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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Who the hell is even the target audience for this cringeworthy shitshow these days? I'm seriously curious.
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Chad Mexicans watching anime on big stadium screens while in a traffic jam. Wish my country had those, such a based way to introduce more people to anime. Fuck copyright.



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>get into this series
Kids more often than not get one of the games and learn the plot through its story mode


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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Just give me your anime hot takes. I don't care if they're retarded.
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Something like 70% to 90% of anime adapted from manga are unquestionably worse than the source material, often for reasons no more complicated than "they had a limited budget and so had to rely on padding and simplified art". While the addition of color, sound and movement make the experience more vivid this is hardly worth it if the underlying vision has to be watered down in the process.
Which is all just to say that weebs are dumb for focusing so much on anime over manga and for constantly whining that their favorite manga hasn't been gifted a mediocre adaptation from a B-list studio.


Compared to the rest of the world, their best literature is still mid tier.


Awkward-edgy humor is the blight of postboomer humor


>xdddd i enjoy eating trash im such a garbage eater xddddd
It's another "person is so insecure they must preface any positive feeling about media they enjoy with cynicism" episode. If you like it, you like it.


Most classical works are fucking boring bro.


Is it just Ayn Rand for weebs or is there a redeemable message in it?
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>(isn't the male MC the one that gets raped anyway?)
Nah, he gets accused of rape and from then on is a sexless loser.


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I think you have this confused with Redo of Healer

They're kind of similar in that they're both fantasy stories that have plots that were "inspired" by the Count of Monte Cristo, but beyond that they're very different.

Rising of the Shield Hero is an isekai about a boy from Japan who is taken into a fantasy RPG world where there are four heroes, each given a special magical weapon, the Sword, the Spear, the Bow and the Shield. The protagonist gets the Shield, which is unfortunate because it's support focus means it's dismissed by the other Heros as the worst of the bunch. Even more unfortunately, the local church in the town he has spawned into condemns the Shield Hero as an Anti-Christ figure and are actively plotting to defame him and get him killed, and to that end they have rigged his party to be a honeypot trap to get him falsely accused of rape (which carries the death penalty in that country), which goes off as planned, but the protag gets loopholed out of an execution because he's still a Hero and the Heroes can't be executed while there monster incursions happening. So he becomes a pariah who can't do anything and is basically locked out of all services, which is especially bad for him because the Shield is supportive in nature with little damage making him extra dependent on allies. So he winds up having to use the sleazy underbelly of society and buys slaves who are forced to do his bidding. It's an interesting setup that is almost immediately sacrificed on the altar of wish fulfillment power fantasy.

Redo of Healer is a dark fantasy story and not technically an isekai, even though the fantasy world it takes place in operates on RPG rules for some inexplicable reason. A peasant boy gains the power of the Healer and goes to the local castle to aid their heroes, only for it to be learned that he has magical semen that helps you level up past established level limits, so he's thrown in the rape dungeon where he is then drugged and repeatedly raped for his magical 1up seven for four years. Also, being a Healer sucks because you basically have to take the person's pain into yourself, so he's also being tortured while he's being raped. That is, until one day when he takes an opportunity to betray the Heroes and turn back time Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


God, that sound like Goblin Slayer-tier dogshit.


It's designed to be uberedgy slop, which has a certain kind of appeal. Personally I like stories with villain protagonists. Naofumi kind of tries to act like one but imo he's too much of a pussy to commit to the bit.


Egdy has its appeal, slop does not. Or I guess it does to some people, but I reserve my right to critique. Edginess is supposed to be violation of conventions, but fetishistic power fantasy is ironically the most conventional kind of clique in the industry.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

One Piece is leftist
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I think it's been paced pretty well. It's not like Wano act 2 where it felt like nothing was happening for weeks at a time.


True, maybe its just because of the extended hiatus between the recent chapters 1111 and 1112. The anime is better than it was several arcs ago too.


