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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I believe the Propaganda of the Deed is a failed doctrine. While I admittedly haven't studied it in detail, the contradiction appears quite simple:
>the deed is extremely inflammatory and the state will react in the harshest way it permits (e.g. life imprisonment)
>propagandizing the deed forces it into forms which will almost inevitably result in capture
>not enough people are willing to fuck over their whole life for this to be a sustainable strategy and cause systematic crisis

Consider how some states like US, Russia and China assassinate spies and other enemies, you can see this in their methods and sometimes in admissions (I can't grab the CIA official's interview about terror right now, i think it's in the SecondThot vid 'CIA is a terrorist org') that they often want their assassinations to be obvious. People don't just shoot themselves twice in the back and get polonium poisoning. Same with non-state terrorist groups, who often take credit for bomb attacks and other acts. This is the MO, it's not about just killing, but developing a threat as their reputation.
But on the other hand, we are* the proletariat. We do not need to be a group with a face to make our actions meaningful, we are a movement. Maybe Vanguardists will disagree.

Why would a Conspiracy of the Deed fail?
A 'conspiracy of the deed' shall be when assassinations, sabotage and other highly disruptive actions are taken, but with intentional secrecy and no attempt to take credit. Ideally, misattributed as coincidence, the truth only being discovered in fringe groups.
On one hand, it's harder to make this a growing tactic since it isn't meant to be publicly confirmed. On the other hand, it's far more sustainable as it encourages perpetrators to continue disrupting the system undiscovered. And it can still grow in a decentralized way through lone copycats.
Imagine an environmental group taking up this strategy, and over the course of a few months six oil C-level staff have died of various diseases. There's clearly something weird going on but there's no obvious reason, no villains to point at without being a conspiracy theorist. That's the kind of thing you could make a horror film out of. That's terror.
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It worked with ISIS. Kinda.


this is what left unitinu looks like




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Leaving a lot of revolutionary potential on the table

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The Kurds are based despite getting support from the US just like the DNR/LNR are based despite getting support from Russia.

Conversely, Russia is cringe despite "denazifying" Ukraine and "helping" DNR/LNR. USA is cringe despite "helping" the Kurds.(shitpost)
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OldBO is a uyghur for unleashing this black and white mentality of analyzing complex geopolitics on this board.
May (s)he get raped in hell for 10,000 years for this.


I mean, pulled out of northeastern Syria. There's still that small army near the Jordanian border but this is just a red herring and a strawman.


How do we make a total epistemological break with infrafeds?


k everyone totally believes that, thanks glowuyghur


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If you haven't been living under a rock, you'll realize the internet and pop culture is filled with Nazi and Hitler related content. Its literally everywhere. There's Nazi aesthetics in anime and dozens of books and YouTube videos on Hitler's secret UFOs, antarctic weapons, and the occult, Jewish Nazi porn. Most of this stuff isn't pro-Nazi but it does promote curiosity around Nazis and the Nazi aesthetic that rightoids have clearly been able to exploit. Liberals of course promote the idea of Hitler as an absolute evil that justifies foreign interventions. Everything they don't like (Hamas, ISIS, Bin Laden etc) must be linked to Hitler and fascism. Everything must be done to stop the coming of a future Hitler and that's the justification used for what happened at Colombia and UCLA and the Gaza genocide.

In the Western world, because of man’s distance from absolute good (God) value was placed on human actions. Since Nietzsche proclaimed in the nineteenth century the “death of God,” in other words the extinction of absolute good, absolute evil, that is to say Hitler, has stood as the reference point for all values. Hitler is our secular version of Satan or the anti-Christ who dictates our values. Does this not constitute the ultimate victory for Hitler?

Just as there are people who join cults because they think Satan was actually the good guy or worship Jeff Dahmer or that incel shooter, so too will many people be seduced by the cult of Hitler. The idea of being absolutely evil and on the side of darkness against mainstream society is psychologically appealing to vulnerable idiots, outcasts, edgelords, burnouts, people wrecked by the system. Then along comes the right wing propagandist and feeds you the greatest story never told that Hitler was some Christ like figure who was defeated and persecuted by the man and everything you've been taught was a lie. Prussian aesthetics to poltard pipeline.

