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i honestly can't believe the only population atm with collectivized means of production, housing, land, and no capital accumulation but direct labour value subsistence are christian reactionaries living in patriarchal anarchoprimitivist outposts
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I would make a case and say its not entirely the case, since amish as a community require the capacity to "expel" people that does not compel with their social norms (which is what locks them from becoming wage labourers and subject to contractual relations), the land tends to be owned by some particular members and distributed in accordance to the population needs, so you would have amish relocating each other families depending on how good they are doing and feeding each other as well.
The way to most easily predict whatever an amish society is becoming proletarized or remains off the grid is their ferrility, actually.
The lower the fertility the more indicative of their community using their labour value to acquire luxury goods rather than subsisting on the essential production.
In late medieval europe all peasants would be subject to contractual relations with a feudal lord or aristocracy which would create a capitalization of their work and a consequential accumulation of it as capital. But since the amish do not use exchange of capital within their communities while refusing to engage in wage labour and luxury consumltion (only selling away the surplus produced from their subsistance production) they are in fact locking away a significant part of capitalist structures which require accumulation, speculation and wageslavery


Who protects their lands? In the end, they are under capitalism system.


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It's more like the most functioning and concrete examples of utopian socialism have, for centuries, been in these types of settings vis a vis urban centers where scientific socialism is the local flavor. Let us be a bunch of romantics, won't you.


Have you attended any left-wing organizations in real life? Do so and it will become very easy to understand


When you understand the primacy and importance of the development of the productive forces, and the role that capital in itself has in revolutionizing society, you're able to adopt the proficiency of the Capitalist while shedding his narrow limits.

When a Capitalist employs capital he does so with primary concern for his individual being or interests. The advancement of the productive forces is an incidental byproduct of his activity. He uncovers all of these new ways of managing his businesses for the sake of efficiency.

But his limit is reached in the monopolistic stage, when there's no drive to improve or update, and there's more of a reason to hold back the development of others or employ regressive means of production and management because it saves on costs and there's no competition to spurn you forward.

The principle contradiction of capitalism is thus achieved. The overwhelming majority of society's labor is operated socially yet the fruits of labor is held in private hands, directed in private hands, and owned by private hands - society's elite minority acting as private citizens with 0 social obligations.

Thus the capitalist and the system of capital became a retarding, retrogressive force, a fetter on the world.

The Communist on the other hand recognizes two truths: the potency of the proper management of capital to advance the productive forces, and the necessary resonance between social relations and the productive forces.

Whereas the Capitalist wishes to halt the wheel of progress for fear of losing his social position, the Communist not only wishes for the wheel to move forwards regardless of the sacrifice, but to accelerate that wheel.

Instead of capital and scientific management of the workplace being employed for capital's own sake - profits for profit's own sake, the Communist will employ capital and scientific management for social need, for the common good, for society's sake.
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Don't you just love it when the fascist pseuds misread "sublimation" all the time


Sort of like how you liberals think you can “abolish” aspects of material reality?


Hegelian idealist says what


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Gotta go fast.

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Can the revolution be monetized?

Prerequisite reading: Manufacturing Consent

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(character limit not met)
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Half of those aren't spooks, kid.


>Wasn't that the point of this whole conversation?


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what kind of fucking girrafe neck do you have?


I love how many leftist streamers make a million plus dollars shilling youtube drama but this is fine bc "get your bag!" "it's not a cult of poverty"

sorry fam but if you got a mansion in LA, you deserve to die

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Colombia’s former army intelligence chief sentenced to 31 years
Bogota’s Superior Tribunal overturned a 2011 ruling by a lower court, which absolved the National Army’s former intelligence chief, General Ivan Ramirez of forced disappearance charges. According to the regional court, Ramirez and retired colonel Fernando Blanco were responsible for the arrest and subsequent forced disappearance of Irma Franco, a member of guerrilla group M-19.

