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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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The current mission in Haiti has gone on for half a year now. Reports over denied payments have been debunked. The current police on standby have confirmed receiving their salaries. Attempts to reopen key roadways have been made, and some have been successful. However, current momentum stays dormant. It doesn’t feel as if the country is getting safer or more dangerous.

Currently, any new developments will depend on whether the African union’s member states are willing to deploy more police officers and soldiers to Haiti like these countries did in response to the Libyan and Somali wars.

Oh and I really mean the African union’s members are the main determinants. Going back to the continent, the AU’s forces were the first to deploy soldiers to stabilize Libya during the fall of gadaffi and to Somalia when al shabaab was at its highest. I’m not sure what they’re doing in Sudan right now, I don’t know about what their involvement is with Haiti either. I just know that whatever is going on now is not being reported on enough. Assuming someone is willing to share whatever information is being gathered.
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I only remember Kenya taking part in the intervention and the video shows Kenyan troops, if somebody didn't notice.

Think of it this way: why doesn't the US intervene? I don't think there is a single instance when the US had the chance intervene in conflict somewhere and it refused just because it didn't care enough. And if it really was a regional interest to intervene, why don't the regional countries do it? Any other Carribean country? Central America? South America? Clearly

Yeah, it's pretty strange the issue with haiti. Maybe the lack of revolutionary potential or lack of threat of socialism make the place uninteresting for true interventionism

No. Again, the men deployed are genuinely just police officers. Jamaican soldiers are the second most active force in Haiti’s stabilization mission with the Dominican Republic leading behind. The USA is genuinely just staying out of this conflict (mainly because it and other South American countries are responsible for supplying the gangs with their weapons.)

anyway that the proles of haiti can take back power from the gangs through organisation rather than having to simply wait until the kenyan or yankee military come?

sorry meant to write
"whats the likely hood that the proles of haiti can take back power from the gangs through organisation rather than having to simply wait until the kenyan or yankee military come?"
idk how i wrote "anyway"

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I was conceived through rape, back when my country was socialist. My dad "forgot to mention" to my mom that he removed the condom when they were dating. My mom found out that I was LOADING.EXE when she missed her period.

When I was a few years old, my dad went to the capital city for work, leaving me and my mom in our rural city of origin to rot. He wanted to persuade my mom to join in him in the capital city, but she refused because all of her relatives lived where she was. My mom was "simple" in that sense: she wanted to be near to all her family members, while my dad tried to avoid his. He was literally blackmailing my mom: "if you don't follow me, you'll live in poverty."

But of course, in his mind this didn't register as such. In his mind this was about a wife that wasn't """reasonable""" and everything that followed (poverty) was a """natural outcome."""

My dad sent her crumbs in terms of allowance and as a form of revenge. His "logic" was: "if you are not willing to move in with me in the big city, you should live in poverty." Even though my dad, to this day reminisces about this period as "I had a bigger wage than the prime minister of the country."

This was the period that ultimately grounded their future divorce.

As far as I can remember my early years, my dad used to visit us every 2-3 weeks or so. I was 5 years or so and every time he visited our squalor I was giddy, because he made sure to make that an EVENT, and give me gifts of some kind. Looking back, this was a strategy of his making (conscious or unconscious) to pit me against my mom (from whom I got poverty) and make a psychological imprint on me as "daddy=gifts".

Not long after my sister was conceived, they divorced. My dad made sure to buy my mom a flat while he kept paying the %s on our home. Then he immediately dumped me to my grandparents – his parents, whom he reminisces to this day as being "unbearable" in his adolescence years.

My formative years from elementary to secondary school were spent under the aegis of my distant father. He wanted me to take over his company, and naturally I rebelled. He wanted me to pursue a STEM career and so it happened I was talented in humanities. This was the point from which our relationship began to be one of revenge. He despised me forPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Hi, I'm the "Dad" in OP, so what should I do?


Consider the possibility of offing your self?