By making Hitler and fascism our standard of absolute evil the left is actually strengthening the Hitler cult and making it more appealing to people when really we should not draw attention to him more than any other historic war criminal by turning him into a Satan we have immortalized him.
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>I suspect that success rate is rather low
During "dark ages", lots of ideas are lost to the future because they aren't inscribed in durable matter. Ideas which reproduce a ruling class are preferentially prolonged by that ruling class through publication and other material action. Ideas that oppose class systems tend to be lost or recuperated by ruling classes, see Diogenes' and Epicurus' writings generally.
We are able to read burnt scrolls and palimpsests clearly and non-destructively only thanks to modern imaging technologies such as MRI. We might get Linear A script cracked in your lifetime. The success rate, in other words, also depends on the future.
Had the Soviet Union collapsed 20 years earlier pic might never have happened.

I hope you're not proposing to fish some god out of the trash…


>"It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know I was right."
vgh he was so real for that, anyone got more based hitler quotes


I don't see how it is based. His attempt to colonize Eastern Europe was clearly as crazy as it was retarded and drove Germany into an even worse place. Plus, didn't he blame the German people for losing the war in his final letter?


UK law will let regulators fine Big Tech without court approval
The DMCC also addresses consumer protection issues by banning fake reviews, forcing companies to be more transparent about their subscription contracts, regulating secondary ticket sales, and getting rid of hidden fees. It will also force certain companies to report mergers to the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

Italy to resume UNRWA funding as Gaza faces humanitarian crisis
Rome joins several Western donors in resuming aid after an independent review of UNRWA, led by French former foreign minister Catherine Colonna, found that Israel had not provided any evidence to back its claims.

Thirty UK parliamentarians urge support of Morocco's control over Western Sahara
The so-called Moroccan Autonomy plan for Western Sahara gives Rabat control over the area's national security and foreign relations while allowing the Sahrawi people limited autonomy.

Syrian Kurdish authorities hand over a British woman and 3 children linked to IS to a UK delegation
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Four years after George Floyd killing, police reform slow to follow
The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act – which was initially introduced in 2021 to stop aggressive law enforcement tactics, misconduct and racial bias – has faced repeated roadblocks in Congress and has yet to move forward.

$150m paid in police misconduct claims shows violent response to 2020 protests, experts say
The settlements, which include some of the largest payouts over protest-related police actions to date, also forced a slew of reforms on to departments, including restrictions on the use of so-called “less lethal” weapons.

Uvalde Families Accuse Instagram, ‘Call of Duty’ and Rifle Maker of ‘Grooming’ Gunman
The California suit, which names the publisher Activision, appeared to be one of the first to go after a video game maker for helping to promote weapons used in mass shootings. The lawsuits argue that the gun maker, Daniel Defense, would not have been able to connect with the gunman, a socially isolated teenager living in rural Texas, without the help of the technology and video game companies.

Scientists call for change in EPA regulations after Tyson Foods dumping report
“While it is disturbing that we could only capture information for 41 of Tyson’s meat processing plants, it’s not surprising,” Woods said. “That’s because the current regulations only apply to about 300 of the roughly 5,000 meat and poultry processing producers in the United States.”
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>UK law will let regulators fine Big Tech without court approval
Now this is big if true.