Peruvian soldiers found guilty of rapes committed during civil war in historic verdict
In what is being hailed as a landmark verdict, a panel of three judges on Wednesday said the systematic use of rape by soldiers in the Manta y Vilca case – named after the communities where the abuses took place – qualified as a crime against humanity.

Heat wave claims lives of at least 125 in Mexico this year, hitting country’s most vulnerable
At least 125 people in the Latin American nation have died due to the heat this year, according to data from the country’s health ministry. More than 2,300 more have suffered heat stroke, dehydration and sunburns. The heat deaths and larger ripple effects in Mexico have underscored the disproportionate effects climate change and rising global temperatures are having on some of the world’s most vulnerable.

Unison agrees to support Nato backed Ukrainian solidarity group
Though also blaming the Russian invasion, delegate John Wood from Portsmouth said a “proxy war” was being waged by the Nato miliPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Charges dropped for Columbia University students arrested at pro-Palestinian protests
Millan said protesters wore masks and covered surveillance cameras, and there was insufficient evidence to show that any individual defendant damaged property or injured anyone. No police officers were injured during the arrests, the prosecutor noted. None of the arrested students had any prior criminal history, and all were facing disciplinary proceedings, including suspensions and expulsions, by Columbia.

Congress Debates Expanded Draft Amid Military Recruitment Challenges
The United States military has not activated a draft in more than 50 years, but Congress is weighing proposals to update mandatory conscription, including by expanding it to women for the first time and automatically registering those eligible to be called up.

Georgia city fires police chief, suspends entire police force due to ongoing investigation
"The decision to terminate Chief Quintana and suspend the police force was made after careful consideration of recent events and emerging concerns regarding the conduct and operations within the department. The investigation aims to ensure the integrity and accountability of our law enforcement officers and to restore public trust in the Warm Springs Police Department," the release said.

FBI raids Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home, several other locations: sourcePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Sahrawi political prisoners denounce torture by the old Moroccan State
We share an unofficial translation of an article republish by Servir al Pueblo.
The League for the Protection of Sahrawi Prisoners (LPPS) details in its report corresponding to 2023 the refusal of the Moroccan State to respect its legal and international obligations in matters of Human Rights and the repression suffered by Sahrawi prisoners. Most of them are placed more than 1,000 kilometers from their families and their homeland, Western Sahara, occupied by Morocco. The LPPS considers that the transfer of Sahrawi prisoners to Moroccan prisons is “a form of revenge against them and their families and a flagrant violation of the spirit of International Law, in particular the Geneva Conventions relating to detainees in occupied territories.” The difficult living conditions of the Sahrawi inmates constitute a crime “equivalent to crimes against humanity,” particularly given the contempt for life shown by the Moroccan prison administration, which “ignores the legitimate complaints of the Sahrawi inmates” and does not comply with its obligations”, says the League.

On the Recent Warmongering and Class War in Poland by Laure Akai of the ZSP Warsaw Union
Although the government tries very hard to convince the world that Poland is a very prosperous country, manipulating statistics to claim that an unrealistically low level of income is possible to survive on, thus setting the official poverty level well below what is needed to survive, the fact is that due to rising prices, more and more people are barely able to make ends meet. While the government pumps more and more money into military expenditure, constantly pointing to the immense threat posed by Russia, large areas of the public budget is underfinanced. There never seems to be enough money to give raises to essential workers such as nurses, teachers and other school and hospital personnel, who often organize strikes and protests demanding increases to their scandalously low salaries, which usually fall below the average pay and sometimes are not too much above minimum. Working class families are hit especiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon

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> be me
> Be leftist in israel
> Get called a traitor, fake jew, capo etc
> Don't like the country very much, education system is jewish fascist propaganda
> Be a high school student
> Finished school today, school made everyone go to a shitty israeli identity propaganda show in the local theatre
> Finished the shit show, was very boring
> Went to the book store nearby
> Ask if there are marx works, assuming there's das kapital
> There aren't any marx books available, there's only the manifesto out of stock
> I already have the manifesto, but I'm curious and ask how much does it cost
> It costs nearly 30 dollars, as marx intended
> Keep going home
> See a large pro idf poster
> I have to take a piss
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Lol pathetic Zionist retard shill