Hello anons, as we all know networking and connections with other people helps bring together coalitions and organize movements, but the thing is a lot of you guys are internet recluses, some of you don't even have something to work for.
Therefore, if you aren't meeting and conversing with people outside of family and friend circles, aren't you bringing the revolution down? You could be agitating unionization at the workforce, starting a college theory book club, you can even join community groups and redpill people on class antagonism and the conditions that ruined your pal's favorite hobby, place, or general things like their community and the climate.
So will you continue to post like a Lasallean, or be a true comrade?
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The fact is NEETs consume less both as a consequence of having fewer monetary resources and being accustomed to a minimalistic lifestyle. Capitalism is a drug. Like all drugs when used in moderation it can benefit the user. Sadly, far too many people use drugs to cope with an unhappy life and end up abusing them. The empty life of the wagecuck is brutal which is why they often drunkenly buy shit they don’t need. While the problem is frivolous purchases, and wagecucks can theoretically avoid that, NEETs have the advantage. I try not to blame the victim and I genuinely don’t think these wagecucks can actually help themselves. I don’t think most people can. It’s true that some NEETs are just as depressed as wagecucks, namely the ones who don’t follow the 8fold Path of the Comfy NEET. When these NEETs have spending money they are liable to make just as many impulsive purchases as wagecucks. However, the less fortunate depressed NEETs still can’t buy things. Instead of relying on willpower these unmoneyed NEETs have simply removed the option to make bad choices. So they don’t.

In aggregate this disincentivizes the manufacture of plastic crap. In isolation this reduces carbon emissions from the product either being delivered to the buyer’s house or from the buyer driving to and from the store to buy the product. That adds up fast. Perhaps the most obvious way NEETdom protects the environment is the huge reduction in carbon emissions we produce by not commuting. Many NEETs don’t even have cars, either biking or taking public transport to get where they need to be. Just look at the reduction in NO2 emissions during the peak of the CORTICOIDE lockdown. Even for most NEETs with cars, going for a drive isn’t something they do as frivolously as buying stuff.

Another eco-friendly aspect of NEETdom people often overlook is breaking the reliance on restaurants. And who can blame them? It’s easy to forget that most restaurants are extremely unsustainable. When you have a job, you don’t have time to cook yourself a meal in the morning and you don’t have the energy to cook yourself a meal at night. During the day you have neither so you’re likely either to skip lunch or grab some fastfood which is bad for both you and the environment. And unlike buying random crap or using a car, you NEED to eat. NEETs have the freedom to cook their own meals at home. Going out to eat produces not only far more packaging waste and food waste, but each and every one of thosPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Ok now you're really reaching

don't you have some cultural appropriation to be offended at?

what part dont you understand?

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I went to a therapist for my NEET/hikkikomori problems and it did not help at all lmao. They just say the same shit over and over again thinking just going outside can fix everything but they just dont know so they can never help. I quit going because it was just make me feel even more horrible about myself for being this way, i legit cried hard when i got to my room after an appointment because it really made me feel shitty about myself and even more embarrassed someone has to see me this way, and i never really cry about anything i just feel it. Im doing better on my own though even if im still that way lol

I completely understand. They really don't do much other than try to integrate you back into society, get you employed, and hope it just magically goes away. In reality, there is a lot more to why people are NEET/hikikomori to begin with. Many have been living this way for years and years. It really sucks when you want to help yourself, but a lot of people are so unfamiliar with this territory of living that they're quick to write it off. I always say to do what's best for you at the end of the day, but paying for a therapist can be a slippery slope because they will most likely give you generic advice and try to forcefully push you out of NEETdom. I do believe exposure can help, but forcefully doing it is not as easy as it seems and could backfire for the individual if not handled correctly. Making someone go outside doesn't just burn the NEET off.

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Ukrainian recruit hunters fill car with glammable gas (VIDEO)

Previous thread: >>2082503


Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine
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Ziggers will support downing civilian airplanes

Someone is mad they're losing a war kek

The war will be won one airliner at a time

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Ukrainian GMO saboteur birds took the plane down to frame Russia!