Communists in Spain and Argentina: Milei and Sanchez are different sides of the same coin
Concerning the recent diplomatic row between the governments of Argentina and Spain, the Argentine Communist Party and the Communist Party of the Workers of Spain (PCTE) issued the following joint statement: On the situation of Spanish-Argentine relations
Using as an argument the statements that Javier Milei made at a political event in Madrid last Sunday, the Government of Pedro Sánchez has decided to withdraw the Spanish ambassador from Buenos Aires. The confrontation between two capitalist management models that represent different sides of the same coin is thus tinged with a diplomatic crisis. We consider that this new controversy is beneficial for both Sánchez and Milei, who are using it to legitimize themselves before their respective audiences, trying to present themselves as representatives of opposing and conflicting ideological positions, but in reality united by their will to guarantee the continuity of capitalism. in each country. We affirm that no prefabricated controversy nor any high-sounding declaration from members of the Argentine or Spanish Government can hide the fact that both governments aim to establish in each country the best conditions for the exploitation of the working class. Both the social democratic administration of Pedro Sánchez, and the liberal and reactionary administration of Milei, aspire to maximize the profits of the capitalists. The different starting point of each of the two governments, the different degree of violence that is necessary to exercise in each country and the differences in rhetoric or ideological references of each president, do not imply a significant difference in terms of the objectives of both.

PFLP: The Zionist Retreat From Lebanon in 2000 was a Turning Point in History
The retreat of the zionist army from large parts of Lebanese territories on May 25, 2000, is a strategic turning point in the history of the Arab-Zionist struggle. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine considered the defeat of the enemy zionist army froPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The most glowing conflict in history


ICC prosecutor says he’s seen no evidence Israeli courts are genuinely probing Gaza crimes
“Despite significant efforts by the prosecutor’s office, he did not receive information from Israel that proves genuine legal processes are taking place to check or investigate the stated crimes,” his office tells the TV station.

Heads of Iran-allied militant groups meet in Tehran
They discussed "the latest political, social and military situation in Gaza and the Al-Aqsa Flood operation and the role of the resistance front," state broadcaster IRIB reported. The meeting reportedly stressed "the continuation of jihad and struggle until the complete victory of the Palestinian resistance in Gaza with the participation of all resistance groups and fronts in the region", IRIB said.

A blow to the poor: Egypt's public hospitals up for privatisation after new law
Approved by parliament on 20 May, the Law on the Management and the Operation of Medical Establishments will come into effect after it's ratified by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. The government hopes the law, the first in the country’s history, will attract investment in the health sector and improve medical services offered by the public hospitals. The government hopes the law, the first in the country’s history, will attract investment in the health sector and improve medical services offered by the public hospitals.

Greek police detain nine Egyptians despite dismissal of shipwreck charges
After the ruling, the men, who have spent 11 months in pre-trial detention and have pending asylumPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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News Anon bringing the fuckin heat today god damn




Is there an RSS channel for News Anon's posts?




sorry to bump old news but i think the second and third articles go really well together, a lot of people talk about false consciousness as some kind of individual sin when it's the result of a vast, well-funded and -coordinated program of suppression and propaganda

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🚨 Live Happenings/Updates 🚨

Al-Jazeera: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/22/israels-war-on-gaza-live-famine-fears-rise-as-aid-failure-escalates

Middle East Eye: https://www.middleeasteye.net/israel-palestine-hamas-war-gaza-live-invasion

The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/palestinian-territories

Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/liveblog/ (trigger warning)

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>derail about judaism
>derail about islam
>derail about ecelebs
how's the weather in tel aviv? raining rockets hopefully


>leftypol is one person
Listen, kiddo, social deconstruction is THE Marxist science and on topic everywhere. If you want to be an economist faggot go to CNBC. Concur with >>1866080


>thinks shitting up the board and ignoring the thread topic is a good thing
well it makes sense, but you're still wrong and retarded






