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"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Israeli foreign minister says decision on all-out war against Hezbollah is near
Katz said in an X post, following threats by the Hezbollah chief, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, to damage Haifa’s ports that are operated by Chinese and Indian companies, “we are getting very close to the moment of deciding on changing the rules of the game against Hezbollah and Lebanon”. “In an all-out war, Hezbollah will be destroyed and Lebanon will be severely beaten,” he added.

Turkish fighter jets bomb Binarê Qendîl
According to reports from the ground, warplanes of the occupying Turkish state bombarded Berê Qepan forest near the village of Endze in Sengeser and Derbî Mountain in Wert district around 15.00 local time Tuesday.

Houthis believed to have sunk second ship in the Red Sea, UKMTO says
The Houthis and other sources previously identified the imperilled ship as the Greek-owned Tutor. It was struck by missiles and an explosive-laden remote-controlled boat on June 12 and had been taking on water.

Dockworkers in Greece refused to load arms shipment destined for Israel, forced cargo ship to change route
“We, the Piraeus' dockworkers declare that we will not accept whatsoever to unload the ship”, they said in a statement, adding: “We won't participate in the slaughter of innocent people for the profits of the few. We are raising our children with humanity and through our struggles we have taught them the lesson of solidarity, resistance and pride”.
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>Dockworkers in Greece refused to load arms shipment destined for Israel, forced cargo ship to change route
“We, the Piraeus' dockworkers declare that we will not accept whatsoever to unload the ship”, they said in a statement, adding: “We won't participate in the slaughter of innocent people for the profits of the few. We are raising our children with humanity and through our struggles we have taught them the lesson of solidarity, resistance and pride”.

Lol, big if true


Biden offers path to citizenship to spouses of US citizens
The new Biden program will be open to an estimated 500,000 spouses who have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years as of June 17, officials said on Tuesday. Some 50,000 children under age 21 with a U.S.-citizen parent also will be eligible.

California prosecutors used anti-gay slurs to refer to prospective jurors
In a note from a 2010 case, a prosecutor remarked that a potential juror who worked for Shell oil was a “dyke”. In notes from a 1995 case, a prosecutor wrote that a prospective juror was a cashier and a “possible fagot [sic]”. Neither were selected for the juries. The files are coming to light two months after US judge Vince Chhabria said evidence suggested Alameda prosecutors have systematically excluded Black and Jewish jurors over the years and ordered the DA’s office to review all implicated death penalty cases.

Thousands flee New Mexico wildfires that have damaged 500 structures; governor declares emergency
The magnitude of the fires is beyond local control and requires immediate state intervention to protect public health, safety and welfare, Lujan Grisham said in a statement Tuesday afternoon. She said more than 500 structures had been damaged and the entire village of Ruidoso, population 7,000, had been evacuated. It is unclear how many homes were engulfed by the fast-moving flames.

Richmond could vote to tax Chevron refinery this November
he ongoing struggle between the city of Richmond and Chevron could take another step forward this week. The city's couPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Tudeh Party of Iran, The death of Raisi, the Iranian president, chaos in a "homogeneous regime", and the need to organise for maximum pressure on the ruling dictatorship!(Extracts from the Editorial of Nameh Mardom, issue no. 1209, published Monday 3 June 2024)
With the death of Ebrahim Raisi, the criminal servant of the ruling dictatorship, the "homogeneous regime" project favoured by ["Supreme Leader"] Khamenei has suffered another blow. This project, centred around Raisi's administration, hadalready overseen major failures in both domestic and foreign policy over the past three years. On one front, the widespread boycotting of a succession of sham elections over the past three years, marked by the people's resounding "NO!",have dealt a significant blow to this project and the credibility of Khamenei and his appointed president. On the other, the widespread protests of the people under the slogan "Woman, Life, Freedom" have placed the entire ruling dictatorship in an unstable and irreversible situation and now in perpetual fear of the people. As our Party has repeatedly emphasised, a deep, wide, and unbridgeable chasm has emerged between the people and the entirety of the ruling despotic regime. Despite the government's false propaganda and an array of elaborate shows at Raisi's funeral ceremonies, where he was glorified with false titles such as "Servant of Imam Reza" [Eighth Imam of the Shi'a Muslims] and "Servant of the Iranian Nation", the majority of society was indifferent to these grand ceremonies and theatrical mourning displays. Many people even welcomed and expressed joy over the death of one of the dictatorial regime's criminal servants.