What does internationalism even mean to Americans? We’ve only got two countries we share a land border with and one of them, Canada, is meme’d as something we’ll get around to fully annexing in the future. Mexico might be the most important from a material standpoint because of agriculture, but there’s a cultural, linguistic, and in some cases physical wall separating us—this isn’t fucking Alsace-Lorraine where you’ve got these two nations so intimately tied to one another that internationalism seems like the rational or sensible outcome, we barely talk with each other as separate peoples. That America is predominantly a service industry economy means you aren’t getting these scenarios where German and Czech workers are struggling to build railroads together—if you can’t speak English you won’t get a job, unless you work somewhere like Vallarta for example, but chances are you won’t be employed there unless you speak Spanish, too.

Shit one telling anecdote: my buddy once witnessed a guy trying to get hired at some office max out in Simi Valley, the dude is talking to the manager in Spanish, the manager is talking in English and clearly getting frustrated, eventually he just throws his hands up and yells “No green card-o, no job-o!”

Sure America has immigrants from all over the world, but the basic premise of America is we take those immigrants, dissolve them, and make them us. We don’t have any Volga Germans here. We don’t have a history of the fucking Kaiser ordering Czechs to settle en masse in Vienna and maintain their culture for hundreds of years. In the end we break these different groups down and make them ourselves.
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I think it's a /pol/yp trying to spam the board.

>some rant about borders
Read the communist manifesto. You don't even need a hard text, you just need that.

I had the same thing happen earlier today. some /pol/yp is making slide threads.

It's spelt "disorganized"


Libertarian here, I don't know if I will be banned but I'm genuinely interested in marxism and want to debate.

What makes you think socialism will work? how would you solve the famous economic calculation problem? Some people claim AI could solve it, or even market socialism but it's considered revisionist.

I recognize that the USSR had its achievements, such as lifting millions out of extreme poverty and making virtually the entire population literate, but they also had bureaucratic problems, such as long lines to buy food or long waiting lists to buy a car for example.
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Megabased. Fuck your shit, you will work for free like everybody else. And if you don't i'll get Jamaldo to cut your head off. The executions will continue until morale improves or economic plan is fulfilled. You will thank me later.

thank god, some real communism

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>Libertarian here
lol, eed da pahsdah!
>thank god, some real communism
Hey Spurdanon wha'cha doin? Is this the year Spurdo makes the list?

The only good libertarian is libertarian socialist

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screenshotted; good post

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Can the Hitlerites be regarded as nationalists? No, they cannot. Actually, the Hitlerites are now not nationalists but imperialists. As long as the Hitlerites were engaged in assembling the German lands and reuniting the Rhine district, Austria, etc., it was possible with a certain amount of foundation to call them nationalists. But after they seized foreign territories and enslaved European nations-the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Norwegians, Danes, Dutch, Belgians, French, Serbs, Greeks, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, the inhabitants of the Baltic countries, etc.—and began to reach out for world domination, the Hitlerite party ceased to be a nationalist party, because from that moment it became an imperialist party, a party of annexation and oppression.

The Hitlerite party is a party of imperialists, and the most rapacious and predatory imperialists among all the imperialists of the world.
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Again, It's complicated the Soviets originally wanted an alliance with the UK and France to contain Nazi Germany which was rejected and so a peace treaty with the Nazis was assumed to be a better choice, cause Russia had dealt with WW1, Its own Civil War and a disastrous Invasion of Poland

You cannot build a socialist society in a vacuum. You can only build it in a nation state like Stalin did, convincing inhabitants of a nation that socialism is a way forward for their advancement.
Only after establishment of socialism in more than one nation it is possible to talk about some international socialism - you have no international socialism if you do not have socialist states cooperating with each other. This is the only way forward on this planet - cooperation of socialist nations. Not a single socialist worldwide government.
Nations are culturally, ethnically, traditionally, linguistically, even mentally distinct units of humanity - socialists can only work inside nations, for the benefit of the people in their nations and after success cooperate.
National unification projects generally fail unless one nation is way more powerful and produces major economic incentives (hence USSR was a success with Russian nation at its core - but USSR was never really a multinational alliance, it was really dominated by the Russian national spirit - that's just facts).
Generally, large nations incorporating smaller nations, forming quasi-civilizations are the most efficient way of organizing human labor.
Large nations-civilizations can only cooperate, not unite - there are too many differences, from structural to cultural. Perhaps socialist nations could unite in some far historical perspective once culture would globalize much, much more than it is today but this is a far away theoretical possibility only.
A worldwide socialist government built right now as a thought experiment would represent no one, not a single society, collective, community and would immediately collapse. A cooperative of socialist countries would've been far more efficient.
Not to mention that by robbing people of their national identity you sever their collective spirit, making any socialist cooperation whithin the state more difficult.
This problem is much harder to understand for Jews outside of Israel and Americans than for Europeans for understandable reasons.