The zionist entity will never be a real country. Now go back




>> Is there any hope for this shithole?

hamas will liberate you inshallah


op is probably gone but there are some israeli orgs that actually do fight against settlers

>The Jordan Valley Activists is a group of volunteers whose main goal is to help the Palestinian shepherd communities continue to maintain their livelihood in the face of the injustices of the occupation, and to protect them from violence by settlers and the Israeli authorities. Most of our activity is concentrated on protecting the shepherds from harassment in the field by the Israeli settlers:

- Locating and preventing invasions by settlers and their herds into the pastures and agricultural lands of the Palestinian shepherds.

- Monitoring and challenging the reduction of their grazing areas.

- Following and documenting intentional damage, closing roads, plugging cisterns, and demolishing buildings within the herdsman's communities.

- Challenging equipment confiscations by the Civil Administration.

- A 24/7 protective presence for pastoral communities threatened with forcible depopulation.

- Observations on the establishment of new illegal outposts on private Palestinian lands, and/or land expropriation.

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Fascist have always been retards whose ideology and values are built on aesthetics. But it would be silly to deny that there was some thinking going on, as badly written as meinkampf is it’s still a piece of text with ideas in it.
Now there seems to be a lack of theorising among fascists, all they do is shit up comment sections on social media posts and spam wojack memes(but in “new” formats!). It seem to me that all they do is emulate the aesthetics of past movements, they don’t have any real goals or values since they don’t bother to study the texts. All it takes to be nazi is to put a swastika on their pfp to join their newly found fandom!! errr I mean political movement! Nad they are free to post about getting no hoes.

This threads goal is to discuss the seeming degeneration of the “ideological/theoretical” side of fascism and how fascism has pretty much degenerated into a “subculture” or a fandom, members of which can’t even bother to read the material the on which the community is built on.
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The desire to engage in combat and to reify the outcomes in social property is nothing to be proud of. Stupid games win stupid prizes.


>Marx was not in favor of any decentralization
When, and in what situation? You are extrapolating quite a lot from a 150-year-old analysis and a lot of projection about what a dead man who can't see the present would have wanted.
>lower phase
My brother in Christ, time currency had already been proposed by Owen decades before that passage was written. Marx is using Owen's idea as a throwaway to complete the square of Lassalle's floppy rhetoric about rights and show that it is still nonsense. Congratulations, you have just learned the revealed wisdom of payroll deductions. Whoop de shit. How about you shut up and get a job and some life experience instead?


You are pretending that Marx is talking about a society that has generalized exchange of goods for profit in the market.
There can be no petty bourgeoisie if you abolish private property and exchange of goods to be planned in common society. Property has already become social with capitalism in part, but it is acquired by owners against those who sell their labor power. The solution is not to revert to a mythical society of small-scale peasant production, but rather to make it the public property of the entire community according to a plan tailored to its needs.

You are pretending that Marx is talking about a society that has generalized exchange of goods for profit in the market.
There can be no petty bourgeoisie if you abolish private property and exchange of goods to be planned in common society. Property has already become social with capitalism in part, but it is acquired by owners against those who sell their labor power. The solution is not to revert to a mythical society of small-scale peasant production, but rather to make it the public property of the entire community according to a plan tailored to its needs.

Let's see another part where Marx explains this:

<"The distinguishing feature of Communism is not the abolition of property generally, but the abolition of bourgeois property. But modern bourgeois private property is the final and most complete expression of the system of producing and appropriating products, that is based on class antagonisms, on the exploitation of the many by the few.

<In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.

<We Communists have been reproached with the desire of abolishing the right of personally acquiring property as the fruit of a man’s own labour, which property is alleged to be the groundwork of all personal freedom, activity and independence.