Voices of Scotland The fight to save Glasgow Trade Union Education Centre needs the support of the entire movement
LAST MONTH’s figures showing Scotland’s trade union membership is up by 30,000 should be a cause of celebration after years of gloomy headlines about declining union membership. Let’s hPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


and what makes you think it's not true?

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Thread for the discussion of Anarchism

Foundational texts [ancom]:
>Alexander Berkman, ABCs of Anarchist-Communism
>Peter Kropotkin, Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution
>Errico Malatesta, Anarchism and Organization

News [English]:
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>What does anarchist governance look like?
It's up to the people to decide how they want to manage things. Some would favor more organization or less and more centralization or less. What worked best would depend a lot on the context and what aspect of society is being administrated. Kind of the whole point is we aren't really able to figure out the optimal way to do these things when all of society is structured around rigid hierarchies to protect the power of a ruling class exploiting everyone else.

Seconding Graeber. I'd actually recommend starting with Debt or Dawn of Everything since they are both very "top-level" overviews of things and can help shake up some of your basic preconceptions about economics and politics which could help you repair and replace the parts of your understanding that need it.
Also recommend Deleuze and Gramsci even though technically that's Marxism.


The world in it's earliest state is anarchistic and at it's highest level op organization, the international geopolitical one, it still is, as there is no higher authority telling states what to do. You can see the results of a mass scale anarchistic system when you look at how governments currently interact with each other.

In my view it doesn't look good


> as there is no higher authority telling states what to do.

The UN, the European Union, NATO, etc. Thowse are not "higher authorities"?


Obviously not lol, those are voluntary associations that do not have sovereignty over their members


as idiotic anarchism is, easily

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I have feelings that border disputes would break the minds of Anti-Imperialist autists between Russia and China, since they’re both based anti-imperialist squads
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Imperialism is not two countries having a border dispute.


The issue of Outer Manchuria is from two centuries ago, and both the Qing Dynasty and the Tsarist Russia no longer exist.
This region is not a core Han Chinese population area.
China's core territorial issue now is Taiwan.
If Chinese diplomacy abandons an important ally over events from over a hundred years ago during the feudal period, it is clearly a failure.
The present determines the historical issues. The territorial dispute on the China-India border is much smaller in area than Outer Manchuria, yet it causes disputes among billions. This is actually a specific projection of the power struggle between two neighboring rising Asian powers. If China and India have a more pressing common enemy to deal with, then the China-India border issue will become much less significant.



The chinese invasion of vietnam was a Deng project lol, he was in power by then and it was a key part of his pivot that followed Mao's death and the purging of the gang of four.


It's funny to hallucinate this break between Mao and what happened after


The Deng is Eternal.

Lenin was a Dengist. Consult the scroll.

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The Municipal Health Services (GDD) have conducted a questionnaire asking about health and social safety. In several provinces questions related to the social acceptance of homosexual and gender non-conforming individuals were asked and all showed a pronounced decline.

Students saying homosexuality is normal (2019 vs 2014):
Utrecht: 71 > 43%
Amsterdam: 63 > 43%
Gelderland-Zuid: 72 > 46%

An Utrecht university professor speculates it may have to do with the popularity of far-right parties among young people, specially young boys with no immigrant background.

I've seen some posters here say that far-right parties in Europe aren't anti-LGBTQ+ like the Republican party in the US but it seems that if this continues it will only be a matter of time before they make it part of their platform.

(Use google translate to read it)
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there are gay palestinians living in palestine, though. i remember reading once about an actor or some other artist but don't remember his name


>What we need in an Islamic cultures is a de-colonial approach to sexuality not the importing and rubber stamping of LGBT culture which is incompatible with our heritage nor embracing some Yankee Evangelical anti-homosexual conservatism.
good luck with that happening in your lifetime


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>it's wrong!
>it's immoral!


>There is no real concern for morality, ethics, or spirituality, the sole moral imperative is to be an authentic individual.



You can't really dehumanize them if what they preach is normality/tradition. We just need to keep trying to prove them wrong, or take things over with force. The latter may be the only way to not fully lose this war, the consensus for lgbt stuff and leftism in general is declining rapidly and we need those people's support

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>Rally the whole nation under one banner
>Build up a strong, disciplined, world-class army
>Oversee the most rapid industrialization of your era
>Consolidate state ownership (socialism) over the commanding heights of the economy
>Be Otto von Bismarck
Pic entirely unrelated(What the SPD unironically believes)
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I doubt the Nazis could win vs the USSR even 1v1.


just wanna know who got it


the yanks, anglos and the french wanted them to attack the USSR, so I wouldn't be surprised if they got plenty of help



Saw it coming after the first line. 6/10 it was an okay post

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Many houses belonging once to Jews, stayed in Poland, for some reason. Should Poles pay reparations to Jews?