>muh nation

No arguments as expected

You must be forgetting that Marx said capitalism is rationally organized and that nations are a product of capitalist development. You don't even need to read Stalin to know that nations are a material reality and rather then trying to fight against reality our objective is to push through it to the other side until national distinctions are aufhebung.

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I want to read up on the topic of ("far" left) philosophers and egoists, talking about how and why ,it's unfair (which it IS) for 2 people to have legal control over a child, or teenager, just because they had sex- which incidentally sired the Qualia that happens-to-be said teen. A social corollary of the Vertiginous Question
>inb4 pedo
No, I shouldn't have to clarify it but it's about legal and citizenship rights: owning a house, paying taxes, owning guns, credit cards, investment funds, taking loans, etc. And also, abolishment of family legal obligations or contractual forces in general…Reform in topics such as: inheritance, alimony, divorce, and child support money, war casualty widow's pension, military veteran widow pension, whether an Orphanage (State or private), or a foster parent has a right to not-let a ,say, 15 yo teen be alone if his parents have died and he sees no good reason to take up "new parents".
Which philosophers, speakers, bloggers, thinkers, etc, address these topics?
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>if you can't agree on states rights in abstract then maybe gubbermint should control errything and all aspects of life
autonomy to do what, pedophile?

Worth noting the loss of Home Economics and Machining from the modern school curriculum.

also the audacity to say anyone "sounds like right-wingers" when your argument is a carbon copy of confederates and libertarians
<freedom and autonomy to do what? what can't they do right now that they should be doing?

Apples and Oranges. women, elderly, disabled and ethnic minorities are adults and grown. A women, a ethnic minority, disabled and the elderly should be allowed to go to a bar or clubbing. So answer the question
Youth autonomy to do what?

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Israel strikes Houthi rebels in Yemen’s capital while the WHO chief says he was meters away
A new round of Israeli airstrikes in Yemen on Thursday targeted the Houthi rebel-held capital and multiple ports, while the World Health Organization’s director-general said the bombardment occurred nearby as he prepared to board a flight in Sanaa, with a crew member injured.

Gaza famine warning withdrawn after US diplomat scolds USAID-funded group
The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) - an initiative funded by USAID, the US government agency that oversees foreign aid - has taken down a report on its website that sounded the alarm about tens of thousands of Palestinians in northern Gaza at risk of death under Israeli siege.

Syria’s new authorities launch operation against pro-Assad fighters after 14 policemen killed
An explanatory note in the bill says that there has been a rise in Israelis earning degrees at Palestinian universities and taking jobs in the Israeli school system. It further goes on to allege the courses in these institutions contain "antisemitic content and indoctrination whose purpose is to deny the existence of the State of Israel and to seriously incite against it".

Machine guns and pistols among firearms lost by MoD
Figures uncovered by the Liberal Democrats show more than 700 phones, laptops, computers and USB sticks also went missing over the period. The party's defence spokesperson Helen Maguire said the losses were "deeply concerning", especially "at this time of heightened global security tensions".
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New US jobless claims slip, but people are remaining unemployed for longer
The number of people receiving benefits after an initial week of aid, a proxy for hiring, rose 46,000 to a seasonally adjusted 1.910 million - the highest since November 2021 - during the week ending Dec. 14, the claims report showed. Economists had been expecting the level of continued claims to be 1.880 million.