Saraya Al-Quds - Tulkarem Brigade:
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
“And they plotted and Allah plotted, and Allah is the best of plotters. So see how was the end of their plot! For We destroyed them and their people all together.”
To our people in the city of Tukarem and its two camps, O you who have been our shield in all circumstances as we have been your sword in all battles, greetings of the homeland to you.
A delegation from the [Palestinian] Authority's Security Forces requested to visit Nour Shams camp today, Saturday 25/5/2024, with the aim of inspecting some destroyed houses and taking photos to be rebuilt (later) under the pretext of public interest.
We, in the Tulkarem Brigade, did not object to their entry into the camp on the principle that we all work for the benefit of this camp each of us in our own way.
However, we had some legitimate conditions to establish and reveal the truth about the assassination of the martyrs Motasim Al-Arif and Ahmad Abu Al-Ful ("Kris"):
- Forming a fair investigative committee that includes members of the martyrs' families
- Revealing the truth and holding the perpetrator legally accountable
- The [Palestinian] Authority's acknowledgment of its responsibility for the assassination of the two martyrs
- Not pursuing the wanted [by the IOF] individuals
However, we were surprised by the absolute and unequivocal refusal of these conditions. Therefore, the Brigade rejected the visit of the [Palestinian] Authority's Security Forces to the camp and bargaining over the blood of its people under the trap of "public interest." We will not compromise on the pure blood of our martyrs that watered the camp's land and illuminated our path.
We will not be deceived by these malicious conspiracies.
O best of nations and the greatest supporters, our people in Nour Shams camp, we must all be united and vigilant against these conspiracies being woven for us here and there in the dark rooms. We must stand as one man, shoulder to shoulder, to confront our close enemy who is plotting against us.
We say to both the near and the far that the Tulkarem Brigade and Nour Shams camp are a beacon of truth, a name written in blood.
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If you look up the most "racist films/comedies" you'll find that most of the creators were politically liberals who were pushing comedy forward. Western conservatives as a group, while having their own issues and genuinely bad humor, more often then not didn't want to offend. I think there was a comedian who compared feminists to 'church ladies we used to make fun of,' and while their reasons for being were different different, I do think they were being needlessly offensive and ignorant then and now. I don't see the point of just spouting offensive racial stereotypes and generalizations, most of the people who pushed comedy like this such as the "Man show" and Tosh.0 are now the same supporters of "woke" rhetoric that many people seem to hate, and I don't see that as a contradiction at all, it's the same type of humor but now with focus on more what are deemed "oppressor groups"
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Bro it was 2001, Jesus.


That's really not the issue with "radio podcast", but don't worry, it's extremely irrelevant and unimportant but I found it funny.


Hey I remember that episode. That guy who called in on the landline fbi.gov was a psycho as well. Wild episode.


goddamn it, cucked by the wordfilter


>Western conservatives as a group, while having their own issues and genuinely bad humor, more often then not didn't want to offend.

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does anyone has that green text screenshoot about giga chad playing victoria 3 just to oppress the bourgeoisie


The Bolivian electoral physique maintains Evo Morales as chief of the MAS and the inner battle within the governing social gathering deepens
The Supreme Electoral Tribunal of Bolivia rejected the current congress of the ruling Movement in direction of Socialism (MAS) social gathering that sidelined former President Evo Morales. The congress, organized by pro-government organizations, elected Grover García as the brand new president, changing Morales. The TSE acknowledged that the congress didn’t adjust to the social gathering’s statutes and didn’t contain all registered delegates.

Peruvian reporter is target of smear campaign after taking on political elite
The campaign against Gorriti has gone beyond fake news and the courts to intimidation and physical threats. Far-right activists who call themselves La Resistencia frequently picket his home and office where he leads IDL-Reporteros, an investigative journalism outlet. Protesters have hurled bags of excrement, shouted antisemitic insults and made death threats.

Top UN court orders Israel to halt military offensive in Rafah, though Israel is unlikely to comply
The United Nations’ top court ordered Israel on Friday to immediately halt its military offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, but stopped short of ordering a cease-fire for the enclave. Although Israel is unlikely to comply with the order, it will ratchet up the pressure on the increasingly isolated country.
https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-pPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Accusing Mercedes of 'Wanton Lawlessness,' UAW Seeks New Alabama Vote
The United Auto Workers on Friday formally challenged last week's election loss at a pair of Mercedes-Benz facilities in Alabama, accusing the company of engaging in "an unprecedented, illegal anti-union campaign" and requesting a new vote.

Migrant workers at Delta egg plant decry abrupt loss of jobs; advocates defend labor force
Officials from El Gallinero, a Delta labor contracting firm, said 150 to 200 workers it supplied to Delta Egg Farm have been let go or were to be let go this week and they, along with many of the displaced workers, demonstrated against the sudden and unexpected move on Wednesday. "They herded us out like animals," said another former worker, also Peruvian and also unwilling to give his name.