Verify this website as well:
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Gee, I expected some other answers. Dead serious


Stalin should have given Poland to the jews after the war, Poland is by far and away the greatest mistake Lenin ever made.


damn the whole country? that might be a bit much


he did. bierut was a puppet, the country's been basically run by soviet jews. swiatlo, romkowski, bergman - just a couple to name. after stalin's death natives clawed out some political power back it led to a faction power struggle between natolins (ethnical poles) and pulawians (assorted minorities, mostly soviet jews) and later along the line to the party purge of 1968 when soviet jews were faced with the dilemma of either discovering democracy and joining the opposition or migrating.


Was Oppenheimer evil? And is it fundamentally evil to create weapons of mass destruction (or weapons in general), considering the likelyhood that it's going to be used big evil governments on civillians?
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If you actually read Oppenheimer's biography
you can tell he was a nice guy. The right person in the wrong place. This is just what happens to nice guys, they get instrumentalized or used
This uygha got three hands.
>In May of 1933 Planck requested and received an interview with the recently appointed Chancellor of Germany Adolf Hitler to discuss the issue, telling him that the "forced immigration of Jews would kill German science and Jews could be good Germans," to which the chancellor replied "but we don't have anything against the Jews, only against communists." Planck was therefore unsuccessful, since this reply "took from him every basis for further negotiation," as to Hitler "the Jews are all Communists, and these are my enemies."


>is it fundamentally evil
Yer kind isn't welcome round here, liberal boy


Billions? Without nukes, very unlikely. World War 2, the deadliest war in history, only killed about 3% of the global population (2 billion).

A conventional war between the US and USSR, without nuclear weapons, would probably have the same death toll depending on whether one side wanted to wipe the other out like Germany wanted to with the Soviet Union.

Not arguing for or against proxy wars, mind you, just making a point that you’re severely underestimating how dangerous a nuclear war would be.


nukes are good actually, he didnt think they'd use them on Japan because in reality it was a very unnecessary move by the US.


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>is it fundamentally evil to create weapons
no. the invention of the fission bomb was inevitable. also picrel

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New video AI just dropped for meme production.

Site: https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine

Resources for Dream Machine:
Ideas for prompting: https://ideogram.ai/login
API: https://github.com/yihong0618/LumaDreamCreator
FAQ: https://lumaai.notion.site/FAQ-and-Prompt-Guide-Luma-Dream-Machine-f7bd5f77478c4994aa692aa58b063ef3
Converting to webm: https://handbrake.fr/ or https://cloudconvert.com/mp4-to-webm

Information on Dream Machine:
>Dream Machine was released to paid users on June 12, 2024 and to the free users on June 16.
>Dream Machine runs on OpenAI image generating multimodal transforming software. Each generated seed is unique.
>Free users get 10 generations per day and have to wait for longer periods at the queue. The technique is to use multiple sockpuppet google accounts.

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/siberia/ tier thread


Moved to >>>/tech/25649.


Gaza fighting continues despite Israeli ‘pauses’ announcement: UNRWA
“There has been information that such a decision has been taken, but the political level says none of this decision has been taken,” Lazzarini told a press conference on Monday. “So for the time being, I can tell you that hostilities continue in Rafah and in the south of Gaza. And that operationally, nothing has changed yet.”

Israeli settlers in brutal attack on Palestinian shepherds in occupied West Bank
The gang of youths from the nearby settlement of Shadmot Mehola also smashed up a car belonging to an Israeli activist assisting the injured Palestinian with windows smashed and the chassis damaged.

ISIS-linked militants who took prison guards hostage in Russia killed
Russian special forces freed two prison guards and shot dead six inmates linked to the Islamic State militant group who had taken them hostage at a detention centre in the southern city of Rostov on Sunday, Russian media said.

Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say
The Greek coastguard has caused the deaths of dozens of migrants in the Mediterranean over a three-year period, witnesses say, including nine who were deliberately thrown into the water. The nine are among more than 40 people alleged to have died as a result of being forced out of Greek territorial waters, or taken back out to sea after reaching Greek islands, BBC analysis has found.
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'UAW All the Way': Ohio EV Plant Workers Hail Historic Contract Victory
UAW Local 1112 members at Ultium Cells' Lordstown, Ohio facility approved their new local contract by 98% on Sunday. Under the contract, production workers will be paid $35 an hour by October 2027. Sunday's vote came after the workers at the plant—a joint venture between GM and South Korea-based LG Energy Solution—voted in December to unionize.