Marianne Williamson launches bid for DNC chair
Marianne Williamson, an author and former Democratic presidential candidate, announced Thursday that she is launching a campaign to become the next chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Analysis Shows US Lawmakers Traded Up to $113 Million in Arms Stocks This Year
The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft found that at least 37 members of Congress and their relatives traded between $24-113 million worth of stock in companies listed on Defense and Security Monitor's Top 100 Defense Contractors index.

Family detentions to return in migration crackdown, says Trump ‘border czar’
He said Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) officials would hold parents with children in soft-sided tent structures similar to those used to handle immigration surges at the US southern border.
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CPP CC Statement On The Occasion Of The 56th Anniversary Of The Party’s Founding
Holding high the Red banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and ever determined to lead the Filipino people’s national democratic revolution, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines extends its ardent revolutionary greetings to all the Party’s cadres and activists, Red fighters of the New People’s Army, allies in the National Democratic Front and the broad masses of the Filipino people, on the occasion of the Party’s 56th founding anniversary. On this occasion, we call on the entire Party and all revolutionary forces to: Deepen and broaden the rectification movement! Further strengthen the Party! Strike deeper roots among the masses and firmly lead their struggle against the US-Marcos fascist and bureaucrat capitalist regime! Persevere in advancing the people’s democratic revolution! Today, we honor Ka Jose Maria Sison, founding chair of the Central Committee, whose Marxist-Leninist-Maoist theoretical writings continue to illuminate the revolutionary path of the Filipino people. The new generation of Party cadres and fighters will forever remember and draw inspiration from Ka Joma’s lifelong communist dedication to the proletariat and all oppressed and exploited classes.

Egypt under Sisi: Will repression and stagnation continue in 2025?
As this year comes to an end, the most populous Arab country remains a stagnant mammoth with a slowly rotting political order, lacking domestic legitimacy and kept alive only by a continuous lifeline of cash from the West and Arab Gulf states who fear the repercussions of the Egyptian regime’s implosion. The year started with Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who is now 70, renewing his presidential term until 2030 after an electoral circus whose outcome was determined from the start. His only serious competition, former parliamentarian Ahmed Tantawi, was swiftly jailed. Egypt’s secret police, Homeland Security, continued throughout the year targeting all forms and shades of dissent, both online and offline, keeping citizens incarcerated in an endless labyrinth of fabricated casePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I'm extremely puzzled on how to organize workers in this day and age. It seems like we're all extremely occupied with daily life and no one wants to waste a single minute discussing workplace struggles. At the same time, watching thousands of 15 second videos using instagram, tiktok, youtube, etc is standard for almost all adult workers. I don't know how true it was but the rumor is that Russian proles used to actually read Marx and Lenin, that's mindblowing to think about now.

I know it's always been like this, but it seems to amplified as of lately that I'm just completely stunt on how to get *anyone* to pay attention to this shit, and believe me I've tried. It's fucking HARD.

At the same time it seems like we're in the best position ever in relation to past communists: we have a global, permanently connected network of people (mostly proles) that we can communicate and share propaganda with, and still we can't make even the smallest comeback to relevancy among the working class…
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>Again, revolution is often done by a minority never a majority.
True, but popular support is a must. Even if the actual revolt is leaded and organized by a comparable minority.
>They demand to be taken seriously but they have nothing to offer beyond platitudes.
Socialism has a fuckton of things to offer to workers, if you're here you probably know that as well.
>Also, the same way you hate on religion for shiving their message down peoples throats is the same way people feel about your leftism
I understand that, but what's the alternative then? How can you organize with someone you can't talk to? Is this what we've come to? Just passive "let's hope everyone gets The Message™ eventually"?

>im a pb living in a bubble, why arent "people" (be more specific) organizing???????????
lol try talking to proletarians instead

>but popular support is a must
not really, all youre doing is appealing to democratic bullshit that only leads to interclassist trash

15 seconds is more than enough to make a solid case for socialism. We must learn marketing strategies and the science behind capturing attention and transmitting a certain feeling or concept, just like capitalists do to sell a product. The problem is that communication campaigns require money and leftists are balkanized in a thousand institutions and also poor.

>everyone's a pb except me, the ultimate prole

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