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>You are pretending that Marx is talking about a society that has generalized exchange of goods for profit in the market.

To the contrary. I an holding you to Marx's own words at the end of your post, as I was before the post.


<What we have to deal with here is a communist society, not as it has developed on its own foundations, but, on the contrary, just as it emerges from capitalist society; which is thus in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges.

That means you stop larping like it's 1879 and you look at how much of the work you were planning on grifting on has already been done by history.

>There can be no petty bourgeoisie if you abolish private property and exchange of goods to be planned in common society

Can't tell if larpy PMC bitch or larpy chinlet patsoc. Either way, that you are still viscerally motivated by Engels' "amarchy of production" bit and still fantasizing about your own absolute power only reveals that you are a middle-class European who expects to have employees working for you someday and that you want ideological permission to dominate them.

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Same as punks wearing anarchist patches on jackets. It's just an expression of "I'm against whatever is on TV."


what's up with the right claiming "the left" is PAGAN?
>That story, put simply, is the retreat of Christianity in the West and the emergence of a new religious faith in its place — a new paganism. What comes amid the decline of the Christian faith is not some live-and-let-live secular liberal utopia, not a rational and atheistic political order with neutral public spaces and a culture of tolerance. Instead, we have a new form of paganism with its own moral precepts, obligations, and rites. And unlike the secular liberal order, which embraced tolerance and pluralism as an inheritance from Christianity, the pagan order will be intolerant in the extreme.
<Let me clarify my terms. By “paganism” I don’t necessarily mean a flood of new converts to the cult of Zeus or Woden (although that too is on the rise, at least in Britain). The postmodern pagan culture that’s now emerging won’t look like the paganism of the past, but it will be no less pagan for all that.
>The pagan ethos, across immense spans of history and geography and cultures, has always been a rejection of reason and objective moral truth (along with the entire idea of objectivity), and a radical embrace of relativism and subjectivity in every realm of life. Paganism embraces a divinization of the here and now, of things and even people. Its creed, so far as it has one, can be summed up in the maxim: Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
<What that means in practice, of course, is a society in which power and force, not democracy or human rights or universal moral principles, rule the day. This is why the most advanced pagan societies have always taken the form of slave empires. They are societies in which power alone determines what is right. In such societies, the ruling class is free to do as they please as regards the underclass, who are obliged to adhere to the state morality and do as they’re told.
>Understood in that light, we can see the outlines of a modern form of paganism emerging in our time, especially on the political left. The official morality of the left forbids any dissent from the LGBT agenda and its claims about identity, for example. This is why lawmakers in deep-blue states like California want to make it a crime if parents don’t affirm their child’s “gender identity.” This iPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I mean, according to the author in OP probably, since anything thats not Christian/Jewish/Islamic = pagan. Even atheism as I've regularly heard american rightoids claim europe is "reverting to paganism/heathenism"


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This is on par with TradCaths calling everything they dislike "Gnostic", it's silly. But to go through all of this:

>And unlike the secular liberal order, which embraced tolerance and pluralism as an inheritance from Christianity, the pagan order will be intolerant in the extreme.

Christianity was hilariously unpluralistic. This is something that emerged from Liberalism which, at the time, was regarded as heretical. In fact the Christian social order was one based upon the notion that you weren't wholly part of society if you're outside its religious life. Literally the medieval town was revolved around Religion. Mass, the Sacraments, and Religious Feasts were the hallmark of peasant life, it was what their world revolved around. Heretics of all stripes were seen as a threat to the social order and antisocial miscreants. The whole reason the Anabaptists were so hated at the time was because Baptism represented your spiritual AND legal initiation into the community and to tear away that sacrament would introduce chaos into the medieval worldview. "Pluralism" and "Tolerance" only emerged after Protestantism had shattered the idea of a united Christendom and because nationalism ultimately supplanted Religion as the most important force in society.

