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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Is there a left, anyhow, in europe?
I feel like all the "left" parties are just neoliberals that hand out gibs and celebrate transhumanism but none of them has any real anti-imperialist or anti-american policy
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>communism is about spices, third world ethnonationalism and cultural re-endorsement or something

It literally is, every single communist on the planet is anti-white and for open borders.

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lay off the reactionary propaganda kiddo

Every nationalist socialist is a PMC neoliberal in disguise.

>the left is somehow this strictly defined group that in practice just means communists XD
no, leftism includes liberals and anarchists (and thats why the left sucks)

oh wait
>anti-imperialist or anti-american policy
op is just another non-marxist liberal fucktard lmao

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I know i know irrelevant shithole in the middle east and whatever but on the other hand
This article lays things out very nicely
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>Over the largest geopolitical catastrophe in Armenian history?
Armenians loosing all of their land isn't a catastrophe to them, it's a tradition


>just look at Afghanistan

I feel like that's a silly example. The Georgian government has way more popular legitimacy then the pedophiles and heroin dealers who ran Afghanistan (which isn't saying much but still), no?. I mean shit even South Vietnam was more competent and less corrupt than fucking 2001-2021 Afghanistan.

okay then look at bosnia,the baltics and whatever african country was dumb enough to bow to ameriKKKa
all of em are slowly going through extreme population losses with the baltic countries now being depopulated outside of the capital

Damn. The USSR being dissolved really fucked these countries over hard.


We all know that racist against other humans is bad. But what about the vegan argument that humans are being supremacist to animals are we are no morally better than them? If non human intelligent life exists should humanity treat them as equals or go full WH40k?
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As you wish, sir 💪🏻

Homo SSapiens are lesser beings compared to QuGods, therefore it is acceptable to be destroyed by them. Also, the Qu invasion is historically progressive.

Oh boy

It sounded like nothing, because shockingly an ML ranting to you about how great life in the USSR was does nothing to pay your rent, there’s a reason everything I mentioned in terms of what anarchists do actually help people in the present term and not a hypothetical future 👍🏾

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Irrespective of how subjectively morally appealing it may seem, every step in the direction of stricter state surveillance and censorship by definition means the forging of an apparatus that will be utilized ruthlessly against a potential proletarian movement in the future. This applies to every single scenario where dimwitted losers cry out for more state intervention to censor anything from casteism to anti-Muslim rhetoric.
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Oh great, the Popperian faggotry again.

I'm going to make this simple for you - governments are really, really good at figuring out information about the domain they rule over. Pretending they aren't is some Germanic faggotry and nothing more. Why do you think it was different, or a recent invention? The primary thing governments can do is hold information and records about the territory and people they govern. What governments do with that information is ultimately at the mercy of those who hold the state and offices, and anything that would hold them accountable.

If you're anyone relevant enough to matter, everything you say or do will be recorded and used against you. Pretending this is about limited information is silly. You could with-hold information, lie to the government (and doing this is a really bad idea because governments are not as stupid as venal scammers believe they are, and they eventually reconcile their records and do with that information whatever they like). You would have to account for yourself the record, and this does little for you when malicious officers of governments lie (oh yes, they can conspire too and do so far better than you sniveling idiots in your echo chambers who are dumb enough to think this insinuation works). What the government can't do is read your mind, but they sure put a lot of effort in establishing control that subjects you to interrogation and inquisition at any time, for any reason, and then tell you this is completely normal - hell, it's a "service" and you should be grateful for your slavery! The government isn't interested in your inner monologue, except for what this information can be used to extract more taxes out of you, whatever that tax may be. The things these sniveling idiots value are trivial compared to anything a government would value, but then, many of the influencer brigade revel in empty baubles and performance, just as they were trained. It's disgusting how these people continue this sham. I fear their stupidity more than I fear the government at this point, especially when that stupidity wants to claim the apparatus.

