The level of anti-intellectual sentiment isn’t underserved.
For clarification, this atititude many people have is almost exclusively a western problem. Science, intelligence, land literacy are actually some of the most celebrated and respected aspects of society internationally. However, the history of intellectual institutions throughout the west have justified a lot of the resentment people have towards it. I’m going to cover three categories of institutions so you can understand why I think that scientists, experts, and professionals deserve most of the hate they get.
>western ‘science’The history of science in the west is uniquely shitty. Coincidentally, how western science’s history is taught is also shitty. A lot of people today unfortunately carry the attitude that religion regresses scientific thought. That is far from true. Worse, western history teachers tend to attribute most of today’s societal norms to modern western science. This is also wrong.
Ideas like infection control through grooming and limiting contact with hazardous materials are ancient ones. Look in any religious text, history book, or even old letter and you’ll find plenty of examples of people practicing hygiene to keep themselves safe from illness. Hell, part of why people wore headscarfs for thousands of years was to protect their scalp from vectors (animals that carry viruses) and the sun. Yet in western history books, concepts like quarantine, hygiene, and even some medicines are thought of as originating from Florence Nightingale. There are far more examples of miscrediting of scientific achievement, but I won’t cover more. There is the history of western science to consider.
Unlike in normal countries, western scientists are historically known to struggle at recognizing personal boundaries and people’s dignity. There are so many atrocities related to human experimentation alone that the practice is flat out banned in several countries. Tuskegee, Joseph Mengele, sterilization campaigns, Eugenics, you name it and it’s there.
So many people were ultimately hurt, and all these failed ideas only went on to justify the criticism and distrust western science received. It’s not even like that these controversies were necessary either.
A growing number of western scientific boards are doing what other scientists internationally have been doing for thousands of years—asking people for informed fucking cons
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