanoid robots) are an abomination and an insult to the concept of being human. Even if machines became sentient, what should make them special against organic life? What purpose should drive a machine past pre-scripted algorithms. If the machines only grew to value self-preservation, any machine society would end up insultingly mimicking organic ones anyways.
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you WILL implant the drilldo.

Well yes but no.
Having a functional aesthetic body is more than just personal effort.
But you're forgetting that most people on imageboards are arrested development.

You're also forgetting ageism both getontophobia and hebephobia/misopedia.
Having a baby face means you're treated like shit.
Youth is treated as a disability to be grown out of.
But yea. Lookism is the basis of society.
People talk about "everyone has value" but then will barely certain people from things just because they don't "look the part".
And yet, when people decide to cosmetically self alter, society then complains about "much peer pressure".

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Machismo retards are prone to primitivism.
They think that all natural abilities are hard earned when they're not.
Their sense of meritocracy is chauvinistic.

i agree on some points, the human body is fucking amazing when you take into consideration its lifespan compared to any piece of computer hardware, it has amazing self healing capabilities and excels in being a multi-purpose terrestrial machine without access to factories/supplies. but using this to be transphobic or ableist is fucked up. yea, a prosthetic is not as good as the real thing, obviously, but disabled people need them and its better than nothing. yea, it would be nice for trans people to have not been born that way, but they can't change that now and need the treatments, just like anyone else with hormone issues or any disability that requires cosmetic surgery. or are you going to tell burn victims their skin grafts are inhuman? your mom is a cyborg for taking post menopause drugs? like you can push back against bio-pessimistic misanthropy and ignorance of the proper use and maintenance of the human body without becoming a raging bigot, i promise you its possible.

also hrt and weed are bio-hacking, not vulger cyber-transhumanism. our body is made with the proper holy receptacles. i'm team flesh starship rather than team robot swarm. wearable tech is fine but theres a good reason our body's immune system attacks 'implants'

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The libido is revealed in self-reflection as the only reality that goes beyond the limits of experience, because it is not a phenomenon, but an essence. Each individual knows it directly, in themselves, even before projecting it into the world. In other words, the libido as a thing in itself is absolutely different from its appearance, entirely free from the forms of the latter and into which it penetrates as it appears, forms which therefore concern only the OBJECTIVITY of the will and are foreign to the will in itself. Even the most universal form of all representation, being-object for a subject, does not concern it, much less the forms subordinate to it and which have their common expression in the principle of reason, to which time and space admittedly belong, and therefore also plurality, which exists and is possible only in time and space.
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maximum pseud levels

show pussy then


Is this from zizek?

it's schopenhauer with "will" replaced with "libido"

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Guys, I think the sudan war will end this year.
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Maps for context. The army is only a few kilometres from the capital.

Russia backs both sides

What side does Palau support ?

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Frankly fuck the UAE and their lumpen paramilitaries. I can only wonder what the SCP says after getting walled in the afthermath of the revolution. Poor guys, there were no moment to form an active red batallions

SS vs Wehrmacht civil war: Sudan edition

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