If there is anything political, it will be policed and flooded with feds. That's how these things work if you know anything at all about politics. States are not in the habit of honoring pinky swear policies.

Which laws? You do realised that there is no single magical 'please don' t say bad things law' right?

The International Holocaust Remembrance Association's definition of antisemitism is apparently the legislative model in several US states and Germany, and the current sense of the US Congress.

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Have YOU done your self-criticism today? Have you done a REAL proper self-critique? Prove you're a real Marxist and do self-criticism TODAY.

The slogan of self-criticism must not be regarded as something temporary and transient. Self-criticism is a specific method, a Bolshevik method, of training the forces of the Party and of the working class generally in the spirit of revolutionary development. Marx himself spoke of self-criticism as a method of strengthening the proletarian revolution.
The purpose of self-criticism being to disclose and eliminate our errors and weaknesses.

The attitude of a political party towards its own mistakes is one of the most important and surest ways of judging how serious the party is and how it in practice fulfils its obligations towards its class and the toiling masses. Frankly admitting a mistake,* ascertaining the reasons for it, analysing the circumstances which gave rise to it, and thoroughly discussing the means of correcting it—that is the earmark of a serious party; that is the way it should perform its duties, that is the way it should educate and train the class, and then the masses.

The proletariat is not afraid to admit that this or that thing has succeeded splendidly in its revolution, and this or that has not succeeded. All revolutionary parties which have hitherto perished, did so because they grew conceited, failed to see where their strength lay, and feared to speak of their weaknesses. But we shall not perish, for we do not fear to speak of our weaknesses and shall learn to overcome them.

Criticise the shortcomings of our constructive work, but do not vulgarise the slogan of self-criticism and do not turn it into a medium for ostentatious exercises on such themes as "Double-Bed Bandits," "A Shot That Misfired," and so on.

Criticise the shortcomings in our constructive work, but do not discredit the slogan of self-criticism and do not turn it into a means of cooking up cheap sensations.

Criticise the shortcomings in our constructive work, but do not pervert the slogan of self-criticism and do not turn it into a weapon for witch-hunts.
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This is the honest sad truth. People in the US honestly just don't give a fuck even as their civil liberties get torn away but take away their snacks and it's a fucking riot. Look at right now we got people on a razors edge choosing to pay their bills fill their fridge or fill their prescriptions and it doesn't even move the needle. I guess if you already have a group of comrades and are helping people great! I just don't see it being the great Socialism builder that many people in orgs think it's going to be.

I often engage in rank political opportunism to win political victories then get smug about at least I'm getting something done unlike you losers when I should be building a credible communist alternative to our crumbling social institutions.

In all my actions I have always acted in the interest of the party. My only flaw is being a bit abrasive in online chats and apparently having too much social anxiety to do work involving talking to a lot of strangers one on one like knocking doors or giving out flyers.

My (former) party, however, has shown a complete disregard for procedure, discipline, doing self-criticism and putting in the work, which had led it to increasingly internally focused politics where people try to beat down others.

No because I never do anything wrong

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Because of this thread >>1905865 I felt like making this one just to get an array of opinions in and work this out. The central question of this thread is:

Was European colonialism a progressive force in the world?

As with all things, context matters and nuances exist, so feel free to mention and bring them in by your own accord. We could then proceed by talking about what precisely makes colonialism a progressive force and when it is not a progressive force. Additionally, what can we admit did Marx and Engels get wrong about their beliefs on European colonialism without condemning them in a moralizing manner.
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>economic necessity
Because the literal 1000+ years western euroroaches spent killing each other in actual race wars has nothing to do with the ethnically charged violence seen in the colonization periods, much less does such a shitty history contribute to why only that specific region of the planet and its muslim allies continue to engage in imperialism compared to the entire planet that is developing and won’t do such a thing for any reason.