Sanders sounds alarm on US ‘crisis in dental care’
Sanders, the chair of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), introduced a bill last week that would expand Medicare, Medicaid and Veterans Affairs to provide dental care to more Americans. It would also increase the number of dentists and other staff in rural and under-served areas.

States turn against public masking amid pro-Palestinian protests
Jay Stanley, senior policy analyst for the ACLU's speech, privacy and technology project, told Axios that law enforcement argues that police officers should be able to identify everyone who's participating in a protest in case it turns violent.But privacy experts and activists argue that the new movPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Episode 380: Tribunal 1 (TrueAnon)
Special episode coming over the wire from the International People’s Tribunal in Brussels. Featuring coverage of the tribunal and interviews with Lumad teacher Rose Hayahay and Anakpawis chairman Ariel Casilao.

At Western Sahara: Visiting a Forgotten People
South of the Algerian town of Tindouf on the border with Western Sahara are five refugee camps. The camps are home to the Sahrawi people of Western Sahara and are administered by their freedom movement Polisario, which is fighting to liberate their homeland from Morocco. Life in the desert camps leaves a deep impression and testifies to a people who, despite limitations, have managed to build a well-organized society under harsh conditions. “We Sahrawis were originally a nomadic people who used to travel around on camels and settled in different places in and around Western Sahara. There were no borders that limited us from moving into what is today Mauritania or Algeria,” said Jadiya who is a translator. The colonial era saw European powers come to Africa to take over territories, exploit labor, and extract natural resources. In Western Sahara, the Portuguese and French were first beaten back by the local population before Spain managed to colonize the area in 1884. In 1973, the Polisario freedom movement was established by the indigenous Sahrawi people to liberate their land from the Spanish empire. Western Sahara remained a Spanish colony until 1975 when the Moroccan government organized a so-called “Green March” with 350,000 protesters marching into Western Sahara to claim the land. The protesters pressured Spain to leave Western Sahara, which Morocco then occupied. Today, Western Sahara is still occupied by Morocco and is thus considered to be Africa’s last colony.

Charles Post: The “Labor Aristocracy”and Working-Class Struggles: Consciousness in Flux, Part 2
WHATEVER THE THEORETICAL and empirical problems with the economics of the labor aristocracy thesis, its defenders still claim that welPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Thanks News Anon

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*Leaked chat reveals coordinated pressure campaign by Jewish billionaires to crush pro-Palestine protest*


*IDF member and Israeli CEO linked to bloody attack at UCLA*


*UCLA Attackers Exposed: Meet the Violent Zionist Agitators LA Police Haven’t Arrested*


A few weeks ago at a group of pro-Zionist/Israel thugs showed up to the encampment at UCLA and beat the shit out of the unarmed protestors with metal poles, baseball bats, and 2x4s for over 4 hours straight while the LAPD watched and did nothing. It was captured on livestream and even on helicopter cam for the whole world to see.

For weeks the LAPD, the FBI, and the DA have been unwilling to identify and arrest the ones responsible. This injustice will no longer stand, the identities of these criminals who are guilty of countless violent counts and even attempted murder (pic related) are now being released.
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Some stupid right wing jap.


That's like the lamest comic ever and this doo "fucking lost"


Wdym right wing

It's a funny glowie meme codified into normie language. I think it's pretty neat



I just post it because i can't cope that he put steven universe in that comic, but yea, i understand the feeling that is the most lame thing ever. Is quite neat, but also cringe.


faggot nazi retard thread
"left" and "right" are empty categories that the bourgeois have installed to say nothing about class composition and interests
we seek the unity of the working class. we want a government of by and for the proletariat. it doesnt matter if the bourgeois are zionist or anti-zionist, jewish or non-jewish, they are still class enemies. and although we care if the working class votes "left" or "right" bourgeois candidates, this doesnt bar us from seeking their intervention as an independent subject. if "right wing" proletariats strike or protest to defend their needs, its our duty to support their struggles

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