Disney's feud with DeSantis is over — and it's donating to Republicans again
Since ending its feud with Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, Disney has wasted no time donating to Republicans again. The Walt Disney Comany gave more than $87,000 worth of in-kind, or nonmonetary, donations to political committees, including Republican lawmakers, in the months of April and May, the Orlando Sentinel reported. That's an about-face for the House of Mouse, which had paused political donations as it brawled with DeSantis.

Judge orders railway to pay Washington tribe nearly $400 million for trespassing with oil trains
U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik initially ruled last year that the railway deliberately violated the terms of a 1991 easement with the Swinomish Tribe north of Seattle that allows trains to carry no more than 25 cars per day. The judge held a trial earlier this month to determine how much in profits BNSF made through trespassing from 2012 to 2021 and how much it should be required to disgorge.

Two key Democrats in US Congress approve major arms sale to Israel, Washington Post reports
Representative Gregory Meeks and Senator Ben Cardin have signed off on the deal under heavy pressure from the Biden administration after the two lawmakers had for months held up thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


To the Workers of Turkey-Northern Kurdistan! We Respectfully Commemorate the 17’s Who Raised the Flag with the Call for Revolution. We Salute Them with Devotion!
(Editorial note: The 17’s refer to the leadership of the organization who were massacred by the Turkish state on June 16-17, 2005.) Friends, comrades; On June 16, the Munzur mountains woke up to an unfortunate day when they were under fascist siege! In the fierceness of the incalculable fight, the 17’s were falling! Our party leadership was writing the victory of strategic invincibility with the resistance of will in the trenches of war! A historical epic was being written, rising in the spirit of the Red Resistance against the brutal massacre; with the legacy left to the revolutionary generations. . . As we bow respectfully to the immortal memories of the 17’s, whose epic resistance was written in golden letters in revolutionary history, we declare once again that we will definitely and defiantly ask for an account of the barbaric massacre engraved in our memory!

Nepal’s Hindutva Moment
A little over a decade after Nepal declared itself a secular republic, religious identity threatens to emerge as a new axis of polarization in the politics of the former Hindu kingdom. A string of incidents that transpired over the past year have rudely awakened many in Nepal — including its complacent public sphere — of the inroads made by activist networks of militant Hindu nationalists, particularly in towns close to Nepal’s long border with India. In August of last year, clips of a group publicly feasting on beef in Dharan, a city in eastern Nepal, gathered much national outrage, as eating bovine meat is largely taboo in the country and oxen slaughter remains illegal. This rabble-rousing tactic of activists, who were opposed to this law, triggered swift street mobilization by several Hindu groups in protest, who linked this incident to an already existing controversy in the ciPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Thanks News Anon


>The nine are among more than 40 people alleged to have died as a result of being forced out of Greek territorial waters
40 people that we can guess, chances are the Greek coast guard has been mass murdering hundreds and hundreds, it's not like people are likely to survive long in the middle of the sea after their boat was destroyed or they were thrown off and tell tales about it

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There's not a literature board here so I will post this here - How would have Lovecraft's political views advanced if he lived through world war 2 up until about Vietnam or so?
He's known for being a nazi but towards the end of his life he did a political 180 and switched to being a social democrat when his aunt's money ran out and he couldn't find a job, he also started tettering towards communist ideas in general.


Lovecraft was clearly a smart and well-read person who was held back by his sheltered upbringing that stunted his development as a person, which tends to cause someone to have cringe reactionary biases since the right is all feels>reals. I think if he had lived a full life he would have almost certainly ended up becoming a full-fledged Marxist of some sort since his late letters indicate that he was reading Marx. It's really a damn shame that he's essentially remembered for having a chvd phase that he had started to get out of. People forget that he had a tragically short life.


there is literally a lovecraft thread on /hobby/


Last century, the people of Asia, Africa, and Latin America generally differed greatly from those in Europe and North America; they were often illiterate, malnourished, and had many children, with families having five or six kids and knew nothing about modern science. Even Einstein had a negative opinion of the Chinese. I think that many modern people, if they were to travel back in time, might not have a better view of the people of Asia, Africa, and Latin America than those of the last century did. They might even think that white people and darker-skinned people are like two different species, similar to Homo sapiens and Neanderthals.



I want to read whatever kino he would have written as a response to the horrors of fascism, the holocaust, the destruction of europe in ww2, and the threat of nuclear apocalypse during the cold war


he would have just become a more casual racist, and maybe a mild supporter of fdr and the civil rights era democratic party

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