Yes. The period of primitive accumulation under colonialism did play an important role in the birth of capitalism and the subsequent obsolescence of feudal social relations in Europe. At the same time it also severely stunted the development of productive forces in developing nations. In places like the Philippines, social relations still remain semi feudal in rural areas.

That being said until Euroids actually tear down the forces of capitalism and bourgeois rule like they were supposed to I will still deride them for the Hitler worshipping butchers and enslavers of nations that they are.

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Yes ofc it was progressive
But Progress doesnt mean "le wholesome chungus good thing"; it refers to objective conditions.
Capitalism has been the worst thing thats happened to the world, but it is also the most Progressive. Thats why "Progress" is a dangerous ideal.

Didn't Marx change his mind on India later and admitted he was wrong?

Tangentially, so did aboriginal aussies.

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>omg Engels was le racist by calling Mexicans lazy
Nobody saying this has been able to prove, even once, that Engels explains the ability of the Yankees to make use of California by reference to innate racial characteristics. Their whole argument is that he describes the Mexicans as lazy - lazy because they couldn’t make use of the land! Engels even explicitly explains his reasoning (see pic).
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holy gem

>troll enters thread
>instead of deleting posts, whole thread gets bumplocked
good job fellas

Honestly, all these figure worship threads are tedious and retarded. They aren't going to marry us so who cares about their totalities? There ought to be one containment thread where all the post-teen chinlets can get their substitute daddy icon worship on and leave the grownups alone.

the thread was shite from the beginning

Oh no, Marx described the position of the Jew in Europe and argued that for their real liberation they'd have to overcome that. What an anti Semite. Figure worshipper!

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Who is your favourite Capital reader?

It's hard to pick, but for me, George Blake was a good one.
Hard mode: don't pick another famous author like john lennon


the academic agent claimed once to have read the whole thing at 18


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are imperialism and colonialism just subsets of categories or are they their own distinct categories with some overlap? if the latter is the case, then what do we call the various intersections of imperialism, colonialism, and capitalism? What are the numbered categories of pic related called? Are there distinct names for these? What are their qualities? Is this the wrong way to think about capitalism?
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Capitalism would contain imperialim, but colonialism only overlaps both.

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imperialism = classical imperialism
colonialism = classical colonialism
capitalism = capitalism in 1 country (England)

1 = pre-capitalist colonialism/imperialism as practiced by the Romans, and later on the Spanish conquistadors

2 = extractive capitalism from colonies that were established in pre-capitalist times

3 = imperialism as described by Lenin

4 = neocolonialism. imperialist capitalism in neocolonies established in the postwar era. i.e. IMF style imperialism.

we could have the first autistic president but y'all playin

Tell me how the first autistic president furthers the cause and I'm on it.

capitalism is fake
cap italism
as in "no cap"

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A thread for Brits to discuss green energy, the psychology of homosexuality, JK Rowling, and prisoners having sex with wardens

Also there's an election going on but everyone got bored of it a week ago because they go on for too long, maybe someone will do a cytube for it if anyone even remembers it's happening
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> when their primary voter base are practising muslims

Not the way it's practised by someone like Galloway. Do you think LGBTQ is natural? No. Do you want to have straight pride and go to war with them? Also no. Just promote worker interests.

>a third of Tory voters went to Reform
It's an absolute stain on the character of the British left that a similar phenomenon has not happened with the Workers Party.
>assuming that won't be replicated
It very likely will, because Farage is an MP now. Last time he got elected (to the European Parliament) he kept his seat for 21 years and only took 17 of those to get a referendum on something the establishment did not want to change. The only weakness Reform have is their reliance on his cult of personality, but they will live at least as long as he does.
The only comparable figure on the left is Galloway, but he is 10 years older so he doesn't have as much time left to build a serious party structure around him. Corbyn is even older.
>Labour are fucked in 2029
If you want this to be true you have to get some young talent into left wing alternatives and get seriously organised. It won't just happen on its own.
You have blood on your hands.

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