>The pagan ethos, across immense spans of history and geography and cultures, has always been a rejection of reason and objective moral truth (along with the entire idea of objectivity), and a radical embrace of relativism and subjectivity in every realm of life. Paganism embraces a divinization of the here and now, of things and even people. Its creed, so far as it has one, can be summed up in the maxim: Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Oh boy a fucking Assassin's Creed reference. Well I hate to fucking burst your bubble but there's never been a cohesive pagan ethos. Paganism was just a term used in an increasingly Christianized Rome to refer to fucking COUNTRY BUMPKINS. The Pagans were caricatured as rural hicks sticking to "the old ways" rather than the metropolitan Christians. If anyone is a fucking Pagan in today, it's the goddamn modern Right! Every claim is a fucking confession with them!

"Paganism" is a totally useless term here. Where "Paganism" existed (and still exists) is more or less as a collection of folPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


my reaction to this information:


culture war brainrot


>objective moral truth
holy hell, i can't read this


I know /leftypol/ has historically disdained and liberal identity politics in general, but is there an actual materialist explanation of why men who embody (or more likely, want to embody) hypermasculinity and masculine-coded hobbies like weightlifting, MMA, motorcycles, etc. end up on the political right?
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>and tend to have decent skills in tech.
Lolwhat? They're always tech illiterates!


i get the impression that they are decent coders, like isn't the guy behind zig a massive rightiod?


i think the type mentioned by OP is more the bro rogan meathead or biker type than reactionary/libertarian tech nerd blogging about thomas carlyle or whatever


This is wrong, you can find affordable gyms almost everywhere, if you are in the US you can get a Planet Fitness membership for like 10 dollars a month.


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Being right-wing is entirely based in phallic heterosexual masculinity

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🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/6/11/israels-war-on-gaza-live-ray-of-hope-after-unsc-approves-ceasefire

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)

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Hezbollah operations 06/20/2024:
15:20: a gathering of "israeli" enemy soldiers was targeted inside the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills with appropriate weapons, and it was directly hit.
15:20: the Ruwaisat Al-Alam site in the occupied Lebanese hills of Kfar Shuba was targeted with heavy machine guns, causing direct casualties.
15:20: the Zebdine site in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms was targeted with artillery shells, and it was directly hit.
Targeting the "Zarit" barracks with dozens of Katyusha rockets, in response to the assassination carried out by the "israeli" enemy in the town of Deir Kifa.
16:00: the Ras al-Naqoura naval site was targeted with artillery shells and was directly hit.

The zionist army admitted to the death of two of its officers during combat in the central Gaza Strip as a result of mortar shells. They also admitted to the serious wounding of three additional soldiers in the same event.
[I believe this likely refers to one or both of the following operations]
The Al-Qassam Brigades bombarded the enemy's command and control site east of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City with heavy-caliber mortar shells, achieving direct hits.
Our fighters observed the landing of two "Black Hawk" and "Yasur" helicopters to evacuate the dead and wounded.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades bombarded gatherings of enemy zionist soldiers and vehicles in the advance axis east of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City with 120 mm mortar shells, achieving direct hits. Our fighters observed the landing of helicopters to evacuate the dead and wounded.


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>cheese on a raw burger


new thred?



what happened to the whole meme about Gen Z turning out to be far right? It doesn't seem like it turned out that way. Maybe zoomers who were already right wing became more right wing than they already had, or more "radicalized" somehow in that they are more willing to ditch bog standard liberal democracy in favor of some sort of unitary theocratic republic (i.e. Iran but Christian)? Or are just more pissed off in general? But thats not really a change.
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white people will have kids just to pop pills and kick em out at 18

t. white kid who was kicked out at 18


> the most left wing group is 43%
>in a country where the """left""" is one of the most right wing in Europe


it's happening but mostly with the tail-end of gen z. overall the generation will likely still lean socially liberal like millennials but who knows about gen alpha


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