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Reflecting on this post I realize that the Hana Hana no Mi is probably the ultimate sexual Devil Fruit.
Bondage? Check
Giantess? Check
Multi-genitalia? Check
Handjob? Check
Any body-part fetish (feet, armpit, belly, etc.)? Check
Tentacles (sorta)? Check

There's possibility for Mini-girl too (if she can make herself giant, why not the opposite?) and considering her devil transformation there is possibility to manipulate her physical 'assets' similar to Jewelry Bonney.
What NSFW uses for Akuma no Mi can y'all think of? Furries would love Zoan fruits
Or hell even out-of-the-box uses of Devil Fruits that Oda hasn't explored - such as the Hobi Hobi no Mi being capable of essentially erasing a monarchy and its followers by simply erasing their existence.
Can any of you think of a fanfic Devil Fruit to rival the Hana Hana no Mi (while sticking to canon rules for fruits power limitations?)


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Why are most of the best female designs either for Antagonists or Minor characters? Vice Admiral Doll is the most recent example.


That shark girl from way back was good too

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

itt hueg fricken 2d oppai
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Yeah but it's kinda speciated between more conventional AMVs and fancams, with both being referred to quite non-descriptively as "edits."


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>not a single frieren thread could be found
Someone just has to do it, right?
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The story idea is nice but I haven't read this yet, it sounds like a good exploration of the fanatasy genre while taking into consideration elf longevity.


Unfortunately they drop it pretty early for cool animay fights. It gets real uninteresting




I thought Frieren was pretty interesting, if not the best anime I've seen.


I think it's good but a bit overrated.

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Recommend me anime, manga and doujins with gyarus
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الحمد لله


Praise Allah indeed


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Ganguro Yang, I think it's an AI-Gen


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I find it interesting that there are Ganguro guys


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MIsato Gyaru by an AI (sorry couldn't find a watermarkless version)

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 [Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I heard Nagatoro was adapted recently is it worth watching?
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the discussion isnt even about the content of the manga, its just some horndog posting pics of black people


Then you'd think the thread would have more arguing in it.


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>its just some horndog posting pics of black people
Suuure, and the fact that its primarily fan-illustrations of a black Nagatoro or demonstrations of anime-style black people is TOTALLY irrelevant.

Re-read my post, carefully; "Point me to a where these 2 things in the same post."
Those are not the same post. Furthermore, you can be of the opinion that Nagatoro's relationship is an unhealthy or abusive one IRL and still amuse yourself with the idea of a black Nagatoro, because it's just a fictional anime/manga that got memed heavily.

NTA but 1) There are arguments ITT
2) Having a discussion in a thread does not necessitate people screaming in one another's faces, don't be a moron.


You're moving goalposts neither you nor I even set up.


How am I moving goalposts?

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What’s your favorite anime?
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Evangelion prob


the flat chested rattlesnake


Welcome to the NHK


the gyaru rattlesnake


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Im only allowed one?

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It was always weird to me that both of these exist and are so different in every way.
I think you would find nobody that prefers the first one over Ultimate.
But for me Hellsing was always great in alot of unique ways the main problem it has is story.
If you only watch Hellsing you will have no idea what the fuck is even going on for some odd reason they dont explain the most basic principles.
Hellsings Seras will always have a special place in my heart
So lets talk Hellsing(Ultimate)tankieTankie
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>"In 1998 Germany, Berlin; Ilyushin committed mass murder at a church, killing eight priests and nuns, leaving four badly injured, and stealing a total of $3,700,000 from the church. However, Ilyushin did not attempt to hide it; instead, they marked a symbol of a star at the church's floor which says; "True Liberation To All Revolutionaries Worldwide", meaning that they had knowingly, engage in an upcoming war with the Vatican."
>"Ilyushin called the Vatican; "Parasitic Creatures" and "Lunatics", which angered Yumie, whom responded back by making fun of her for believing in Communism to this day."
Why are Japanese so obsessed with English Royalty and the Vatican church? The first missionaries in Japan were Catholics, who they hated, and the Orthodox church was more successful in establishing itself in Northern Japan, yet anime to anime we get this shit.
The anti-commie shit is to be expected but it's some extreme shit here (pic rel). Furthermore I've grown tired of the UK wank, especially since it equivocates old legends of King Arthur and equates it to modern England.


you expected an mongrel from the vatican to be anything but an anticommunist even in the manga ?, motherfucker aided the nazis.


I always forget this spinoff exists. It is rabidly anti-communist but not terrible, and I'm sure it was written before Hellsing was even a thing with all the weird name changes, faces for some characters being drastically different


Hellsing Abridged turned out to be pretty good.


>omg anticommunist!!!!!
<see inside
<it's just about the USSR

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